The Oasis Space

Patrice Grimes

"Oasis" is something serving as a refuge, relief, or pleasant change from what is usual, annoying, or difficult. Nowadays, people can find themselves conflicted between so many internal and external factors that can trigger anxiety, stress, fear, shame, depression, etc. Therefore, The Oasis Space Community is focused on creating an environment that rejuvenates and encourages, but also challenges your current or historical thought/perspectives that leads you towards a path of becoming a P.E.A.C.E. P.U.R.S.U.I.T. read less


Enlist the Elite - Transformation Year Takeaways
Dec 31 2021
Enlist the Elite - Transformation Year Takeaways
Peace Pursuits!! It's the Season Finale!! Can you believe we're already at the end of 2022?! The end of the year always brings a time of reflection and a hope for the future.  In this episode, I share my top 5 takeaways from my Transformation Year along with some practical tips to implement into your life.  Additionally, I provide a preview of my intention for 2022.  Transformation Year Takeaways:- Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice- The Power of Setting Your Intention For the Year- Pause Before The Pivot- Don't Minimize Your Impact- Enlist the Elite In Your VisionKey Quotables/Takeaways:"Your obedience will likely cause you to sacrifice something, but it shouldn't cause you to compromise." - Patrice Grimes"Things that are worth it, take work." - Patrice Grimes"I needed to transform these areas of my life so they didn't transfer into my relationships, my body, or my finances." - Patrice Grimes"When you change on the inside, it shows up on the outside." - Patrice Grimes"There is an element of having to die to yourself, dying to the old version of you, dying to old patterns, dying to antiqued belief systems.  You have to die to those things in order reincarnate as a better version of yourself." - Patrice Grimes"Sometimes we're entirely too busy that we don't even take the time to sit in the chaos.  We don't process the pain and that's what breeds trauma responses instead of triumph responses." - Patrice Grimes "What is it costing you when you're pivoting so quickly?" - Patrice Grimes"We'll try to manufacture new relationships because we don't have access to someone else and it ends up causing us more pain than the initial chaotic event that disrupted our life." - Patrice Grimes"Am I doing this for people or am I doing this for purpose?" - Patrice Grimes"We have to get in tune with ourselves so we can ensure we're making decisions out of peace instead of pain." - Patrice Grimes"If i'm not creating impact, then i'm living in vain." - Patrice Grimes"You have to do an inventory of impact." - Patrice Grimes"Not everyone is equipped to be enlisted in your vision." - Patrice Grimes"Sometimes, people will fail to stabilize your vision, because they aren't secured in theirs." - Patrice Grimes"Balance is not something that breeds continuity or transformation in the long run. It actually breeds burnout." - Patrice Grimes57:05 "Limit portions of the vision you share only with people that have the capacity to see it and visualize it with you." - Patrice GrimesEpisode Sponsored by:Unleash the Peace Program - Book Your FREE Discovery Call35% off until January 31 for my regular Peace Pursuit Listeners!  Indicate "The Oasis Space" on your intake form.LINKS:Engage with Me, Work with Me, Book Me for a Speaking EngagementSupport the Show.
Transitioning From Toxic to Healthy Relationships w/Ralph & Daa'Iyah Plaskett
Dec 28 2021
Transitioning From Toxic to Healthy Relationships w/Ralph & Daa'Iyah Plaskett
I think we've all had some unpleasant r/s experiences.  What's even MORE challenging to embrace a healthy relationship or even know the first steps to transition into one if you've  had one, or even numerous, toxic relationships in the past.  We all want healthy, reciprocal relationships, but don't quite know how to achieve it...until now :) This episode, I'm joined by 12 year marriage vets, Ralph & Daa'Iyah Plaskett, where they share their initial dating process and the different approach both of them had to take in order to transition into a committed, healthy, and happy relationship for both of them.  We also discussed:- Doing the Work to Show Up As Your Authentic Self- Analyzing Historical Dating Patterns- The Mindset Shift Required For Commitment- Identifying You and Your Partner's Communication Style- The Tug of War Between Triggers vs. Actuality,- The Importance of Identifying Green Flags Key Quotes"I made the commitment that i was going to be open, honest and answer all of the questions regardless of where this thing [relationship] might go." - Ralph  "I didn't send a representative during our first date.  I showed up on the first date so you know what you're dealing with." - Daa'Iyah "Part of it [the dating process] is learning how to trust yourself again." - Patrice  "I got to know myself which gave me the strength to be able to speak up for myself." - Daa'Iyah   "I was committed to making a relationship work. I was committed to working on the relationship understanding no relationship is easy or perfect or anything. But I was committed to say i'm going to put in the work."- Ralph "It's a vulnerable position; it says I have to be willing to talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly in order to be committed towards a relationship." - Ralph "You have to have the hard conversations.  We have the hard conversations, even when we don't feel like it." - Daa'Iyah "You can reconcile by understanding this person is not here to harm me, they're not here to intentional hurt me so a little bit of time could help to dissect the situation." - Patrice "You don't fight fair when you're mad." - Daa'Iyah "We might have conversations that are tough. But those are intended for growth as a couple.  Those are intended for bettering the relationship.  Those are not intended to intentionally open wounds." - Ralph "A lot of times in relationships, we only identify the red flags. We rarely identify the green flags. The ones that say 'Go! This is great. This is healthy. It's safe to keep proceeding. It's safe to let down the walls. It's safe to be loved by this person." - Patrice "One of the factors of transitioning to a healthy relationship is being open and ready. Ready to receive the potential of a good relationship." - Patrice Rapid Value QuestionsWhat is one thing you like to do to sustain or reset your peace?- Travel / Spending time togetherName one book or song that's helped you to define peace?- Never Too Much by Luther Vandross  How do you define peace for yourself now?- Not entering situations or relationships that cause me stress or anxiety. Being secure in whatever I enter into/When I feel loved, unconditional love. Fill In the Blank:My name is Daa'Iyah, and without peace, I'd probably be crazy; but with peace, I have joy. My name is Ralph, and without peace, I'd probably be wilding out; but with peace, I am centered. - RalphLINKSEngage with Patrice/Inquiries/Booking the Show.
Finding Peace Through the Fragmented Family Lens w/ Mariam Ernest
Dec 20 2021
Finding Peace Through the Fragmented Family Lens w/ Mariam Ernest
As the holidays are approaching, we realize that not every person is close to their family so it can be particularly difficult to be in the "holiday spirit" when the only thing holidays represent are what they don't have or what they previously had, but has now lost.  Family Estrangement and Fragmented Families are a topic that rarely is discussed, but affects all social classes, genders, race, etc.  In this episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Mariam Ernest, where she discusses the how Family Estrangement can be intergenerational and as parents, if we aren't being careful, we could be potentially creating a pattern for future family estrangement within our children. We also discussed: - The Emotional and Pyschological Effects of Voluntary and Involuntary Estrangement- The Commonalities of Estrangement in Women- How Estrangement Affects Other Relationships- Steps to Identify Peace in Fragmented FamiliesKey Quotes/Takeaways"Family estrangement knows no class, knows no race, knows no economic status, nothing.  It cuts across everything." - Mariam Ernest"I think there's something about us human beings when we perceive that we've been rejected. It literally does something to our brain. It alters our perception in how we view, how we think about ourself and other people. It literally changes into who we're letting into our life." - Mariam Ernest"This group [family estrangement] is fighting against a narrative which is the narrative of a happy family." - Mariam Ernest"If you don't come back to yourself, now you're gonna be judging everyone from the lens of the trespass that you've endured. Everyone is going to become the victim of what that person did. - Mariam Ernest"If you don't change the pattern, you stay in anger and bitterness. Neither of which add any transformational value." - Mariam Ernest"If you don't deal with them [patterns of anger and bitterness], if you don't pass them back, you pass them on." - Mariam Ernest"A lot of times when the peace is disrupted, it's a direct reflection of your identity and how you're viewing yourself." - Patrice Grimes"You're bracing yourself of what's to come, but you also rob yourself of the present moment." - Patrice Grimes"We grow with the uncomfortableness.  We never really grow by denying other people's truth, even ourselves. - Mariam ErnestRapid Value QuestionsWhat's one thing you like to do to sustain or reset your peace?- Meditate and exerciseName one book or song that's helped you to define peace?- The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle- The Untethered Soul by Michael SingerHow do you define peace for yourself now?-Harmonious relationships with myself and with others.Fill In the Blank:- My name is Mariam and without peace, i'm more likely to retreat, more likely to disconnect, more likely to internalize things I shouldn't, but with peace, I'm more resilient. LINKS:Engage with Patrice/Inquiries/Booking with Mariam:IG: RecoveryFromFragmentedFamiliesForgiveness Journal by Mariam Ernest Support the Show.
Healing Your Daughter By Healing the "Little Girl" In You w/ Precious Joy
Dec 14 2021
Healing Your Daughter By Healing the "Little Girl" In You w/ Precious Joy
We all know how integral the father/child relationship can be, but we oftentimes gloss over how critical the mother/daughter relationship can be, specifically as it relates to our healing and the sexual relationships with our bodies. The reality is that both parents play vital roles in the development of children and how they show up in the world and instead of fighting one another, we should be fighting for the trauma inside of us that prevents us from reaching the highest version of ourselves.In this episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Founder of non-profit organization, Purity is Precious, Precious Joy, where she explains the necessity to heal the "little girl" inside of you so that it serves as a catalyst for healing the relationship with your daughter.  We also discussed:- Fear Based Parenting vs. Natural Hormonal Changes- Shifting Communication from Fear Based Responses- Four Things Needed to Feel Secure In Relationships- The Affects of Forfeiting Healing that Carries Into Adulthood- Recommended Steps for Adult Women to Heal Outstanding Mother/Daughter Relationship ChallengesKey Takeaways/Quotables "Allow the fear to fuel the healing process that can come through the relationship." - Precious Joy"It's the the little girl inside of you that has been asking for a way to actually free herself from whatever pain or trauma that occurred that we have learned to live with, cope, and actually mask in our personality." - Precious Joy"Mothers create atmospheres to be seen and soothed and some of these qualities were likely missing [for that little girl] to feel okay to heal." - Patrice Grimes"We don't recognize how our healing is attached to other people. It really is a catalyst to helping someone else heal." - Patrice Grimes"Women in general, we try to be so accommodating to each other and to each other's feelings; even though we have these expectations of each other, we'll minimize it and sweep it under the rug." - Patrice Grimes"A lot of times, we make ourselves become numb. So instead of us really facing things head on, we use a numbing process so that we feel as though 'ill never be hurt from her again' and that's us disconnecting us from our femininity." - Precious Joy"When we make those decisions to actually start to medicate those wounds by becoming completely numb, then we rob ourselves of the opportunity to become a our best version of ourselves, not just for us, but for those who are attached to our call and our purpose." - Precious Joy"The pain will normally come where the wound is sitting at the most." - Precious JoyRapid Value QuestionsWhat's one thing you like to do to sustain or reset your peace?- Dance Name one book or song that's helped you to define peace?- Psalmist Raine - Abba FatherHow do you define peace for yourself now?- It's in the unknown.  Knowing that God's got it. It is knowing that regardless of how I feel, I choose to rest and trust in him.  It is knowing that as long as God called me to walk on waters, I'm going to walk with him.Fill In the Blank:- My name is Precious and without peace, I would be the bird that flew over the coo-coo's nest, but with peace, I am grounded, I am whole, and I am protected.LINKS:Engage with Patrice/Inquiries/Booking with Precious:IG: @PurityIsPreciousPrecious's WebsiteSupport the Show.
Daddy Issues & Disassociation To Discovery & Destiny w/ Bernadette Jackson
Dec 7 2021
Daddy Issues & Disassociation To Discovery & Destiny w/ Bernadette Jackson
Here's the facts: One in four children in America grow up in homes without a father present.  Not only is this physically damaging, but the emotional and mental effects can be so detrimental that it leads into adulthood.  Sometimes, the very thing prohibiting you from transforming conflict to peace lies in the root of fatherlessness.In this episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Relationship Strategist, Bernadette Jackson, where she shared her personal story of fatherlessness and why it was crucial for her to ditch the norm of numbing the pain with disassociation to going on an extensive journey of self discovery in order to heal. We also discussed:- Connotations Associated with "Daddy Issues"- Disassociation From Emotions and Identifiable Signs To Know If You Suffer from Disassociation- The Effect of Fatherlessness on Women vs. Men- Children's Inability to Grieve Fatherlessness Due to Parental Expectations- Similarities Between Physical vs. Emotionally Absent FathersKey Takeaways/Quotables"Even the idea of trying to change what this relationship [with my father] was in my imagination has also played out in my relationships, until I decided to heal." - Bernadette Jackson"I was tired of trying to convince people to be emotionally ready for something that they said they were or something I said I wanted." Bernadette Jackson "I had to take ownership of what belongs to me, and what belongs to me is my response to what has happened." - Bernadette Jackson"I became radical about trying to understand exactly what my issues were, what was going on with me, what did my father loss mean to me, how was it presenting in. my relationships, how it was affecting me in ways I didn't know." - Bernadette Jackson"I was committed, fully, to understanding who I was; to self discovery." - Bernadette Jackson"We normalize conflict without still realizing even though it's "normal," this doesn't feel good to me." - Patrice Grimes"A lot of times people will translate grief to mean someone dying in your family, without acknowledging that grief comes in different forms and its literally the psychological acknowledgement of a loss." - Patrice GrimesRapid Value QuestionsWhat is one thing that you like to do to sustain or reset your peace?- I take opportunities to really be by myself.  Name one book or song that's helped you to define peace.- "Peace is not something external, it's something that's within so regardless of the chaos around you, you can still be peaceful in the middle of the storm."How do you define peace for yourself now?- Peace for me is being authentic in the moment as well as honoring the request that I make to myself. Fill in the Blank:My name is Bernadette and without peace, I'd probably be bitter, but with peace, I know that I can confidently walk in my purpose and be fulfilled.LINKS:Engage with Patrice/Inquiries/Booking with Bernadette:IG: @BernadetteNJacksonRelationship AutopsySupport the Show.
Scorned In Silence, Suffering On the Scale w/ Kendra Wyatt
Nov 30 2021
Scorned In Silence, Suffering On the Scale w/ Kendra Wyatt
Coming off the Thanksgiving holiday, I thought it would be the perfect time to level set our relationship with ourselves and our bodies.  Although, the holidays are generally a time of family, fun, and lots of food, we recognize that our health can take a hit in the process.  Or, sometimes we learn our relationships with ourselves and others were affecting our health all along.In this episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Kendra Wyatt, in The Oasis Space, where she explained why she is the Master Motivator and Wellness Coach, and how her personal story of scorned relationships led to weight fluctuations that fueled her motivation to empower other women to embrace their bodies no matter what shape or size.   We also discussed the following:- How to Identify Patterns that Cause Weight Fluctuations- Getting Past Societal Standards of Physical Trainers- Emotional Eating and Transforming Your Relationship with Food- Questions to Ask Yourself When Prioritizing Your HealthKey Quotables/Takeaways"Sometimes, people will pull out of you, the things you don't even see in yourself." - Patrice Grimes"I had to do a lot of self assessing on who i am, what i want, who I'm called to be and why do I feel I need validation from a relationship when it was all right here in me." - Kendra Wyatt "Seeking that love from someone else, feeling like that would make me feel a certain way; but I realized I'm all I need." - Kendra Wyatt "When you change your mind, your body will change. The way you look at yourself will change, that body image will change, you'll feel you are enough no matter what." - Kendra Wyatt"I am evolving no matter what shape or size because you gotta love you." - Kendra Wyatt"Society trains our minds that we have to look a certain way.  We have to break that mindset and you have to want to feel good for yourself." - Kendra Wyatt"I have yet to find a trainer that trains you from the inside out, and for me the value of your life is so important.  It's more than just the physical." - Kendra Wyatt "The game changer is that I'm not going to let you prematurely die. It's deeper than some cardio, it's spiritually and mentally dying and I'm not gonna let that happen." - Kendra Wyatt"Trainers will school you on all the things but never tap into how did we even get here and how are we going to make sure you never go through this cycle again?" - Patrice GrimesYou have to understand and wonder what is going to be the trigger point for you because if it isn't the relationship this time, it's going to be something else." - Patrice Grimes"How much is your life worth to you?" - Kendra WyattRapid Value QuestionsWhat is one thing you like to do to sustain or reset your peace?- Read Name one book or song that's helped you to define peace?- Fail Fast, Fail Often: How Losing Can Help You Win by Ryan Babineaux & John KrumboltzHow do you define peace for yourself now?- My circleFill in the Blank:My name is Kendra, and without peace, I'd probably be living a lie, but with peace, I am walking in my truth.LINKS:Engage with Patrice/Inquiries/Booking with Kendra: Support the show ( the Show.
Tips to Be Thankful Even When It Sucks (Thanksgiving Edition)
Nov 23 2021
Tips to Be Thankful Even When It Sucks (Thanksgiving Edition)
We all know how it is when the holidays come around.  As much as we'd like to say it's solely a joyous occasion, sometimes the holidays greet us with sadness of those we lost, the what ifs, and the shoulda, coulda, woulda's of regret and sulking of opportunities we thought we've lost.But, what if I told you that every pain has a purpose and every loss has a lesson?  I'm a firm believer of not only the saying "everything happens for a reason" but rather, "it HAD to happen."  Certain things and people we meet are literally the catalyst that launches us into becoming the absolute best version of ourselves.In this episode of The Oasis Space, I share my personal insights of the Thanksgiving holiday, how I redefined the loss of a loved one, adverse situations that I've actually learned to be thankful for, relationships I've avoided and/or otherwise villainized for the sake of my own comfort instead of accountability, and how you too can apply these principles to your life.Key Takeaways/Quotes"Sometimes, it's honoring them by pulling out a specific characteristic of theirs that impacted you, and implementing it into your own life." "Sometimes part of the growth includes pulling the plug on your core support system so you can lean on yourself more.""Take the time to lean into the WHY it didn't work the way you expected it to. " "You cannot allow your purpose to be delayed because it's inconvenient for someone else." "I could not allow my purpose to be confiscated or forfeited because it wasn't in line with someone else's purpose for my life.""Be ok with disappointing some people sometimes if it means aligning yourself to the better version of you.""When you honor yourself to be the better version of yourself, the people who truly love you and who are aligned to you,  also reap those benefits." "Growth begets growth.""If you keep yourself stuck, you have to think about what other people are you potentially keeping stuck because of your disobedience to not honor your growth process.""Some people call into question your foundational roots that you refuse to address out of fear."  "You gotta be in a position ready to receive, ready to learn, ready to be held accountable, if you want to change something." "I am thankful for the relationships that feed and fuel me into my next destination, but also those relationships that didn't because I was the problem; because I was the one that didn't want to acknowledge or want to be challenged in areas that called my identity into question.""Sometimes we avoid or even villainize relationships that shake something within us b/c we aren't ready to address the situation. We aren't ready to address the identity crisis we're going through.""It is so easy to victimize or villianize someone else for something you don't want to be accountable for."LINKS:Engage with Patrice/Inquiries/Booking theoasisspace@patricegrimes.comJoin The Oasis Space - PEACE PURSUITS FB Community: advertise on the podcast:Email: TheOasisSpace@patricegrimes.comIf you have questions about booking Patrice or sponsoring the podcast:Email: TheOasisSpace@patricegrimes.comSupport the Show.
Finances Leading with Peace Instead of Pressure w/Juan Lee
Nov 16 2021
Finances Leading with Peace Instead of Pressure w/Juan Lee
Did you know your finances or lack thereof can tell a story about who you are and what you may be going through in life?  As we discuss transforming conflict to peace in our personal relationships, these relationships heavily influence our finances and the decisions we make regarding our finances.  In this latest episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Transformational Speaker and Author, Juan Lee, about how every goal or dream require finances.  But it's more than needing finances, it's setting goals and making good decisions regarding our finances that provides us with access to the required resources.  We also discussed:- Building Generational Wealth- Defining Contentment - Teaching Children the Process of Spending Money- Steps to be Proactive in FinancesKey Takeaways/Quotes"We're talking about generational wealth, but the generation may be starting with you." - Patrice Grimes"Contentment is operating within your abilities, and that takes discipline." - Juan Lee"Discipline is actually one of the highest forms of self love." - Patrice Grimes"Having the ability to operate within your own abilities; it doesn't mean you should not push yourself to be greater. it's knowing what you're actually capable of so you can show up better and master yourself better, instead of trying to push yourself outside of the limits that do not serve you because you're trying to put on for someone else, that's when you realize the discontentment settles in. - Patrice Grimes"It's not saying you are not pursuing your potential, you are operating in the place and space that you are today so you can maintain that peace." - Juan Lee"We find when we're not in that place of peace, it's outside of our own boundaries." - Juan Lee"We allow those pressures to influence and push us outside of ourselves, because we don't understand the purpose of life." - Juan Lee"Money is merely an exchange for your choices. You're going to give someone your money to get your choices." - Juan Lee"You have to be willing to sacrifice instead and not live in instant gratification." - Juan LeeRapid Value QuestionsWhat is one thing that you like to do to sustain or reset your peace?- Stay within my ability.  Maintain my boundaries.Name one book or song that's helped you to define peace.- Love is the Reason by BeBe Winans How do you define peace for yourself now?- I translate success as having all my means met; contentment, clarity.Fill In the Blank:My name is Juan Lee, and without peace I'd probably be devastated/destroyed, useless, in bad shape, but with peace, I am complete. LINKS:Engage with Patrice/Inquiries/Booking with Juan: the Show.
Sitting and Supporting In Grief w/ Sean & Rylan Harrison
Nov 2 2021
Sitting and Supporting In Grief w/ Sean & Rylan Harrison
We all know that grief hits us in different ways.  Learning how to manage our own grief is one thing, but what about when you are supporting a partner or loved one through their grief?  How does that look? Is there a such thing as too much support or not enough?In this episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Sean & Rylan Harrison, to discuss the affects of grief and how it could be so deep, we may not initially even recognize it as such and therefore find it difficult to ask for the support we truly need during that traumatic time.  Additionally, we discuss:- Alternative Coping Mechanisms to Therapy- Steps to Heal - Allowing Others to Support You- Comfortability Communicating Your Needs to Others- Challenges for Men Communicating their Needs- Holistic Living- Challenges with Avoiding Physical/Mental Illness- Warning Signs to Look Out for When Dealing With and/or Supporting Through GriefKey Takeaways/Quotes"There's no real way around grief.  You have to sit in it." - Rylan Harrison"We push through pain, which we should not do, but we often do. Until it becomes chronic pain, and then a mental case." - Sean Harrison"At some point, being the best partner is recognizing you have to step to the side to let someone else or let another process help the person you love." - Patrice Grimes "I found that letting him be in his grief, [specifically with the passing of his mom] and letting him deal with it, he reached out when he needed me. - Rylan Harrison"I was pushing her away because I ain't want her to see me hurt like I was hurting and going through because what I was moving through was ugly." - Sean Harrison"I had to really study him, and get out my feelings a little bit and understand it wasn't personal." - Rylan Harrison"Sometimes support looks like giving someone space." - Patrice Grimes"We think we're burdening people with what we're going through instead of allowing them to support us." - Patrice Grimes"Let me deal with me cause I can't make you happy, if I ain't happy." - Sean Harrison"She learned how to step back and she learned how to love me too because what she was trying to give in that moment, I didn't want and I didn't need that.  Whatever 'it' was." - Sean Harrison"I didn't know the depths of what I was really going through so I didn't know what to communicate or say to them." - Sean Harrison"Get your mind right and the body will follow." Sean & Rylan Harrison"Dealing with mental illness or mental challenges, you can get so overwhelmed, they physically manifest." - Rylan Harrison"If you don't address your wellness, you will be addressing your illness." - Rylan HarrisonRapid Value QuestionsWhat is one thing you like to do to sustain or reset your peace?- Meditate (Sean)Name one book or song that's helped you to define peace?- The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz (Rylan)- The Way of the Superior Man by David Deida (Sean)How do you define peace for yourself now?- The art of doing nothing. Honoring myself. (Rylan)My name is Rylan and without peace, I'd probably be out of balance but with peace, I am free. My name is Sean Harrison, and without peace, I'd probably be a total mess, but with peace, I am Godly." LINKS:Engage with Patrice/Inquiries/Booking with Sean/Rylan:IG: @rylan_ashlee / @bgr8fit the Show.
[EM]Bracing for Impact: When They "Come Out," You Pull Them In w/ Courage Molina
Oct 26 2021
[EM]Bracing for Impact: When They "Come Out," You Pull Them In w/ Courage Molina
How can you still show up for your kids/family even when they don't rise to your original  expectations or dreams for their life?  Particularly, when their lifestyle goes against everything you were taught to believe in?  In this final installment of the [EM]Bracing for Impact series, I had the pleasure of speaking with Faith Coach, Courage Molina, about how her own identity was temporarily challenged when her child came out as a member of the LGBTQIA community, and she reminds us that her ministry is her own, and whatever dreams she had for her children is outweighed by the dreams and purpose those children have for themselves.  We also discussed the resistance to purpose, the affect of your purpose on family,  re-establishing expectations for family to be apart of your purpose, and how support may looks different in various relationships.  Key Takeaways/Quotes:"Conflict is a misalignment of the heart and the mind." - Patrice Grimes"It's not personal, but it's personal. It's not personal to you, but it's personal for me." - Patrice Grimes "It was time for me to do for my daughter what I know Jesus does for us, and that is advocate." - Courage Molina"When it comes to sexuality in particular, it seems to be the most difficult things for people of faith to love their children publicly through." - Courage Molina "As long as we can continue having these personal relationships where there is open dialogue where people are receptive to be educated, that's where you can continue to seek the peace for yourself. That's where the transformation comes in. - Patrice Grimes"I don't think every call is for an entire family." - Courage Molina"I think there has to be a certain level of respect that the call is on you, and the responsibility for that thing is on you.  I don't require those things of my spouse. - Courage Molina "I think that the reason it can cause more conflict in these relationships is because we put these expectations on the people in our house because the weight of the call seems like a lot because of our own fear and our own insecurities." - Courage Molina "It's so many ways our partners and personal relationships can be supportive of our ministries or business without actually being engrained in it." - Patrice Grimes "It's us relinquishing these mindsets to expectations and what does support look like for you so that you can support the call and business you have for yourself." - Patrice Grimes "We have to give them grace too.  Yes, I need support in this season, but how am I supporting my spouse and my family, recognizing that this new thing i'm doing is affecting them in a way where they didn't necessarily get a call from the Lord." - Courage Molina Rapid Value QuestionsWhat is one thing you like to do to sustain or reset your peace?- MusicName one book or song that's helped you to define peace?- The Pursuit of God by A.W. TozerHow do you define peace for yourself now?- Living in a way that honors my true self. Fill in the Blank:My name is Courage, Molina and without peace, I'd probably be arrested, but with peace, I am walking in my purpose.*******************************************************************************LINKS:Engage with Patrice/Inquiries/Booking the FB Community: with Courage:@couragemolina@dose_of_courage the Show.
[EM]Bracing for Impact: Breaking Teen Mom Generational Curses to Birth Generational Blessings w/ Roberta Axson
Oct 19 2021
[EM]Bracing for Impact: Breaking Teen Mom Generational Curses to Birth Generational Blessings w/ Roberta Axson
As we continue our [EM]Bracing for Impact Series, and how we transform conflict to peace with our children, it's important to discuss when our children make choices that not only impact themselves, but another human life they are now responsible for.  In this episode, TeenMoms2 Beyond Founder, Roberta Axson, shares her personal journey as a teen mom, and why it was important for her to accept the assignment of breaking the generational curse and make choices that would change the direction of her life.  Additionally, we discuss:- Perceived Fear Tactics Communicated By Teen Moms- The Necessity to Revisit the Past to Identify Strategies to Change the Cycle- Sex Education in the School System- Signs/Suggested Timeframe to Discuss Sex with Your Children- Forgiving Yourself as a Teen Mom- Having "Destiny Dialogues" to Push Forth Change in the Next GenerationKey Quotes/Takeaways:"I just believe in being able to come to the table, being able to invite my children to the table, and have those conversations of what we can do better as a family. What didn't work or what's not working and then being able to be the solution to those problems or those issues." - RobertaWe can't be afraid to ask them [our children] what they need, and not be shocked at their response. i think sometimes, the fear of the unknown is why we put up the smoke screens and not dissect what is needed." - Roberta"I couldn't show up for him and give him me, because I couldn't give me, me." - Roberta"When you think about generational curses, they are rooted in generations from our forefathers, the ancestors, and we only know sometimes what's before us or maybe just a generation behind us. But we are still held responsible of what came before that, and that's why the forgiveness and the healing has to be a daily decision. -Roberta"We don't generally have those conversations because it really calls to the forefront the things that we likely may have already believed in ourselves anyways.  It potentially affirms what we already thought." - Patrice "We talk about generational curses, but you create a new generational blessing by opening up those dialogues that can be passed on." - Patrice"Oftentimes, when we are evolving, we want people to evolve or be accepting of us on our timeline, not giving people the space to come into terms, to review the perspective, to kind of look at it from a different lens, in their own space." - Patrice "I couldn't grow in pride." - Roberta "We self-sabatoge our own peace by not allowing people to support us or asking for the help when we know we need it. It doesn't make us less of a person, it doesn't make us any less of a mother, it doesn't make us any less of a wife, it doesn't make us any less of a co-worker. We are still phenomenally us, even if we're getting the support." - Patrice Rapid Value QuestionsWhat is one thing you like to do to sustain or reset your peace?- Sleep and writeName one book or song that's helped you to define peace.- Starting Here Today by Roberta AxsonHow do you define peace for yourself now?- Being still. Fill in the blank:My name is Roberta Axson and without peace, I'd probably be lost, but with peace, I am free.***********************************************************************************************LINKS:Engage with Patrice/ with Roberta:Instagram: ra_axsonSupport the Show.
[EM]Bracing for Impact: Changing the Narrative for Our Unique Children w/Amanda Gittens
Oct 12 2021
[EM]Bracing for Impact: Changing the Narrative for Our Unique Children w/Amanda Gittens
One of the most important relationships that we'll have and cultivate is the relationship with our children.  We realize that parenting can be challenging in itself, but what happens when you're informed of your child's unique learning ability that inevitably rocks your world?  How can we as loved ones and educators actually change the narrative and create impact by EMBRACING their differences instead of simply bracing ourselves for what can feel like an inconvenience or an unwelcomed challenge in our world?In this episode, we're joined in The Oasis Space with Amanda Gittens, where she shares with us the importance of collaboration + comprehension between the parent, student, and educator and how it's necessary to evolve over time so that we don't take it personal, but recognize the optimal goal is to help the child build transferrable skills into adulthood.Key Takeaway/Quotes:"It isn't until a piece of that village is actually removed, that you realize how much of an impact these teachers are making and how you're able to better show up authentically yourself at work." - Patrice"A lot of times things have to fall apart in order for them to come together." - Patrice"You have to remember we're here for the kids and whatever fits best for them.  it's not about me, it's more about them being able to access the education  that i'm providing." - Amanda"I had to remember that God didn't put you at this table just for you, your seat was made for you."  - Amanda"I think we just have to figure out ways that we can help them so they can be successful in life.  It's not just about 7th grade... It's about teaching these kids & working with the parents, & having them realize that these skills are transferrable to adults." - Amanda"You tell yourself all these things that ultimately just make you feel worse about yourself as a parent, but ultimately does not serve the child, and ultimately, I think it removes the ability for you to see that the child is still capable and well equipped to conquer all the goals that they need to accomplish." - Patrice"I think that we need to update the narrative...if you haven't heard it's 2021, and special education has evolved and the keyword is inclusion." - Amanda"Everyone has their own journey and timing.  But we're all going to get there.  It doesn't make someone else superior because they got there first." - Patrice"It doesn't matter when we get to it, as long as we learn the lesson.  But applying ourselves, being willing to learn, and put in the work helps us to get there quicker than maybe we even anticipated." - PatriceThe Oasis Space Rapid Value QuestionsWhat is the one thing you like to do to sustain or reset your peace?- WalkingName one book or song that's helped you to define peace.- Thank You by Marvin SappHow do you define peace for yourself now?- As an adult, i think peace is where I strive to continue to be.  It's not somewhere I visit, i want to reside there so it's taking the road to get there and stay there.Fill in the blank:- My name is Amanda, and without peace I would be extremely lost and with peace, I feel whole.*************************************************************************************LINKS:Engage with ThePeaceCuratorEmail: theoasisspace@patricegrimes.comFB Group: the Show.
Are You Responding Out of Triumph or Trauma?
Oct 5 2021
Are You Responding Out of Triumph or Trauma?
SEASON 2 PREMIERE  How many of you have done something that you believe is with good intention?  You believe it's a triumph, but in reality it's a trauma response? In this episode, we talk about that very thing.  How it can be detrimental to our peace if we don't actually define the source of the celebration which can be rooted in self love or self pity.  Key Takeaways/Notable Quotes:- 9:16: Being a "Miracle Baby," but not Recognizing Myself As One.- For my parents, I was always known as their "miracle baby," but I hadn't always celebrated or even been celebrated as such.  That didn't come from them, my parents celebrated me. But I was not always celebrated, nor did I celebrate myself b/c I didn't act like I was a miracle."11:22 - I told myself and tried to convince myself the day i was born, the day i was told i was a miracle baby, i really wasn't a miracle.  I was just another person on this earth that just so happened to be here. I was just another person taking up space and had to purchase a gift for. 13:52 - "it was my way to create these celebrations to brace what was gonna come. Trying to brace for the disappointment that may happen."14:20 - "I had to come to the realization that instead of allowing the opportunity to be celebrated, i ultimately robbed my friends and family of that by trying to control the outcome myself."14:50 - How Self Love Becomes Problematic When It's Actually Birthed Out of Self Pity15:32 - The Difference with Self Care or Self Love is that it's preventative care. It is care and love and compassion that you are showing to yourself to sustain your well being.  You're doing it just b/c you deserve it.  Not b/c you performed, achievement, or did anything.17:00 - "What i've learned is we will try to manufacture peace because we don't want to do the real work that it would take to eliminate us from continuing to mask the pain."17:28 - "Who you trying to prove this to? Me or you?"17:32 - "We put on the facade so that we don't have to do the real work to sit with the pain of "i'm really putting on this party or showing out like this b/c i'm afraid that if i don't, i'm going to be disappointed."19:59 - "We as humans will try to mask things with clothes, or jobs or accomplishments to mask the things that are really hurting us."25:52 - "A lot of Great Things are Birthed out of pain, but if your behaviors and actions are consistently showing up as a result of wounded pain, then you can't be operating in peace."26:35 Unleash the Peace Method - Proclaim, Evaluate, Articulate, Comprehend, Empower27:05 - "I was trying to manufacture peace, trying to manufacture triumph, in this situation instead of recognizing it was a trauma response."29:02 - "How much more freeing is it to know that people love you that much that they want to take the time out celebrate you, because they always say you were the miracle, but you just didn't see it yourself."29:25 - Operating as "A Miracle."30:45 - Shoutouts to my Mom & Dad! 31:24 - What Areas of Your Life Have You Been Responding in Trauma instead of Triumph?LINKS:Engage with theoasisspace@patricegrimes.comJoin The Oasis Space - PEACE PURSUITS FB Community:, Booking or Questions for Patrice:Email: TheOasisSpace@patricegrimes.comSupport the Show.
SEASON FINALE | My Why - From Identity Crisis to Peace Pursuit
Jun 15 2021
SEASON FINALE | My Why - From Identity Crisis to Peace Pursuit
We all have a reason for the things we do in life, right?  A reason for why we chase after certain dreams, aspire for perfect careers, pray for specific relationships, set goals for our bodies, but...WHY? The why is so important because it's what separates mere interest or intrigue from passion and purpose.The Oasis Space isn't just a hobby for me.  It's a lifestyle.  It's an experience.  I am The Oasis Space, and The Oasis Space is me.  The Oasis Space is a physical manifestation of me walking in my purpose. So, in this season finale episode, I thought it was only fitting to wrap up by sharing with my fellow Peace Pursuits my "why."   I realize I've shared many stories with you about chaos that disrupted in others' lives, but have yet to let you into my world when that pivotal moment of chaos led me to peace. In my story of heartache, pain, disappointment, and identity crisis, I hope the major takeaway that you gain from it is that there is greatness on the other side & a method to Unleash The Peace!LINKS:Engage with theoasisspace@patricegrimes.comFollow My Live Like a Local (LLAL) Tour Journey!IG Stories: The Oasis Space - PEACE PURSUITS FB Community: advertise on the podcast:Email: TheOasisSpace@patricegrimes.comIf you have questions about booking Patrice or sponsoring the podcast:Email: TheOasisSpace@patricegrimes.comSupport the Show.
Ditch the Diets to Leave Legacies of Health w/Evelyn LaVasseur
Jun 1 2021
Ditch the Diets to Leave Legacies of Health w/Evelyn LaVasseur
How many of you have went through the cycle of dieting?  Now, how many of you have SUCCESSFULLY met the goals of that diet? We always talk about relationships with others, but what about the relationship with your body?  Even more, how has the relationship with your body defined your self worth?In this episode, I am joined in The Oasis Space with Evelyn LeVasseur, where we discuss body image and the effects of childhood can carry over into our adult lives,  overall physical health and the improved mindset required to actually yield the desired results, changing our relationship with food by eliminating deprivation that comes along with dieting, the willingness to be vulnerable when chaotic events disrupt in our lives and manifest in our bodies, and how our health behaviors influence and indirectly teach our children when we may not realize they're paying attention. The Oasis Space Rapid Value QuestionsWhat is the one thing you like to do to sustain or reset your peace?- Log off social media and get outside. Name one book or song that's helped you to define peace.- Untamed by Glennon Doyle do you define peace for yourself now?- Loving myself for who I am regardless of anyone else's opinion. Fill in the blank:- My name is Evelyn LeVasseur, and without peace, I would probably be in a dark place, but with peace I am living the life that I'm supposed to be. *************************************************************************************LINKS:Engage with ThePeaceCuratorEmail: theoasisspace@patricegrimes.comJoin The Oasis Space - PEACE PURSUITS FB Community: advertise on the podcast:Email: TheOasisSpace@patricegrimes.comIf you have questions about booking Patrice or sponsoring the podcast:Email:*******************************************************************************Connect with Evelyn:Instagram: evelyn_levasseur_fitnessFacebook: Evelyn LeVasseur the Show.
Prioritizing Peace Over the Paycheck w/ Bryan McClean
May 25 2021
Prioritizing Peace Over the Paycheck w/ Bryan McClean
How many of you actually love your job?  So often, we find ourselves in bondage to a company, organization, position, or climbing the corporate ladder simply for a paycheck at the exchange of our peace.  In this episode, I am joined by Bryan McClean, where we discuss the importance of defining and continuously refining your skillset, increasing your income while decreasing your expenses, when it's necessary to be secure in yourself enough to make sacrifices that don't serve your ego, and how prioritizing peace over the paycheck is actually a necessity! *************************************************************************************************************************************************The Oasis Space Rapid Value QuestionsWhat is the one thing you like to do to sustain or reset your peace?- Clean UpName one book or song that's helped you to define peace.- The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks - Joy of Genius by Gay Hendricks How do you define peace for yourself now?- When it's quiet.  - Knowing I have some money in the stash (emergency fund)- Being able to eat what I want to eat.  Fill in the blank:- My name is Bryan, and without peace I'd probably be just all over the place with no direction, but with peace, I am focused and determined to make the lives of the people around me better! *************************************************************************************************************************************************LINKS:Engage with ThePeaceCuratorEmail: theoasisspace@patricegrimes.comJoin The Oasis Space - PEACE PURSUITS FB Community: advertise on the podcast:Email: TheOasisSpace@patricegrimes.comIf you have questions about booking Patrice or sponsoring the podcast:Email:*******************************************************************************Connect with Bryan:Instagram: IamHercTwitter: hercthagodSupport the Show.
Stop Shaming "Attention - Seeking" Behaviors So People Can SEEK Help w/ Shardae Washington
May 18 2021
Stop Shaming "Attention - Seeking" Behaviors So People Can SEEK Help w/ Shardae Washington
In this digital age, you've likely encountered people with "attention-seeking" behaviors?  But did you ever think their "attention seeking" behaviors was a cry for help?  Or love?  Guidance?  Affection?  Validation?  Whatever the reason for their behaviors, we have to seek to understand their behaviors rather than immediately attach a negative connotation to it. In this episode, I am joined in The Oasis Space by Licensed Family & Marriage Therapist, Shardae Washington, where we discuss the deficit in creating space for people to seek attention and ask for help in various ways, misdiagnosis amongst minority populations, cultivating trust between therapists and clients, and how to identify signs when you or your "strong friend" may need professional support.***************************************************************************************************************************************************  The Oasis Space Rapid Value QuestionsWhat is the one thing you like to do to sustain or reset your peace?- Vacations or working outName one book or song that's helped you to define peace.- Anything by DMXHow do you define peace for yourself now?- Being content with where I am in life.  Not worried about what I don't have & or worried about where the future is taking me.  Just pushing forward.  Being content with what I have right now because I could lose it all.Fill in the blank:- My name is Shardae, and without peace I'd probably be drunk somewhere, but with peace, I am able to conquer the world! *************************************************************************************************************************************************LINKS:Engage with ThePeaceCuratorEmail: theoasisspace@patricegrimes.comJoin The Oasis Space - PEACE PURSUITS FB Community: advertise on the podcast:Email: TheOasisSpace@patricegrimes.comIf you have questions about booking Patrice or sponsoring the podcast:Email: TheOasisSpace@patricegrimes.comSupport the Show.
Outrunning Performance Based Complexes to Get to the Peace w/ Lindsay Rae Perry
May 4 2021
Outrunning Performance Based Complexes to Get to the Peace w/ Lindsay Rae Perry
Have you ever experienced rejection? Unworthiness? Lack of identity?  I believe a lot of times these deep rooted characteristics show up in people who identify as over achievers.  The desire to perform your way into the hearts of those closest to you for accolades oftentimes outweighs any true desire to perform due to actual passion, which ultimately ends up disrupting your peace.   In this episode, I am joined in The Oasis Space with Lindsay Rae Perry, where we discuss ditching the performance based complexes, being clear in the vision we have for our life because simply knowing what we DON'T want isn't good enough, the necessity to forgive, and the requirement to heal and find identity if we desire any form of success. The Oasis Space Rapid Value QuestionsWhat is the one thing you like to do to sustain or reset your peace?- Bubble baths, good neo-soul playlist, candles lit, and glass of red wineName one book or song that's helped you to define peace.- Redefining Wealth for Yourself by Patrice Washington Amazing by Tank The Refiner feat. Chandler Moore & Steffany Gretzinger do you define peace for yourself now?- Jesus. Peace is a person. Peace has a name.  Knowing i'm seated in heavenly places. I'm in the palm of God's hand.Fill in the blank:- My name is Lindsay Rae Perry, and without peace, I'd probably be hustling, grinding, and unfulfilled and not really making an impact in this world, but with peace I am living the life of my dreams, i have the family of my dreams, living in peace, building an abundant life in business with grace  and ease and i'm living in prosperity. *************************************************************************************LINKS:Engage with ThePeaceCuratorEmail: theoasisspace@patricegrimes.comJoin The Oasis Space - PEACE PURSUITS FB Community: advertise on the podcast:Email: TheOasisSpace@patricegrimes.comIf you have questions about booking Patrice or sponsoring the podcast:Email:*******************************************************************************Connect with Lindsay:@LindsayRaePerry on all Social Media PlatformsI AM Quotient Facebook Community the Show.