Choices: Moving the Conversation Forward with Monica Cox and Friends

Monica Cox

We’re here learning and growing alongside you as we move the conversation forward together from the BS that’s crushing authentic voices and keeping many in a loop of self-destruction. We’re here to make better choices consciously and truly understand the connection to our subconscious mind. We’re seeking the questions no one is daring to ask and are here to listen to answers with an open mind & loving heart - are you willing to do the same and help move the conversation forward? These are weekly raw, honest, heartfelt conversations about all areas of life: Feminism, Family, Motherhood, Spirituality, Religion, Entrepreneurship, Business & so much more. read less
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Is There a Possibility for a Third Party to Win the Election in the USA? with Abigail White Part One
Is There a Possibility for a Third Party to Win the Election in the USA? with Abigail White Part One
"The best path I see for reaching a space where we're no longer beholden to people three times our age comes from the young voters taking a stand and doing so consistently." Topics Discussed: Impact of Social Media on Perception: Monica discusses the often exaggerated reactions on social media to natural events like eclipses and how stepping away can provide clarity and reduce anxiety. Mindset of Abundance vs. Scarcity: Exploring how the lens through which we view our lives—either as abundant or constrained by external forces—shapes our daily experiences and choices. Financial Independence and Economic Inequality: Insights into achieving financial security regardless of broader economic conditions, and how some individuals leverage natural cycles like new moons to foster personal and financial growth. Political Disillusionment and Systemic Change: A deep dive into the frustration with political systems, the ineffectiveness of expecting a single leader to bring about change, and the reality of governmental structures. Cultural Influence on Politics: The conversation touches on how American culture's fascination with superheroes influences unrealistic expectations of political leaders. Comparative Political Systems: Monica shares her experiences living in the UK, discussing the differences in political engagement and accountability between the UK and the US. Role of the Judiciary in Democracy: Discussion on the significant impact of the Supreme Court and lifetime judicial appointments on American laws and daily life. Youth Engagement in Politics: Encouraging young voters to consistently engage in political processes, emphasizing that even small actions can lead to significant societal shifts. Efficacy of the Two-Party System: A critical look at the limitations of the two-party system in the US, the potential for third-party candidates, and the importance of broadening political awareness beyond mainstream choices. Media and Political Narratives: Analysis of how media biases and misinformation can shape public perception of political figures and issues, stressing the importance of fact-checking and independent research. "I look around and I see their bias, their bigotry, their hate and their prejudice, and I'm over that." Move the conversation forward on SM: Connect with Abigail on IG:  "You cannot deny that it's not really the politicians we elect who run the system; it's the big corporations backing them. We're just voting in a face, not actual change." Hello, beautiful souls! In today's episode we kicked things off with a lighthearted laugh about the chaos that sometimes surrounds eclipse seasons—yes, they happen every year, and no, they aren’t the end of the world. I shared how stepping back from social media helped me stay grounded amidst the hype. Then, we shifted gears to a more introspective discussion about abundance and scarcity. How do you view your life? Are you driven by external circumstances or do you shape your own destiny? It's all about embracing personal responsibility and choosing happiness every single day. As the conversation flowed, politics took center stage. We unpacked the disillusionment many feel with the political system, the ineffectiveness of believing in a 'crystal dust'-sprinkling superhero, and the sobering reminder that high school government classes might have been more useful than we thought. We questioned the superhero mentality that so many Americans fall for, expecting one person to fix all. I shared insights from my time living in the UK, highlighting the stark differences in political engagement and system accountability. The chat got real as we discussed the charismatic yet challenging realities of leaders like Obama and the systemic constraints they face. We also tackled the critical role of the Supreme Court and how lifetime appointments can shape our laws in profound ways—Roe v. Wade being a poignant example. This led to a broader discussion about the power of young voters and the importance of integrity in politics. The younger generation needs to believe their actions matter—because they truly do. Towards the end, the conversation turned to the importance of understanding what different political parties stand for, not just during election times but as part of a more informed and continuous engagement with our democratic system. We wrapped up with a call to action for all of us to not only participate more actively in our democracy but also to support diverse voices in the political arena. It's about making informed choices, not just once every four years, but every day. Thanks for joining this raw and honest conversation. Let’s keep pushing the boundaries and shaping a world where our choices really do lead to change. Stay tuned, stay engaged, and let’s make those choices count! Timestamps:  02:00 - Discussing the regularity of eclipses and misconceptions surrounding them.04:00 - Reflections on abundance and financial security regardless of economic conditions.06:00 - Insights into political disillusionment and the effectiveness of government structures.08:00 - Critique of superhero culture in politics and its impact on American political expectations.10:00 - Monica shares her experience living in the UK and differences in political systems.12:00 - Commentary on the charisma and influence of political figures like Obama.14:00 - Discussion on the realities of the political system and its resistance to change.16:00 - The impact of Supreme Court appointments and lifetime judicial positions on laws like Roe v. Wade.18:00 - Encouraging young voter engagement and the potential for change through consistent action.20:00 - Monica emphasizes the importance of integrity and the role of younger generations in politics.22:00 - Exploring the mindset of political change and the possibility of third-party impacts.24:00 - Addressing misinformation and the importance of fact-checking in political discussions.26:00 - The role of media and personal biases in shaping political narratives.28:00 - Discussion on the visibility and recognition of multiple political parties during elections.30:00 - Reflecting on the importance of knowing what political candidates truly stand for. We’re here learning and growing alongside you as we move the conversation forward together from the BS that’s crushing authentic voices and keeping many in a loop of self-destruction. We’re here to make better choices consciously and truly understand the connection to our subconscious mind. We’re seeking the questions no one is daring to ask and are here to listen to answers with an open mind & loving heart - are you willing to do the same and help move the conversation forward? Alos, anything written or said about diet and mental health are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Music by: Coma-Media Bounce
Exploring Balance in Modern Life if That's Even Possible  with Joy Lechner Part Two
1w ago
Exploring Balance in Modern Life if That's Even Possible with Joy Lechner Part Two
"Everyone's chasing, chasing something. And once you figure out that it's just the pure joy in creating your life, you will get to probably even better than what you're trying to chase." Topics Discussed Challenges of Modern Living: Discussing the unrealistic expectations placed on individuals, particularly women, in terms of productivity and multi-tasking.Personal Growth and Healing: Insights into personal development through therapy, coaching, and self-reflection.Parenting in Modern Times: Addressing the complexities of raising children in a privileged society and teaching them valuable life skills.Mental and Emotional Wellness: Exploring the importance of mental health, stress management, and giving oneself permission to rest.Empowerment Through Responsibility: Encouraging taking radical responsibility for one’s happiness and life choices.Community and Support: The significance of community support in personal and parenting roles. "I mean, it just comes down to the radical responsibility, right? Because I was that person who had it all and still wasn't happy." We're diving deep into the whirlwind of modern life and how we juggle the hats of being parents, professionals, and individuals striving for personal growth. We laughed, we got real, and we unpacked some heavy truths about the pressures we face every day. From debunking the myth of 'having it all' to embracing the messiness of life, we covered it all. Whether you're a busy mom trying to find a moment of peace or someone seeking a deeper understanding of self, this chat was packed with heartfelt insights and practical advice. Remember, it's all about the choices we make and finding joy in the journey! "I'm doing tango, not for any of the reasons, just it lights me up." Timestamps 02:00 - The illusion of doing it all and community living04:00 - Embracing simplicity and authenticity in personal healing06:00 - The dichotomy of abundance and real-life challenges08:00 - Childhood responsibilities and learning through experiences10:00 - Personal anecdotes on life coaching and overcoming people-pleasing12:00 - The power of love and connection within families14:00 - Pursuing joy and personal interests authentically16:00 - Societal pressures on achievements and individual paths18:00 - The healing journey and embracing personal joy20:00 - The realities of parenting and asking for help22:00 - Closing thoughts and personal reflections on healing and medicine24:00 - The importance of personal intuition in healing and life choices26:00 - Discussion on different healing modalities and personal fit28:00 - Concluding remarks and reflections on expectations and surrendering30:00 - The role of modern medicine and personal empowerment "Exactly. And I think too, bringing the children into it, people are always like, God smacked. They're like, your kids do what? I'm like, yeah, my six-year-old unloads the dishwasher because he's part of the household, right?" Move the conversation forward on SM: Connect with Joy: Joy Lechner -   We’re here learning and growing alongside you as we move the conversation forward together from the BS that’s crushing authentic voices and keeping many in a loop of self-destruction. We’re here to make better choices consciously and truly understand the connection to our subconscious mind. We’re seeking the questions no one is daring to ask and are here to listen to answers with an open mind & loving heart - are you willing to do the same and help move the conversation forward? Alos, anything written or said about diet and mental health are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Music by: Coma-Media Bounce
Intentional Living: From Cancer Recovery to Balancing Motherhood, Business & Personal Growth with Joy Lechner Part One
Jun 3 2024
Intentional Living: From Cancer Recovery to Balancing Motherhood, Business & Personal Growth with Joy Lechner Part One
"I tend to be more like, yes, I'm going to do that with you. Like that's more valuable than anything I can be doing." Intentional Living: From Cancer Recovery to Balancing Motherhood, Business & Personal Growth with Joy Lechner Part One Topics Discussed Balancing life, motherhood, and business during a healing journeyThe impact of personal health challenges on family dynamics and parentingStrategies for maintaining joy and gratitude amidst adversityThe role of mental health and self-care in successful entrepreneurshipCreating intentional family interactions and managing work-life boundaries Hey beautiful souls, Monica here! In today’s vibrant chat, Joy and I dove deep into the waters of healing, motherhood, and juggling the entrepreneurial spirit. We unpacked the layers of managing a business while nurturing a family, all through the lens of Joy’s inspiring cancer recovery journey. It’s all about the balance, folks! Whether it’s finding that precious five minutes of fun to uplift the spirits or setting boundaries to stay present with our little ones, we covered the gamut of making every moment count. Join us as we laugh, reflect, and maybe shed a tear or two, but most importantly, as we discover how to truly live in the moment.   Timestamps: 02:00 - Discussion on balancing life, motherhood, and business during Joy's cancer recovery.04:00 - The impact of Joy's healing journey on her family life and parenting style.06:00 - Strategies Joy used to maintain a positive environment for her children despite health challenges.08:00 - The importance of being present and creating quality time with family.10:00 - Challenges of managing a business as a mother and entrepreneur.12:00 - Reflections on personal growth and changes in business management over the years.14:00 - The role of self-awareness and honesty in personal and professional life.16:00 - How past experiences and family influences shape current business and parenting practices.18:00 - Joy discusses the integration of fun and health activities into family life for healing.20:00 - The significance of mental health awareness and management in overcoming personal challenges.22:00 - Joy's approach to work-life balance and the intentional use of technology.24:00 - Insights on disconnecting from work and being fully present at home.26:00 - The benefits of setting specific times for work and family activities.28:00 - The challenges and solutions for maintaining boundaries between work and personal life.30:00 - Importance of modeling healthy behavior and technology use for children.32:00 - Reflecting on how personal challenges like cancer can lead to profound life changes and improvements.34:00 - The transformative impact of Joy's journey on her approach to life and parenting. Move the conversation forward on SM: Connect with Joy: Joy Lechner -   We’re here learning and growing alongside you as we move the conversation forward together from the BS that’s crushing authentic voices and keeping many in a loop of self-destruction. We’re here to make better choices consciously and truly understand the connection to our subconscious mind. We’re seeking the questions no one is daring to ask and are here to listen to answers with an open mind & loving heart - are you willing to do the same and help move the conversation forward? Alos, anything written or said about diet and mental health are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Music by: Coma-Media Bounce
Blind Faith? Why We are Believing Books Written by Men Without Fact-Checking & More Insightful BS with Kim Arneson & Abigail White Part 2
May 27 2024
Blind Faith? Why We are Believing Books Written by Men Without Fact-Checking & More Insightful BS with Kim Arneson & Abigail White Part 2
We're diving headfirst into the wild world of TikToks & Reels that the conversation needs to be pushed forward! Guided by, ME, the ever-entertaining Monica Cox and her partners-in-chat, Kim Arneson and Abigail White. We tackled a buffet of clips with the kind of sarcastic wit and sharp insights that could only come from a group that eats controversy for breakfast. From squabbling over science and spirituality to unpacking the baggage of personal purpose, each reel was a springboard into discussions that were as deep as they were hilarious. Kim and Abigail added their own flavors of fun and feistiness, ensuring there was never a dull moment. By the end of it, not only had we ridden a rollercoaster of emotions, but we also came away questioning everything from our life choices to why we ever thought watching just one TikTok video was enough. It was all in good fun and perfectly captured the essence of our zany, enlightening podcast shenanigans! Links to original clips: Topics Discussed: Debate on Evolution and Creation: A discussion about the validity of evolution versus creation, emphasizing strong personal beliefs and the confrontation with scientific consensus. Critique of Believing in Science Blindly: The conversation challenges the acceptance of scientific facts without personal verification, questioning the blind faith placed in both religious and scientific authorities. Science as a Method of Inquiry: Monica critiques the notion that science definitively proves truths, instead highlighting its role in continuously testing and questioning hypotheses. Personal Experiences with Spirituality and Science: Monica shares her personal journey of integrating spiritual experiences with scientific understanding, reflecting on how these views shaped her approach to life and knowledge. Skeptical Views on Pandemic Science: There is a critical examination of the scientific responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, discussing the influence of biases and the public's misunderstanding of science. Energy Reading and Its Clash with Medical Science: The discussion includes a detailed account of an energy reading session where the effects of medications like Ozempic on the energy perception of organs were explored. Entrepreneurship as an Expression of Purpose: The dialogue shifts to how entrepreneurship can be a dynamic and evolving path that aligns with one’s personal purpose, challenging conventional career norms. Fluidity and Evolution of Personal Purpose: Monica delves into the idea that one’s purpose is not static but evolves over time and through experiences, advocating for openness to change and growth. Move the conversation forward on SM: Connect with Kim & Abigail on IG:    We’re here learning and growing alongside you as we move the conversation forward together from the BS that’s crushing authentic voices and keeping many in a loop of self-destruction. We’re here to make better choices consciously and truly understand the connection to our subconscious mind. We’re seeking the questions no one is daring to ask and are here to listen to answers with an open mind & loving heart - are you willing to do the same and help move the conversation forward? Alos, anything written or said about diet and mental health are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Music by: Coma-Media Bounce
The Importance of Personal Discernment in Consuming Spiritual Content: Doomsday Predictions & More with Kim Arneson & Abigail White Part 1
May 20 2024
The Importance of Personal Discernment in Consuming Spiritual Content: Doomsday Predictions & More with Kim Arneson & Abigail White Part 1
Topics Discussed: The impact of doomsday predictions on personal well-being Evaluating the authenticity of spiritual gurus and healers The marketing pitfalls in spiritual and healing communities The importance of personal discernment in consuming spiritual content Reflections on societal collapse and rebirth scenarios We're diving headfirst into the wild world of TikTok's & Reels that the conversation needs to be pushed forward! Guided by, ME, the ever-entertaining Monica Cox and her partners-in-chat, Kim Arneson and Abigail White. We tackled a buffet of clips with the kind of sarcastic wit and sharp insights that could only come from a group that eats controversy for breakfast. From squabbling over science and spirituality to unpacking the baggage of personal purpose, each reel was a springboard into discussions that were as deep as they were hilarious. Kim and Abigail added their own flavors of fun and feistiness, ensuring there was never a dull moment. By the end of it, not only had we ridden a rollercoaster of emotions, but we also came away questioning everything from our life choices to why we ever thought watching just one TikTok video was enough. It was all in good fun and perfectly captured the essence of our zany, enlightening podcast shenanigans! Links to original clips: Move the conversation forward on SM: Connect with Kim & Abigail on IG:    We’re here learning and growing alongside you as we move the conversation forward together from the BS that’s crushing authentic voices and keeping many in a loop of self-destruction. We’re here to make better choices consciously and truly understand the connection to our subconscious mind. We’re seeking the questions no one is daring to ask and are here to listen to answers with an open mind & loving heart - are you willing to do the same and help move the conversation forward? Alos, anything written or said about diet and mental health are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Music by: Coma-Media Bounce
Personal Accountability in a Connected World with Abigail White "I don't think all the sheep have to become shepherds. I think the sheep just need to wake the fuck up."
May 13 2024
Personal Accountability in a Connected World with Abigail White "I don't think all the sheep have to become shepherds. I think the sheep just need to wake the fuck up."
"I don't think all the sheep have to become shepherds. I think the sheep just need to wake the fuck up." Topics Discussed The complexities of societal evolution and individual rolesUnderstanding personal and communal responsibilities in modern timesThe impact of leadership and the concept of 'waking up' in societyDiscussions on environmental and societal sustainabilityThe balance between personal happiness and societal expectations Move the conversation forward on SM: Connect with Abigail on IG:  "And I'm not saying into the same belief system, but into the knowledge that the way we're treating the planet isn't healthy, the way we're treating our bodies isn't healthy, the way we're treating our fellow human beings isn't healthy." We've got a no-holds-barred discussion that'll make you rethink your place in the cosmos—or at least in your own community! Together, they unpacked the hefty suitcase of societal roles, personal accountability, and the not-so-small task of waking up to our environmental and social responsibilities. And let me tell you, it was a wild ride through the realities of 'sheep waking', shepherd leading, and the everyday grind that keeps our world spinning. Monica and Abigail didn't just stop at world-saving antics; they dove headfirst into what it means to be happy in a world that's obsessed with messiahs and entrepreneurs. With a dash of sass and a whole lot of real talk, they explored how everyone doesn't need to lead the flock to make a difference. Sometimes, just being the best version of yourself is the revolution we need. So, buckle up, beautiful souls, because this episode is not just a podcast—it's a wakeup call to live, laugh, and maybe even lead a little (or not, you do you!). "If you all were engineers, we would be naked. There'd be no clothes. There would be no food grown. We need different levels of awareness." Timestamps: 02:00 - Discussing the evolution of society and personal roles04:00 - The need for personal accountability and waking up06:00 - Reflections on leadership and the shepherd-sheep analogy08:00 - Delving into environmental awareness and societal responsibilities10:00 - The importance of diverse roles in a functioning society12:00 - Examining personal happiness versus societal expectations14:00 - Entrepreneurship and the varying paths to personal fulfillment16:00 - The concept of personal growth without becoming a 'messiah'18:00 - How personal changes affect wider community dynamics20:00 - The realistic challenges of living up to societal ideals22:00 - Acknowledging the importance of personal peace without full understanding24:00 - Strategies for dealing with personal and societal pressures26:00 - Emphasizing the need for individual choice in life decisions28:00 - The balance between achieving personal goals and societal contribution30:00 - Understanding the limits of personal influence and the concept of 'enough'32:00 - The role of personal understanding in societal evolution34:00 - Recap and reflections on the discussion We’re here learning and growing alongside you as we move the conversation forward together from the BS that’s crushing authentic voices and keeping many in a loop of self-destruction. We’re here to make better choices consciously and truly understand the connection to our subconscious mind. We’re seeking the questions no one is daring to ask and are here to listen to answers with an open mind & loving heart - are you willing to do the same and help move the conversation forward? Alos, anything written or said about diet and mental health are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Music by: Coma-Media Bounce
The Evolution of Self Through Parenting and Personal Struggles with Abigail White Part One
May 6 2024
The Evolution of Self Through Parenting and Personal Struggles with Abigail White Part One
"Dude, you gotta do what you gotta do to survive, man. I have no judgment." Topics Discussed The challenges and realities of parentingPersonal growth through dealing with one's issuesThe concept of evolutionary steps in personal life choicesThe psychological impact of parenting and self-awarenessDiscussions on societal expectations and modern challengesExploring spiritual and philosophical perspectives on life and existence "And now you haven't dealt with your shit. Just fucking buckle up, sweetheart." Move the conversation forward on SM: Connect with Abigail on IG:  Hey, beautiful souls! We're diving deep into the trenches of parenting—not the sugar-coated version you often hear about, but the messy, gritty reality that tests your patience and resilience. We also peeled back layers of personal growth, touching on how our inner battles shape our external world. Imagine sitting down with a good friend, where the conversations flow, the truths are spoken, and no topic is off-limits. That's what we had, and I'm thrilled to bring you along on this enlightening journey. "I'm coming to this realization that those of us that have decided that we're done having children have reached some level of evolution because being a parent is like one of the most trying arenas that one has to step into because you are actively choosing to like forever split your brain in worrying about yourself and worrying about another little being or multiple little beings." Timestamps: 02:00 - Parenting realities and inner challenges 04:00 - The evolutionary aspect of deciding not to have more children 06:00 - Discussion on societal doomsdays and historical extinctions 08:00 - Human evolutionary history and societal beliefs 10:00 - The ego involved in choosing to parent and societal pressures 12:00 - The dichotomy of parenting: selfless and selfish aspects 14:00 - Human survival instincts and the modern apocalypse narrative 16:00 - The role of Mother Mary and raising children with a higher purpose 18:00 - The challenges and realizations in parenting and fertility 20:00 - The suppression of knowledge and power within society 22:00 - Philosophical musings on human evolution and moral dilemmas 24:00 - The potential for societal harmony and handling natural violence 26:00 - Animal instincts and human emotional responses to tragedy 28:00 - Historical perspectives on childhood and societal values 30:00 - The impact of societal evolution on human practices and knowledge 32:00 - The importance of remembering practical knowledge through generations We’re here learning and growing alongside you as we move the conversation forward together from the BS that’s crushing authentic voices and keeping many in a loop of self-destruction. We’re here to make better choices consciously and truly understand the connection to our subconscious mind. We’re seeking the questions no one is daring to ask and are here to listen to answers with an open mind & loving heart - are you willing to do the same and help move the conversation forward? Alos, anything written or said about diet and mental health are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Music by: Coma-Media Bounce
Hot Take: Why Are Other People Triggering Me So Much, Even When I've Done "The Work"
Apr 29 2024
Hot Take: Why Are Other People Triggering Me So Much, Even When I've Done "The Work"
Transformative Reflections: Bettering Yourself and Understanding Others "I do 100% believe literally every single situation is a mirror. It's just, it depends upon what it's showing you. Is it showing you the growth that you've come? Is it showing you that this is a lesson that you need to learn from?" Topics Discussed Self-improvement and personal growthThe concept of people around us acting as mirrorsHandling emotional triggers and personal reactionsThe role of others in our personal learning journeyBalancing judgment and acceptance in relationships Move the conversation forward on SM: Connect with Kim & Abigail on IG:  Boy do we have a treat for you today! We're diving deep into the realities of personal growth and how those around us either reflect or influence our journey. Imagine us sitting in a cozy room, sipping tea, and chatting like old friends about the trials and tribulations of becoming better versions of ourselves. We're unpacking everything from why we attract certain people into our lives to how we react to them, and questioning if it's really about us or them. "Like it is literally a two-way street." Timestamps 00:00: Introduction to the podcast00:15: Monica's goals for personal growth and community conversations00:50: Discussing the concept of people as mirrors01:12: Questioning when others stop being reflections of our own issues02:01: Critiquing the notion of everything being about personal learning02:30: Exploring self-perception and the effects on our lives03:28: The dual role of giving and receiving in personal interactions04:26: Discussing triggers and ongoing personal work05:23: Real-life implications of dealing with unwanted people in life06:22: Long-term social interactions and their unavoidable nature07:21: More on people as mirrors and personal triggers08:20: Observations on being untriggered by negative experiences09:45: Further discussion on observing without being emotionally involved10:41: The significance of unconditional love and non-triggered reactions11:36: Realities of dealing with undesirable situations "You're allowing them to have their own, their interaction. So like, yes, most of those people are mirrors to you. One is just not a trigger for you and therefore you've got nothing to learn from that scenario with that person." We’re here learning and growing alongside you as we move the conversation forward together from the BS that’s crushing authentic voices and keeping many in a loop of self-destruction. We’re here to make better choices consciously and truly understand the connection to our subconscious mind. We’re seeking the questions no one is daring to ask and are here to listen to answers with an open mind & loving heart - are you willing to do the same and help move the conversation forward? Alos, anything written or said about diet and mental health are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Music by: Coma-Media Bounce
The Ripple Effect of Conscious Choices: Soul Contracts and Purpose with Kim Arneson & Abigail White Part 2
Apr 22 2024
The Ripple Effect of Conscious Choices: Soul Contracts and Purpose with Kim Arneson & Abigail White Part 2
"...the more we let them just do what they're fucking doing, the more to me, we're all like, I don't trust any goddamn system anymore. I don't trust the education system, the medical system, the political system, the financial system. You are all full of shit. Every single one of you." Topics Discussed The shift towards holistic healing over traditional medicine.Exploring the impact of soul contracts on our life choices.The potential for regenerative healing practices in the future.The role of adversity in personal growth and soul evolution.The importance of understanding our true, authentic path.How societal systems influence our journey towards awakening.The distinction between soul contracts and life purpose.Parenting strategies that foster resilience and independence. Move the conversation forward on SM: Connect with Kim & Abigail on IG:  " have to actually ask yourself, is this truly authentic to me in my highest light, or am I undercutting myself here and choosing a lower path claiming that's authentic based on my previous experiences?" Hey, gorgeous souls! Monica here, wrapping up another deep dive into the mysteries of life, soul contracts, and the pursuit of holistic wellness.  We traversed the realms of medicine, spirituality, and the power of our choices, laughing and pondering the beauty of our complex journeys. Imagine considering the idea that every challenge, every pill-not-taken, is a step closer to our true selves, our highest calling.  We spoke of children, not just as beings of our creation but as souls with their own contracts and paths. It's a wild ride, realizing that sometimes, not fulfilling a role we desire, like being a mother in the conventional sense, opens the door to fulfilling our soul's true mission.  We also ventured into the topic of authentic living - peeling back the layers of societal expectations and personal wounding to find the gold of our genuine essence. It's like being Indiana Jones, but the treasure is the true self. And let's not forget the chat about the next generations. Picture this: kids today coming into the world like tiny Buddhas, all-knowing and spiritually tuned in from the get-go. It's our job to foster that, to be the guardians of their light in a world that often prefers the dark.  It's been real, it's been deep, and it's been incredibly uplifting. Remember, the path to our highest selves isn't paved with easy answers but with the courage to ask the hard questions and the strength to live the truths we find.  "It's because I'm sitting here doing stuff that other people aren't doing. And I know that. I know that if I was just doing what everybody else was doing, I would be in the exact same place. I just refuse to do that." Timestamps 00:49 - Questioning the Future of Medicine and Self-Healing02:05 - The Wake-Up Call of Medical Trauma and Seeking Alternatives04:25 - Inspiring Change Through Personal Transformation in Fertility05:11 - Raising Spiritually Attuned Children in a Skeptical World07:53 - The Importance of Supporting the Next Generation's Spiritual Journey09:16 - Creating Spaces for Alternative Healing and Awareness10:37 - The Collective Awakening to a New Way of Being12:29 - Choosing Not to Engage in Systemic Failures and Finding a Better Path14:43 - Homesteading as a Reaction to Systemic Disillusionment16:06 - Living in Alignment and the Ease it Brings Despite Life's Challenges18:28 - The Hard Work of Maintaining a High Vibration and Its Rewards19:52 - Soul Contracts vs. Life Purpose: Navigating Life's Complex Web22:21 - The Misconception of Authenticity and Its True Meaning24:18 - The Distinction Between Soul Contracts and Path/Purpose27:38 - The Duality of Earthly Experiences and Spiritual Evolution30:23 - Parenting Strategies That Prepare Children for Real Challenges32:34 - Conclusion and Invitation to Continue the Conversation "...I refuse to be the ant that has to move 50,000 times my weight in order to get anywhere. I say screw that narrative and I'm not living it."   We’re here learning and growing alongside you as we move the conversation forward together from the BS that’s crushing authentic voices and keeping many in a loop of self-destruction. We’re here to make better choices consciously and truly understand the connection to our subconscious mind. We’re seeking the questions no one is daring to ask and are here to listen to answers with an open mind & loving heart - are you willing to do the same and help move the conversation forward? Alos, anything written or said about diet and mental health are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Music by: Coma-Media Bounce
Beyond Earthly Choices: Understanding Our Spiritual Journey & Soul Contracts Kim Arneson & Abigail White Part One
Apr 15 2024
Beyond Earthly Choices: Understanding Our Spiritual Journey & Soul Contracts Kim Arneson & Abigail White Part One
"It's with the best person to have a contract. It's with you. It's with yourself." Topics Discussed The Role of Soul Contracts in Personal GrowthNavigating Life's Challenges with SpiritualityUnderstanding the Concept of Spirit BabiesThe Significance of Free Will in Shaping Our LivesThe Journey Towards Self-Awareness and OnenessOvercoming Environmental and Self-Imposed LimitationsThe Impact of Past Generations on Current Life ChoicesMethods to Realign with One's True Purpose and Desires Move the conversation forward on SM: Connect with Kim & Abigail on IG:  "If we're being like incredibly honest, this is who we all want in our world." Hey, beautiful souls! Monica here, bringing you the juiciest bits from our latest chat. This time, we dove deep into the mystical realms of soul contracts, spirituality, and the big, bad world of choices. We laughed, we pondered, and yes, we even faced a few "what the heck" moments together. Imagine finding out you signed a cosmic agreement five generations back that's been guiding your life like an invisible GPS. Wild, right? But it's not all about predestined paths; we also chatted about the power of free will. Yes, darling, you're the captain of your ship, navigating through the stormy seas of life with your own compass. And spirit babies? Oh, we went there! Whether you're opening your arms to them or kindly saying, "Not now, darling," it's all about connecting with your higher self and the universe's grand plan. Through laughter and serious reflection, we explored how facing life's challenges head-on can actually propel us towards greater self-awareness, unity, and, ultimately, back to the source of all that is divine. So, whether you're renegotiating your soul contract or simply trying to make sense of this wild ride called life, remember, you're not alone. Together, we're on this journey, discovering our true selves, one choice at a time. Catch you in the cosmic café, where the conversation never ends! Timestamps 00:49 - The Surprise of Psychic Readings and Client Reactions01:11 - Delving into the Mysteries of Things Unseen and Soul Contracts02:09 - Navigating Earth's Challenges and Understanding Life's Contracts03:12 - The Concept of Spirit Babies and Renegotiating Soul Contracts04:09 - The Choice of Souls Before Birth and Lessons to Learn in Life05:30 - Discussing Divine Assignments and The Ability to Change Contracts06:28 - Learning from Hardships: Diseases as Fail-Safes in Our Soul Contracts07:55 - The Role of Parenthood in Stewarding Souls Through Life09:19 - Exploring Personal Journeys Without Children and the Reasons Behind Them11:03 - The Impact of a Challenging Parental Relationship on Personal Growth12:58 - Questions on Knowing and Understanding One's Soul Contract14:23 - The Process of Changing a Soul Contract Through Spiritual Work15:20 - Starting with Prayer: The Foundation of Spiritual Inquiry17:24 - Reflecting on the Real Reasons Behind Desiring Parenthood We’re here learning and growing alongside you as we move the conversation forward together from the BS that’s crushing authentic voices and keeping many in a loop of self-destruction. We’re here to make better choices consciously and truly understand the connection to our subconscious mind. We’re seeking the questions no one is daring to ask and are here to listen to answers with an open mind & loving heart - are you willing to do the same and help move the conversation forward? Alos, anything written or said about diet and mental health are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Music by: Coma-Media Bounce
Bridging Divides: Embracing Fertility Health, Politics, and Personal Growth Without Fear Jaclyn Downs Part Two
Apr 8 2024
Bridging Divides: Embracing Fertility Health, Politics, and Personal Growth Without Fear Jaclyn Downs Part Two
"It's the genetics and the toxins and the poor food quality and the relationship stressors and...and, and, and, so unfortunately it doesn't seem like any of that is really getting better." Topics Discussed: The importance of holistic approaches to health, including the combination of Western and Eastern medicine.The role of genetics, environment, and lifestyle choices in overall well-being.The impact of societal expectations and norms on individual stress levels and health outcomes.Strategies for proactive health management and stress reduction.The challenges and misconceptions surrounding IVF and fertility treatments.The influence of political and societal divisions on personal choices and freedom.The need for open-mindedness and critical thinking in political discourse and personal decision-making. Move the conversation forward on SM: Connect with Jaclyn on IG: "IVF is my only choice is the general common acknowledgement of what happens if you have any fertility challenges." We're bringing you another dose of our spirited conversation that spans the realms of health, politics, and the art of living mindfully. We've tackled some hefty topics, from the gritty details of IVF to the vast landscapes of political activism. Imagine us, sitting cozy with a cup of tea (or maybe something a tad stronger), chatting away about everything from the nitty-gritty of fertility challenges to the high stakes of political engagement. We're peeling back the layers, questioning the status quo, and, dare I say, having a blast while at it! It's all about making those conscious choices, whether it's in the foods we eat, the media we consume, or the votes we cast. Together, we're journeying through the ups and downs, the confusions and clarities, and coming out the other side enlightened, entertained, and maybe even a bit emboldened. So, keep tuning in, keep questioning, and let's keep making those choices that light up our lives and the world around us! "It is not a walk in the park to live an alternative lifestyle in a society that thinks you are crazy, right?" Timestamps: 00:50 - The interplay between health, politics, and personal choices.01:19 - Discussion on genetics, lifestyle, and proactive health management.02:15 - The evolution of survival in modern society.03:14 - The impact of societal norms on health and fertility.04:10 - The challenges of parenting and societal expectations.05:10 - Reflections on community living and children's freedom.06:07 - The importance of doing one's own research in politics.07:14 - Encouragement to participate in political processes, even in small ways.08:10 - Personal voting experiences and the importance of following one's convictions.09:23 - The need for positive political discourse and RFK Jr.'s approach.10:49 - Reflections on personal growth and understanding in political figures.11:48 - The significance of campaign messaging and public engagement.13:17 - The potential for real change with non-traditional candidates.14:41 - The metaphor of progress as a car stuck in mud.15:08 - The importance of listening to diverse perspectives.16:02 - The challenge of overcoming bias and ignorance in discussions.17:57 - The power of radical honesty and personal responsibility in societal change.20:47 - Closing thoughts on the impact of individual actions and the importance of continued dialogue. "Radical responsibility of how you're showing up in this and- It does matter. It does really matter. Every little thing matters."   We’re here learning and growing alongside you as we move the conversation forward together from the BS that’s crushing authentic voices and keeping many in a loop of self-destruction. We’re here to make better choices consciously and truly understand the connection to our subconscious mind. We’re seeking the questions no one is daring to ask and are here to listen to answers with an open mind & loving heart - are you willing to do the same and help move the conversation forward? Alos, anything written or said about diet and mental health are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Music by: Coma-Media Bounce
Beyond Partisan Lines - A Deep Dive into Modern Politics, Health & Wellness with Jaclyn Downs Part One
Apr 1 2024
Beyond Partisan Lines - A Deep Dive into Modern Politics, Health & Wellness with Jaclyn Downs Part One
"It's not those kinds of conversations, they're not healthy and they need to be more healthy because there's room for both. But we need all the facts and the evidence." Topics Discussed: The importance of having open, honest conversations about health, wellness, and politics.The impact of societal and political divisions on personal and collective well-being.The role of censorship in shaping public discourse, especially on social media platforms.The journey of RFK Jr. from environmental lawyer to vocal advocate for vaccine safety and transparency.The necessity of incorporating both traditional and alternative viewpoints in discussions about health and the environment.The challenge of overcoming political and ideological divides to foster healthier conversations and actions. Move the conversation forward on SM: Connect with Jaclyn on IG: We're diving deep into the sea of choices we navigate daily, from the personal to the political, and everywhere in between. We laughed, we pondered, and we might have even stirred the pot a bit – all in the name of growth, of course! Our journey took us from the sunny shores of Hawaii to the heart of heated debates, touching on everything from health activism to the ever-polarizing world of politics. But hey, why choose between talking vaccines or vibing to the tune of environmental conservation? We're all about embracing the full spectrum of conversation – the raw, the real, and the really complicated. Join us as we unpack the baggage of societal expectations, dance through the minefield of social media censorship, and maybe, just maybe, find that elusive common ground. Remember, it's not about picking sides; it's about opening minds and hearts. So, here's to becoming better versions of ourselves, one open-hearted chat at a time. Catch you on the flip side! "And he was open-minded enough to listen to other sides and take in that information and be open-minded enough to explore it." Timestamps: 00:00 - Introduction and welcome00:15 - Monica Cox introduces the podcast and its goals00:49 - Initial thoughts on expressing political views and the backstory of seeing RFK Jr. in Hawaii01:16 - Discussion on politics in personal and community spaces01:37 - The importance of nuanced conversations on health and politics02:07 - Reflections on historical activism and its relevance today02:35 - The impact of censorship and societal divisions on discourse03:04 - Exploring personal views on social media and political expression03:30 - The evolution of political discussions and societal anger04:28 - RFK Jr.'s activism journey and the importance of open-mindedness05:25 - The quest for vaccine safety and transparency06:25 - Political divisiveness and the importance of understanding both sides07:08 - Personal reflections on engaging with diverse political perspectives07:37 - The significance of environmental health and its impact on future generations08:05 - The backstory of RFK Jr.'s engagement with vaccine safety activism09:05 - Reflections on the Kennedy legacy and its influence on political activism10:01 - The potential of breaking free from the two-party system11:26 - Considerations on consecutive presidencies and the impact on political dynamics12:20 - The limitations of single-issue voting and its implications13:19 - Speculations on the challenges facing RFK Jr.'s candidacy14:16 - The importance of individual action and open-mindedness in political engagement15:12 - Discussion on political party dynamics and the potential for change16:23 - The value of direct engagement with political figures and forming independent opinions17:21 - Insights into vaccine study methodologies and public awareness18:48 - The role of expertise and open-mindedness in forming opinions on complex issues20:42 - Encouragement for individual research and informed decision-making in politics and health22:23 - The connection between genetics, health, and political engagement25:10 - Reflections on the notion of expertise and the vastness of unknown knowledge26:37 - The impact of genetic factors on cognitive and political engagement28:57 - The importance of balance in political and health discussions29:24 - Closing thoughts and anticipation for the next episode We’re here learning and growing alongside you as we move the conversation forward together from the BS that’s crushing authentic voices and keeping many in a loop of self-destruction. We’re here to make better choices consciously and truly understand the connection to our subconscious mind. We’re seeking the questions no one is daring to ask and are here to listen to answers with an open mind & loving heart - are you willing to do the same and help move the conversation forward? Alos, anything written or said about diet and mental health are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Music by: Coma-Media Bounce
Discernment in Action: Making Empowered Decisions with Kim Arneson & Abigail White Part 2
Mar 25 2024
Discernment in Action: Making Empowered Decisions with Kim Arneson & Abigail White Part 2
"Discernment is a very big word that gets thrown around a lot, but isn't actually practiced a lot." Topics Discussed The concept of duality in lifeThe balance between being human and spiritualHistorical figures and their spiritual journeysThe importance of discernment in decision-makingThe influence of emotions and advice on choicesGender and racial dynamics in societal contextsThe necessity of diverse perspectives in "If you make yourself available to it, then it's going to happen." Hey there, lovely Choice Markers! It's Monica here, bringing you another heart-to-heart chat from our recent podcast. We dove deep into the nitty-gritty of life's dualities and how they shape us. It's all about the choices we make, both consciously and subconsciously, to become our best selves. We talked about balancing our human and spiritual sides, which, let's be honest, can be a bit of a rollercoaster. Remember, even spiritual teachers can lose their way – it's all part of the journey. We reflected on history's great figures and how they faced similar challenges, and yes, even sounded crazy at times. But here's the kicker – it's all about discernment. It's that inner voice telling you, "Hey, that doesn't feel right." It's about trusting yourself and not just going along with the crowd. We all have been there, right? And let me tell you, the choices we make? They come from either inside us or outside influences. It's crucial to recognize this and choose what truly resonates with us. We all have different paths, and that's perfectly okay. I also shared some personal insights and stories, emphasizing the importance of looking at different perspectives and not just sticking to one viewpoint. Remember, it's your journey, and you have the power to create your reality. In essence, it's all about being in tune with yourself, understanding your emotions, and not just reacting. It's about creating a reality that uplifts and supports you, even when the world seems topsy-turvy. So, embrace your journey, lovely souls. Keep making those choices that lead you to your truth and happiness. Until next time, keep shining your light! Move the conversation forward on SM: Connect with Kim & Abigail on IG:  Timestamps 00:00-00:15: Introduction00:15-00:50: Monica's reflections on learning and growing00:50-01:18: Discussion on duality and its impact01:18-02:09: Balancing human and spiritual existence02:09-03:09: Historical perspectives on spiritual figures03:09-04:08: The importance of discernment in choices04:08-05:07: Dealing with advice and emotional states05:07-06:06: Consequences of actions and choices06:06-07:15: Discussing gender and racial dynamics07:15-08:13: The value of diverse perspectives08:13-09:01: Practicing discernment and emotion management09:01-10:00: Perspectives on handling challenges10:00-11:25: Discussing spiritual and industry dynamics11:25-12:55: Embracing personal power and energy work12:55-14:05: Examples of success and mindset during challenges14:05-15:23: Discussion on belief systems and realities15:23-16:20: Personal growth and creating one's reality16:20-17:44: Exploring different levels of understanding17:44-19:02: The concept of life lessons and spiritual growth19:02-20:27: The impact of choices and self-awareness20:27-22:44: Reflections on personal experiences and choices22:44-25:53: Discussion on religious beliefs and practices25:53-31:00: Final thoughts and closing We’re here learning and growing alongside you as we move the conversation forward together from the BS that’s crushing authentic voices and keeping many in a loop of self-destruction. We’re here to make better choices consciously and truly understand the connection to our subconscious mind. We’re seeking the questions no one is daring to ask and are here to listen to answers with an open mind & loving heart - are you willing to do the same and help move the conversation forward? Alos, anything written or said about diet and mental health are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Music by: Coma-Media Bounce
Exploring Quantum Realities and Spiritual Beliefs By Observing Others  with Kim Arneson & Abigail White Part 1
Mar 18 2024
Exploring Quantum Realities and Spiritual Beliefs By Observing Others with Kim Arneson & Abigail White Part 1
"The truth is always somewhere in the middle." Topics Discussed The impact of online drama and social media on personal growth.The concept of spiritual psychosis versus grounded reality.The role of discernment in evaluating online information and narratives.The interplay between quantum theories, spirituality, and personal beliefs.The dynamics of public accusations and perceptions in the digital age.The balance between spiritual experiences and staying connected to the physical world.The influence of support circles and decision-making processes in personal crises.The importance of marketing and messaging in spiritual and personal growth spaces.The challenge of navigating spiritual and physical realities and finding a middle ground. "We're all about being open-minded and exploring different realities, but hey, we've got to stay grounded too." Hey there, lovely listeners! It's your girl Monica here, and oh boy, do we have a juicy episode for you today! We dove headfirst into the whirlpool of online drama and the impact it has on us. I shared how I tried to stay neutral, observing without getting sucked in – easier said than done, right? We chatted about how things escalate on social media, with videos being deleted and reaction videos popping up left and right. It's like a digital soap opera! We also pondered over the fine line between spiritual experiences and what some might call 'spiritual psychosis.' It's a tricky one, isn't it? We're all about being open-minded and exploring different realities, but hey, we've got to stay grounded too. We even touched on quantum theories and how they intertwine with spirituality. It's a mind-bending mix of science and the supernatural! As usual, we didn't shy away from the tough topics. We delved into the complexities of accusations and perceptions in the digital age. It's like navigating a minefield with every post and comment! And let's not forget about the power of choice and discernment in our online interactions. It's all about striking that delicate balance between being open to new ideas and protecting our energy. So, grab your favorite drink, get comfy, and join us on this rollercoaster of a conversation. We're unpacking it all – the good, the bad, and the utterly baffling! Let's grow, learn, and maybe have a few laughs along the way. Remember, we're in this together, exploring and evolving one episode at a time! Move the conversation forward on SM: Connect with Kim & Abigail on IG:  Timestamps Discovering Deleted Content: 01:19Discussing Social Media Copies: 02:14Reflecting on Social Media's Pros and Cons: 03:32Exploring Spiritual Psyche and Reality Creation: 04:30Debating Cancel Culture and Public Outings: 05:03Analyzing the Role of Proof and Perception: 06:02Discussing Spiritual Psychosis: 06:30Delving into Energetic Influence and Personal Responsibility: 07:29Exploring Narcissistic Behavior and Public Perception: 11:14Discussing Quantum Theory and Spiritual Beliefs: 12:23Reflecting on Marketing and Messaging: 20:17Examining the Role of Support Circles and Decision-Making: 28:17Discussing the Balance of Spiritual and Physical Realities: 30:07 We’re here learning and growing alongside you as we move the conversation forward together from the BS that’s crushing authentic voices and keeping many in a loop of self-destruction. We’re here to make better choices consciously and truly understand the connection to our subconscious mind. We’re seeking the questions no one is daring to ask and are here to listen to answers with an open mind & loving heart - are you willing to do the same and help move the conversation forward? Alos, anything written or said about diet and mental health are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Music by: Coma-Media Bounce
Beyond Cancer: Overcoming Adversity with Grace and Grit with Jaclyn Downs and Joy Lechner Part 2
Mar 11 2024
Beyond Cancer: Overcoming Adversity with Grace and Grit with Jaclyn Downs and Joy Lechner Part 2
"Everything just goes away. Anything that's non-important, like politics, color, whatever, disagreements, or the way that we view things all go completely away. All that matters is the love and connection between two human beings. That's why we're on this planet, is to love each other and be connected." Topics Discussed: The Role of Genetics and Environment in CancerThe Impact of Stress and Environmental Factors on HealthThe Power of Perspective and Positive Thinking in Facing CancerThe Significance of Emotional and Mental Health in RecoveryThe Importance of Community and Connection During IllnessThe Intersection of Western and Eastern Medicine in Treating CancerThe Role of Diet, Lifestyle, and Mindset in HealingNavigating Relationships and Personal Growth Through IllnessThe Journey of Acceptance, Forgiveness, and Rebirth Post-Cancer "I think moving forward, now that my heart space is clear and the tumors are literally removed, I see it as a clear, the light and love of God is able to more clearly enter my heart space because the tumors are cleared out and it's open and free." Hey, beautiful souls! It's Monica here with some profound insights and heartwarming stories to share with you from the second half of my chat with Joy and Jaclyn. We went deep with the intricate dance between genetics, environment, and the choices we make every day that shape our journey towards healing and growth. One thing that stood out to me, and I hope it resonates with you too, is how every challenge, every tough moment, is an opportunity for growth, connection, and rediscovering the joy in the little things. It's about flipping the script on cancer, seeing it not just as a battle but as a chance to deeply connect with ourselves and others, to live more fully and love more openly. And let's not forget the laughter and tears shared along the way, the raw honesty that comes from facing our mortality, and the incredible strength we find in the most unexpected places. Whether it's finding beauty in a scar or discovering a newfound intimacy with loved ones, it's these moments that truly define us. "I think you can see cancer as an opportunity for a rebirth. You can really let go old ways of being and doing... exploring different parts of my personality that I'd like to show up, really allowing myself to experience joy and happiness." Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction00:15 Monica Cox's Welcome00:49 Discussing Genetics and Cancer01:46 Stressful Events Leading to Diagnosis02:38 Learning from Genetic Counseling03:07 Environment's Role in Cancer04:02 Discovering MTHFR Mutation05:23 Impact of Toxins and Fertility06:20 Conscious Parenting and Genetic Inheritance07:18 The Power of Choice in Healing08:10 Finding Joy and Freedom Post-Diagnosis09:10 The Healing Power of Connection10:36 Intimacy and Support During Treatment11:05 The Importance of Community and Letting Go of Judgment12:51 Reflecting on Life's Wake-Up Calls14:12 Realizing Life's Finite Nature15:24 The Importance of Nervous System Regulation17:15 Taking Radical Responsibility for Health18:10 Societal Expectations vs. Personal Health19:32 The Journey of Self-Improvement and Healing21:13 Learning Through Family Illness22:39 Joy and Grief Coexisting23:33 Cancer as an Opportunity for Rebirth25:01 The Significance of Raising Your Vibration27:35 Closing Remarks and Gratitude "It's like the trauma of when you treat cancer, it's very traumatic. Not only just being diagnosed with cancer, but the treatment for cancer from a Western perspective is actually very harsh. It's like you're at war." Move the conversation forward on SM: Connect with Joy & Jaclyn: Jaclyn Downs - Joy Lechner -   We’re here learning and growing alongside you as we move the conversation forward together from the BS that’s crushing authentic voices and keeping many in a loop of self-destruction. We’re here to make better choices consciously and truly understand the connection to our subconscious mind. We’re seeking the questions no one is daring to ask and are here to listen to answers with an open mind & loving heart - are you willing to do the same and help move the conversation forward? Alos, anything written or said about diet and mental health are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Music by: Coma-Media Bounce
Integrating Wellness: Navigating Cancer with Holistic and Western Medicine with Jaclyn Downs and Joy Lechner Part 1
Mar 4 2024
Integrating Wellness: Navigating Cancer with Holistic and Western Medicine with Jaclyn Downs and Joy Lechner Part 1
"Cancer can hit us at any point... it's about how we choose to show up in what life has presented to us." Topics Discussed: Integrating holistic and Western medicine for cancer treatmentPersonal stories of overcoming cancerThe role of a holistic lifestyle in cancer prevention and healingThe importance of community support during the healing processThe emotional and spiritual journey of cancer recoveryIntegrating exercise and nutrition in cancer careThe significance of mental and emotional health in healing "I looked at cancer as an opportunity for a rebirth, shedding old layers of myself that weren't working for me." Hello Beautiful! Today, I'm so thrilled to share with you an incredibly special episode from our podcast. We took a deep dive into something very close to our hearts: the journey of healing from cancer, not just from the physical aspect but embracing a holistic approach that intertwines the power of medical science with the essence of natural healing. With my amazing guests, Jacqueline and Joy, we peeled back the layers of their personal battles and triumphs over cancer. It was an eye-opener, revealing that healing isn't just about treatments; it's about nurturing your soul, embracing your community, and transforming adversity into strength. Through the ups and downs, we find ourselves, our true strength, and the amazing capacity of our bodies and spirits to heal. This episode wasn't just about cancer; it was a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, the power of love, and the magic that happens when we choose to face our battles head-on, with grace and courage. So, here's to making every moment count, to loving fiercely, and to always, always finding the silver lining. Catch you on the next episode, where we continue to move the conversation forward, together. "Feeling down is a normal part of life that we all experience, and I no longer feel any shame about it. I also know how to take care of myself better." Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction to the podcast and the holistic approach to dealing with life's challenges00:50 Guests introduction and the connection over holistic fertility improvement01:46 Discussion on personal cancer journeys and the holistic approach to health03:12 Welcoming the guests and diving into their cancer recovery stories09:49 The impact of a holistic lifestyle on using Western medicine for cancer treatment19:09 Finding joy and authenticity in life during and after cancer treatment35:56 Pausing the episode for anticipation, encouraging subscription for continuation Move the conversation forward on SM: Connect with Joy & Jaclyn: Jaclyn Downs - Joy Lechner -   We’re here learning and growing alongside you as we move the conversation forward together from the BS that’s crushing authentic voices and keeping many in a loop of self-destruction. We’re here to make better choices consciously and truly understand the connection to our subconscious mind. We’re seeking the questions no one is daring to ask and are here to listen to answers with an open mind & loving heart - are you willing to do the same and help move the conversation forward? Alos, anything written or said about diet and mental health are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Music by: Coma-Media Bounce
Life After Trauma: A Choice Between Surviving or Thriving with Brad McNeil Part 2
Feb 26 2024
Life After Trauma: A Choice Between Surviving or Thriving with Brad McNeil Part 2
"I know for me, I can look back at my journey and understand why every shitty thing happened." Topics Discussed: Confronting life's hard knocks head-onSetting gritty, realistic goals in the face of adversityBoosting grit and resilience through shared experiencesThe relentless pursuit of consistency, even on the toughest daysDrawing strength from the everyday grind after trauma "It's important to impart hope. I think it's very difficult when you're in, you know, very close, uh, from a traumatic event that you just don't feel like you will ever feel different." Summarizing the Talk: Monica and Brad got real about their journey through the muck and mire of life's challenges. They didn't sugarcoat it; they laid bare the gritty truth of clawing their way back up after being knocked down. With no-nonsense advice and raw honesty, they shared how they set their sights on achievable goals amidst chaos, drawing strength from the rough edges of their shared experiences. Their message? It's not about pretty Instagram quotes; it's about digging deep, embracing the struggle, and refusing to let life's punches keep you down. "If I hadn't gone through this trauma, maybe they wouldn't have the same kind of understanding for the messages that I'm talking about." Timestamps: 0:00 - Introduction: Monica & Brad's Battle-Scarred Story3:15 - Confronting life's hard knocks head-on7:42 - Setting gritty, realistic goals in the face of adversity12:18 - Boosting grit and resilience through shared experiences17:50 - The relentless pursuit of consistency, even on the toughest days22:30 - Drawing strength from the everyday grind after trauma Move the conversation forward on SM: Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief over on Amazon: We’re here learning and growing alongside you as we move the conversation forward together from the BS that’s crushing authentic voices and keeping many in a loop of self-destruction. We’re here to make better choices consciously and truly understand the connection to our subconscious mind. We’re seeking the questions no one is daring to ask and are here to listen to answers with an open mind & loving heart - are you willing to do the same and help move the conversation forward? Alos, anything written or said about diet and mental health are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Music by: Coma-Media Bounce
Discovering Meaning in Loss: Navigating Grief and Finding Hope with Brad McNeil Part 1
Feb 19 2024
Discovering Meaning in Loss: Navigating Grief and Finding Hope with Brad McNeil Part 1
“Fear doesn't prevent death. It prevents life.” Naguib Mahfouz Topics Discussed: Coping with loss and traumaThe journey of healing and self-discoveryOvercoming fear and embracing vulnerabilityRecognizing the need for change and growthFinding meaning and resilience in difficult experiences  "I have everything that I've ever tried to work super hard for, and I feel like shit inside. So when you get to that stage and you're willing to move, the only way ... the only way to go is inward." Monica and Brad delve into the profound journey of healing and self-discovery after experiencing loss and trauma. We're navigating through the complexities of grief, the struggle with control, and the transformative power of vulnerability. We talk about the importance of recognizing one's own BS (belief systems) and the pivotal role of introspection in fostering growth and resilience. Through personal anecdotes and insightful reflections, we highlight the significance of facing fear, embracing change, and finding meaning in life's most challenging moments. "The overwhelming thing that I think I just felt in some of those moments was just that... I don't have the answers. Like I can't solve this by myself."   Timestamps: 00:00 - Introduction to the podcast and its mission08:13 - Guest shares the catalyst for his journey of healing18:43 - Acknowledging the need for inner transformation25:13 - Reflecting on the impact of support and understanding31:55 - Recognizing the decision to heal and move forward34:44 - Embracing personal passions and creative expression Move the conversation forward on SM: Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief over on Amazon: We’re here learning and growing alongside you as we move the conversation forward together from the BS that’s crushing authentic voices and keeping many in a loop of self-destruction. We’re here to make better choices consciously and truly understand the connection to our subconscious mind. We’re seeking the questions no one is daring to ask and are here to listen to answers with an open mind & loving heart - are you willing to do the same and help move the conversation forward? Alos, anything written or said about diet and mental health are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Music by: Coma-Media Bounce
Beyond Apologies: Finding Strength in Authenticity and Boundaries with Abigail White Part Two
Feb 12 2024
Beyond Apologies: Finding Strength in Authenticity and Boundaries with Abigail White Part Two
"If you make it a priority, figuring out how to stay you, your most brilliant, amazing you through the conflict, it's not impossible." Topics Discussed The distinction between confidence and arroganceSocietal expectations and celebrity influencesGender perspectives on confidence and arroganceTrump's reality creation and its impactPersonal responsibility and influence on othersThe role of apologies in personal empowermentSeeking honest feedback for personal growthArrogance as a growth stageConflict resolution and maintaining authenticityPeople-pleasing and its consequencesFamily dynamics and learning conflict resolutionImportance of self-awareness in conflictThe challenge of projecting and handling perceptionsThe significance of personal boundariesEmpowerment in coaching and healing practicesLetting go and allowing natural consequencesRespecting others' journeys and choicesEmbracing life's seasons of growth and change. "I am God. You are God. We're all God. We're all the creator. So we never give ourselves more than what we can handle." Hey there, beautiful souls! It's Monica here, diving into another deep and thought-provoking chat with you all. Today, we're unraveling the fine line between confidence and arrogance. It's a tricky balance, right? We're exploring why people often confine others into boxes and how this shapes our perception of ourselves and others. I've been pondering whether arrogance is just confidence taken to another level, and if so, how does it impact not just us but those around us? We also touched on personal responsibility and how our choices ripple out to affect others. I'm really passionate about the idea that being true to ourselves doesn't mean ignoring the impact we have. And let's talk about apologies - or the lack thereof. I've been thinking a lot about whether we, especially as women, need to apologize less and stand firmer in our truths. It's all about finding that balance, right? Lastly, we dove into the importance of self-reflection. It's about being radically honest with ourselves and others. Are we being arrogant, or are we just confidently walking our path? It's a journey, friends, and I'm right here with you, figuring it all out. Let's keep this conversation going and grow together in our authenticity and empowerment. Move the conversation forward on SM: Connect with Abigail on IG: Timestamps 00:49 - Confidence vs. Arrogance Discussion01:16 - Societal Expectations and Celebrities02:14 - Gender Perspectives on Confidence and Arrogance03:10 - The Example of Trump's Reality Creation04:07 - Personal Responsibility and Influence05:05 - Self-Elevation and Its Perception by Others06:23 - Seeking Honest Feedback and Growth07:18 - Arrogance as a Stage of Growth08:17 - The Challenge of Apologizing and Authenticity09:15 - Empowerment in Conflict Resolution10:13 - Maintaining Boundaries and Self-Awareness11:40 - The Trap of People Pleasing12:36 - Conflict Resolution Skills and Family Dynamics13:34 - Personal Experiences with Conflict14:33 - Authentic Self in Conflict Situations15:32 - Thriving Through Conflict and Self-Awareness16:29 - Projecting and Handling Others' Perceptions17:21 - The Importance of Personal Boundaries18:19 - Reflecting and Distinguishing Personal Issues19:15 - Challenges in Recognizing Personal Responsibilities20:12 - Embracing Strength and Releasing Burdens21:39 - Self-Reflection and Accepting Constructive Criticism22:08 - Recognizing Limits and Setting Boundaries23:03 - The Dangers of Overburdening Oneself24:02 - Empowering Others in Coaching and Healing25:00 - Letting Go and Allowing Natural Consequences26:25 - Accepting Others' Choices in Their Journeys27:22 - Embracing Life's Seasons and Growth We’re here learning and growing alongside you as we move the conversation forward together from the BS that’s crushing authentic voices and keeping many in a loop of self-destruction. We’re here to make better choices consciously and truly understand the connection to our subconscious mind. We’re seeking the questions no one is daring to ask and are here to listen to answers with an open mind & loving heart - are you willing to do the same and help move the conversation forward? Alos, anything written or said about diet and mental health are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Music by: Coma-Media Bounce
Ditching the Drama: A Sarcastic Guide to Family, Freedom, and Finding Yourself with Abigail White Part One
Feb 5 2024
Ditching the Drama: A Sarcastic Guide to Family, Freedom, and Finding Yourself with Abigail White Part One
"Is homesteading a form of running? ...There does come a point where you have to sit and face what you came here to face." Topics Discussed Personal Growth and Conscious LivingDetachment from Conventional SocietyFamily Dynamics and the Desire for SolitudeThe Impact of Toxic RelationshipsThe Concept of Conscious Choice in RelationshipsThe Difference Between Being Alone and Feeling LonelyThe Idea of Homesteading as a Form of EscapeSelf-Reflection and Awareness in Life ChoicesThe Role of Community in Personal DevelopmentBalancing Solitude and Community EngagementQuestioning Societal Norms and InfluencesEmbracing Multiple Perspectives in Life ChoicesThe Concept of Running Away from Problems vs. Facing ThemThe Importance of Intent and Honesty in Personal ChoicesAnticipation and Continuation in Podcast Discussions. "Intent is everything. If you can't be honest with yourself about why you're doing something, then are you truly aware Hey there, beautiful souls! It's Monica here, bringing you another heart-to-heart from our latest podcast episode. We dove deep into the choices we make in our daily lives, and let me tell you, it was a journey! We chatted about everything from our strange detachment from "normal" society to the profound impact of our families on our lives. We even touched on the expansive universe and the intriguing thought of unseen galaxies. But things got really personal when we discussed cutting toxic people out of our lives - yes, even family. It's all about creating a tribe that uplifts us, not drags us down. And guess what? Sometimes, that means walking away from those who don't serve our higher purpose. It's tough, but oh so necessary for growth. We also explored the idea of being alone but not lonely, embracing solitude as a powerful tool for self-discovery. And let me tell you, it’s not about running away; it's about facing our inner demons head-on. We even questioned the allure of homesteading as a form of escape. Is it really healing, or just another form of avoidance? As always, we ended our chat with more questions than answers, but that's the beauty of this journey, right? Stay tuned for more raw, honest, and open conversations. Remember, it's all about the choices we make, consciously or subconsciously. Until next time, keep making those bold choices and being the incredible you! Move the conversation forward on SM: Connect with Abigail on IG: 00:50 Detachment from Society01:17 Family Dynamics and Choice01:50 Universal Expansion and Perception02:50 Importance of Community03:03 Family Size and Challenges04:05 Navigating Toxic Relationships05:01 Conscious Choice of Tribe06:21 Cutting Out Unhelpful People07:19 Evolving Consciousness08:08 Dealing with Loneliness09:19 Dealing with External Judgement10:12 Perception of Being Alone11:11 Reevaluating Life Choices12:09 Embracing Solitude13:47 Changing Community Dynamics15:15 Communal Living Desires16:20 Societal Influences17:46 Questioning Authority and Influence19:14 Embracing Multiple Perspectives20:13 Valuing Solitude and Community22:08 Importance of Community Engagement24:02 Homesteading and Running Away25:22 Awareness of Intentions27:15 Self-Reflection and Awareness We’re here learning and growing alongside you as we move the conversation forward together from the BS that’s crushing authentic voices and keeping many in a loop of self-destruction. We’re here to make better choices consciously and truly understand the connection to our subconscious mind. We’re seeking the questions no one is daring to ask and are here to listen to answers with an open mind & loving heart - are you willing to do the same and help move the conversation forward? Alos, anything written or said about diet and mental health are my opinions, that I have formed over the years, through trial and error, study, reading, listening and observing. What worked for me, may not work for you. I am not a doctor, therapist, nutritionist or dietician and all medical advice should be gotten from a qualified professional. Music by: Coma-Media Bounce