The Beauty Hunters Podcast | Strategies and Inspiration to Thrive as a Creative

Jonathan & Michelle Rose - Artist, Poet, Entrepreneur, Creative, Coach, Speaker

**The Go-to Podcast for Creative Souls Ready to Transform Their Creative Journey!** As a creative, have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered where the vibrant, inspired you went? Are you feeling stuck with no time and money to create? At the end of the day, are you frustrated that you have no energy or mental capacity left to be creative? Are you sick of not having the dedicated space to work once you finally get to your project? YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Join us on the Beauty Hunters Podcast where you will learn how to keep your creative spark alive, stay inspired so you can make things that matter and even learn how to make money doing what you love. Hi friend, we are Jonathan and Michelle Rose, fellow creative souls who understand the struggle. We once lived a life consumed by the daily grind, too exhausted to honor our creative aspirations. It left us feeling empty and dead inside. That all changed when we learned how to find ourselves again. We discovered the mindset and skills that allowed us to infuse everyday life with creative passion. This shift has made our creative flow unstoppable, releasing authentic and impactful beauty into the world. The answer? Beauty Hunting! A way of being present in your daily life that naturally inspires purpose and creative flow. If you’re ready to rediscover your passions, unlock consistent creativity, and connect with your vibrant soul, then welcome home! Our faith-based episodes will delve into how to beauty hunt, mindsets that overcome creative blocks, strategies that maximize the time, money and space for creativity all so that you can put meaningful work into the world. With expert insights, practical advice, and heartfelt conversations, Grab your coffee, tune in, and let’s create a more beautiful world together! Next steps: Connect with us on Facebook @thebeautyhunterspodcast Connect with us on Instagram @thebeautyhunterspodcast Email us: read less
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34. Stop Waiting for Inspiration: Start Planning Your Creative Breakthroughs
4d ago
34. Stop Waiting for Inspiration: Start Planning Your Creative Breakthroughs
Hey there Beauty Hunter! Have you ever found yourself staring at a blank page, just waiting for that magical spark of inspiration to hit? Days, weeks, even months can slip by as you wait for that perfect moment. How has that been working for you? It's frustrating, right? Well, what if I told you there’s a way to break free from this cycle? In today’s episode, we’re diving into a topic that might just change your creative life forever. We’re busting the myth that planning kills creativity. And guess what? All the “greats” have been doing it for ages! What if you could do the same? Imagine setting aside a special time each day, a sacred space where your creativity can blossom. Picture yourself in a cozy corner, your favorite tools at the ready, inviting the muse to join you in a gentle, daily routine. Ready to transform your creative process? Don’t forget to join our private Facebook Group and  download our free creative scheduling worksheet. (CLICK HERE TO JOIN) This handy tool will help you set up a consistent and joyful creative practice that fits perfectly into your routine. So grab your favorite cup of coffee, get comfy, and join us on this exciting journey. Let’s stop waiting and start creating, making every day a masterpiece. Stay tuned, Beauty Hunters—let’s get those creative juices flowing!   Much love, Jonathan + Michelle Rose If you loved this episode, please share with a fellow creative and leave us a review on iTunes at steps: Follow us on Facebook @thebeautyhunterspodcastFollow us on Instagram @thebeautyhunterspodcastEmail us at  Join our facebook group at
33. The Hidden Secret of Time Management: Reclaiming Your Creativity
Jun 3 2024
33. The Hidden Secret of Time Management: Reclaiming Your Creativity
Hey there Beauty Hunter! Ever wondered why it feels like time just slips through your fingers? Or why your dreams of creating that masterpiece seem to gather dust on the shelf? Well, grab your favorite mug and settle in, because today we're going to show you how to reclaim your time and ignite your creative spark. Trust me, you don't want to miss this! Jonathan's Journey: Jonathan opens up the episode by sharing his journey of moving from the familiar comforts of everyday living and the mundane life to the transformation that had to happen for HandsOnFire to come into existence. This shift realigned our lives with our passions and values. Michelle’s Time Management Secrets: Now, here’s where it gets juicy. Michelle walks you through the process to make sure your time serves your values and those sneaky old habits don’t sabotage your efforts. Here’s the rundown: Set Quarterly Goals: Before each quarter, evaluate and set 1-2 goals that act as your guiding compass. Weekly Planning: Every Sunday, do a brain dump of all tasks and appointments for the week. Then, assign each task a level of priority from 1 to 10, based on how they align with your goals and values. Starting with the 1s (top priority), plug them into my calendar.Cut the Fluff: After scheduling the top priorities, assess if you can fit in lower-priority tasks (6-10 on your list) without overwhelming yourself. If dishes are a low priority, maybe it's a paper plate week!Identify Time Suckers: Notice where distractions arise and determine if they align with your values. If not, it's easier to walk away, just like Jonathan did with his job.Re-evaluating and prioritizing your time can create real transformation in your life. It’s all about making intentional choices that serve your passions and values. Much love, Jonathan + Michelle Rose If you loved this episode, please share with a fellow creative and leave us a review on iTunes at steps: Follow us on Facebook @thebeautyhunterspodcastFollow us on Instagram @thebeautyhunterspodcastEmail us at Join our facebook group at
26. Capturing Moments, Preserving History: Randi Anglin’s Timeless Photography
Apr 15 2024
26. Capturing Moments, Preserving History: Randi Anglin’s Timeless Photography
Hey there Beauty Hunter!   Have you ever wondered how the world appears through the eyes of a photographer? Meet Randi Anglin, a master of visual storytelling whose camera isn't just a device but a gateway to a realm where every light and shadow tells a story. In this captivating episode, we invite you to see the world as Randi sees it—a place shimmering with stories waiting to be told. Each snapshot by Randi is a testament to his belief that ordinary scenes are canvases of extraordinary possibilities. Through his lens, mundane moments become landscapes filled with hope and awe, urging us all to look closer and see deeper. Today, you're not just listening to another interview. You’re embarking on a voyage to discover beauty in places you’ve passed a thousand times but never truly seen. As you listen, we challenge you to grab your phone and capture a snapshot of wherever you are. Let Randi inspire you to see the hidden beauty around you.   Much love, Jonathan + Michelle Rose If you loved this episode, please share with a fellow creative and leave us a review on iTunes at steps: Follow Randi on Instagram @photorandiFollow Randi on Flickr us on Facebook @thebeautyhunterspodcastFollow us on Instagram @thebeautyhunterspodcastEmail us at  Join our facebook group at
25. Why Your Playlist Might Be Killing Your Creativity (And How to Fix It)
Apr 8 2024
25. Why Your Playlist Might Be Killing Your Creativity (And How to Fix It)
Hey there, fellow Beauty Hunters! Have you ever wondered if there’s a secret ingredient to supercharge your creativity and mood, something so powerful yet as accessible as your favorite streaming service?    In this heartwarming episode, Jonathan and Michelle Rose share the secrets on the transformative power of music and its extraordinary influence on our emotions and creative fire.   Ever felt stuck on a project or just out of sync with your creative spirit? We've been there, and guess what? Music is our magic key. Picture this: a soundtrack so perfectly attuned to your mood and creative aspirations that it feels like you've unlocked a hidden chamber within your mind. Yes, friends, we're talking about the art and science of creating the ultimate playlist—not just any playlist, but one that acts as a key to unlock your deepest wells of creativity.  Expect to walk away with actionable tips to curate your own musical collection that aligns with your creative goals and needs.  So, grab your favorite cup of coffee, hit play, and let the Beauty Hunters Podcast be the soundtrack to discovering the beauty in your creative process.    Much love, Jonathan + Michelle Rose If you loved this episode, please share with a fellow creative and leave us a review on iTunes at steps: Follow us on Facebook @thebeautyhunterspodcastFollow us on Instagram @thebeautyhunterspodcastEmail us at Join our facebook group at
23. Beauty Beyond Sight, Kevin Lowe’s Story of Tragedy and Resilience
Mar 25 2024
23. Beauty Beyond Sight, Kevin Lowe’s Story of Tragedy and Resilience
Hey there Beauty Hunter! Ever wondered how someone finds beauty in life's toughest moments? Meet our guest, Kevin Lowe. At just 17, Kevin's world turned upside down when he lost his eyesight after a life saving surgery.  From navigating life's challenges to rediscovering his creative superpower, Kevin's story will leave you in awe. He dives into the power of gratitude, the beauty of human connection, and how he "sees" the world through echolocation. Kevin isn’t just surviving…he’s thriving and he shows you how you can too. His incredible journey of resilience, creativity and purpose will inspire you to discover beauty in every moment.  Don’t miss out! Join us as we chat with Kevin Low, the ultimate beauty hunter, and learn how he's making the world a more beautiful place, one podcast episode at a time.  Much love, Jonathan + Michelle Rose If you loved this episode, please share with a fellow creative and leave us a review on iTunes at steps: Follow us on Facebook @thebeautyhunterspodcastFollow us on Instagram @thebeautyhunterspodcastEmail us at Join our facebook group at’s website: to Kevin’s podcast episode about echolocation