The Gods Will Not Save You: The Wire Revisited

William Romano-Pugh & Jacob van der Wilk

A deep read of each and every episode of the HBO series, "The Wire." Hosted by Jacob van der Wilk and William Romano-Pugh. Intro and outro music by MostArt. Podcast logo design by Andrey Tesnes. read less
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Season 5, Episode 10, "-30-"
Mar 18 2022
Season 5, Episode 10, "-30-"
WARNING! SPOILERS AHEAD: We have reached our final episode of "The Gods Will Not Save You: The Wire Revisited," in which we discuss every episode of the hit original HBO series, "The Wire." We want to take this opportunity to thank anybody who has engaged with us and our project along the way. Whether you've listened to us from the beginning, came along during a later part of our run, or are just now discovering us, your engagement has meant a lot to us and we couldn't be more grateful. Thank you to anybody who has left us positive reviews and ratings on podcast platforms, we truly appreciate your feedback. We would also like to give a special thank-you to all of our financial supporters on Anchor. Your helpful donations ultimately incentivized us to lend some financial support to "We Build The Block," a New York non-profit organization aimed at stopping the spread of community violence, co-founded by the late, great Michael K. Williams. We hope that our modest financial contribution helped honor this amazing actor and activist's legacy, as well as provide some relief to those communities in need. In the series finale of "The Wire," Daniels continues to be disappointed in Carcetti's tenure as mayor, as he receives the news of the serial killer hoax and essentially orders a cover-up from the top officials in order to prevent a devastating loss in his gubernatorial bid. McNulty's guilt intensifies as he and Freamon are found out, and a "copycat" killer comes onto the scene to reign real terror on the homeless community. Freamon takes the helpful tips about the lawyers from Clay Davis to expose the courthouse leak, but the news of his illegal wiretap on Marlo starts to spread rapidly, forcing Maurice Levy and Rhonda Pearlman to play a brutal game of legal tit-for-tat, preventing the Stanfield bust from being as blockbuster of a case as it could have been. The Scott Templeton/Gus Haynes beef reaches its tipping point in the newsroom when Templeton peddles his biggest lie yet. And in perhaps what is the happiest ending of the series, Reginald, aka Bubbles, finally starts to feel some relief on his path to redemption when he reluctantly agrees to let Fletcher publish the warts-and-all article, detailing his rocky road to recovery.
Season 4, Episode 11, "A New Day"
Oct 1 2021
Season 4, Episode 11, "A New Day"
WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD! The Boys of Summer decide to exact their revenge on Officer Walker by keying his car, dumping yellow paint on him, and stealing his ring, which makes Namond realize that Michael might be more involved with nefarious activities than he had previously thought. Bodie and McNulty have an awkward meetup where they both commiserate over the current brutal tactics of the BPD and begin to come to some sort of strange understanding with each other. Randy starts to learn the hard way that a lot of people know that he's a snitch, which makes Prez furious at the police for dragging his name out into the street. His fury finally leads Bunk, Carver, and Freamon to realize how much of a nincompoop Herc really is, not to mention that the whole debacle he had with the minister is beginning to have broad political consequences. Now that Daniels is made Colonel, Pearlman is the lead prosecutor with Homicide, and Carcetti is vowing to reform the tactics of citywide policing, some are optimistic about a new horizon for Baltimore, while others *cough* Jay Landsman *cough* refuse to believe anything will fundamentally change. Omar can't keep his promise to Bunk and decides to stir things up with Proposition Joe. Sherrod and Bubbles have a nice little reunion before it turns ugly again thanks to the "terminator." And Rawls realizes his quest for power might not be as easy as he thought, once Valchek gives him a cold wake-up call.  Thank you again to all of our listeners. If you'd like to donate, you can do so at We will be donating all of our funds to the late, great Michael K. Williams' non-profit organization "We Build The Block," which you can find out more about at
Season 4, Episode 9, "Know Your Place"
Sep 18 2021
Season 4, Episode 9, "Know Your Place"
WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD! In this week's episode, we address the tragic loss of the great Michael K. Williams. We make the announcement that all of our donations to our podcast, which can be made at will now go to the incredible non-profit he co-founded to curb mass incarceration and gun violence among kids, "Making Kids Win." You can also donate directly to his non-profit at We also give a shout-out to another great Wire podcast, "ReWired," who we had the pleasure of talking to for a cross-over episode about the parallels between "The Wire" and "Generation Kill." You can check that episode out at In terms of the actual episode we discuss, we also go into how advocating for either Tommy Carcetti or Nerese Campbell in their little spat is a lose-lose situation and how the business of politics is already corrupting Carcetti (i.e. his promotion of known jerk Valchek.), and also how Daniels and Pearlman might, unfortunately, be too optimistic about the upcoming regime change. Herc completes his horrible transition into being a full-fledged villain at this point when he continues the exploitation of Bubbles' labor to a frightening degree. Prez flexes his police knowledge at the middle school and hesitantly gets into a business arrangement with Randy. Proposition Joe and Marlo finally learn how to get along like best buds and mount a collaborative effort to kill Old-Faced Andre. Also, Poot comes back home to almost no fanfare and Bunk gives Omar a really tough ultimatum once he gets him out of jail.