Megan: A wonderful, exhausting, chaotic first year | Episode 11

Blooming in Motherhood

Aug 14 2023 • 36 mins

We’re joined today by Megan Walsh. Megan is a licensed creative arts therapist and board-certified music therapist - AND a new mom! In this episode, Megan talks about what her first year as a mother has been like and how her training and work as a creative arts psychotherapist has set her up to bond and connect with her son. Megan talks about getting to establish a playful, fun, loving, and openly affectionate family culture with her son, how communication has strengthened her relationship with her husband, and navigating adjusting ambition and work-life balance as a mother and business owner.

Megan talks about:

  • Communication is 🔑 even when it’s hard - sharing feelings around resentment and the unequal load in postpartum

  • Shifting feelings about work and ambition in postpartum and early parenting

  • How routines and schedules have supported her family in being connected and being flexible

  • How her training and work as a creative arts psychotherapist has impacted her parenting, especially in the early days

  • Using music for co-regulation, connection, and bonding (some golden tools in this one!)

  • Embracing the duality of the hard and the good in the first year of parenting

Join us and get ready to be inspired to sing to your baby 🎤

Megan Walsh, LCAT, LPMT, MT-BC

Megan graduated with her master’s degree in music psychotherapy from New York University in 2014. She worked as a licensed creative arts therapist and board-certified music therapist with adults, teenagers, and children in prominent teaching hospitals for six years before moving full time into private practice for the last three years. She is currently completing an advanced clinical training as an analytical music therapy practitioner. Her work has been presented nationally, and Megan has served as a guest lecturer at New York University and St. Mary College of the Woods. When she is not working, you can find Megan harmonizing to her Spotify playlist, listening to her favorite podcasts, and spending time outdoors with her husband, son, and pups.


Managing Sleep Deprivation as a New Parent

Communication Habits of Successful Couples

Eight Ways to Keep Your Relationship Healthy During Postpartum and Early Parenting

Returning to Work After Maternity Leave: 3 Ways to Feel Less Overwhelmed

What Kind of Support Do You Need in Motherhood? Take this quiz for a personalized list of free resources!

Ollie Swaddle (use discount code 9NWURUWCHW for 10% off 💰)

From Megan:

Megan’s website

Instagram: @connectwithmegan