Pessimistic at Best

Samantha Georgson

An incredibly bitchy little podcast, with your host, Sam Georgson.

"Hey there, I’m Sam and I love to complain,” sounds like the kind of introduction I would give at an AA meeting except instead of battling alcoholism I’m addicted to being a sourpuss, and well—if the shoe fits!

I consider myself to be pessimistic at best and a downright bitch at my worst. Personally, I think complaining is ridiculously funny, and hey, it’s cheaper than therapy—right?!

But in the past, I’ve received some feedback from my nearest and dearest that I could stand to be a bit more positive, which is what inspired this little passion project of mine.

This podcast is meant to be both an outlet for my bad attitude, and a place where friends, family, and even perfect strangers can come to bitch about, well, anything really. So, to all of my fellow Pessimistic Pattys, let it be known that you’re welcome here!

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