Akashic Record Truths

Unmasked Potential Crystal & Healing Emporium

Nicki & her 14 year old daughter Jada with the help of Jada’s gift of being ”All Knowing” (Full access to the Akashic Records) share their daily life experiences as a Gifted Family of 5 while incorporating the knowledge they have from the Akashic Records in hopes of setting the record straight and educating others about common misconceptions about spirituality and how the Universe works as a whole. read less
Society & CultureSociety & Culture


May 22 2023
In this episode Nicki & Jada dive deep into the dangers of using "Spirit Boards" also known as a Talking Boards, Ouija Boards, and Pendulum Boards. ("Spirit Boards" is used very lightly as they are far from that and are not referred to as that in the Akashic Records) Jada and Nicki discuss the issue of children making their own boards to play Charlie Charlie on school breaks as well as calling in Spirits using prayers like Bloody Mary. They discuss the reality of what is actually happening when they do this and the negative impact it can not only have on the ones doing it but others who get caught in the crossfire. These games may seem like innocent childish games but they are actually very dangerous things that effect the Spirit Realm.  They don't stop there though. They also discuss that not only are these types of boards not meant to be used by children but should also be completely avoided by all humans. The truth is these boards are not to be used for any kind of guidance as the keepers of these boards are not light beings but rather entities who have poor intentions, tricksters who have been trapped in them like a Genie in a bottle. So whether you are a Seasoned Spiritual person or a child, these boards are not to be used lightly. In fact the Universe doesn't want us using them at all.  Nicki and Jada discuss the alternatives, being Oracle and Tarot Decks as the keeps of these decks are those of our Spirit Guides and the Angels themselves. When calling upon Spirit using these modalities we can expect suitable, reliable guidance that comes from pure unconditional love. However don't be fooled, there are a few decks we should stay away from. So when choosing the right deck it is important to tune into our intuition and allow Spirit to guide us to the perfect deck for us. So come get educated on the haunted truth about these negative modalities as there is sure to be things you didn't know.
Ancient Extra Terrestrials
May 31 2023
Ancient Extra Terrestrials
Join Nicki and Jada as they discuss the details of the most commonly known Extra Terrestrials who came to Planet Earth to guide and teach humanity about Spirituality and The Universe.  They discuss the role in which The Pleiadians aka the Angels play in human lives. How the Arcturians helped craft our DNA to make us the Homo Sapiens we are today. Which Extra Terrestrials still remain here on Earth, such as the Atlantians (Anunnaki), Mu, Lemurians, and the Reptilians. Why haven't they returned back to their own planets like the others? Who are Star Seeds, what it means to be a descendent, and why they got left here during the Great Floods. They talk about why Humans cannot colonize on Mars and the relationship we once had with the Martians who live there. Nicki & Jada also share their experiences with the Greys and discuss the reality of the harm they are doing to humans and their motives behind why they experiment, abduct and violate humans rights for their own gain. Many people see Spirituality from the perspective of Love and Light and sometimes forget that the second dimension of our Universe is Duality. There is no light without the dark. Duality lives within every being in the Universe. Some Extra Terrestrials choose the path of Light and others choose a darker path filled with Power, Greed, and Obsession. However, we all contain both the light and the dark... the mastery of balance is the key. The Dark Vs The Light, just like Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi in Star Wars...