Leading in Healthcare- The podcast for leaders in healthcare

Yashica Lind

Do you struggle with stress, overwhelm, and emotionally drained as you try to keep up with your personal and professional demands? Do you feel like you are losing balance and a connection to your inner self? Or maybe limits like a lack of confidence and imposter syndrome get in the way of you realizing your full potential.

Join leading healthcare consultant and transformational life coach Yashica Lind as she teaches you proven principles to help you learn how to live and lead from your power place… the place where you feel clear, confident, balanced, purposeful, and fulfilled.

If you are a leader in healthcare and you want to know how mastering yourself by developing a deeper connection to yourself and leveraging that power to live the personal and professional life you really want to live, then this podcast is for you.

Follow me on Instagram between episodes for more tips, tricks, and advice.

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How to Overcome Negative Thoughts
Feb 5 2024
How to Overcome Negative Thoughts
As I was looking through my archives, I stumbled upon a gem from the pre-Leading in Healthcare era—a module on overcoming negative thought loops. Why revisit this now? Because I recognize the profound impact our mindset has on our leadership journey.In this introspective module, we dive deep into strategies to break free from the shackles of negativity, laying the foundation for a resilient mindset—one that powers you through challenges and elevates your leadership.But here's the real deal—I want you to not just listen but engage, share your thoughts, and join the conversation. Your positive comments are not just welcomed; they're celebrated.Why should you listen?This as a heart-to-heart conversation tailored just for you. This module is a lifeline for the person who needs to hear this message the most—the person yearning for a shift, a breakthrough, and a fresh perspective on self-love.And guess what? This module is just the beginning. If you're ready to embark on a transformative 5-day journey into more self-love, click here: https://resources.yashicalind.com/offers/KDadWPZito access the full class, complete with lessons and workbooks. Uncover the secrets to a more empowered and fulfilled you which inherently means that you're a better leader.Your actions matter:✔️ Listen to the module✔️ Leave a positive comment✔️ Download more podcast episodes✔️ Take the 5-day self-love class- https://resources.yashicalind.com/offers/KDadWPZiI can't wait for you to experience this transformative journey. Here's to your growth, resilience, and an abundance of self-love.
How to navigate life when you feel like quitting
Jan 29 2024
How to navigate life when you feel like quitting
Welcome to a special blast from the past episode where I dive deep into the heart of resilience. Life's journey is filled with twists and turns, and there are moments when the path ahead seems insurmountable. In this session, I unravel the art of keeping going when you feel like quitting.Practical Strategies: Delve into actionable strategies to cultivate resilience in your own life. From mindset shifts to tangible steps, I provide practical tips to help you navigate difficulties and keep moving forward.The Power of Community: Discover the strength that comes from connecting with others who have faced similar challenges. Whether it's seeking support or sharing your journey, building a community can be a powerful catalyst for resilience. Join our FB community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/leadinginhealthcareClosing Thoughts: As I conclude this episode, remember that resilience is not just a trait; it's a muscle that can be strengthened over time. Embrace the journey, face challenges with determination, and keep going. Your path may be tough, but you have the power within you to triumph. Are you facing a challenging moment in your life? Share your story, connect with our community, and let's support each other on this journey. Remember, your resilience is the key to unlocking a brighter future.Subscribe for more empowering content and stay tuned for additional episodes as I continue exploring the path of resilience on the Leading In Healthcare Podcast.
Dealing with Micromanagement: Realistic Solutions for Everyday Challenges
Jan 22 2024
Dealing with Micromanagement: Realistic Solutions for Everyday Challenges
Today let's revisit a powerful LinkedIn livestream where we delved deep into the practical strategies of dealing with a micromanager. If you've ever felt the weight of close supervision, the frustration of being micromanaged, this rebroadcast is your sanctuary.I know the struggle. The constant scrutiny, the feeling of being second-guessed—it's not just a challenge, it's an emotional drain. In this livestream, I shared some strategies to navigate trying to get your job done while grappling with a micromanager's grip. I understand the impact on your work, your confidence, and your well-being.I gave practical tips, not theoretical fluff. These are battle-tested strategies tailored to the real-life scenarios you face daily. No cheesy clichés, just down-to-earth advice to help you navigate and thrive under the watchful eye of a micromanager.This isn't about escaping the situation; it's about reclaiming your autonomy within it. Join me in this rebroadcast, connect with the insights, and let's empower you to handle micromanagement like the resilient professional you are. Because your success matters, and you deserve a workplace where you can flourish.Dealing with a micromanager shouldn't dim your brilliance; it should be the catalyst for your rise. Don't let them get the best of you.Also, make sure you subscribe for more transformative content, and let's navigate the professional landscape together, emerging stronger and more resilient than ever.
3 Little Known Tips to Prevent Failure and Master Self-Discipline
Jan 8 2024
3 Little Known Tips to Prevent Failure and Master Self-Discipline
Dive into the archives of my content vault before the rebrand to Leading in Healthcare as we resurrect a powerhouse video from the vault! Discover three game-changing, lesser-known tips to prevent failure and unleash the magic of self-discipline in your life. Whether you're a healthcare leader or aspiring to tap into your highest potential, these insights are your secret sauce to success. Tune in now and gear up for a transformative journey.In this exclusive episode, we're unveiling three little-known tips that hold the key to preventing failure and mastering the art of self-discipline.Tip 1: The Foundation of DisciplineJoin Yashica as she takes you through the first tip, laying the groundwork for a disciplined mindset. Gain practical insights that can be seamlessly integrated into your daily routine, setting the stage for success.Tip 2: Navigating Setbacks with ResilienceDiscover the second tip, a hidden gem often overlooked but crucial in preventing setbacks. Yashica guides you through strategies to build resilience and navigate challenges with determination.Tip 3: The Beacon for SuccessIn our grand finale, explore the third tip, a beacon for success and self-discipline. Yashica unveils actionable strategies to incorporate this tip effortlessly into your life, propelling you towards your goals.Ready to Dive Deeper?Take these insights to the next level with our free ebook, "Unlock Your Potential: A Guide to Mastering Self-Discipline." This valuable resource complements the tips discussed in this episode and serves as your roadmap to sustained success. [Claim your free ebook here] https://resources.yashicalind.com/pl/277803 .As we wrap up this rebroadcast, remember that the journey to high performance and self-discipline is ongoing. Implement these tips, grab your free ebook, and step into the new year with a renewed sense of purpose and empowerment.Subscribe for more transformative content and stay tuned for additional episodes as we continue Leading in Healthcare.
Cracking the Code on Stress: How It's Impacting Your Health and Career in Healthcare
Dec 11 2023
Cracking the Code on Stress: How It's Impacting Your Health and Career in Healthcare
In this eye-opening rebroadcast episode of "Mindset Monday" on "Leading in Healthcare," Yashica unravels the intricate relationship between stress and its rapid effects on health and career in healthcare leadership. Delve into real stories, scientific insights, and practical strategies to identify and combat stress in your professional journey.Key Takeaways:Understand the hidden ways stress is impacting your health and career in healthcare leadership.Recognize early signs of burnout and learn proactive strategies to manage stress.Explore practical steps to create a resilient mindset amidst the demanding healthcare environment.Subscribe to "Leading in Healthcare" for a deeper dive into transformative episodes and be prepared for groundbreaking content in 2024.Call to Action: Ready to conquer stress and reclaim your health and career in healthcare leadership? Yashica is offering private high-performance coaching sessions tailored for leaders like you.Stress Management Mastery: Gain personalized strategies to manage stress and foster resilience.Health and Leadership Alignment: Explore the interconnectedness of health and leadership for lasting success.Results-Driven Wellness: Witness tangible results in both your well-being and career trajectory.To book your private coaching session with Yashica, visit https://thelindgroup.as.me/strategysession and take the first step toward a stress-free and high-performance healthcare leadership journey.Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity! Subscribe to "Leading in Healthcare" for more transformative episodes and share the wisdom with your network.
How Personal Challenges Shape Your Leadership: Navigating the Impact on Your Healthcare Career
Dec 4 2023
How Personal Challenges Shape Your Leadership: Navigating the Impact on Your Healthcare Career
In this impactful rebroadcast episode of "Mindset Monday" on "Leading in Healthcare," Yashica delves into the often-overlooked dynamics between personal challenges and your role as a healthcare leader. Explore real-life stories and practical insights that illuminate the ways personal problems can impact your job, whether you're aware of it or not.Key Takeaways:Gain a deeper understanding of the intersection between personal challenges and professional growth.Learn to recognize subtle signs of personal issues affecting your performance in healthcare leadership.Discover strategies to navigate and mitigate the impact of personal challenges on your career.Subscribe to "Leading in Healthcare" for more insightful episodes and be prepared for new content in 2024 that will elevate your leadership journey.Call to Action: Ready to proactively address personal challenges and elevate your healthcare leadership? Yashica is offering private high-performance coaching sessions designed for leaders like you.Personalized Guidance: Benefit from one-on-one sessions crafted specifically for your unique leadership challenges and goals.Proven Strategies: Access time-tested strategies that have empowered numerous healthcare leaders to navigate personal and professional challenges.Results-Driven Approach: Witness tangible results in your leadership style, team dynamics, and overall career trajectory.To book your private coaching session with Yashica, visit https://thelindgroup.as.me/strategysession and take the first step toward becoming a high-performance healthcare leader.Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity! Subscribe to "Leading in Healthcare" for more insightful episodes and actionable strategies.
How to Persevere in Leadership: Overcoming Challenges with Resilience
Nov 27 2023
How to Persevere in Leadership: Overcoming Challenges with Resilience
In this special rebroadcast episode of "Mindset Monday" on "Leading in Healthcare," I share an empowering discussion on cultivating resilience in healthcare leadership. Titled "How to Persevere in Leadership: Overcoming Challenges with Resilience," this episode delves into practical strategies to keep going when faced with adversity.Key Takeaways:Understand the importance of a resilience mindset in healthcare leadership.Gain insights into overcoming setbacks with practical tips and real-life stories.Navigate burnout by recognizing its signs and implementing proactive measures.Subscribe to "Leading in Healthcare" for more insightful episodes, and get ready for new content in 2024 that will further elevate your leadership journey. Also please share this episode to spread the word and leave a review. It means a lot.Ready to take your life to new heights? I’m offering private high-performance coaching sessions tailored for leaders like you.Personalized Guidance: Benefit from one-on-one sessions crafted specifically for your unique challenges and goals.Proven Strategies: Access time-tested strategies that have empowered numerous leaders to excel in their roles and in their personal life.Results-Driven Approach: Witness tangible results and proven impact.To see if private coaching is right for you, visit https://thelindgroup.as.me/strategysession and take the first step toward becoming a high-performer.And remember, don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity! Subscribe to "Leading in Healthcare" for more insightful episodes and actionable strategies.
Decoding Decision-Making: Neuroscience, Stress, and the Path to Better Choices
Nov 6 2023
Decoding Decision-Making: Neuroscience, Stress, and the Path to Better Choices
Are you tired of feeling the weight of stress when you need to make important decisions? Welcome to this special rebroadcast of Mindset Monday, where we're embarking on a fascinating journey into the world of decision-making. In today's episode, we'll decode the intricate science behind making better choices and explore the hidden effects of stress on our decision-making. As your host, I'll be your guide in uncovering the neuroscientific secrets that underpin effective decision-making. We'll reveal practical strategies for improving your choices in various aspects of life. You'll gain a deeper understanding of why some decisions lead to success, while others lead to regret. We'll explore the fascinating world of neuroscience, shedding light on the critical brain regions and processes that shape our choices. By the end of this segment, you'll have a firm grasp of the science that governs our decisions, and why some choices lead to triumphant outcomes while others result in disappointment. We'll share science-backed insights that empower you to make better decisions, whether you're tackling personal, career, or life-altering choices. The secrets to making better decisions are within your grasp, and this segment will equip you with the tools to apply them to your daily life, leading to improved outcomes and a more fulfilling journey. We'll explore the science of how stress can disrupt our ability to make sound decisions, even when we think we're in control. By understanding the science behind stress-induced poor decisions, you'll be better equipped to identify and mitigate its effects on your life, all in pursuit of personal growth and high performance. If you're ready to make substantial improvements in your decision-making and stress management, consider taking that crucial step towards high-performance coaching. To explore coaching options and set out on your transformative journey, visit https://www.yashicalind.com/home/workwithme and get in touch. _____ I hope this extended episode has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of decision-making, the influence of stress, and the potential of high-performance coaching. Decision-making is a fundamental aspect of life, and your choices shape your future. Don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, and share this episode with your friends, family, and colleagues. Your support in sharing knowledge and insights is greatly appreciated. Thank you for joining us on this enlightening journey, and we look forward to continuing to empower you with valuable insights in the future. . . . #decisionmaking #leadershipdevelopment #professionaldevelopment #leadershiptraining #healthcaretransformation #patientoutcomes #healthcarestrategy
The Power of Focus: A Prescription for Success in Healthcare
Sep 28 2023
The Power of Focus: A Prescription for Success in Healthcare
Welcome to the latest episode of the Leading in Healthcare Podcast, where we explore the critical elements that drive success in the ever-evolving world of healthcare leadership. In today's episode, we dive deep into a fundamental aspect that sets exceptional leaders apart: FOCUS.In a field as dynamic and demanding as healthcare, maintaining clarity and determination is key. Join us as we unpack the art of focus and how it can lead to remarkable achievements in healthcare leadership.Throughout this episode, we'll discuss practical techniques and mindset shifts that can help you harness the power of focus, enabling you to drive positive change within your organization and the broader healthcare community.Key Takeaways:Discover the true meaning of "focus" in healthcare leadership and how it distinguishes the great from the good.Explore the benefits of sharpening your focus on key strategic priorities in a healthcare context.Learn actionable strategies to maintain your concentration amidst the constant challenges and disruptions in healthcare.Gain insights into how focus can enhance decision-making, team alignment, and ultimately, your journey toward success.// LET'S CONNECT ON INSTAGRAM:I post updates in real time about my life and business!https://www.instagram.com/thelindgrouphttps://www.instagram.com/yashicalind// NEED 1 on 1 Coaching or Team training?I am a certified coach that can help you or your team adopt high performance into your life to get all you want and more.https://bit.ly/strategyappointment✔️Gain clarity on your goals so that you don't keep feeling like you're wasting your time and energy and not seeing the progress you desire✔️ Achieve your goals so that you finally get what you want out of life✔️ Live up to your potential with a sense of purpose so that you feel like you are excelling at the things that are important to you✔️ Performing at a high level so you get the most out of life because you can perform better and more sustainability without negatively impacting your mental or physical wellbeing.AND MORE!// S U B S C R I B E. https://www.youtube.com/yashicalindNew Videos Every Monday (with some bonus videos and shorts sprinkled in)// F O L L O W Leading in Healthcare Podcast | https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leading-in-healthcare-the-podcast-for-leaders-in/id1460591785Website | www.yashicalind.comInstagram | https://www.instagram.com/thelindgroupFacebook | Yashica LindFacebook Group | https://www.facebook.com/groups/leadinginhealthcareLinkedIn | @yashicalind...Keywords: how focus helps success, how to focus consistently, how focus on your goal, how focus more, how focus in class
Unlocking Success: Harnessing the Transformative Power of Decision-Making
Sep 20 2023
Unlocking Success: Harnessing the Transformative Power of Decision-Making
In this captivating episode, we dive deep into the fundamental concept that shapes the course of our lives – decision-making. Join us on a thought-provoking journey as we explore how the choices we make can act as catalysts for profound transformation and success.Throughout the episode, you'll discover:The Science Behind Decisions: We explore the psychological aspects of decision-making, shedding light on the factors that influence our choices. From cognitive biases to emotional intelligence, we dissect how our brains navigate the decision-making process.Strategies for Confident Decision-Making: Our experts share valuable strategies to boost your decision-making confidence. Whether you're facing a career crossroads, personal dilemma, or business decision, you'll gain actionable insights to make choices that align with your goals.Turning Challenges into Opportunities: Learn how to view challenges as opportunities for growth through decision-making. We discuss resilience, adaptability, and the art of learning from both successes and failures.By the end of this episode, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and motivation needed to take control of your future. Whether you're seeking personal growth, career advancement, or entrepreneurial success, understanding the art and science of making decisions that matter is your key to unlocking new possibilities.Join us for this empowering discussion and embark on a journey towards confident, purpose-driven decision-making. Your destiny awaits, and it starts with the choices you make.Additional Resources: https://www.yashicalind.comWork with me: https://www.yashicalind.com/home/workwithme