Grandma and Her Gummies

Steve Landuyt

Join us for Grandma and Her Gummies a fun, educational podcast with real-life stories, and products promoting safe and effective cannabis use. Whether you’re 40 or 80, if you are looking for relief from anxiety, pain, inflammation, or just want better sleep, you’ll get tips on products and how to use them effectively as well as the latest scientific research and cannabis innovations. read less


THC vs. CBD. Is a Higher Dose Better to Age Gracefully?
Dec 5 2023
THC vs. CBD. Is a Higher Dose Better to Age Gracefully?
THC vs. CBD. Is a Higher Dose Better to Age Gracefully? “A higher dose (of cannabis) does NOT necessarily give you a better outcome. You can use cannabis very safely and effectively without having that intoxicating effect. It can be done without feeling high." Rhea Jacobsen DPT, MS   In this episode of Grandma and Her Gummies, host Steve is joined by Rhea Jacobson, a physical therapist with over 30 years of experience and a focus on cannabis education for active adults. Rhea shares stories from her patients and seminars on cannabis and aging, offering valuable tips and words of wisdom. Tune in to learn more about safe and effective cannabis use for better sleep, pain relief, and overall improved quality of life. Don't miss out on this educational and fun episode! A Personal and Family Story. Rhea shares a personal story about her mother's experience with cannabis, specifically CBD. Her mother initially had concerns about cannabis use due to societal stigma, but she decided to try CBD pills for her arthritic pain. She highlights the positive impact CBD had on her mother's pain management, as evidenced by the increased pain when she stopped using it and had to resort to opioids.   Steve and Rhea discuss the concept of CBD's effects being more about what you ‘don't feel’ anymore rather than an immediate sensation like one gets with THC. This highlights the subtlety of CBD's impact and the need for consistent use and monitoring with a daily log to finding your therapeutic dosage and maximizing the benefits fully. You Don’t Have to Get High to Get Better One of the biggest concerns for active adults when it comes to using cannabis is the fear of feeling high. Many older adults are hesitant to try cannabis because they associate it with the psychoactive effects commonly associated with marijuana. However, the podcast emphasizes that there are ways to use cannabis without feeling intoxicated. Listen to find out. Start Low, Be Patient, Track Your Progress The discussion also focuses on the biphasic effect of cannabis, where different doses can have opposite effects. For example, a lower dose of THC may help with anxiety, while a higher dose can increase anxiety. A lower dose of CBD may be alerting while higher doses can have a sedative effect. This reinforces the importance of starting low with your dosage, track it daily in a log, slowly increase until you find the right dosage for you.   In conclusion, the podcast "Grandma and Her Gummies" promotes the message of "Consult your doctor, start low, track your progress and be patient" when considering cannabis as a treatment option.  At key points in this episode, you will learn about: [02:24] A personal story of her mom and CBD.[06:20] Cannabis can alleviate various conditions.[12:36] Trends and conditions for cannabis use.[18:50] Start low, go slow. Cannabis is much stronger now.[22:41] Great news. Cannabis rescheduling is coming. Resources: For more educational episodes and safe CBD products, go to
Epilepsy and CBD: A Mom’s Courage and Relief for her son.
Nov 29 2023
Epilepsy and CBD: A Mom’s Courage and Relief for her son.
Epilepsy and CBD: A Mom’s Courage and Relief for her son. “I mean, instead of taking a pill every day for something, I just think this is such a better alternative. Zach is on cannabis [CBD] morning and night, and it has changed his world." Jenn, a super courageous and powerhouse Mom with a 22-year old son Zach. In this episode of Grandma and Her Gummies, host Steve introduces Jenn Meyers, a marketing executive and powerhouse mom, who shares her inspiring story of finding relief for herself and her son, Zach, through cannabis. Jenn discusses how cannabis has helped with Zach's epileptic seizures, her own pain relief after knee surgery, and overall stress management. Listeners will be inspired by Jenn's courage and resilience and gain a sense of hope for the possibilities of cannabis as medicine. Tune in to hear this educational and uplifting cannabis story. Cannabis Helps with Seizures and Relief. In recent years, there has been a growing body of research and anecdotal evidence suggesting that cannabis can have medicinal benefits, particularly in the treatment of seizures and providing relief from various ailments. The podcast "Grandma and Her Gummies" explores real-life cannabis stories and lessons for safer cannabis use, shedding light on the potential of cannabis as a form of medicine. The podcast begins by introducing its purpose: to provide a fun and educational platform for discussing real-life cannabis stories and lessons for safer cannabis use. The host, Steve, emphasizes that the focus is not on getting high but rather on improving one's quality of life with safe cannabis products and innovation. He aims to share the latest scientific research, tips, and resources to educate listeners about cannabis and its potential benefits. The podcast then introduces Jenn Meyers, a marketing executive and a full-time mom to a special needs son named Zach. Jenn shares her journey of discovering cannabis as a potential solution for her son's epileptic seizures and her own pain relief after knee surgery. Jenn's son, Zach, had been experiencing seizures since he was a year old. Despite being on medication, he continued to have breakthrough seizures and developmental delays. As he grew older, his seizures became more severe and dangerous. Frustrated with the limited options provided by traditional medicine, Jenn decided to explore cannabis as a potential solution. She explains that her initial experience with cannabis was limited, and she turned to it as an alternative after conducting her own research. CBD oil helps with Seizures. Through her research, Jenn found a CBD oil solution from Colorado that she started to introduce to Zach. The results were remarkable. Zach's seizures became less frequent, his behavior became more stable, and he showed increased attentiveness. They administer one dropper full of the 60-milligram version in the morning and one dropper full in the evening, with consistent and miraculous results. It is worth noting that Zach has been using CBD oil for six years, and the dosage has remained the same throughout this period. This consistency speaks to the effectiveness of CBD oil in managing seizures without the need for increased dosages over time. Encouraged by these positive changes, Jenn informed Zach's specialist about their use of cannabis, and surprisingly, the doctor was supportive. This was further supported by their recent updated EEG results for Zach, which showed zero abnormal activities during the test. Over time, they were able to wean Zach off most of his medications, and he now relies primarily on cannabis for seizure control. The podcast also highlights the significance of Charlotte's Web, a strain of cannabis named after Charlotte Figi, a young girl who experienced remarkable improvements in her seizures through the use of CBD oil. Charlotte's story ultimately led to the development of Epidiolex, the first FDA-approved cannabis drug in the United States. Epidiolex is a high-CBD formulation specifically designed to treat severe seizures. The approval of Epidiolex by the FDA is a significant milestone, considering the agency's cautious approach to cannabis-related medications. This approval further validates the potential therapeutic benefits of CBD oil in managing seizures and encourages further research and exploration in this field. CBD Patches Help with Inflammation and Pain Relief Jenn's experience with CBD oil extends beyond her son's seizures. She also shares her personal use of cannabis patches for pain relief following knee surgery. As an athlete, Jenn has always been active, but as she got older, she started experiencing aches and pains. CBD patches proved to be a game-changer for her, providing relief without the need for narcotic pain medication. In her own words of wisdom, "I would say to a lot of people, you should really think about this before you take any narcotics." The CBD patches she used were spot-specific, targeting the area around her knee, delivering anti-inflammatory properties that reduced pain and aided in her recovery. It is important to note that CBD oil and cannabis patches are not a one-size-fits-all solution. Individuals should consult with healthcare providers, physicians, and physical therapists to understand the best approach for their specific health needs. In conclusion, the podcast "Grandma and Her Gummies" highlights the transformative effect cannabis has had on Zach's life, providing him with seizure control and improving his overall well-being. He is learning more, becoming more supportive, and experiencing a sense of calm and peace. Jenn’s life has improved dramatically, as well. Stories like Jenn's offer hope and inspire further exploration and use of cannabis as a form of medicine. For more inspirational stories, go to At key points in this episode, you will learn about: [00:02:14] A Mom and her son’s journey.[00:04:09] Cannabis and its positive effects.[00:07:46] Cannabis and knee surgery relief.[00:11:13] CBD capsules as a stress reliever.[00:12:50] How to find quality cannabis products. Resources: For more educational episodes and safe CBD products, go to
Find Relief for Arthritis and Knee Pain. This Happy Grandma did!
Aug 22 2023
Find Relief for Arthritis and Knee Pain. This Happy Grandma did!
Find Relief for Arthritis and Knee Pain. This Happy Grandma did! “I’ve enjoyed being outdoors all my life, but I have not run since childhood. When we heard your podcast, we decided to try the CBD Salve and I’m applying it nightly behind both of my knees and my calves where they are tight or painful. The therapeutic help is remarkable! Truly, I’m grateful for the improvement in my knees…even my hands are feeling less pain from my arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome. Thank you for your research and enjoy knowing that you have made our lives better as we age gracefully.” Carolyn, a Happy Grandma entering her seventh decade. In this episode, Carolyn, a happy grandmother who is approaching 70 years old, shares her experience with using a cannabis salve formulation for therapeutic purposes. She explains that incorporating the cannabis salve into her routine has brought great benefits, providing relief from knee pain, arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome that have plagued her for years. Cannabis salve helps improve quality of life. The episode delves into Carolyn's story, which was shared with the host through the above note she sent expressing her gratitude for the podcast. Carolyn explains that she has always enjoyed being outdoors and staying active, but her knee pain and carpal tunnel syndrome had started to limit her mobility, especially when gardening and spending time with her grandchildren. However, after listening to the podcast and learning about the benefits of CBD salve, she decided to give it a try. Carolyn describes applying the CBD salve nightly behind her knees, along the sides, and on her calves where she experiences pain or tightness. The therapeutic help she experiences is described as remarkable, with improvements not only in her knees but also in her neck and hands, which had been affected by arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome. There is a first time for everything, including cannabis. Carolyn explains that she had never tried cannabis in her younger years, but now she is grateful to have discovered its benefits for her body. She acknowledges that cannabis was often associated with recreational use in the past, but now she sees its medicinal value. This shift in perception reflects the growing awareness and acceptance of cannabis as a legitimate option for pain management and overall wellness. Overall, the podcast episode highlights the positive impact of cannabis salve on Carolyn's quality of life. It serves as a testament to the potential benefits of cannabis for pain management and overall well-being. At key points in this episode, you will learn about: [00:01:30] Carolyn’s note to Steve.[00:04:03] Therapeutic benefits of cannabis.[00:08:23] How to approach your doctor about cannabis.[00:13:00] Where and how often Carolyn applies the salve.[00:14:04] Why consistency of daily use is so important.[00:19:32] How to make it a “When Harry Met Sally” moment. Resources: To order your CBD Salve, go to sure to check out the Arthritis Foundation’s CBD Guidance for Adults With Arthritis for information, and use this as a starting point for a conversation with your doctor.
Understanding Rx Drug Interactions with Cannabis: A Nurse’s Perspective
Jul 18 2023
Understanding Rx Drug Interactions with Cannabis: A Nurse’s Perspective
Understanding Rx Drug Interactions with Cannabis: A Nurse's Perspective In this episode, Nurse Whitt Wacker, a registered nurse in Colorado and the nurse manager at LEAF 411, joins host Steve on the podcast to discuss drug-to-drug interactions with cannabis. LEAF 411 is a national nurse hotline that provides guidance to individuals with cannabis-related questions and concerns. LEAF 411 has received over 10,000 calls from people all over the world, demonstrating the demand for cannabis education and support. Nurse Whitt and Steve emphasize the importance of educating oneself about how cannabis may interact with prescription drugs, especially for those taking multiple medications. She highlights the safety profile of cannabis, citing research that shows it is generally safe to ingest with mild side effects such as sedation and dry mouth. Nurse Whitt also emphasizes the need to consult with healthcare providers and provides resources for further research. CBD and pharmaceutical drug interactions. CBD and pharmaceutical drug interactions can have significant implications for individuals who use both cannabis and prescription medications. Host Steve and Nurse Whitt shed light on the topic by discussing specific examples of drug interactions and providing guidance on how to navigate them. They mention medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and opioids, which are commonly prescribed to individuals and the importance of being aware of potential interactions between these medications and CBD. For example, Losartan, a blood pressure medication, may have an increased effect when combined with CBD. Similarly, the SSRI Lexapro may also be affected by CBD use. However, it is noted that this interaction could potentially be advantageous, as it may allow for a reduction in the dosage of these pharmaceutical medications, and as a result a lower cost. By highlighting these interactions, the podcast emphasizes the importance of discussing CBD and cannabis use with healthcare providers and potentially adjusting medication dosages under their guidance. One helpful hint is to keep a journal to track the effects of both cannabis products and pharmaceutical medications. Healer, which provides journal books and inventory sheets to help individuals track their cannabis journey. By keeping a record of how you feel while using these substances, individuals can have informed and transparent conversations with their medical providers. This can help ensure the effectiveness of prescribed medications and over-the-counter cannabis products and can aid in evaluating trends and adjusting medication use under the guidance of healthcare providers. Drug interactions with edibles. Nurse Whitt explains that when cannabis is ingested as an edible, it goes through the stomach and undergoes first-pass metabolism in the liver, which can convert Delta 9 THC into a more potent form called Delta 11THC. This highlights the importance of a ‘start low, go slow’ approach to consuming THC edibles as it may take up to 2 hours to feel the effect. (Meaning start at a low dose, wait to feel an effect, and increase slowly, if at all). Nurse Whitt emphasizes that the metabolism of cannabis can vary depending on an individual's metabolic rate. Fast metabolizers may feel the effects of cannabis quicker, while slow metabolizers may experience a delayed onset of effects. She reiterates that once the stomach has finished processing the cannabis, it is sent to the liver, where other medications are also processed, and this is where interactions may occur. Specific conditions that could be affected by drug interactions with cannabis are discussed. These include statins, blood thinners, blood pressure medications, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for depression, and opioids. Nurse Whitt also mentions that statins such as Crestor, commonly taken for cholesterol, often come with a warning about grapefruit juice. This is because grapefruit can reduce the effectiveness of the enzyme responsible for metabolizing the statin drug. Steve notes that CBD can have a similar effect. Cannabis has a safe profile. It is crucial to understand how cannabis is absorbed, distributed, and metabolized in the body, and how it may interact with pharmaceutical medications. One of the main points from this episode is that cannabis has a safe profile and that there has never been an overdose death from cannabis. This is a significant statement, as it highlights the fact that cannabis is not as dangerous as some other substances, such as opioids, which can cause respiratory depression and potentially stop a person's breathing. The absence of cannabinoid receptors in the brain that affect breathing centers contributes to the higher safety profile of cannabis compared to many pharmaceutical medications. The podcast host Steve acknowledges that more research needs to be done on the specific drug interactions with CBD and THC. However, they highlight the availability of online resources and books that provide information on potential interactions. They mention a book called "Pain Free with CBD" that includes a chart highlighting the most prescribed drugs and how they interact with cannabis. They also mention online resources like and, which offer interaction checkers to help individuals understand potential interactions. Education, research, and awareness are key to ensuring safe and effective cannabis use for everyone. At key points in this episode, you will learn about: [01:38] Drug to drug interactions.[04:25] Cannabis safety profile and side effects.[06:44] CBD and THC differences.[08:40] Drug interactions with cannabis/CBD.[19:09] Journaling for patient-centered care.[22:33] Cannabis vs. Opioids.[26:14] THC and CBD dosages. A personal story. Resources: Pain Free with CBD: ( Interaction Checker Tools (enter your drug names and see) Healer Hemp (medicinal hemp, CBD products): Cannabis Education Resources and how to contact Steve if you have a cannabis story to share:
Mama, Don’t Let Your Kids Use Delta-8. Here’s Why!
Jun 27 2023
Mama, Don’t Let Your Kids Use Delta-8. Here’s Why!
Mama, Don’t Let Your Kids Use Delta-8. Here’s Why! In this episode of "Grandma and Her Gummies," host Steve welcomes Dr. Leah Johnson, a medical cannabis specialist pharmacist to talk about cannabis and CBD synthetics. Their discussion focuses on the safety of Delta-8, a naturally occurring compound found in cannabis. The danger lies not in the compound itself, but in the additives such as sulfuric acid used during the extraction process, which is especially concerning as products with Delta-8 and Delta-10 are being marketing ubiquitously across the U.S. and online. Dr. Johnson provides insight into the upcoming changes to the 2023 U.S. Farm Bill which may address this important issue and provides excellent advice for anyone interested in trying any ‘Delta’ products currently available on the market.   Beware of synthetic cannabis products. Cannabis and CBD synthetics are becoming more common in the market, and it's important to be aware of their potential dangers. One of the products that gained a lot of attention in the past year is Delta-8, which is often referred to as the gentler cousin of Delta-9, the naturally occurring compound in THC that gets people high. Delta-8 is legal in some states where cannabis is not, which has led to confusion and questions about its safety. Dr. Johnson explains that Delta-8 is a cannabinoid that is also naturally occurring in the cannabis plant. However, to get around the law in many states, it is produced by converting CBD from the Hemp plant into Delta-8, Delta-9 or Delta-10 THC using chemical processes. This means that the quality and safety of these ‘Delta’ products can vary greatly, and some may contain harmful contaminants. The availability of synthetic cannabis products such as Delta-8 in convenience stores and gas stations is concerning, as these products may not be regulated or tested for safety. Dr. Johnson advises caution when considering the use of any synthetic cannabis product, and encourages consumers to seek out high-quality, lab-tested naturally occurring cannabinoid products from reputable sources.   “What I recommend to my patients at this point is that if you see the word ‘Delta’ on the product, don’t buy it.” Dr. Leah Johnson, Medical Cannabis Specialist Pharmacist   Delta-8 is synthetically sprayed. One of the key takeaways from this episode is the revelation that Delta-8, a popular cannabinoid, is synthetically sprayed onto hemp flour. The process of creating Delta-8 involves heating and acidifying CBD molecules, often with sulfuric acid, which are then converted into Delta-8 THC. This synthetic liquid is then used to soak, spray, or roll onto hemp flour, creating the Delta-8 infused product. This process is not only unnatural, but it also raises concerns about the safety and purity of the final product.   Beware of synthetic cannabis products. Dr. Johnson emphasizes that synthetic cannabinoids are not the same as natural cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Additionally, even if a product claims to be made in a pharmaceutical-grade lab and tested for safety, there is no research that verifies that milligram level of Delta-8 THC is safe over a long period of time.   Education, research, and awareness are key to ensuring safe and effective cannabis use for everyone.   At key points in this episode, you will learn about: [00:05:35] Cannabis synthetics and what are they?[00:07:36] Delta-8 THC Products at Grocery Stores.[00:11:12] If it says the word ‘Delta’ it’s probably synthetic.[00:14:11] Cannabis research, safety, and regulation.[00:16:50] The U.S. Farm Bill and hopeful changes.[00:22:08] Synthetic Delta THC Spraying on Hemp Flower. Resources: Cannabis Education Resources/Share your story:
Why Veterans Seek Cannabis and How You Can Help.
Jun 20 2023
Why Veterans Seek Cannabis and How You Can Help.
Why Veterans Seek Cannabis and How You Can Help. In this episode of "Grandma and Her Gummies," host Steve introduces Eric Goepel, a veteran and founder of the Veterans Cannabis Coalition, who is dedicated to ending federal cannabis prohibition. Steve and Eric discuss how cannabis can help veterans with PTSD, chronic pain, and other health issues, and how the Veterans Cannabis Coalition is working to change federal legislation and to provide access to safe and effective cannabis products for veterans. Listeners are also encouraged to contact Steve if they have a veteran’s cannabis story to share. Support Veteran Health with Cannabis The veteran population in the United States is a significant and diverse group of individuals. With approximately 18 million living veterans across all generations, the population encompasses every orientation, gender, racial and ethnic demographic. However, most veterans are older, white, and male, with 75% of veterans over the age of 50 and half over the age of 65. This aging population faces unique health challenges, including higher rates of preventable causes of death, such as cancer, heart disease, suicide, and overdose. Eric Goepel, founder of the Veterans Cannabis Coalition and a veteran himself, is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of this population. Goepel's experience in the US Army First Special Forces Group, the US Senate and House of Representatives, and organizations such as the Center for American Progress and the American Legion has led him to advocate for ending federal cannabis prohibition and promoting safe and effective cannabis use for veterans. The mission of the Veterans Cannabis Coalition is to support veteran health by providing education and resources on cannabis products and innovation. Cannabis has been shown to ease pain, inflammation, anxious feelings, and improve sleep, all of which are common issues for veterans. However, the use of cannabis for medical purposes is still illegal under federal law, which makes it a dangerous situation for veterans to access and use cannabis safely and legally. “Imagine living in constant agonizing pain. How long do you think you could last like that before you do something drastic, whether it's taking your own life or going into the illicit market and try to find opioids to ease your pain?” Eric Goepel, founder of the Veterans Cannabis Coalition Personal Stories Can Influence Legislation Goepel shared a story about how personal experience influenced Senator Orrin Hatch, a conservative politician who became an advocate for cannabis research after hearing a personal story about its effectiveness in treating cancer. This story reinforces the power of personal stories in influencing legislation. When politicians and policymakers hear firsthand accounts of how medical cannabis has improved the lives of their constituents or someone close to them, they are more likely to support policies that expand access to cannabis. Aren’t we all the same? This is particularly important for veterans, who often struggle with chronic pain, PTSD, and other conditions that can be effectively treated with medical cannabis. The Veterans Cannabis Coalition has been instrumental in advocating for policies that support veterans' access to medical cannabis, and their efforts have helped to change the conversation around cannabis in Washington, D.C. When people share their stories about how cannabis has helped them or their loved ones, it humanizes the issue and makes it more relatable to policymakers and the public. Education and advocacy are what we support at Grandma and Her Gummies, and we have sources listed below to help you to support us and the veteran community, too. At key points in this episode, you will learn about: [02:10] Eric and his mission to help veterans.[03:25] Veteran health and death rates, including suicide.[06:26] Why it is harder now to get opioids and why that’s a problem.[09:41] The VA’s weak approach to cannabis research. No more excuses.[12:36] California’s unique law for free cannabis and peer support for veterans.[24:08] How anyone (you) can influence politicians and necessary change. Resources: The Veterans Cannabis Coalition: click to find or go to: the MORE Act and End Cannabis Prohibition: (click to learn more and to send a 1-click email to your officials: Education Resources and how to contact Steve if you have a cannabis story to share:
Free Patient Resources. Guides to State Laws, Talking with Your Doctor.
May 30 2023
Free Patient Resources. Guides to State Laws, Talking with Your Doctor.
Free Patient Resources. Guides to State Laws, Talking with Your Doctor. In this episode of "Grandma and Her Gummies," host Steve introduces Debbie Churgai, Executive Director at Americans for Safe Access (ASA). Debbie shares free patient resources such as guides for traveling with cannabis, how to have a conversation with your doctor, as well as condition-specific guides to inform and educate patients. She also talks about the State of the State’s report, which grades and analyzes each US state for their medical cannabis program. Through the conversation, listeners will learn what to know, where to go, what to look for, and what to ask to make informed decisions about cannabis use. Navigating and Understanding State Laws on Cannabis The episode stresses the importance of understanding the laws and regulations regarding cannabis in different states. It is emphasized that just because someone lives in a state where medical or recreational cannabis is legal, it does not mean they can travel to another state and use or purchase cannabis there. Each state has different laws and regulations regarding cannabis, including possession and purchase laws. Therefore, it is crucial to research and understand these laws before traveling. Debbie provides resources, such as the Medical Patients Guide for US Travel and an interactive map on the ASA website, to help individuals understand the laws in different states. Additionally, the episode provides tips for patients who need to travel without their medicine, such as calling ahead to dispensaries to see if they have the specific medicine they use. Overall, the episode stresses the importance of knowing the rules and laws regarding cannabis in different states to have a worry-free journey. Cannabis Education for Your Doctor Debbie and Steve discuss the fact that many doctors are not educated about medical cannabis and the endocannabinoid system. Only around 10% of medical schools in the US teach about these topics. Therefore, patients should not assume that their doctors know about the therapeutic benefits, current research, and application for medical cannabis. The episode recommends that patients use patient resources, such as the Patients Guide to Medical Cannabis, and the Guide to CBD, to educate themselves and communicate with their doctors. The Patients Guide to Medical Cannabis even provides a letter that patients can complete and bring with them to their doctor appointments. It is emphasized that patients should talk to their doctors about any drug-to-drug interactions, as many patients are using other medications in addition to cannabis. Overall, the episode stresses the importance of sharing the most up-to-date information and improving medical professional education to ensure that patients have access to cannabis as a medicine. At key points in this episode, you will learn about: 03:33 The mission of Americans for Safe Access.05:23 Multiple patient and condition-specific guides (Cancer, MS, COAs, etc.)06:59 Know your rights when traveling with cannabis.10:41 Tips and resources for talking with your doctor.14:23 Interactive map and resources for patients and doctors.19:55 How to find Americans for Safe Access. Resources: Americans for Safe Access: for Medical Use of CannabisResources for PatientsMedical Professional ResourcesState by State Medical Cannabis Laws
A Cannabis ‘Happy Meal’ for Women. Fun, New Cannabis Experiences.
May 23 2023
A Cannabis ‘Happy Meal’ for Women. Fun, New Cannabis Experiences.
A Cannabis ‘Happy Meal’ for Women. Fun, New Cannabis Experiences. In this episode of "Grandma and Her Gummies," host Steve interviews Sarah O'Leary, owner of Gal Pals Minis and creator of Wacky Weed Tours and Original Bake Bingo. They discuss innovative ways that cannabis brands can speak directly to women, including creative gaming approaches that Sarah learned writing jokes on Happy Meal boxes for McDonald's in the 80s. Listeners will enjoy the real-life cannabis stories and tips for safe and effective cannabis use shared throughout the educational podcast. New Cannabis Products Tailored to Women The episode delves into the topic of how cannabis brands can cater to the unique needs and experiences of women. The guest speaker, Sarah, shares her experience of creating a brand and product called Gal Pals Minis, which is a hot pink tin that contains 5 mini pre-rolled cannabis cigarettes or joints that are specially formulated for women. The tin also comes with an activity card to provide ideas on what to do when consuming cannabis with friends. The brand's mission is to give women permission to engage with cannabis without feeling shame or judgment. “I am creating a unique blend for women at Gal Pals Minis with a better mix of terpenes for an elevating and uplifting experience.  Women just want: ‘I wanna get shit done, and I wanna feel in control, and I don’t want to be too high!’” Fun Cannabis Experiences The episode also highlights two unique events created by Sarah: a walking cannabis tour called The Wacky Weed Tour and Original Baked Bingo. The walking tour is a focus group that brings people together to support local communities and enjoy cannabis in a safe and educational environment. Original Baked Bingo, on the other hand, is a weekly event where participants play bingo and win prizes sponsored by local craft growers and stores - with the prize being cannabis. The event has become so popular that people travel from out of state to participate. Overall, the episode showcases how a cannabis brand can successfully cater to a specific audience and create unique events that bring people together in a fun and safe environment. At key points in this episode, you will learn about: [01:11] Creative approaches to cannabis marketing.[04:16] Gal Pals Minis product for women.[08:13] Wacky Weed Tours in Ann Arbor, Michigan.[11:10] Medical Stories shared on the Cannabis Tour.[16:44] Original Baked Bingo is building a Cannabis Community.[20:53] Cannabis dosing tips and words of wisdom. Resources: Gal Pals Minis (click to find or go to: Weed Tour (click to find or search: Baked Bingo (click to find or search: Gal Pals Minis can also be found on Facebook and Instagram
Cannabis Education. Top 10 Tips + Season 1 Highlights!
Apr 12 2023
Cannabis Education. Top 10 Tips + Season 1 Highlights!
Cannabis Education. Top 10 Tips + Season 1 Highlights! Are you looking for the best tips, advice, and cannabis lessons from Season 1? During our inaugural Season of Grandma and her Gummies podcast, we brought you educational (and sometimes funny) stories from people just like you - who shared their personal journey and experiences with cannabis. You heard from cool grandmas in their 70s and hip young ladies in their 30s as well as skeptical guys who are now believers because their athletic gym routine was saved with cannabis. These 14 episodes included the latest scientific studies on arthritis, anxiety, chronic pain, inflammation, sexual health and more. We had experts such as certified Cannabis Nurses and medical cannabis dispensary leaders give valuable advice and educational resources to help you navigate your cannabis wellness journey. Thousands of episodes were downloaded and enjoyed by people from across the world. THANK YOU to our listeners from the following countries: across the USA, Canada, Australia, England, Egypt, Ireland, Morocco, Germany, Japan, Norway, Russia, Sweden, The Netherlands, and Zimbabwe – Thank you again! Keep listening because you will continue to receive quality stories with advice, guidance, recommendations, and educational ideas on how cannabis can improve your quality of life. So, in Episode 15, it is our pleasure to bring to you the Top 10 cannabis tips and lessons learned. In this episode, you will learn: Why you should be a cannabis product SNOB!What is the basic difference between CBD and THC, and a simple way to remember.How gummies can be good AND bad for the same reason.Where to find a qualified Cannabis Nurse to ask your basic questions.How cannabis can help women’s sexual health.Top 3 questions to ask at a dispensary or when shopping for cannabis.Why cannabis dosage needs to be personal to you.Cannabis education is for EVERYONE!   Download this episode and share it with someone you love. Check out past episodes for the detailed cannabis stories. MOST IMPORTANTLY, help us! Send a recommendation for the next story: Contact Us. If you’re looking for safe, premium CBD products we curated, go to Grandma and her Gummies shop to find high-quality Hemp-derived (CBD) Sleep Gummies, Salves, Bath Bombs and more. Finally, please RATE + SHARE our podcast – your support matters to keep this education series on track. Resources:
Women’s Health + Cannabis. A Nurse’s Tips for Hot Flashes, Sleep & More!
Mar 14 2023
Women’s Health + Cannabis. A Nurse’s Tips for Hot Flashes, Sleep & More!
Women’s Health + Cannabis. A Nurse’s Tips for Hot Flashes, Sleep & More! Do you have hot flashes? Does it bother your sleep? Could you use a little less anxiety in your life? Maureen is a Family Nurse Practitioner who works in a private clinic in Baltimore to help people get certified for medical cannabis, and she gives them guidance on how to use it effectively. Her background is with the Veteran’s Administration in primary care and at Johns Hopkins in sexual health. But it is this role in certifying medical cannabis patients where she is having more positive outcomes than ever before. Imagine her experience, certifying people with health conditions who qualify for medical cannabis and then learning about their progress upon their 1-year renewal visit and how dramatically cannabis has improved their quality of life. She and her patients describe it as ‘life-changing.’ For our conversation in this episode, we focus on Women’s Health, and she reveals some incredible stories you will want to hear. In this episode, you will learn: How cannabis can help with hot flashes – for women and men.Why nighttime is most important for this application.A story about a woman with liver failure and how she eventually got OFF the transplant list.Can cannabis help a person undergoing treatment for Prostate cancer?What is the better way to use cannabis – smoking, tinctures/drops, gummies, etc.?What is the difference between CBD, THC, CBG, CBN and other cannabinoids?Does CBD have anti-inflammatory effects and anti-anxiety effects for women?How and where to get CBD products shipped anywhere in the US, and how to research it. Download this episode and share it with someone you know. Check out past episodes for other cannabis stories to learn more. Also, join us on our show… send a note and recommend the next good story: Contact Us For premium CBD products we curated, go to to find Sleep Gummies, Salves, Bath Bombs and more. Finally, please RATE + SHARE our podcast – your support matters to keep this education series on track. Resources: (Hot Flashes) (Sexual health) (Mood anxiety disorders) (Questions to Ask your Dr.) (Cannabis Nurse Hotline. Tell ‘em Steve sent you!)
CBD+THC Salve for Inflammation and Pain. Back and Knees Please!
Mar 7 2023
CBD+THC Salve for Inflammation and Pain. Back and Knees Please!
CBD+THC Salve for Inflammation and Pain. Back and Knees Please! Pain and inflammation know no age boundaries. At 34 with a whole lot more, her back and knees are supposed to carry through the day. If you’re like Chassity, sometimes you need a bit more relief. After an accident, she needed 800 mg of Ibuprofen just to get through the day, and now she is looking for an alternative to a pill. Listen to her describe how she tamed the inflammation and pain with a few different strategies and combinations of CBD and THC salve. In fact, one of the biggest uses for topical cannabis products like a CBD Salve is for musculoskeletal complaints. A 2019 report from the Arthritis Foundation found that 79% of the 2,600 arthritis patients surveyed had considered using CBD or had already used it. Another study found a ‘statistically significant reduction in intense pain and sharp pain’ with the repeated application of a topical CBD product. Would you benefit, too? In this episode, you will learn: How CBD salve is used differently from a combination CBD/THC salve.Which might be best for long-term inflammation vs. immediate pain relief.When and how often do you apply these topical salves/creams/balms.What other approaches were tried such as Ibuprofen, weight-loss, etc.A recap of ‘How, When and Why’ to use a salve for inflammation and for pain. Or both. Download this episode and share it with someone you know. Check out past episodes for other cannabis stories to learn more. For premium CBD products we curated, go to to find Sleep Gummies, Salves, Bath Bombs and more. Finally, please RATE + SHARE our podcast – your support matters to keep this education series on track. Resources:
Arthritis & Inflammation. How to Tame the Beasts.
Feb 28 2023
Arthritis & Inflammation. How to Tame the Beasts.
Arthritis & Inflammation. How to Tame the Beasts. Are you one of them? An estimated 54 million Americans currently suffer from debilitating arthritis1. Do you know someone who might benefit from hearing about alternatives like cannabis and CBD as a treatment? What else? Arthritis is often and unfortunately accompanied by other conditions such as pain and sleeplessness while the opioids prescribed to help can have nasty side effects. Robin in Atlanta suffers from all of this and more. Yet she is not deterred. Her approach and determination are what you’ll hear in this episode. Cannabis is not a cure, but she combines different methods to help her get through the day and sleep more through the night. In addition to Robin’s story, we share high-level results from the latest studies and insights from Harvard Medical School and The Arthritis Foundation. As we like to say, it is NOT about getting high. It is about getting better: Better Sleep, Better Relief, and a Better Quality of Life!   In this episode, you will learn: Tips and research from the Arthritis Foundation about Cannabis and CBD.High-level results from a 2022 study about CBD for Arthritis and Joint Pain.How Robin uses cannabis in different forms to tame the many beasts of arthritis, pain, inflammation, nausea, anxiety, and sleeplessness.Guidelines and ‘Dos and Don’ts’ from a Harvard Medical School publication.   Download this episode and share it with someone you know. Check out past episodes for other cannabis stories to learn more. For premium CBD products we curated, go to to find Sleep Gummies, Salves, Bath Bombs and more. Finally, please RATE + SHARE our podcast – your support matters to keep this education series on track. Resources: Frane N, Stapleton E, Iturriaga C, Ganz M, Rasquinha V, Duarte R. Cannabidiol as a treatment for arthritis and joint pain: an exploratory cross-sectional study. J Cannabis Res. 2022;4(1):47. Published 2022 Aug 24. doi:10.1186/s42238-022-00154-9
Three Grandmas Walk into a Room. Cannabis Club Highlights.
Feb 21 2023
Three Grandmas Walk into a Room. Cannabis Club Highlights.
Have you ever been to a ‘Cannabis Curious Club’ meeting? What questions would you ask? This past weekend, it was a packed house at The Brookwood where a group of people gave themselves permission to be ‘cannabis curious’ and they came together to learn and share stories. It was a diverse group of young (50s), older (80s), grandmas, grandpas, white, black, single people, and couples – and they all had one thing in common: learning more about the basics of medical cannabis. Their reasons varied as much as their conditions, such as arthritis, knee pain, and poor sleep to not knowing what to ask their doctors or how to know the right serving size or dose of that yummy gummy! Most importantly, this discussion was NOT about getting high. It was about getting better: Better Sleep, Better Relief, Better Quality of Life! This episode is a short highlight of the topics we covered in this fun and informative Cannabis Curious Club meeting.   In this episode, you will learn: A short history of cannabis, including paying taxes with it in the U.S.Hemp (full of CBD) has been around thousands of years and why.Top questions on how cannabis can help with arthritis, sleep, etc.Important questions to ask your doctor and when/if you go to a dispensary.Guidelines for dosing amounts, especially for gummies and tincture drops.How long will it take to feel the effects and why to wait (start low dose, go slow).What is the most important thing to look for on a cannabis product package.Key therapeutic differences between THC vs. CBD.A tip to remember: “Too High Compound vs. Clear Benefits Derived.” Download this episode and check out past episodes for the fun cannabis stories to learn more. In our future episodes you will hear more about cannabis for your pets, for sleep issues and more. If you want the list of questions to ask your doctor, go to our shop and it will come with your next purchase of CBD products. (Update: our Sleep Gummies have arrived, and they are awesome. Check out the link listed below). For premium CBD products curated by us, go to Finally, please RATE + SHARE our podcast – your support matters to keep this education series on track. Resources: Nurse Hotline: (tell them Steve sent you from Grandma and her Gummies)Patient Resources: research: cannabis resources & coaches:
The ABCs of CBD & THC. What Gets You High, What Gets You Better.
Feb 14 2023
The ABCs of CBD & THC. What Gets You High, What Gets You Better.
You have SO MANY questions about the basics of cannabis? What is CBD? What is THC? Many of our listeners are asking for ‘just the basics’ about cannabis and this episode is dedicated to giving you the high-level overview of CBD, THC, and why they are the king and queen of the cannabis plant. Remember, it is not about getting high. It’s about getting better: Better Sleep, Better Relief, Better Quality of Life! Educating EVERYONE about the basics of cannabis is our goal so that you can have a more successful and effective cannabis experience. Download this episode of Grandma and her Gummies to learn much more. (then, share it with a friend!). In this episode, you will learn: What is the basic difference between CBD and THC?Which one gets you high? Which one is like Diet Coke?How is Hemp different from Marijuana?Why is today’s THC NOT the same as your Grandma’s THC?Should I buy CBD at the Gas Station?Is 1-puff enough?A tip to remember: “Too High Compound vs. Clear Benefits Derived.” In addition to downloading this episode, check out past episodes and the fun cannabis stories as well as our future episodes where you will learn how cannabis is used for common conditions such as arthritis, chronic pain, and sleep issues. (update: our Sleep Gummies have arrived, and they are awesome. Check out our shop at the link listed below). Finally, please RATE + SHARE our podcast – your support matters to keep this education series on track.   For premium CBD products curated by us, go to Resources: Nurse Hotline: (tell them Steve sent you from Grandma and her Gummies)Patient Resources: research: cannabis resources & coaches:
Cannabis Nurse HOTLINE: Education + Guidance.
Feb 7 2023
Cannabis Nurse HOTLINE: Education + Guidance.
Need help to understand if cannabis can work for you? Got basic questions? Want detailed answers? Listen to learn about a national Nurse Hotline with Registered Nurses trained in cannabis medicine and therapeutics. Katherine Golden, Founder & CEO of Leaf411 will tell you all about why this hotline is so important and how you can use it today. The hotline is free, and there is a trove of additional resources and services you can access. So, give it a call for guidance and education, and tell ‘em Steve sent you. But first, download and check out this episode of Grandma and her Gummies to learn much more. In this episode, you will learn: The top 3 health conditions and reasons why people call the Hotline.Key trends and how a Registered Nurse can help you.Is THC good for anxiety? Or is THC evil?What makes a gummy a good place to start.How ‘evidence-based’ research is used to guide advice for patients.What is free and when might you incur a cost?Where to find additional resources to help you on your cannabis journey. In addition to downloading this episode, check out past episodes and the cannabis stories as well as our future episodes where you will learn about how cannabis is used for common conditions such as arthritis, chronic pain, and sleep issues.   Finally, please RATE + SHARE our podcast – your support matters to keep this education series on track. THANKS!   For premium CBD products curated by us, go to Resources: Nurse Hotline: (tell them Steve sent you from Grandma and her Gummies)Patient Resources: research: cannabis resources & coaches:
CBD or THC Salve: What to Use, When & Why? A Skeptic’s Tale.
Jan 31 2023
CBD or THC Salve: What to Use, When & Why? A Skeptic’s Tale.
So, you have chronic pain from an injury and want to try some cannabis salve or cream but don’t know what kind, which formulation or even where to get it. Listen and get some ideas from a former trial lawyer, self-admitted skeptic, and warrior athlete. Donald says he’s “skeptical of everything until evidence is presented to prove something!” which his wife solidly confirms. Who can blame him after 4-5 wrist and arm surgeries and 2 major shoulder surgeries. Guess what? He found the evidence in cannabis topical salves, and it has improved his quality of life. He remains very active in the gym and still teaches his grandson golf lessons, so this is a success story. In this episode, you will learn: There are two (2) stories here: WHEN Donald used the CBD salve, and why.WHY he switched to a THC salve for a specific injury.An easy way to remember the difference between CBD and THC in a simple saying.What was the ‘game-changer’ in his mind.What is next for him with cannabis wellness now that he experienced success.Where YOU can find some of the CBD salve for yourself.Words of wisdom that ‘it’s not about getting high; it’s about getting better.’ Also, join us and download our upcoming episodes where you will learn Key Questions YOU can ask the Dispensary Agent and your Doctor and Where to Find a Cannabis Coach or Nurse for Help to guide and personalize your own experience and wellness journey. Finally, please RATE + SHARE our podcast – your support matters to keep this education series on track.   For premium CBD products curated by us, go to
Dispensaries are NOT Candy Shops! Pro Tips + Questions to Ask.
Jan 24 2023
Dispensaries are NOT Candy Shops! Pro Tips + Questions to Ask.
You're planning to visit a cannabis dispensary, but don't know what to expect! “Scary,” “Exciting,” and “Intimidating” are words used to describe going to a cannabis dispensary. So many choices of products and such colorful packaging that it can look like a candy store… but it’s not! In this episode, we hear from Alexis who is a retail specialist and lead trainer at one of Hawaii’s premiere medical cannabis dispensaries. She outlines for you some “Pro-Tips” on how to prepare for a visit to a dispensary – whether it’s your first visit or a return visit – and she will share how to make your experience more successful and enjoyable. Be smart by being prepared. Do some advance preparation and research. Come with a list of questions and a clear understanding of what you want. We’ll tell you how.   In this episode, you will learn:  How to determine and evaluate a professional dispensary and their staff: How does this dispensary train their staff?Do they give them certificates of training completion?Top 5 questions the dispensary agent should ask you (so, be prepared to answer): How long have you been using cannabis?What is your preferred route of administration (e.g., smoking, edibles, etc.)?What time of day do you like using cannabis?Which specific symptoms you are trying to relieve?Are there any other questions you have before you make a purchase? Some ‘Pro Tips’ for you to best prepare for your visit to a cannabis dispensary: Do your research online before going to a dispensary (we provide a resource below).Determine distance and driving directions as well as hours of operation to avoid surprises.Visit their website to review the various products on the online menu and ensure they are in-stock.Before you go, order the product(s) online (some run out fast) and save time upon arrival.Bring CASH, as many dispensaries don’t yet accept credit cards. Some take debit cards, but cash is king so checking the price and availability online before you go is very helpful. In upcoming episodes, we will share with you ‘How to Evaluate and Choose Quality Products’ as well as ‘Key Questions YOU can ask the Dispensary Agent and your Doctor’ to guide and personalize your own experience and wellness journey. Finally, please RATE + SHARE our podcast – your support matters to keep this education series on track.   For premium CBD products curated by us, go to Resources: How to find a cannabis dispensary: Resources: research: cannabis resources: https://www.cannabiswellnessgroup.comWhere Alexis works:
Detox Opioids! How Medical Cannabis Saved Her Courageous Life.
Jan 17 2023
Detox Opioids! How Medical Cannabis Saved Her Courageous Life.
You have got to hear this story! Before the age of 50, Glorimar was taking over 22 prescriptions (including opioids, Fentanyl, muscle relaxers & hormone patches) for conditions like Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Endometriosis, vascular necrosis of the bones, Sciatica, pinched nerves and more. She endured over 20 surgeries on her spine, wrists and elbows and was in constant pain and sleep deprived. According to her husband, because of the opioids, she was always in a fog and at high risk for a deadly overdose. Then came her daughter and niece, who urged her to try medical cannabis. After a year of detox and with the help of a doctor in Florida, Glorimar was able to remove 17 prescriptions and all opioids from her life. CBD was key to help her get back into balance as she detoxed from the narcotics and now, she is clear-minded and functional on a daily basis. Essentially, she got her life back. In this episode, you will learn: How CBD played a helpful role in detoxing from opioids and other narcotics.Advice from Glorimar on how she navigated doctors and products to find the right therapeutic mix.Which product formulations keep her functional by day and able to sleep at night.When selecting THC products, why she uses ‘Sativa by day, Indica by Night.’   Opioid addiction is real. For many people, it can become all-consuming and deadly. If you suffer from overuse or addiction to opioids, we hope you are encouraged by Glorimar’s story and please know that it is possible to remove opioids from your life. Here is a link to more resources: Rehab Center Website: Hotline:’s Instagram: For premium CBD products curated by us, go to
Fall Asleep or Stay Asleep!? How Jackie Does it With Medical Cannabis.
Jan 5 2023
Fall Asleep or Stay Asleep!? How Jackie Does it With Medical Cannabis.
Do you need to fall asleep faster or stay asleep longer? We all want better sleep!? Today we hear from Jackie, a Leukemia patient, who tells her story about how medical cannabis helps her to relax, shut out the daily noise, and to sleep better. But before her story, we review two (2) scientific studies and the statistics on how people are improving their sleep with cannabis. It’s a big deal as up to 80,000,000 people in the U.S. have sleep issues. In one of the studies, the participants reported that they went to sleep faster, slept for longer, had improved sleep quality, and felt more rested/refreshed on waking. YES, PLEASE! Without a good night’s rest, we are all underperforming and susceptible to other health issues. Listen to get some ideas for yourself or someone you know who needs better sleep. For Jackie, she uses both edibles and cannabis capsules to fall asleep and, most importantly, to STAY asleep. In her words, cannabis has improved her life by keeping her ‘focused on being happy and living a fuller, better-quality life.’   For premium CBD products curated by us, go to   Sleep Research Sources: Yang KH, Kaufmann CN, Nafsu R, et al. Cannabis: An Emerging Treatment for Common Symptoms in Older Adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2021;69(1):91-97. doi:10.1111/jgs.16833 AS, Marshall NS, Vandrey R, et al. Cannabinoid therapies in the management of sleep disorders: A systematic review of preclinical and clinical studies. Sleep Med Rev. 2020;53:101339. doi:10.1016/j.smrv.2020.101339