The Human Intimacy Podcast


Intimacy is a fundamental human experience that goes far beyond romantic relationships. Join us as we dive into the deep and multifaceted layers of human connection, exploring everything from friendship and family bonds to self-love and vulnerability. Through thought-provoking conversations with experts, personal stories, and practical advice, we’ll uncover the secrets to nurturing meaningful relationships in a fast-paced digital world. From exploring trust and fostering emotional intimacy to navigating conflicts and rediscovering oneself, we’re here to discover the essence of what it means to truly connect with others and ourselves. Whether you’re seeking to improve your relationships, gain insights into human behaviors, or simply crave a meaningful conversation that enriches your understanding of human connection, you won’t want to miss a single episode of The Human Intimacy Podcast. read less
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Discover How Developmental Trauma Hinders Adult Attachment and What You Can Do to Overcome It (Episode 14) -Special guest Jon Taylor
May 15 2024
Discover How Developmental Trauma Hinders Adult Attachment and What You Can Do to Overcome It (Episode 14) -Special guest Jon Taylor
Discover How Developmental Trauma Hinders Adult Attachment It's a universal experience to grapple with identity formation in childhood, especially when parents exert significant control over our lives. This podcast, featuring guest Jon Taylor, offers a wealth of expert knowledge on developmental trauma. Gain valuable insights into how early life experiences can shape relationship dynamics as we mature. As we strive to create healthy, intimate adult relationships, we need to make sure that we address barriers such as developmental trauma. In this week's podcast, we explore how to address developmental trauma by creating boundaries in relationships with parents or other family members. Learn how to address these challenging issues to create intimate relationships now.  One Form of Developmental Trauma Developmental trauma can occur when a child grows up in an environment where their parents or caregivers exhibit behaviors of ownership towards them. This sense of ownership can manifest in controlling, possessive, and manipulative behaviors that can have a lasting impact on the child's emotional and psychological development. Additional Topics Discussed: Mother Enmeshed Men Growing up in an enmeshed relationship with a mother can have several impacts on a man's development. Firstly, these men may struggle with autonomy and forming healthy boundaries in relationships. They may have difficulty asserting their own needs and desires, often prioritizing their mother's wishes over their own. Additionally, mother-enmeshed men may have challenges forming and maintaining healthy intimate relationships. Their dependence on their mothers for emotional support and validation can interfere with their ability to connect with a partner on a deeper level. Resources Discussed: Book: Mother Enmeshed Man Workshop: Overcoming Enmeshment Special Thanks to McKay Hatch for sharing his musical talents with us. Click here to listen to McKay discuss how to live life through adversity.
Play Your Way to More Intimate Relationships (Episode #13)
May 8 2024
Play Your Way to More Intimate Relationships (Episode #13)
Play Your Way to a More Intimate Relationship (Episode #13) Have we forgotten how to play? As we get older, we tend to forget to have genuine fun. In this episode. Dr. Kevin Skinner and Amy Andrus encourage you to pull out games and learn to play again. When we tease, flirt, and engage in friendly banter in our relationships, we create memories that can last a lifetime. If you are looking for a few ideas on strengthening intimacy in your relationship through play, join us for this fun episode.  Playful Tips You Can Try Feeling inspired to inject some playfulness into your relationships? Here are a few suggestions on how to do just that: Have a Game Night: Dust off the old board games or cozy up for a night of video gaming.Take a Class Together: Whether it’s cooking, painting, or dancing, learning something new can be both educational and fun.Prank Each Other: Keep things light by playing a practical joke once in a while (and be sure to keep it lighthearted!).Enjoy Childish Delights: Visit an amusement park, spend an evening stargazing, or have a picnic in the living room. Remember, it's all about the experience.Play Sports or Exercise Together: A bit of healthy competition can be great for both your physical and relational health.Cater to Each Other’s Whims: Indulge in each other’s spontaneous, fun ideas.Try Role-Playing: A risqué endeavor, perhaps, but role-playing can introduce new, fun elements into your relationship.Bring Out Your Inner Child: Engage in activities you loved as kids, from finger painting to building forts.Get Crafty for Each Other: Make personal gifts or cards, or work together on a DIY project.Create Inside Jokes: Inside jokes are tiny tempos of happiness that can be shared anytime, anywhere. Resources Discussed in This Show Dating on Purpose (Book)A special thanks to McKay Hatch for the intro music. If you haven’t listened to the episode with McKay, his story is truly inspiring. Here’s a link to that show: Living Life Through Adversity
Overcome Five Barriers to Intimacy and Connection — with Co-host Amy Andrus (Episode #8)
Apr 3 2024
Overcome Five Barriers to Intimacy and Connection — with Co-host Amy Andrus (Episode #8)
Overcome 5 Barriers to Intimacy and Connection Have you ever asked yourself what keeps you from creating the type of relationship you long for? If so, in this episode, Dr. Kevin Skinner and Amy Andrus discuss five of the most common barriers we have to overcome to achieve the type of intimacy we desire.  Due to these barriers, we live far below our relationship potential. The five barriers include: Unresolved issues from our pastFear of intimacyShamePleasure seekingLack of relationship skills.During the show, Dr. Skinner asked you to consider this question: "On a scale between 0 (ineffective) and 10 (very effective), how effective were your partners at teaching you how to have healthy relationships? This is a question that Dr. Skinner has asked audiences throughout the world. You may be surprised at the audience's answers to this critical question. Resources Mentioned in this Episode Test Your Relationship — A  guide for couples wanting to improve their relationship. Begin your journey by taking the test. Then review your personalized results. Next implement the suggestions and watch the videos to improve your relationship and increase your connection. If you haven’t checked out McKay Hatch’s music, I encourage you to do so. You can find his music at the following links: