The LDA Podcast: An Exploration of Evidence-Informed Approaches to Learning and Development

Learning Development Accelerator, Inc.

Originally spearheaded by noted learning scientists and consultants, Will Thalheimer and Matt Richter, and originally called Truth In Learning, the updated, upgraded, and rebooted LDA Podcast explores all aspects of the Learning and Development field- validated tools and resources for better training, debunked learning models, controversies in the industry, and so much more. Now hosted by Matt and Clark Quinn (another noted scientist and consultant, the podcast will dive deeply into what makes learning and development more effective and beneficial for its end-users, stakeholders, and practitioners. Along with our monthly and general episodes, we will also offer a monthly series on AI, hosted by AI expert, Markus Bernhardt. Over the upcoming season, The LDA Podcast will: -- Keep you current with L&D research and innovations -- Unpack complex ideas and concepts -- Sharpen your critical thinking skills -- Stimulate your L&D grey cells (although this objective may not be evidence-based) N... read less


The "And the Award Goes to..." Episode
Sep 5 2024
The "And the Award Goes to..." Episode
We are rejoined by Will Thalheimer to talk about one of his favorite topics, awards in the L&D industry. Should we have them? Should we give them out? How do we do it better… if at all? We explore a pretty exhaustive list of the general issues with using and distributing awards among industry professionals by industry professional groups. Heck, we even find a few good points to support the tradition, as well. Are these industry awards fair?Are they judged effectively and fairly? What are, and should, be the criteria for winning an award? What rubric is used? Who designs the rubric? Are we even rewarding the “right” stuff (whatever that means)?What about money? Application fees? And paying for the awards? Bias? Vendor relationships?Heck, are these awards even manageable… doable in order to ensure claimed standards and fairness?‎Is an evolving approach, perhaps to think about certification?  Who judges the judges? Will even hands out an award called the Neon Elephant Award, as he attempts to bypass many of the issues we discuss. You can learn more about it here: Does he succeed? Yes— we know there are tons of awards out there, so we are speaking generically. But the questions of fairness and appropriate judgement still hold.  Matt references NASAGA. The North American Simulation and Gaming Association. We also reference ISPI, the International Society for Performance Improvement. Any conversation about awards within the context of L&D would, and should, lead to a conversation about program and practitioner evaluation. We, of couse, talk about Will’s Learning Transfer Evaluation Model (LTEM). You can learn more about that here: Will brings up one of his passion ideas… that within L&D, we should have independent journalists investigating and report on how we do, what we do, and what we could do better. He originally talks it about it in the LDA Podcast, Episode 4. And what about impact? Is impact the key? Or, are we missing the boat? What about the differences between learning and impact? How do we ensure that our learning engagement was actually the cause of the identified impact. LDA had the wonderful, Alex Edmans, from the London Business School, on our MEET THE AUTHOR Series. The video is here: We reference his new book, May Contain Lies. You can find the book and learn more about Alex, here: Will’s new book is The CEO’s Guide to Training, eLearning, and Work. You can learn more and buy it here:  You can learn more about Will here:
The "Game Show" Episode
Aug 12 2024
The "Game Show" Episode
In this episode, Matt and Clark are joined by the great Karl Kapp. We dive into a favorite topic… using commercial games for learning. Shameless plug… The Commercial Games Workshop with Karl Kapp and Matt on December 11-12, 2024 in Philadelphia. We talk about how to utilize games and activities for team building and ensure they become both domain specific and transfer back to the workplace. We also distinguish between cooperative and competitive gaming experiences, as well as their respective pros and cons. We discuss tips, constraints, and applications for using games— specifically commercial games. The game itself is never the goal… we talk about how to leverage the game to reach an instructional purpose. We talk about balancing fun and the objective. We talk about debriefing game play. Karl refers to war gaming. Learning is a system. A game is a system that is a part of that greater learning system. Clark refers to Kurt Squire:  Game of Phones— Kris Rockwell: Matt references Board Game Geek. Wil Wheaton's Tabletop:  Games mentioned: CivilizationEscape RoomsTimelineForbidden IslandNew York Times’ FlashbackFluxxBreak the Safe‎Monopoly‎Oregon Trail‎Lost Dutchman Goldmine (by Scott Simmerman)‎Risk‎Stratego‎Ticket to Ride‎Age of Empires‎Pandemic‎Barnga‎War‎Gin Rummy‎Ninety-Nine‎Cards Against Humanity ‎Titan Quest‎Firefly‎‎Code NamesNYT Connections‎Reigns‎Candy Crush ‎Plants vs. Zombies‎Murder by Choice‎JJ Abrams’ S.Temple Run‎The Dwarf King‎Hanabi‎‎Guillotine‎Hearts‎Pitch‎Cassino‎NYT Strands A bit about Karl… He has over 27 years of experience as a professor of instructional technology and 15 years as the Director of the Institute for Interactive Technologies at Bloomsburg University— now Commonwealth University, He helps people understand the convergence of learning, technology, games and game-thinking through fun, laughter and insight. As the founder of the Learning and Development Mentor Academy, he provides seasoned L&D professionals with access to a library of on-demand, self-paced workshops, monthly live sessions, and a vibrant community of peers and experts. Karl also co-founded Enterprise Game Stack, a company that designs, develops and delivers online, digital card activities and games that keep participants focused, engaged, and collaborative, while reinforcing learning both in the moment and over time.  You can find Karl on LinkedIn here: Or on his website,
The "How In the Skills Could You Say That?" Episode
Jul 16 2024
The "How In the Skills Could You Say That?" Episode
We are delighted to have the great Koreen Pagano join the podcast for the furthering conversation on skills. We get Koreen’s perspective and definition of skills.  Matt alludes to the earlier LDA Podcast, The “What the Skills” Episode with Paul Kirschner, as well as the research work he did with John Sweller and Richard Clark published in their article: Kirschner, P.A., Sweller, J., & Clark, R.E. (2006). Why minimal guidance during instruction does not work: An analysis of the failure of constructivist discovery, problem-based, experiential, and inquiry-based teaching. Educational Psychologist. 41(2), 75-86. In the episode, we dig into whether one can teach, and how one can teach, conflict resolution, critical thinking, and even tease the subject of teaching leadership. The debate really gets playfully heated when they talk about critical thinking. Clark uses the famous phrase, “yes… and…” Matt references the great improv in business practitioner, Kat Koppett. Her first book, Training to Imagine is a great source to go into yes, anding… in more depth. Matt references evolutionary skills and brings up the references from Sweller: Sweller, J. (2016). Cognitive Load Theory: What We Learn and How We Learn. In M. Spector, B. Lockee, & M. Childress (Eds.), Learning, design, and technology (pp. 1–28). Springer. And Geary Geary, D. C. (2008). An evolutionarily informed education science. Educational Psychologist, 43(4), 179–195. We discuss what it means to master skills, and develop automation. We also explore how to assess whether a person has a skill or the potential to develop a skill. We debate transferability and whether skills— especially complex skills need be taught within a contextual domain. Matt argues yes. Koreen argues no. Clark argues “It depends.” They also debate whether, and how much, talent plays into skill development. Heck… is talent even a thing? The big argument centers around Carnegie Hall and playing golf! And of course, Anders Ericsson is a part of the conversation. Ericsson, K. A., & Charness, N. (1994). Expert performance: Its structure and acquisition. American Psychologist, 49: 725–747. Matt referenced the Human Development expert, Richard Lerner. Koreen references the hostage negotiator, Chris Voss and his book, Never Split the Difference. And we even debate how transferrable the skill of game design is! And we talked about so much more!!! Of course, we run out of time because we had so much fun chatting with Koreen… that we didn’t get to Best and Worst! Next time… and Koreen will be back! More about Koreen: Koreen Pagano, Chief Product Officer at Thrive Learning and founder of Isanno, is a globally recognized product executive with deep expertise in learning technologies, skills strategy, AI, analytics, and immersive technologies. Koreen has held product leadership roles at companies including, LinkedIn, D2L, Degreed, and Wiley. Koreen previously founded Tandem Learning in 2008, where she pioneered immersive learning through virtual worlds, games, and simulations. She has taught graduate courses at Harrisburg University and provided advisory and consulting services to a range of tech companies in the corporate learning, VR, and K12 education markets. Koreen is a seasoned international speaker, author of the book Immersive Learning and an upcoming book on organizational skills transformation due out in 2025. You can find Koreen here:
The "What's the Problem... Leadership?" Episode
Jun 14 2024
The "What's the Problem... Leadership?" Episode
We have the wonderful Nigel Paine back in the house for an exciting and banter-filled episode about leadership. It's a continuation of the previous Nigel show, The "Follow the Leader" Episode. Nigel and Matt continue the conversation about the nuance of leadership-- what the heck is it practically as organizations struggle to get their arms around it. A bulk of the discussion centers on the work of the wonderful historian and leadership expert, Keith Grint from the Säid Business School of the University of Oxford and also the University of Warwick, both in the UK. You can learn more about Keith here: And a wonderful primer on Keith's work is his short book, LEADERSHIP, A VERY SHORT INTRODUCTION. You can get it here: They leverage his problem-based model of leadership taking Rittel and Webber's Wicked and Tame problems (and adding Critical Problems) as a basis for prescribing a leadership, management, or command response.  Rittel and Webber. Here is the reference to their work: Rittel, H.W.J. and Webber, M.M.. (1973) Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning. Policy Sciences. 4, pp. 155-169. The classicJames MacGregor Burns book introducing the concept of Transformational Leadership is:  Burns, J. M. (1978). Leadership (1st ed.). New York: Harper & Row. Barbara Kellermen's book is: Kellerman, B. (2012). The end of leadership (1st ed.). New York: Harper Business, An Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers. Jeffrey Pfeffer wrote a wonder book called LEADERSHIP BS. The reference is:  Pfeffer, J. (2015). Leadership BS : fixing workplaces and careers one truth at a time (First edition. ed.). New York, NY: Harper Business, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers. We also reference Ronald Riggio: Riggio, R. E. (Ed.) (2018). What’s Wrong with Leadership? New York: Routledge. Matt incorrectly says Charles Wheelen's name. It is Wheelen and his book is called Naked Economics. We allude to systems-based leadership. You can learn more about it here: Raelin, J. A. (2016). Imagine There Are No Leaders: Reframing Leader‐ ship as Collaborative Agency. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 12(2), 131-158. In Best and Worst, we reference the new book by economist, Alex Edmans, MAY CONTAIN LIES, found anywhere books are sold.
AI and L&D Insights: Optimizing L&D- Leveraging AI and Process Automation with Sandie de la Cruz
May 30 2024
AI and L&D Insights: Optimizing L&D- Leveraging AI and Process Automation with Sandie de la Cruz
Join Markus Bernhardt in this enlightening conversation with Sandie de la Cruz, a seasoned automation specialist and Digital Solutions Manager at Edwards Life Sciences. Dive into the world of AI and process optimization as Sandie shares her expert insights on enhancing operational efficiency and strategic implementation in learning and development, and beyond. Discover the transformative potential of automation tools and learn practical strategies to streamline your L&D operations for a smarter and more effective workflow.   Shownotes: Connect with Sandie de la Cruz on LinkedIn.Business Process Automation Tools: Zapier - Connects your apps and automates workflows.UiPath - A leader in robotic process automation (RPA) software that automates repetitive office tasks.Blue Prism - RPA tool that provides a virtual workforce powered by software robots.Microsoft Power Automate - Helps automate workflows between your apps and services to synchronize files, get notifications, collect data, and more. Marketing Automation Tools: HubSpot - Integrates a variety of marketing tools into one platform, including email marketing, social media campaigns, and lead management.Marketo - Provides tools for email marketing, lead nurturing, and marketing analytics.Mailchimp - Known for email marketing automation but also includes ad campaign and landing page features. Additional Resources: Learn and develop your skills through Microsoft Learn.Join Google Women Techmakers for initiatives supporting women in technology.Advance your knowledge in AI with Google's AI Certificates.
The "Who Coaches the Coaches" Episode, Part II
May 16 2024
The "Who Coaches the Coaches" Episode, Part II
We welcome back Emma Weber for part II of our conversation about coaching. This episode focuses on the qualifications and requirements for what makes an effective coach. We start with how to go about finding a coach.  Emma offered to provide any listeners with her Assessing Coaching Capability Grid. You can get it here:  We briefly discuss Self-Determination Theory, a motivation model widely researched and used globally. You can learn more about it here: We talk about Paul Kirschner and John Sweller who have researched and talked extensively about explicit and direct instruction versus the "in the flow of work" folks like Conrad Gottfredson and Bob Mosher from 5 Moments of Need. You can learn more about the thoughts of Paul here: And 5 Moments of Need here:  Clark references Harold Jarche's Seek, Sense, Share: We also talk about the professionalization of coaching. Should coaches... how can coaches... be certified? Can coaching be standardized?  And we talk about coach bots. Of course, we end with the Best and the Worst where we discuss conference season and who attends the sessions. Shameless plug for Matt's new book with Thiagi on LDA Press... you can pre-order it here in French or English: And additional shameless plug... LDA has partnered with the Center for Self-Determination Theory to produce a new, monthly podcast/ video cast where we engage with a researcher/ practitioner in the motivational psychology field about their respective work. You can find the show, and subscribe to it, here: For those unfamiliar with Emma, she is the founder of Lever – Transfer of Learning, and developer of the Turning Learning into Action™ methodology. In 2002 Emma left a successful corporate career in London to start her own business in Australia, following her passion for coaching and learning. Her firm belief, and the platform on which she has built her successful global business, is that the goal of learning in the workplace is to create tangible business benefits. She established Lever – Transfer of Learning to help organisations and their employees convert learning to effective action back on the job. Under her guidance Lever Learning now delivers programs throughout 16 countries and in 11 languages. She is the author of Turning Learning into Action: A Proven Methodology for Effective Transfer of Learning, published by Kogan Page in 2014. You can find Emma via her website: or on LinkedIn:
The ”Marketing, Schmarketing” Episode
Apr 18 2024
The ”Marketing, Schmarketing” Episode
In this episode, we asked our good friend, David Ganulin to join us to talk about marketing and how the domain of marketing can inform learning and development. Of course, that didn't stop us from deviating off topic! Of course, we still do The Best and the Worst. We have a brief conversation about the following concepts:  Hard Fun, coined by Dr. Seymour Papert. You can find out more here: Robert Csikszentmihalyi: Flow: and Zone of Proximal Development: Bjork- Desired Difficulty: Ericsson Deliberate Practice: Matt differentiates between Openers and Icebreakers here: In the meantime, Matt referenced LDA's good friend, Ashley Sinclair and her company, MAAS Marketing, which provides marketing services specifically for L&D teams in organizations. You can find out more about Ashley here: A bit more about Dave: David Ganulin tries to use his marketing superpowers so good triumphs over evil. He loves that he can write in the third person, as well as the fact that he literally just used the term "marketing superpowers" in the first sentence of a professional bio unironically. He graduated from the University of Rochester with an M.S in Teaching, Curriculum, and Development and upon graduation, left for Japan where he served as a college Professor for five years in a variety of institutions teaching English as a Second Language, English literature, writing, and other advanced classes. Upon returning to New York City in 2000, he found himself at the tail end of Dot Bomb 1.0, and we all know how that went! He served in a variety of marketing positions beginning in 2001 and was lucky enough to learn the field from the ground up from being hands-on as well as from some incredible Mentors in the field. Along the way--while serving in a variety of higher level positions, he caught the entrepreneur bug and in 2001 (when absolutely nobody knew what a kettlebell was) ended up finding, scaling (with no outside capital), and eventually exiting a leading B2B education company KettleBell Concepts. He's been working alongside Pete Moore--Managing Partner of Integrity Square--as the firm's Chief Marketing Officer and Executive Producer of HALO Talks podcast since October 2018. You can find David here: Integrity Square: Halotalks: LinkedIn:
The ”Who Coaches the Coaches” Episode, Part I
Mar 21 2024
The ”Who Coaches the Coaches” Episode, Part I
Clark and Matt are joined by the wonderful Emma Weber. For those unfamiliar with Emma, she is the founder of Lever – Transfer of Learning, and developer of the Turning Learning into Action™ methodology. In this first episode of a two-part series, we explore coaching. What is it? How does it work? How should it work. And, of course, we go all over the place as we converse. We end the episode with the best and the worst. Emma and Clark reference LDA friend, Julie Dirksen and her latest book, Talk to the Elephant and her first book, Design for How People Learn. We talked with Julie just a few episodes ago. Clark references Collins and Brown's application of Cognitive Apprenticeship Theory. Emma references Bill Anderson, CEO of Bayer. Clark references Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership Model. The debate between Matt and Emma is/ was on April 3, 2024 and can be found on the LDA website. More about Emma. In 2002 Emma left a successful corporate career in London to start her own business in Australia, following her passion for coaching and learning. Her firm belief, and the platform on which she has built her successful global business, is that the goal of learning in the workplace is to create tangible business benefits. She established Lever – Transfer of Learning to help organisations and their employees convert learning to effective action back on the job. Under her guidance Lever Learning now delivers programs throughout 16 countries and in 11 languages. She is the author of Turning Learning into Action: A Proven Methodology for Effective Transfer of Learning, published by Kogan Page in 2014.    You can find Emma via her website: or on LinkedIn: In Part two, available in a month, we will explore coaching accreditation. Who decides what makes a good coach and how can one evaluate the quality of all those coaches out there? And, of course what kind of coaching is effective?
The ”Research to Practice” Episode
Mar 3 2024
The ”Research to Practice” Episode
Matt and Clark are so happy to have our dear friend and colleague, Elham Arabi join for the episode. In this show, we explore the nuance, and sometimes vague aspects, of culturally responsive learning and how that intricately ties to research and practice. In other words, what are the business cultural facets that affect learning initiatives. What norms, standards, values, and political schema all have impacts? Matt shamelessly references his own model for why stakeholders say no... (1) They don't buy the premise-- they don't accept the problem as stated. (2) They don't buy the solution. They accept the problem as stated, but not the solution you offer. (3) Or, they accept the problem AND the solution as offered, but don't like or trust you to deliver it. Elham referenced Adam Grant's book Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know. If you want to watch the debate between Clark and Will, you will have to join LDA at the platinum level to access the video here: Matt references Self-Determination Theory (SDT). SDT is a widely research theory for how people are motivated. The premise is that all humans have three basis psychological needs (autonomy, competence, and relatedness). When those needs are met, one is more likely to be intrinsically motivated toward a task. When they are undermined, one is like to be more extrinsically motivated, or not motivated at all. The theory was initially devised and studied by Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan while they were at the University of Rochester. Here is a link to an article Matt wrote on the topic in context to learning: The checklist Matt references can be found here: Clark references Amy Edmundson and her work on Learning culture: and Harold Jarche's talks about how well you share with others: Clark also references Geert Hofstede and his work on Cultural Dimensions. Mindtools offers a nice summary here: Elham references The Culture Map: Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business by Erin Meyer. She also references Mark Britz and James Tyer's Social by Design: How to Create and Scale a Collaborative Company. Matt highlights Thiagi's SPARK Model for Trust: Selflessness, Predictability, Authenticity, Relatedness, and Know-How. Matt referenced the Heterodox Academy founded by Steven Pinker, founder here: You can find Elham on LinkedIn here: More on Elham... She is an award-winning learning designer and global consultant in corporate and higher-ed with more than 15 years’ experience in the US, South-East Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. She has championed better evaluation practices in several organizations and done practical research on evaluation to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of learning programs that lead to learning transfer and impact. She holds a PhD in Interaction and Media Sciences from the University of Nevada, where her thesis was on enhancing training design based on training evaluation to investigate the effects on training transfer.
The ”What the Skills?!?” Episode
Jan 25 2024
The ”What the Skills?!?” Episode
In this episode, Matt is joined by the eminent educational psychologist, Paul Kirschner. Paul is truly one of the most qualified humans on the planet to talk about our topic this episode-- skills. The word skills is bandied about all over our industry. And we all agree it is important for people to develop skills. But, what do we mean by skills? Have we perhaps oversimplified this concept? During the episode, Paul and Matt hit several specific areas related to this often used, extremely important, but still ill-defined concept (at least within our industry)- skills: What is a skill? What are complex skills? What are generic skills? Domain-specific skills?What is the cognitive architecture?Can skills be taught? What about leadership? Creativity? Etc.? Of course... you know the answer... it's nuanced!From an instructional design perspective, how should we go about teaching “skills.”What are the mistakes educators and trainers make when it comes to skills?What are the misconceptions we have about skills?How should we test whether a learner can perform a skill and what do those tests tell us?Then there is Cognitive Load Theory..., Oh my!And, more!There are many places you can find Paul. But, the best place is at his blog, 3-Star Learning Experiences. Paul has written several books. Some of our favorites, of which many of the subjects touched upon here, are delved into deeply there. They include, but are not limited to: Ten Steps to Complex Learning How Learning Happens: Seminal Works in Educational Psychology Evidence Informed Learning Design Urban Myths about Learning and Education More Urban Myths about Learning and Education We also have a bit of a conversation about John Sweller. John is an Australian educational psychologist best known for formulating the influential theory of cognitive load. A wonderful YouTube video of John talking about cognitive load is here. And if you want to see a quick video of Paul... Here you go... one from a few years ago...
The ”Holy Podcast, Batman” Episode
Dec 28 2023
The ”Holy Podcast, Batman” Episode
This episode’s topics:  Is AI cheating? What is the impact on intellectual property? Learner assessment? Heck, even job replacement? These questions are both philosophical and pragmatic. What about the value of critical thinking... and does AI take that application away? We explore ways to use AI more effectively... but recognize we cannot even fathom some of the consequences, yet.In the spirit of Christmas and Santa Claus, is it ok to ever lie to your learners? What is the value of the "white lie?" What is fiction in the context of learning? Is it a lie? How do we use or adapt case studies? We discuss the more nuanced, ethical questions related to the truth in the context of learning.Joining Matt and Clark is Karl Kapp. Karl is a professor of instructional technology and the Director of the Institute for Interactive Technologies at Bloomsburg University. He is also the founder of the Learning and Development Mentor Academy where he offers tons of self-paced workshops and live sessions for seasoned L&D professionals. He also co-founded Enterprise Game Stack, a company that designs, develops and delivers online, digital card activities and games that keep participants focused, engaged, and collaborative, while reinforcing learning both in the moment and over time.  You can find Karl on LinkedIn here:  And on his website here:  Episode Notes: Matt refers to the book, Everybody Lies: Big Data, New Data, and What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really Are by Seth Stephens-Davidowitz. Karl refers to Damned Lies and Statistics by Joel Best. Clark refers to Cognitive apprenticeship: Teaching the crafts of reading, writing, and mathematics by Allan Collins, John Seely Brown, and Susan E. Newman. Page wrote The Model Thinker: What You Need To Know To Make Data Work For You., Scott is from the University of Michigan.