Dad Space Podcast - for Dads by Dads

Dave Campbell

DadSpace - A Podcast for Dads by Dads. Dad Space is a safe space to ask questions, learn from other Dads and grow in community! We equip Dads with how to tips, marriage tips, family insights and even the occasional Dad Joke! Great guests will join us to share their Dad journey with you. Whether you are a new Dad, a Step-Dad, an empty nester or Grandparent! Dad Space is a safe space for Dads to connect and do life together! Visit for all things Dad! read less
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Cory Jenks - I Guess I'm A Dad Now - Yes And, Keep Enjoying the Game - Keep Playing
6d ago
Cory Jenks - I Guess I'm A Dad Now - Yes And, Keep Enjoying the Game - Keep Playing
FREE RANGE HUMANI use comedy to help people & organizations break the walls of convention.I AM CAGE FREEI followed the path that society laid out for me, lied to myself and convinced my heart that it was actually what I wanted. After 6 years of grad school, the suits, the interviews, the seriousness, the loans, I woke up in my first year of the dream job and I was UNHAPPY.I am a comedian, pharmacist, author, and speaker out to help create a more adaptable, empathetic, and humanizing healthcare experience.Rewind to 2013, two years into my pharmacy career and there I was, struggling to adapt to the unscripted world of pharmacy and healthcare. On paper I had checked all of the boxes: perfect grades, residency, board certification. But then I realized something was missing - the ability to create meaningful connections in the moment with those I cared for, and the ability to adapt and remain flexible.2013 was the year I went to my first improv class and two simple words changed everything for me: "Yes, and."Book: I GUESS I'M A DAD NOWA Humorous Handbook for Newish Dads Who Don't Want to SuckThere are no rules or explanations to this dad game, and yet it seems like society will literally collapse if you get this wrong.Of course, I’m the most amazing pharmacist comedian you’ve ever met, but I'm JUST LIKE YOU.Just a real dad trying to figure it all out.⁠⁠____⁠
Securing Your Family's Future, Good Debt vs Bad Debt - Dad Space Podcast
May 20 2024
Securing Your Family's Future, Good Debt vs Bad Debt - Dad Space Podcast
Episode 103 - Securing Your Family's Future, Good Debt vs Bad DebtSecuring Your Family's Future: Good Debt vs Bad DebtAs fathers, our primary goal is to create a legacy of financial security and prosperity for our children. While the words "debt" and "borrowing" may carry a negative connotation, it's essential to understand that not all debt is created equal. By making informed decisions, we can leverage good debt to build generational wealth and provide a solid foundation for our families.Good Debt: A Pathway to Wealth CreationGood debt is an investment in your future and that of your children. It increases your net worth and generates value beyond your present income. Here are some examples of good debt:Homeownership: Taking out a mortgage to purchase a home is often considered good debt. Real estate has historically appreciated in value, and owning a home can provide a sense of stability and security for your family.Education: Borrowing student loans to finance higher education can be a wise investment. A quality education can open doors to better career opportunities and higher earning potential, ultimately benefiting your children's future.Business Ventures: Accessing lines of credit or small business loans to start or expand a profitable business can be a form of good debt. Successful entrepreneurial endeavors can create generational wealth and financial independence.Bad Debt: A Burden to AvoidBad debt, on the other hand, is often used to purchase goods or services that have no lasting value or potential for growth. Examples of bad debt include:Credit Card Debt: High-interest credit card debt can quickly spiral out of control, leading to a cycle of debt and financial strain.Payday Loans: These short-term loans often come with exorbitant interest rates and can trap borrowers in a cycle of debt.Luxury Purchases: Borrowing money to finance luxury items like fancy cars or extravagant vacations may provide temporary satisfaction but offers no long-term financial benefit.While we all enjoy the occasional indulgence, it's crucial to prioritize investments that will bolster your family's financial portfolio and secure your children's future.A Legacy of Financial WisdomGood debt, when used strategically, can be a powerful tool for building generational wealth. By making wise choices and prioritizing investments that appreciate in value or generate income, we can create a legacy of financial stability for our children. Remember, the decisions we make today will shape the future of our families for generations to come.____⁠
An Epidemic of Loneliness for Men is Happening - The Friendship Recession
May 13 2024
An Epidemic of Loneliness for Men is Happening - The Friendship Recession
Episode 102 - An Epidemic of Loneliness for Men is Happening - The Friendship RecessionAccording to the search results, male loneliness has become a significant public health issue in 2024. Studies show that a growing number of men are struggling with feelings of loneliness and isolation:Research indicates that 27% of men say they have at least six close friends, which is half the number compared to three decades ago. Alarmingly, 15% of men reported having no close friends at all, compared to 10% of women⁠The Surgeon General's report found that loneliness and social isolation are "associated with a greater risk of cardiovascular disease, dementia, stroke, depression, anxiety, and premature death" - with the risk being equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day⁠Reaching out to family members like parents or siblings to spend quality time together⁠Joining local clubs, sports teams, or hobby groups to meet new people and form connections⁠Being vulnerable and open with close friends, rather than just discussing surface-level topics⁠Seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor if feelings of loneliness become overwhelming⁠Lost.Disaffected.Adrift.Checked out.Dislocated.Withdrawn.What is happening with so many of our boys and men? Economists lament inexplicable drops in male labor force participation. Public health officials point to disproportionately male “deaths of despair” from suicide or overdose. Parents see their sons struggling and worry what it means for their future.In Of Boys and Men, Richard Reeves provides a groundbreaking diagnosis of the contemporary male malaise. Many of the rapid economic, social, and cultural changes over recent decades pose new challenges to boys and men—especially those at the bottom of the economic ladder. Black boys and men face the most acute challenges of all.Politicians on both left and right have failed to engage constructively with the problems of boys and men. Views on what it means to be a man in the twenty-first century have hardened along partisan lines. But as Reeves writes: “We can hold two thoughts in our head at once. We can be passionate about women’s rights and compassionate toward vulnerable boys and men.”Drawing on years of deep research as well as his personal experience as a father of three sons, Reeves offers a compelling diagnosis of the problems of boys and men—and a bold set of solutions.Men often have a harder time expressing their feelings and reaching out for help when dealing with loneliness. Many turn to online communities or public figures like podcasters to find a sense of connection⁠However, experts emphasize that face-to-face interactions and activities with other men are essential for building meaningful friendships
Speech Pathologist - Michelle Mintz - Communicating Face to Face With Our Kids, Pacifiers and Parenting
May 6 2024
Speech Pathologist - Michelle Mintz - Communicating Face to Face With Our Kids, Pacifiers and Parenting
Episode 101 - Speech Pathologist - Michelle Mintz - Communicating Face to Face With Our Kids, Pacifiers and ParentingEveryone has a special gift. You may know what yours is or perhaps you have not yet discovered it. I am fortunate to know that my special gift is having the key that is needed to help children unlock the doors of communication. I have this wonderful ability to relate to children in such a way that they feel comfortable and have fun at the same time that they are blooming.For over 25 years, my passion has been connecting and communicating with parents, grandparents, nannies, siblings and their babies from birth through five years old. Guiding both the children and adults during my sessions provides me with great joy and pride. To be present for the beautiful moment when a mom hears her child speak a word they have never spoken before is an inspiring and exhilarating shared experience.Watching the looks of pure awe and joy from the families when they see their baby making those connections is what continues to drive my passion for helping other babies bloom.As babies bloom…families blossom.Through my years of experience, I have discovered that coaching those who spend the most time with a baby such as parents, grandparents, and nannies to integrate my proactive strategies into their natural daily activities is the most impactful way to help a baby bloom. Send in a voice message:
Deepak Saini - Health Span vs Life Span, Be A Healthier Dad
Apr 8 2024
Deepak Saini - Health Span vs Life Span, Be A Healthier Dad
Episode 97 - Deepak Saini - Health Span vs Life Span, Be A Healthier DadMy Previous LifeMy InjuriesHello, my name is Deepak Saini. I am 46 years young and my wife and I have two beautiful girls. For as long as I can remember I had always struggled with my weight. I am under six feet tall and at one point in my life I was 270 pounds and morbidly obese. I was always in pain and constantly getting sick. My big wakeup call was six years ago when I injured my back and went into depression.RecoveryI eventually decided to take matters into my own hands. I educated myself and made small changes to my lifestyle and saw some small changes. In learning how to heal myself and get back to the activities I love doing, I learned about eating a low inflammatory diet. I was able to lose the last 40 pounds of fat in months without really trying. I never get sick and am healthier, and more fulfilled than ever before.TransitionI have less joint pain and more energy than I ever have. I have lost over 100 pounds total and am a constant 160 pounds. Now that I have found the secrets that works for me, I am never going to look back. My goal is to be a healthy and functional centenarian.SuccessI am 100% confident that eating a low inflammatory diet that is customized to the individual will work for everyone. At a high level, the principles I follow and that works for me, are eating a higher fat, lower carb diet. I particularly watch my sugar, dairy and grains intake. No one has to eat exactly like me, but a customized low inflammatory diet will work wonders for everyone. I have forged my own method by taking the best wisdom from many of the leading experts in the field like Ben Greenfield, Dave Asprey, Mark Hyman, Peter Attia, Andrew Huberman and many more…Check out the bonus content at the end of the episode! We swap moose stories, yes, moose stories!
E95 - Mike Van Pelt - True Man Life Coaching, There is Power in Asking for Help
Mar 25 2024
E95 - Mike Van Pelt - True Man Life Coaching, There is Power in Asking for Help
Episode 95 - Mike Van Pelt - True Man Life Coaching, There is Power in Asking for Help Hi, I'm Mike Van Pelt Men's Mentor & Life CoachI help men unpack the goodness that’s already in their heart and discover the True Man inside of them.  We live in extraordinary times! Men are now more afraid than ever to be masculine, free, and alive.  Many men live isolated, lonely, and unconnected lives.  We hide behind the veil of status symbols hoping the truth will never come out. Ultimately, our social lives, and intimate relationships with family and God suffer.  Does that sound familiar? When we live without purpose and clarity we live in a world of confusion and doubt.  Does that sound like you? This Special Report will help you: Discover, the benefits of living your life of purpose!Enhance your passion for life.Find your purpose through writing and journaling your thoughts.Get clear, by defining your “why” and true motivation, so you can experience more success, satisfaction, and goal achievement in your life.Awaken your heart, deepen your relationships, and align with a new heart full of purpose and clarity. You’re not alone! I’ve helped men like you take their lives back and gain understanding of their identity, purpose, and truth. Submit your name in the form to the right and you'll receive this Special Report ... PLUS some more surprises to help you quickly get started in your purpose driven life. ____ --- Send in a voice message:
E94 - Tammy J Cohen - Author of Text Messages to my Sons - Be a Better Human
Mar 18 2024
E94 - Tammy J Cohen - Author of Text Messages to my Sons - Be a Better Human
Episode 94 - Tammy J Cohen - Author of Text Messages to my Sons - Be a Better Human Tammy Cohen, has been partnering with top-tier corporate executives and entrepreneurs to develop their personal and professional brands for more than 20 years. Today, she understands her role as a connector and sees opportunities for women to thrive and grow exponentially, which is why she founded the Women Beyond the Table; a business network with a soul. Tammy added podcaster by launching the Beyond the Table Podcast, leveraging her ability to connect with audiences by sharing her guest’s stories and wisdom. In her consulting work, Tammy connects her clients to their mission, vision and core values statements and utilizes her networks to develop brands. Tammy is a frequent podcast guest and speaker on topics ranging from branding to leadership When she is not helping brands stand out or women to thrive, Tammy lives in Manhattan with her husband and 3 sons and owns Eighteen Restaurant on the Upper Eastside. Text Messages to My Sons is Tammy’s first book where she connects Have you ever struggled to communicate with your children? If you know kids, in-person conversations are just not happening. It can seem like we have so many more options available to us than any other time in history, yet we also feel more disconnected than ever. Just because technology has provided us more immediate access to our loved ones than ever before does not mean we are using the luxury wisely. And there is no better feeling than to let those we love know just how much we think of them and value their presence in our life. There is no greater power than being able to find a direct and simple way to communicate knowledge, inspiration, gratitude, and love; using technology may be the key.Over the past few years, I wanted to not only evolve but also change the way I interact with my sons. I wanted to be someone they wanted to hear from, that they would look forward to my messages. So, to find a more meaningful relationship with my sons, I reached out to them in a language they understand – texting! It is my true hope for anyone reading this book to become inspired with new ways to connect with your loved ones, whether it is children, siblings, extended family, or spouses. The evidence is undeniable. Ever since I started this journey, my relationship with my sons is enriched and those friends who I have shared this passion project with reacted with encouragement and the desire to do this with their loved ones. For those who started doing this, the results have been wonderful.Remember, the power lies within each of us. We just need to share it one message at a time. ___ --- Send in a voice message:
E93 - David Khalili - Mental Health for Men, Four Predictors of Divorce and the Bond of Intimacy
Mar 11 2024
E93 - David Khalili - Mental Health for Men, Four Predictors of Divorce and the Bond of Intimacy
Episode 93 - David Khalili - Mental Health for Men, Four Predictors of Divorce and the Bond of Intimacy Hear David's heart wrenching story of almost loosing his infant son and how first responders brought his child back I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a focus on working with men, adolescents, couples therapy, and multi-ethnic individuals. I received my Masters degree in Counseling Psychology from Golden Gate University and a Masters degree in Sexuality Studies from San Francisco State University. During graduate school I completed my practicum internship at UCSF AIDS Health Project, followed by a post-graduate psychodynamic intensive program at The Psychotherapy Institute. I also have extensive experience working with teenagers, as well as with those experiencing grief, trauma and substance abuse issues. I also specialize in working with multi-ethnic individuals and those who have immigrated recently or are first-generation American born. Issues I have focused on include, but are not limited to: Sex and Sexuality Sex and anxiety Polyamory, Open Relationships and Kink Sexual Disorders Accessing Emotions Trauma/PTSD Men’s Groups I focus on helping you improve your insight and awareness on how you relate to yourself and your life in order to help reach the goals you desire.  Studies show that the key to effective therapy is the person's relationship with the therapist. ___ --- Send in a voice message:
E92 - Joseph Neary - Father of 9, Podcast Host and Expert Diaper Changer
Mar 4 2024
E92 - Joseph Neary - Father of 9, Podcast Host and Expert Diaper Changer
Episode 92 - Joseph Neary - Father of 9, Podcast Host and Expert Diaper Changer Joseph is a Dad of 9 - 3 biological, 4 adopted and 2 foster kids - I am exhausted just typing that out - imagine how many diapers that is over the years?! Learn hos they do it - how they demonstrate love for each other, the routine needed for 11 people under one roof. Joesph is also the host of The Emotional Man Weekly Podcast Built a successful business but have a struggling family? You're in the right place! Here at the Emotional Man Weekly Podcast, we're exploring the challenges of work/life balance and integration, mental and emotional health, family and individual values, purpose, goals, planning, and processes, all aimed at helping us build more successful families. Joseph (Zef) Neary Joseph Neary, CEO and Principal Coach of Neary Coaching, hosts 'The Emotional Man Weekly Podcast,' diving into the world of business leaders and professionals, exploring the delicate balance of entrepreneurship and family life. As a devoted husband and father of nine, Joseph understands the unique challenges they face. With vast leadership experience from the US Air Force and as a Chief Operating Officer, his coaching expertise empowers guests and listeners to navigate their emotional journey while leading businesses and nurturing families. Join Joseph on an insightful exploration of work-life harmony! ___ --- Send in a voice message:
Hayden Ahlbrandt - Making Connections With Our Kids Through Play Therapy
Feb 19 2024
Hayden Ahlbrandt - Making Connections With Our Kids Through Play Therapy
Episode 90 - Hayden Ahlbrandt - Making Connections With Our Kids Through Play TherapyDoes your kid easily become overwhelmed by big emotions, & does that overwhelm often lead to melt downs? Maybe your kid seems to get stuck in the overwhelm & has a hard time coming out of it, sometimes even derailing the whole day. Is your kid melting down over the most seemingly minor things, when they aren't perfect, or things don't go exactly as planned? Maybe they feel paralyzed by anxiety that is keeping them from doing the things that they like or creating high levels of fear. Whether they are melting down, becoming aggressive, angry, defiant, or avoiding situations/activities due to high levels of anxiety, I'm here to help!As a Certified Synergetic Play Therapist, I specialize in working with children who are presenting with symptoms of hyper-arousal (as noted above) and helping them learn regulation skills amidst this activation. I also offer a Play Therapy Immersion for when you are looking to decrease the intensity of the activation now vs over time.If you'd like to receive play therapy services for your child AND support/resources for yourself, please reach out! I want to give you the tools to support your child outside of the playroom, and as such, each play therapy session includes a consultation/coaching session with the caregiver(s) at no additional cost.While Low Tide Play Therapy provides play therapy for children, Hayden also offers non-therapeutic (ie it is not therapy) educational support for any adults that interact with children.Please see below for offerings currently including workshops, speaking opportunities, and professional development.While Hayden loves being a play therapist and engaging in play therapy sessions, he has come to realize his love for presenting and for teaching. Through these means, he hopes to equip the adults who interact with children with valuable information to better understand children, while simultaneously empowering those adults to feel better able to support children in moments of dysregulation. While Hayden works closely with the parents/guardians of each and every one of his play therapy clients, he has also presented to audiences including the 2023 Colorado School Counselor Association annual conference in Colorado and the 2024 Mediterranean Region Counselor Association annual conference in Germany.Books mentioned:The Whole-Brain Child Workbook: Practical Exercises, Worksheets and Activitis to Nurture Developing MindsNo-Drama Discipline: the whole-brain way to calm the chaos and nurture your child's developing mind
E86 - Steve Kopshaw - The Bond Between Dad and Daughter and The FREEDOM Framework
Jan 22 2024
E86 - Steve Kopshaw - The Bond Between Dad and Daughter and The FREEDOM Framework
Episode 86 - Steve Kopshaw - The Bond Between Dad and Daughter and The FREEDOM Framework Leadership in your business & in life The ultimate goal of Freedom FREEDOM Framework adapted for you as a Dad My journey into entrepreneurship was fueled by a relentless drive to do and be better. In my early days, while working for various businesses, I often found myself at odds with the practices of the owners. I believed that the businesses weren’t always reinvesting as they should and, as a result, clients were not receiving the caliber of service they truly deserved.
Often times myself or other team members were asked to do things that simply did not align with my values or logic, and to no surprise, the outcome that I assumed would happen was often that outcome that did happen. These feelings were the catalyst, pushing me to step into the entrepreneurial world, confident that I could bring about a transformative change.
Experience has been my greatest educator. Through trials, errors, successes, and everything in between, I've unearthed the secrets of business leadership and the profound impact of accountability through systematic operations. More than any specific niche, it's this universal tenet of business growth that I'm passionate about. The F.R.E.E.D.O.M. Framework encapsulates this passion. It's not just a tool or a strategy; it's a distilled version of every lesson I've learned, every strategy I've developed, and every insight I've gained. Designed to empower businesses to execute at their highest potential, it's my contribution to entrepreneurs and leaders everywhere who aim to redefine their boundaries.

My leadership style has matured over the years. Today, it’s a blend of empathy, passion, and determination, coupled with a no-nonsense approach when required. But this wasn't always the case. I've evolved from being curt and emotionally distant to embracing a style that's both compassionate and fiercely driven.

As I look to the future, my vision is clear. I'm committed to guiding business owners and leaders, helping them harness the power of focus and unlock their unmatched potential. Because, at the end of the day, true success is not just about growth, but about clarity, commitment, and the pursuit of a purpose-driven vision. ___ --- Send in a voice message:
E85 - Kevin McNee - Golf Tips, Men's Coaching, Masterminds and Joining a Men's Group
Jan 15 2024
E85 - Kevin McNee - Golf Tips, Men's Coaching, Masterminds and Joining a Men's Group
Episode 85 - Kevin McNee - Golf Tips, Men's Coaching, Masterminds and Joining a Men's Group Episode 85 - Kevin McNee - Golf Tips, Men's Coaching, Masterminds and Joining a Men's Group Kevin McNee is a dedicated Transformational Coach & Mentor specializing in helping men become the best versions of themselves. With a focus on navigating life transitions, overcoming self-doubt, shedding limited beliefs, and breaking free from self-limiting behaviors, Kevin provides a safe and open space for men to be vulnerable and authentic. Through personalized coaching, he empowers men to confront and conquer obstacles, unlocking their full potential for greater fulfillment and success in all aspects of life. Kevin's compassionate and empathetic approach has earned him a reputation as a trusted mentor, guiding men towards positive and lasting transformations that lead to deeper connections and purposeful lives Kevin was the GM of an Oil & Gas company and he quit his job from that company last year. He's got a very rich background, he was a professional golf player, he ran a half marathon, a half Iron Man and now he's on a mission to help Men find the Warrior within. He was a high achiever but he was giving himself away in the process and not honouring himself, making sure everyone else was comfortable at his own discomfort. He was doing that as he didn't want to upset anyone and cause any conflict. He would do anything to keep the peace and bury his own thoughts. This was applicable to every aspect of his life but where it hurt him the most was in his personal life, in his relationship with his ex wife. This went on for a while until he couldn't take it anymore. He asked himself a very powerful question: "How is this my life? Living small, a small life, in a small town, a job he doesn't like?" That's when he made a drastic change and he started on a new path to get control of his life: first stop smoking and drinking, losing weight and getting back in shape and that reflected on other parts of his life. He then had a life changing meeting with an energy healer which blew his mind and that started his journey on his spiritual awakening path. He started seeing signs everywhere around him to the point of becoming a total believer and a totally new person, fully aware of his gift. Now, he's on a mission to help men get their lives in control and has built a wonderful community where men can have REAL meaningful conversations about issues that affect men. Usually, society frowns upon men having any emotions, feelings and needing any help as they tell us to "do the right thing" or worst, "be a man!" whatever that may mean. In his community, men can freely talk about whatever issue they may have that they cannot express anywhere else but can do so among other men in his group. Which is truly refreshing! Kevin's YouTube ___ --- Send in a voice message: