Catherine Lorimer's Guide to Life

Catherine Lorimer

I chat about general life experiences and adventures to hopefully inspire you to do new things. I get advice from people who have lots of life experiences to help you on your journey through life.

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Health & FitnessHealth & Fitness


London Marathon Training Week 3
Jan 20 2024
London Marathon Training Week 3
Hi everyone and welcome to Catherine Lorimers Guide to Life Podcast. It is week 3 of my London Marathon Training and a welcome back to Alan (Hello) you were away skiing last week, your fan did email and complain that you were not on the Podcast last week so at least we know one person is listening to us.  Did you have a good break (Yes) Well Alan you are a man of few words, let’s hope I don’t ever have to interview you. Now last week was the 50th episode of my podcast, which you missed Alan while you were on  pieste, probably off pieste  in the bar piesete.I started this podcast in September 2022, I had a break last year, which is something that I will not be doing this year, I am aiming to get a full year so 52 episodes of 1-hour long podcasts in and I have already got some exciting activities and adventures planned for this year.  I have also already got some fantastic and interesting guests to interview lined up.Now coming up in this weeks podcast, I have an update on my training, I will be interviewing / getting some more tips from Jo Bridges, who is a personal Trainer and has her own gym and online membership for some advice on strength and conditioning and Pilates to help with my running. I have been cooking more meals from the Mindful Chef and Alan will, be.  Err what will you be doing Alan (pressing buttons).  Just for anyone who is listening to the podcast for the first time, Alan is the producer, I occasionally get him to read stuff out and he is the one with the fan!My Marathon training has gone really well this week and I am feeling really well prepared for my half marathon this weekend, providing we don’t have any adverse weather that cancels it.  Last week I ended up running 17 miles instead of the 15 miles I had planned to run, this week I have given myself more of a break, doing a 5 mile long run with Pippa while my car gets MOTed and then some shorter 2 mile runs mid week again working on pace and continuous running rather than the walk running that I have been doing. The half marathon I am doing is around a really hilly area, so great training but also challenging, if I get a time under 3 hours for this one I will be happy, I would love a time of between 2 hrs 40 and 2 hrs 50, that would be awesome.  I have a plan to run at my 5k pace for most of the way as I managed that on my 9 mile run last week, then slow the pace slightly after 9 miles and finish the rest at the slower pace, but I will see how it goes as if there are a lot of steep hills, I might walk those and then run the rest of the way at my 3k pace.  What has worked well this week I have been doing more work on continual running and also work on my pace on shorter distances.  Sprint work is probably best for this as well, but I haven’t had chance to do that, as it has been a bit icy this week.What has been challenging this week.The main challenges this week have been the snow and the extreme cold, running in the cold as an asthmatic is difficult and when you have icy conditions it is a bit dicy, I managed to get a couple of runs in, I am tapering this week ahead of my half marathon on Sunday.Strength and conditioning sessionsThis week I am easing off on the strength and conditioning sessions ahead of my half marathon run on Sunday.  I have done one arm session and a platies session and will do stretch session after my run, I use Jo Bridge who I was chatting to earlier one, she has a great one on YouTube.Here is a snippet from one of her sessions. Healthy Eating I am really happy with the food that I have been eating this week, only a couple of suspect biscuits h
London Marathon Training week 2
Jan 13 2024
London Marathon Training week 2
London Marathon Training Week 2Hello and welcome to this weeks podcast about my London Marathon Training, for anyone who didn’t listen to week one, I started running in February 2023 after doing a half marathon walk around London and ran my first marathon at the beginning of September, in just 7 months. This podcast is also here to give you some inspiration if you have just started running and to give you some hints and tips and advise you if you are running your first marathon or if you just want some motivation to get fitter and loose some weight.Coming up in the podcast this week, update on my training, I will be interviewing my amazing marathon runner cousin, James Kimber, I have some dumbbell tips from Jo Bridge Fitness I will be letting you know about Mindful Chef and to finish off some beginner running tips.In week one I ran a total of 17 miles over 4 days, this week I have run a total of over 4 days, I wanted to say a bit about planning, I diaries the miles that I need to run each day each week and this really helps me to stick to my training plan.  This week I have done 15 miles, I did a 9 mile long run at the beginning of the week, then I have been tapering ahead of my half marathon next weekend. I have done three 2 mile runs at a faster pace, mainly because I have had two Labradors towing me, Pippa and her sister Rosie who needs to the vet said needed to lose a couple of kgs so I offered to run with her and it has really helped with my pace.  Training issues this weekThe cold weather, I have found this particularly challenging as being an asthmatic I struggle with my breathing, I have had to take it easy for the first couple of miles until I get my breathing under control.It has also been icy conditions so not ideal for running, especially with a Labrador who tends to pull you.Interview with James Kimber from Chester.Strength and conditioning sessionsI did three in week 1 a total of 1hr 10 mins of body conditioning and 40 minutes of Pilates.I am following workouts for The Nu You app and I am also taking dumbbell and pilates session from the 20 minute club run by Jo Bridges and there is access to loads of classes on this and its great value for £14.99 a month. Here is a snippet from Jo’s Instagram account on Dumbbells and which she has given me permission to include in my podcast. This week I have been cooking food from the Mindful chef, for those of you who have not heard of the mindful chef they delivery boxes with all the ingredients in each week for whichever recipe you have chosen. The ingredients supplied is from local and sustainable producers.The idea behind The Mindful Chef is getting good quality local produce but also trying to reduce food waste by supplying just enough ingredients for the amount of people eating the dish.  When you buy from The Mindful Chef you are also donating to one feeds two, so for my three meals a child has received three free school meals.They are promoting healthy eating and trying to get people away from quick fix crash diets as they do not work long term and people like myself need a life style change and to change eating habits completely. The idea is to have a smaller portion of meat or fish from a sustainable source and bulk it out with fresh in season local vegetables. There recipes are also gluten-free with no dairy. If you buy meat and fish produce from local suppliers you can check the quality of welfare at these producers, rather than getting a piece of chicken in a supermarket that has been important from South America and you have no idea of how that animal was treated.  The main principles areLess meat but better qualityNo DairyNatural ingredients, no processed foods, or refined foods or any with added sugarsGrass fed beef, free range chickens, MSC certified fishAll 100% British