Quirky Love: Embracing Our Autism Journey

Celeste Easter

Welcome to "Quirky Love: Embracing Our Autism Journey"! Welcome to "Quirky Love: Embracing Our Autism Journey." I'm Celeste Easter, mom, professional counselor, and your guide through the world of autism. With personal and professional experience, I bring you insights, resources, and stories to empower and inspire. Join us as we explore the joys and challenges of raising children on the spectrum, featuring experts and advocates who help light the way. Whether seeking advice, solidarity, or hope, you're in the right place. Together, let's embrace this journey. 🎙️💙 #QuirkyLove #AutismAwareness

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Just tell me how to help my sons!
Apr 2 2024
Just tell me how to help my sons!
Welcome to "Quirky Love: Embracing Our Autism Journey"! I'm your host, Celeste Easter, and I'm thrilled to embark on this series with you, beautiful people.In this podcast, we're diving deep into the heart of what it means to navigate life with loved ones on the autism spectrum. Join me as we share stories, laughter, and tears, and explore the triumphs and challenges of raising exceptional children.As a mom to Tre and Joe, my 18 and 14-year-old sons, both on the autism spectrum, I've learned firsthand the importance of advocacy, resilience, and unconditional love. In each episode, I'll share candid insights, personal anecdotes, and valuable resources to empower and inspire fellow parents and caregivers on their journeys.Our first episode sets the stage by delving into the initial steps of our autism journey: embracing the diagnosis. Growing up in an era where discussions about neurodiversity were scarce, I faced the daunting task of advocating for my sons in a world that didn't always understand their needs.But through perseverance and determination, I discovered that labels don't define us—they guide us toward the resources and support our children deserve. From navigating school systems to seeking out therapeutic interventions, I'll share the highs and lows of our quest for understanding and acceptance.Through candid conversations and relatable anecdotes, we'll explore topics ranging from early interventions to navigating the challenges of adolescence and beyond. I'll provide insights into therapies, educational strategies, and community resources, empowering listeners to advocate for their loved ones with confidence and compassion.But "Quirky Love" isn't just about sharing our struggles—it's about celebrating the unique strengths and gifts of individuals on the autism spectrum. From Trey's journey to independence as a college freshman to Joe's remarkable progress in speech therapy and the performing arts, we'll celebrate every milestone and triumph along the way.As we navigate the ups and downs of the autism journey, we'll also tackle broader issues of inclusion, acceptance, and neurodiversity in society. Through engaging discussions and expert interviews, we'll explore ways to foster greater understanding and support for individuals of all abilities.But our journey doesn't end here—far from it. With each episode, we'll continue to learn, grow, and evolve together. From sharing practical tips and resources to providing a supportive community for parents and caregivers, "Quirky Love" is a beacon of hope and inspiration for families navigating the autism spectrum.So, grab your favorite cuppa, cozy up, and join me on this extraordinary journey of love, laughter, and acceptance. Together, we'll embrace the quirks, navigate the challenges, and celebrate the beauty of neurodiversity in all its forms.Don't forget to subscribe to "Quirky Love" for new episodes, and join our community of beautiful souls as we embark on this adventure together. Remember, you are not alone—through "Quirky Love," we'll find strength, support, and endless love. Stay tuned for our next episode, and until then, take care, beautiful people! 🎙️💖 #QuirkyLove #AutismAwarenessSupport the show