Christian Dementia Caregiving: Conversations To Ease the Stress, Overwhelm and Burden of Alzheimer’s/Dementia Care From A Biblical Perspective.

Lizette Cloete, Christian Dementia Coach

Are you a Christian Caregiver who is feeling overwhelmed and stressed while helping a family member suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or dementia? Want to make your dementia care easier and want real help as well as hope? This podcast is for you if you find yourself asking questions such as: How to survive dementia caregiving? What is dementia caregiving from a Christian perspective? How to care for elderly parents with dementia? How to deal with challenging dementia behaviors as a caregiver? How to cope with dementia behaviors with faith? What are common dementia behaviors and how to manage them? What are the stages of Alzheimer’s disease? Can you practice self-care while being a dementia caregiver? How do I know my parent has dementia symptoms? How to care for dementia patients with Biblical principles? What is a Christian response to dementia? How to find Christian dementia support groups? How to provide spiritual care for someone with dementia? When should someone with dementia go into a care home? What is Alzheimer’s disease and its symptoms? Let’s make dementia care easier and Glorify God despite a dementia diagnosis. We’d love to hear from you. Email us at or check out our website read less
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138. Empowering Dementia Caregivers: Real-Life Strategies for Managing Challenging Behaviors
138. Empowering Dementia Caregivers: Real-Life Strategies for Managing Challenging Behaviors
Have you ever felt overwhelmed trying to manage the challenging behaviors of your loved one with dementia? You're not alone.  In this episode, Lizette shared valuable insights and practical advice tailored specifically for caregivers like you.   One key point discussed was the importance of identifying the triggers behind certain behaviors. For example, anxiety-driven psychosis in dementia patients can often be managed by addressing the root cause of their anxiety.    One caregiver, Hilda, shared her experience with her 96-year-old mother, explaining how early intervention and attention to her mother’s needs prevented psychotic episodes.   Ultimately, the goal is to empower caregivers with strategies that reduce stress and improve the quality of care.  Whether it's through adjusting routines, validating their loved one’s experiences, or maintaining a calm and positive demeanor, these insights provide a fresh perspective on managing the challenges of dementia care.   If you found these tips helpful and would like to learn more, consider joining our next free workshop on avoiding challenging dementia behaviors.  Here is the link:   Together, we can support each other on this caregiving journey. Join our Facebook Group at:   Become a Founding Member of Our Exclusive Academy! Only 54 Founding Family Slots Available for Extraordinary Caregivers.   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Get Free Guidance Now! Join the Ask the de-MENTOR" Monthly Fellowship Meeting!
137. 5 Easy Strategies To Cope With Challenging Dementia Behaviors
4d ago
137. 5 Easy Strategies To Cope With Challenging Dementia Behaviors
Have you ever wondered how to handle challenging behaviors in your loved one with dementia?  Today’s episode offers practical strategies to help.   The term "challenging behaviors" often refers to normal human behaviors magnified by dementia. Instead of seeing these behaviors as problematic, understand them as expressions of unmet needs or frustrations due to limited communication abilities.  This perspective shift is crucial for compassionate caregiving.   Caregiving is challenging, and you don't have to do it alone.  Joining support groups, like the Christian Dementia Caregiving Facebook group, can provide community and additional resources. Consider scheduling a free Dementia Flight Audit to receive personalized advice for your caregiving challenges. By staying calm, redirecting gently, understanding root causes, communicating clearly, and managing your emotions, you can better handle challenging behaviors.  Remember, these strategies are about enhancing the caregiving experience for both you and your loved one.  Your efforts bring moments of joy and create lasting memories, despite the challenges.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!   Caring for your loved one with dementia doesn't have to be stressful!  Join our next free workshop.  3 Tips How to Avoid Challenging Dementia Behaviors For Christians   Become a Founding Member of Our Exclusive Academy! Only 54 Founding Family Slots Available for Extraordinary Caregivers.   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Get Free Guidance Now! Join the Ask the de-MENTOR" Monthly Fellowship Meeting!
136. 5 Tips How To Decrease Your Overwhelm In Dementia Caregiving
6d ago
136. 5 Tips How To Decrease Your Overwhelm In Dementia Caregiving
If you're caring for a loved one with dementia, have you found yourself wondering how to handle the overwhelming responsibilities and maintain your own well-being? In this episode dedicated to caregivers like you, valuable insights were shared to not only manage caregiving tasks but also preserve your own health.   Many don’t realize they've stepped into the role of a caregiver. Assisting with daily tasks like medications or household chores categorizes you as a caregiver.  Acknowledging this can empower you to seek the necessary support and resources.   This episode offers a beacon of hope and practical advice for anyone feeling overwhelmed by the responsibilities of dementia caregiving. By integrating these strategies into your daily life, you can find a balance that benefits both you and your loved one.  For more detailed discussions and personal stories, tuning into the full episode can provide additional support and inspiration for your caregiving journey.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!   Caring for your loved one with dementia doesn't have to be stressful!  Join our next free workshop.  3 Tips How to Avoid Challenging Dementia Behaviors For Christians   Join our Facebook Group at:   Become a Founding Member of Our Exclusive Academy! Only 54 Founding Family Slots Available for Extraordinary Caregivers.   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Get Free Guidance Now! Join the Ask the de-MENTOR" Monthly Fellowship Meeting!
135. How to Easily Recover from Dementia Caregivers Grief With Heather Leigh
Jun 24 2024
135. How to Easily Recover from Dementia Caregivers Grief With Heather Leigh
Have you ever wondered how understanding and managing emotions can transform your journey as a caregiver for a loved one with dementia? In this episode, grief recovery specialist Heather Leigh discusses the intricate topic of processing grief in a healthy manner, particularly within the realm of dementia caregiving.  Heather sheds light on the learned responses to grief and how generational behaviors influence our coping mechanisms with loss.    Seeking support from grief counselors or support groups can provide relief and understanding. Sharing your experiences with others who are in similar situations can validate your feelings and offer new coping mechanisms.  Remember, you're not alone on this journey, and seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.   Embracing the full spectrum of emotions that come with dementia caregiving can lead to a more fulfilling experience.  By acknowledging and managing these feelings, caregivers can find a deeper sense of purpose and connection in their role.  Remember, it's not just about providing care but also about navigating the emotional complexities that accompany this critical role. You can email Heather Leigh at or call her at 803-419-7110.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!   Caring for your loved one with dementia doesn't have to be stressful!  Join our next free workshop.  3 Tips How to Avoid Challenging Dementia Behaviors For Christians   Join our Facebook Group at:   Become a Founding Member of Our Exclusive Academy! Only 54 Founding Family Slots Available for Extraordinary Caregivers.   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Get Free Guidance Now! Join the Ask the de-MENTOR" Monthly Fellowship Meeting!
134. Debunking The Myth That Dementia Is A New Disease
Jun 21 2024
134. Debunking The Myth That Dementia Is A New Disease
Are you aware of how societies have perceived dementia throughout history? This episode offers a compelling look into the historical context of dementia, providing insights that are seldom discussed on most platforms.   The term "dementia" isn't new—its roots trace back over centuries, and its history is as rich as it is complex. Contrary to common belief, dementia isn't a modern condition; it has been recognized under various guises throughout history, even before Alzheimer’s disease was defined in the early 20th century.    This episode serves as a reminder that dementia care is not just about managing symptoms but understanding the historical and social context that shapes how we care for loved ones today.  As we learn from the past, we can improve our approaches and attitudes toward dementia, making caregiving a more supportive and manageable experience.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!   Caring for your loved one with dementia doesn't have to be stressful!  Join our next free workshop.  3 Tips How to Avoid Challenging Dementia Behaviors For Christians   Join our Facebook Group at:   Become a Founding Member of Our Exclusive Academy! Only 54 Founding Family Slots Available for Extraordinary Caregivers.   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Get Free Guidance Now! Join the Ask the de-MENTOR" Monthly Fellowship Meeting!
133. One Simple Solution For Dementia Wandering Inside the House
Jun 19 2024
133. One Simple Solution For Dementia Wandering Inside the House
Are you prepared for the unexpected challenges of dementia wandering? When caring for a loved one with dementia, are you fully equipped to handle their tendency to wander? This episode provides valuable insights and practical strategies to ensure safety and peace of mind. Wandering is a common but often misunderstood behavior among individuals with dementia. It's crucial to recognize that wandering is not merely aimless movement; rather, it's a purposeful response triggered by the individual's needs or desires, which may not always be apparent to caregivers.  This behavior can range from harmless pacing within a safe environment to critical wandering or elopement, posing significant risks.   Dementia wandering presents a complex challenge, but with the right strategies and support, it can be managed effectively.  This episode not only sheds light on the phenomenon but also equips caregivers with practical tools and heartfelt advice to enhance their caregiving journey.  Join us for more insights and to become part of a community that understands and supports your efforts in dementia caregiving. Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show! Caring for your loved one with dementia doesn't have to be stressful!  Join our next free workshop.  3 Tips How to Avoid Challenging Dementia Behaviors For Christians Join our Facebook Group at: Become a Founding Member of Our Exclusive Academy! Only 54 Founding Family Slots Available for Extraordinary Caregivers.   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Get Free Guidance Now! Join the Ask the de-MENTOR" Monthly Fellowship Meeting!
132. How to Stop Family Conflict When Dementia Caregiving
Jun 17 2024
132. How to Stop Family Conflict When Dementia Caregiving
How do you handle family conflict when dementia caregiving? Dealing with family conflict is a common yet challenging aspect of dementia caregiving. In this episode of the "Dementia Caregiving for Families," we explore how to navigate this difficult terrain with the help of live coaching. Live Coaching Session: Real-Time Solutions In this unique episode, Lizette introduces us to Pam, a dedicated caregiver from Greenville, South Carolina. Pam shares her 20-year journey of caring for her father and now her mother, both diagnosed with Alzheimer's.  She highlights the emotional and logistical hurdles faced when siblings are not on the same page.   The episode emphasizes the importance of faith in the caregiving journey. Knowing that God has a plan and finding solace in scripture can provide the strength and perseverance needed to continue. Conclusion: You Are Not Alone Pam's experience highlights that even though family conflict can make dementia caregiving more challenging, understanding and managing these conflicts can lead to better outcomes. Engaging with a supportive community and utilizing available resources can make a significant difference. For those feeling isolated or overwhelmed, joining the "Ask the Dementor" monthly meetups can provide much-needed support and guidance. Remember, you are not alone in this journey.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!   Caring for your loved one with dementia doesn't have to be stressful!  Join our next free workshop.  3 Tips How to Avoid Challenging Dementia Behaviors For Christians   Join our Facebook Group at:   Become a Founding Member of Our Exclusive Academy! Only 54 Founding Family Slots Available for Extraordinary Caregivers.
131. How Do Dementia Caregivers Contribute To Their Caregiving Woes?
Jun 14 2024
131. How Do Dementia Caregivers Contribute To Their Caregiving Woes?
Are you contributing to your own caregiver woes? Have you ever wondered if you're making your caregiving journey harder than it needs to be? In this episode, we explore how caregivers might unknowingly contribute to their own challenges and how to turn things around for a smoother journey. Emotional Awareness and Control Caregivers often forget the impact their emotions have on those they care for. People with dementia are highly intuitive and can sense your stress, anger, or frustration. Maintaining emotional control is crucial. Before entering a caregiving situation, take a moment to check your emotional state. Proverbs 4:23 reminds us, "Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flows the springs of life." By being aware of your emotions, you can create a calmer environment for your loved one   Caring for someone with dementia is challenging, but by being mindful of your emotions, shifting your mindset, seeking help, and embracing gratitude, you can improve your caregiving journey. Remember, you are not alone. Reach out for support, stay connected with your faith, and find joy in the little moments. Join us next time as we explore ways to stop family conflicts in dementia caregiving. And don’t forget, you can sign up for our 'Ask the Dementor' monthly meetup for personalized guidance and support. Join here: May the Lord bless and keep you on this journey.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!   Caring for your loved one with dementia doesn't have to be stressful!  Join our next free workshop.  3 Tips How to Avoid Challenging Dementia Behaviors For Christians   Join our Facebook Group at:   Become a Founding Member of Our Exclusive Academy! Only 54 Founding Family Slots Available for Extraordinary Caregivers.
130. How to Know Whether Only Memory Loss Is The First Sign Of Dementia
Jun 12 2024
130. How to Know Whether Only Memory Loss Is The First Sign Of Dementia
Have you ever wondered if memory loss is the only sign of dementia? In this episode of "Dementia Caregiving for Families," we dive into this myth. Many believe memory loss is the first and primary sign of dementia. But is it? We explore some lesser-known signs and types of dementia that go beyond just memory loss in this episode.   Recognizing these lesser-known signs can help in early detection and better management of dementia. Being informed and attentive to subtle changes in behavior, communication, and daily activities is crucial for caregivers. Join our "Ask the Dementor" monthly meetups for more insights and support on your caregiving journey. Visit our website for more resources and connect with our community for shared experiences and practical advice. Stay hopeful and proactive, and remember, you are not alone in this journey. May the Lord bless you and keep you strong. See you in the next episode!     Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!   Caring for your loved one with dementia doesn't have to be stressful!  Join our next free workshop.  3 Tips How to Avoid Challenging Dementia Behaviors For Christians   Join our Facebook Group at:   Become a Founding Member of Our Exclusive Academy! Only 54 Founding Family Slots Available for Extraordinary Caregivers.
129. Wine, Women and Dementia: How One Woman Found Community With Kitty Norton
Jun 10 2024
129. Wine, Women and Dementia: How One Woman Found Community With Kitty Norton
Have you found joy in your dementia caregiving journey? Caring for a loved one with dementia can be challenging. But it can also be a journey filled with unexpected joy and community. In this episode of the "Dementia Caregiving for Families" podcast, Lizette welcomes Kitty Norton, who has created a unique documentary titled "Wine, Women, and Dementia."   In 2016, Kitty Norton left her job as an NBC assistant editor in Los Angeles, for her hometown of Portland, Oregon, to walk, stumble, and crawl with her mother with dementia to death’s door.    While doing so, she authored the dementia caregiver blog Stumped Town Dementia, writing tales of dementia life which resonated deeply with readers around the world.   Kitty created and directed the dementia family caregiver documentary, "Wine, Women, & Dementia," to honor this journey with her mother, to spread awareness of the caregiver side of the equation in dementia, and to celebrate family caregivers; to let them know they are not alone, and are worthy of being seen and respected alongside their person living with dementia on this difficult road to the end of life.     Lizette also promotes the upcoming "Ask the Dementor" monthly meetup, a small group session offering support and guidance for caregivers. This is a great opportunity to connect with others and get personalized advice.   Join here:     Watch the Documentary "Wine, Women, and Dementia" will be available for online viewing to support the Alzheimer's Association fundraiser. This is an excellent opportunity to see the film and contribute to a good cause. Go here to watch it:
128. How To Stage Dementia To Immediately Understand Challenging Behaviors
Jun 7 2024
128. How To Stage Dementia To Immediately Understand Challenging Behaviors
Have you ever wondered why each person with dementia seems so different, or why doctors often dismiss your concerns as just part of the disease? In this episode, we uncover the mystery behind dementia behaviors by exploring the concept of staging dementia.   Understanding these stages can help caregivers anticipate changes and respond more effectively, easing the caregiving journey. From maintaining independence in the early stages to providing full-time care in the later stages, we discuss practical strategies for each phase, ensuring your loved one receives the best possible care.     We also delve into the vital role of faith in caregiving. Embracing a Christian perspective provides strength and comfort, reminding us that a loving God is present in this challenging journey.   The episode highlights the importance of preparing for future stages and offers insights into creating a supportive community. Join us as we share science-backed solutions, biblical principles, and personal experiences to help you navigate the complexities of dementia care with confidence and compassion.   Don’t miss out on this valuable discussion that promises to make your caregiving experience more manageable and rewarding.     Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!   Caring for your loved one with dementia doesn't have to be stressful!  Join our next free workshop.  3 Tips How to Avoid Challenging Dementia Behaviors For Christians   Join our Facebook Group at:   Become a Founding Member of Our Exclusive Academy! Only 54 Founding Family Slots Available for Extraordinary Caregivers.   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Get Free Guidance Now! Join the Ask the de-MENTOR" Monthly Fellowship Meeting!
127. Why It Is Important to Tell People Someone Has Dementia
Jun 5 2024
127. Why It Is Important to Tell People Someone Has Dementia
In the latest episode of "Dementia Caregiving for Families," the importance of sharing a loved one's dementia diagnosis is discussed. Keeping the diagnosis a secret can lead to isolation and increased stress for caregivers. It's crucial to start informing others early and often, beginning with close family members and then extending to church leadership, employers, colleagues, neighbors, and authorities. This proactive approach helps build a support network and ensures safety. Recognizing conditions like anosognosia, where the person with dementia cannot see their impairment, is also essential. Private conversations without the person present might be necessary to share important information without causing distress. Effective communication with healthcare providers is another key aspect. Many doctors might dismiss symptoms as normal aging, but true memory loss isn't part of normal aging. Caregivers should prepare a concise list of observations to share with the healthcare team and consider finding a more responsive doctor if needed. Open discussions about dementia help reduce its stigma, fostering understanding and compassion. By sharing experiences and educating others, caregivers can ease their burden and provide better care for their loved ones.   2:26 Importance of Communication in Caregiving 7:08 Early and Frequent Communication Strategy 10:34 Looping in Closest Family and Church Leadership 13:22 Involving Employer, Colleagues, and Neighbors 16:28 Dealing with Lack of Awareness in the Person 19:12 Communicating with Healthcare Providers 23:18 Easing Dementia Care Challenges 27:30 Destigmatizing Dementia Discussion 31:23 Recap: Start Early and Speak Often   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show! Caring for your loved one with dementia doesn't have to be stressful!  Join our next free workshop.  3 Tips How to Avoid Challenging Dementia Behaviors For Christians Join our Facebook Group at: Become a Founding Member of Our Exclusive Academy! Only 54 Founding Family Slots Available for Extraordinary Caregivers. Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Get Free Guidance Now! Join the Ask the de-MENTOR" Monthly Fellowship Meeting!
126. How To Find Your Community In Dementia Caregiving: Live Monthly Meet Up
Jun 3 2024
126. How To Find Your Community In Dementia Caregiving: Live Monthly Meet Up
Have you wondered how to handle a loved one with dementia who constantly forgets? Dementia care can be a challenging journey, especially for caregivers who want to provide the best support possible. In this episode, Lizette shares valuable insights into making this journey easier and more meaningful. The focus is on understanding dementia better and finding compassionate ways to handle common issues.     24:30 Addressing Concerns About Respite Care 29:02 Understanding Dementia Severity 31:28 Family Dynamics and Caregiving Roles 33:14 Decision Making and Legal Battles 34:21 Balancing Respite Care for Clarity 36:21 Resource Accessibility for Dementia Care 38:14 Seeking Support and Respite Solutions 38:52 Transitioning to Caregiving Responsibilities 41:19 Financial and Caregiving Challenges 42:36 Coping with Repetitive Questions 46:48 Seeking Assistance Beyond Respite Programs 49:51 Understanding Anosognosia in Dementia 53:29 Embracing Changes in Caregiving Approach 56:28 Managing Repetitive Questions Cheerfully 1:01:47 Patience and Cheer in Caregiving Journeys     Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!   Caring for your loved one with dementia doesn't have to be stressful!  Join our next free workshop.  3 Tips How to Avoid Challenging Dementia Behaviors For Christians   Join our Facebook Group at:   Become a Founding Member of Our Exclusive Academy! Only 54 Founding Family Slots Available for Extraordinary Caregivers.   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Get Free Guidance Now! Join the Ask the de-MENTOR" Monthly Fellowship Meeting!
124. Easily Help Your Parent With Dementia To Downsize and Move
May 29 2024
124. Easily Help Your Parent With Dementia To Downsize and Move
Have you recently faced the challenge of moving a loved one with dementia? Caring for someone with dementia is a journey filled with many challenges. One significant task that caregivers often face is helping their loved ones downsize and move. This process can be emotionally and physically taxing, but with the right approach, it can become manageable. Downsizing and moving a loved one with dementia is not just about physical relocation. It’s about managing emotions, making thoughtful decisions, and utilizing available resources effectively.  By planning ahead, involving family and friends, and setting realistic expectations, this challenging task can become much more manageable. Remember, it’s okay to seek help and take breaks when needed. You’re not alone in this journey. Join support groups and workshops to learn more strategies and share your experiences with others facing similar challenges. Together, we can navigate this path with compassion and patience.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show! Caring for your loved one with dementia doesn't have to be stressful!  Join our next free workshop.  3 Tips How to Avoid Challenging Dementia Behaviors For Christians Join our Facebook Group at: Become a Founding Member of Our Exclusive Academy! Only 54 Founding Family Slots Available for Extraordinary Caregivers. Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Get Free Guidance Now! Join the Ask the de-MENTOR" Monthly Fellowship Meeting!
123. Why It Is Important to Be Grateful During Dementia Care: Memorial Day Episode
May 27 2024
123. Why It Is Important to Be Grateful During Dementia Care: Memorial Day Episode
Have you ever thought of dementia as a gift? It might sound surprising, but seeing dementia as a gift can change your caregiving journey. In this episode, Lizette shares insights on finding gratitude while caring for a loved one with dementia.   **Looking for ways to engage your loved one with dementia in meaningful activities? Check out our special Memorial Day mini-course, designed to provide practical, easy-to-apply ideas for creating lasting memories, all for less than the cost of a family lunch at Chick-fil-A. Get it here:   Faith plays a vital role in making dementia care easier. Understanding that a loving God has a plan for this difficult journey can bring peace. The podcast emphasizes how faith can provide clarity and certainty. It’s about trusting that God’s providence is at work, even in challenging times.     Finding gratitude in dementia caregiving is not about ignoring the difficulties but about recognizing the hidden blessings. Faith, meaningful activities, and a supportive community can make a significant difference. Embrace this journey with an open heart, and you might find unexpected gifts along the way.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!   Caring for your loved one with dementia doesn't have to be stressful!  Join our next free workshop.  3 Tips How to Avoid Challenging Dementia Behaviors For Christians   Join our Facebook Group at:   Become a Founding Member of Our Exclusive Academy! Only 54 Founding Family Slots Available for Extraordinary Caregivers.   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Get Free Guidance Now! Join the Ask the de-MENTOR" Monthly Fellowship Meeting!
122. How To Change The Outcome Of Challenging Dementia Behaviors
May 24 2024
122. How To Change The Outcome Of Challenging Dementia Behaviors
Have you ever wondered why certain behaviors in dementia care are called "challenging"? In this episode, we explore how to manage these behaviors using a simple and effective framework. This method can bring peace and clarity to your caregiving journey. Understanding Behaviors Dementia often magnifies normal human behaviors. What may seem challenging is usually an attempt by your loved one to communicate. Recognizing this can change your approach and improve outcomes. Introducing the PEACE Framework To address these behaviors, a repeatable framework called PEACE can be invaluable. Here’s how it works: P: Person with Dementia - Focus on their immediate needs and feelings. E: Environment - Consider the setting and its impact. A: Activity - Look at the activities they are engaged in. C: Caregiver’s Response - Reflect on your reactions and responses. E: Evaluate and Educate - Assess the situation and learn from it. Real-Life Example   Remember, challenging behaviors in dementia are a form of communication. By using the PEACE framework, you can better understand and respond to your loved one’s needs. This approach not only makes caregiving easier but also strengthens your bond with your loved one. Get in Touch If you have specific questions or need personalized advice, visit You can leave a voicemail with your question, and it might be featured in a future episode. May you find peace and strength in your caregiving journey. Join us next time for more insights and support. Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show! Caring for your loved one with dementia doesn't have to be stressful!  Join our next free workshop.  3 Tips How to Avoid Challenging Dementia Behaviors For Christians Join our Facebook Group at: Become a Founding Member of Our Exclusive Academy! Only 54 Founding Family Slots Available for Extraordinary Caregivers. Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Get Free Guidance Now! Join the Ask the de-MENTOR" Monthly Fellowship Meeting!
121. Memorial Day: 50 Easy Activities For Loved Ones With Alzheimer’s Or Dementia (Part 3)
May 22 2024
121. Memorial Day: 50 Easy Activities For Loved Ones With Alzheimer’s Or Dementia (Part 3)
Do you have a loved one with severe dementia? Navigating life with a loved one who has severe dementia can be challenging. However, finding ways to engage them in meaningful activities is possible. This episode offers unique insights and practical tips for caregivers to help create special moments. Understanding Severe Dementia Severe dementia brings visible physical changes and requires significant assistance for daily tasks. It’s important to recognize that your loved one still retains certain abilities. Instead of focusing on what they can no longer do, let’s explore what they can still enjoy.   As caregivers, you are heroes. Your strength and love are invaluable. Remember to lean on your faith for perseverance and support. Take comfort in knowing that you are not alone on this journey. Join Our Community If you need more support, consider joining our monthly meetup or our Facebook group. It’s a space to connect, share experiences, and find practical tools for dementia caregiving. In conclusion, creating meaningful activities for loved ones with severe dementia is about finding simple, engaging, and enjoyable tasks. These activities help maintain their connection to the world and create beautiful memories for you both. We invite you to register for our Activity Engagement in Dementia Mini-Course! This informative course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to effectively engage individuals living with dementia in meaningful activities. Don't miss out! This course expires on May 28, 2024. Register here: Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show! Caring for your loved one with dementia doesn't have to be stressful!  Join our next free workshop.  3 Tips How to Avoid Challenging Dementia Behaviors For Christians Join our Facebook Group at: Become a Founding Member of Our Exclusive Academy! Only 54 Founding Family Slots Available for Extraordinary Caregivers. Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Get Free Guidance Now! Join the Ask the de-MENTOR" Monthly Fellowship Meeting!
120. Memorial Day: 50 Easy Activities For Loved Ones With Alzheimer’s Or Dementia (Part 2)
May 20 2024
120. Memorial Day: 50 Easy Activities For Loved Ones With Alzheimer’s Or Dementia (Part 2)
This episode focuses on practical tips for engaging individuals with moderate dementia in meaningful activities. Lizette highlights the significance of creating a structured routine while also allowing for flexibility and making memories through engaging activities.    Lizette points out the importance of balancing routine and novel activities to support cognitive and emotional well-being.   Moderate dementia can limit the ability to focus on activities for extended periods. Engage your loved one in short, manageable tasks. Break down activities into smaller steps and celebrate each accomplishment. This helps reduce frustration and makes the experience enjoyable for both of you.   Downloadable Activity Guide   To assist you in finding creative ways to engage your loved one, we offer a downloadable guide here with 50 activity ideas specifically tailored for Memorial Day. These activities are designed to be simple yet effective, ensuring you have plenty of options to keep your loved one active and happy.   Conclusion Caring for someone with moderate dementia involves a mix of patience, creativity, and understanding. By focusing on meaningful engagement, balancing routine with new experiences, and planning thoughtfully, you can enhance the quality of life for your loved one. Remember, you are not alone on this journey. There are resources and communities available to support you.   Embrace these tips, create beautiful memories, and cherish the moments with your loved one. We invite you to register for our Activity Engagement in Dementia Mini-Course! This informative course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to effectively engage individuals living with dementia in meaningful activities. Don't miss out! This course expires on May 28, 2024. Register here: Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!   Caring for your loved one with dementia doesn't have to be stressful!  Join our next free workshop.  3 Tips How to Avoid Challenging Dementia Behaviors For Christians   Join our Facebook Group at:   Become a Founding Member of Our Exclusive Academy! Only 54 Founding Family Slots Available for Extraordinary Caregivers.   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Get Free Guidance Now! Join the Ask the de-MENTOR" Monthly Fellowship Meeting!
119. Memorial Day: 50 Easy Activities for Alzheimer's and Dementia Patients (Part 1)
May 17 2024
119. Memorial Day: 50 Easy Activities for Alzheimer's and Dementia Patients (Part 1)
Have you recently discovered that your loved one has dementia? Are you searching for practical ways to engage them in meaningful activities, especially during travel?   Mild dementia is the first stage in the dementia journey. It involves changes in higher-level thinking skills. Your loved one might forget simple things like taking medication or might repeat stories. These changes can be frustrating, but recognizing them is the first step in supporting them effectively.   The Importance of Activities Activities are essential for people with mild dementia. They help maintain cognitive functions and provide a sense of purpose. Think of activities they used to enjoy, like gardening or knitting. These activities can still be part of their routine but might need slight modifications to make them easier and more enjoyable.   We invite you to register for our Activity Engagement in Dementia Mini-Course! This informative course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to effectively engage individuals living with dementia in meaningful activities. Don't miss out! This course expires on May 28, 2024. Register here:   See also: One Mistake A Dementia Caregiver Makes By Not Traveling With Kathy Smith Shoaf    Download your FREE copy of "Memorial Day: 50 Activities for Person Living with Mild Dementia" today and create a world of possibilities for your loved one.   Enjoy our podcast? Please take a moment to leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify —it really supports our show!   Caring for your loved one with dementia doesn't have to be stressful!  Join our next free workshop.  3 Tips How to Avoid Challenging Dementia Behaviors For Christians   Become a Founding Member of Our Exclusive Academy! Only 54 Founding Family Slots Available for Extraordinary Caregivers.   Are You A Christian Dementia Caregiver Struggling To Cope With Caregiving? Get Free Guidance Now! Join the Ask the de-MENTOR" Monthly Fellowship Meeting!