Positive Thinking Mind

Positive Thinking Mind LLC

Focusing on intentional living, self-esteem, confidence and positive thinking. Let Your Light Shine! read less

Our Editor's Take

The podcast Positive Thinking Mind shares tips to improve one's mental health. The host strives to help listeners manage their anxiety and give them a better view of life. Mike wishes to teach his audience to stop negative thinking and develop a positive perspective. He hopes his advice will motivate listeners to live better and enjoy life.

Positive Thinking Mind offers the host's professional guidance. Mike is a certified life coach with experience in CBT, REBT, and happiness coaching. More than that, Mike practices what he preaches. After years of working on his mental health, the host was able to relinquish his harmful thoughts. He now has better self-esteem, and he trained himself to live in the present to reduce worry. As Mike states, he is still a "work in progress," but so is everyone else. He believes that with what he has learned, he can support others who are struggling.

Episodes of Positive Thinking Mind are short and digestible. They provide explanations about various topics in mental health. The host explains the conditions, how to recognize them, and why people suffer from them. Some of these topics include health, anxiety, rumination, people-pleasing, and self-doubt. An anticipated part of each episode is where Mike shares his actionable guidance. For instance, in an episode about seeking approval, the host explains that the first step is reflection. He asks the listeners to think about their childhoods to find out why they don't trust themselves. The second step is to speak kindly to themselves and practice self-love. The third is to stop comparing oneself to others and seeking perfection. One of the ways to do that, Mike says, is to stay away from social media for a while. He hopes that small actions like these help people make positive changes over time.

Positive Thinking Mind is a weekly podcast that practices compassion. It only offers kind words to listeners and strives to build up their mental strength.

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