Take Control of your Liberty with Scott Tregurtha

Scott Tregurtha

This podcast is for those of you who feel that your “liberty” as referred to in our Declaration of Independence has been infringed upon, want solutions, and are willing to look beyond the headlines, the mainstream media and even the conservative news stations! read less


Who Wants To Take Out Trump And Why?
Feb 13 2024
Who Wants To Take Out Trump And Why?
Who wants to take out Donald Trump?  An evil entity exists who is willing to cause any amount of deaths, as they have no regard for human life, as they constantly demonstrate by creating wars which kill millions, and have been responsible for assassinating several of our presidents, including Lincoln, McKinley, JFK, and anyone who gets in their way. A man named Donald Trump who stood against them on our behalf, during his first term as president, is still doing so and wants another term so he can really put the final nail in this evil empire’s coffin, and these bad guys know it and cannot have that if they are to survive. They have, through the Democrats, RINOs, and various other pawns. Impeached him twice, stole the 2020 election from him, indicted him 4 times, smeared him in the media, and yet his poll numbers keep climbing to the point where these criminals won’t be able to commit enough fraud to prevent him from winning the next election, which is something these bad guys won’t tolerate. So what else is left for these criminals to do?  The answer is what they or their predecessors did to Lincoln, McKinley and JFK! MENTIONED LINKS: You can find the "Police Dossier" which was discussed in this podcast by going to the LaRouchePac website at https://www.larouchepac.com. You can also find the LaRouchePac website by going to my site at https://www.takecontrolofyourliberty.com and clicking on the RESOURSES tab. And always feel free to email me at scott@takecontrolofyourliberty.com for any questions or comments!
Protect Your Health Freedom & Your Life!
Aug 21 2023
Protect Your Health Freedom & Your Life!
We are in a war of good versus evil, and evil is rearing its ugly head in the medical world as well as the political world, and they all go hand in hand when it comes to taking away your freedom and liberty. Listen to these two very special guests who are totally dedicated to helping you take control of your liberty in the form of your health freedom! If you follow what they tell you, you can prevent a violation of your health rights as well save your life or the life of someone you love. Many of you are probably aware of the fact that most hospitals these days are more concerned about profit than your health, your health freedom, or your life, and this was brought to light in a big way during covid.  For example, many people were either injured or murdered due to being put on ventilators or given remdesivir, which believe it or not contributed to the hospital's bottom line. And now that the covid scare has calmed down, we don’t know what’s next on the evil vested interest's agenda, and besides that, anything can happen to wind you up in a hospital, and what my guests did was create an administrative procedure which will prevent violations of your health freedom and save your, or a loved one's life, if you know how to take advantage of it. And you need to take these measures now because once you or your loved one are admitted to a hospital, it’s too late! In this interview they’re going to share their backgrounds, Laura’s real life-threatening hospital scenario, and how you can prevent this, and worse, from happening to you!