Revelation Within On the Go!

Heidi Bylsma-Epperson and Christina Motley

Revelation Within equips people with life-giving, grace-infused mind renewal tools to deepen their intimacy with Jesus so that counterfeit comforts (like overeating) lose their allure, and the joy and hope of Jesus fills their lives, satisfying their souls.

In our podcast we talk about mind renewal, tips and tricks for getting and staying free from counterfeit comforts like overeating (over-scrolling, over-drinking, over-anythinging...)

We began as Thin Within in 1975, a pioneer in intuitive, mindful eating back when diets were in their hey day! Thin Within has taught people how to tune in to their body's natural signals of hunger and satisfaction, remaining present with their meals and delighting in tastes and textures--and the Lord!

In the 1980s, Thin Within became a Christian ministry, showing people that the emptiness that they have felt and often filled with food that their bodies don't require, was really placed in there to be filled full with God through Jesus. He wants to set us free from all strongholds!

We  rebranded our ministry and our podcast in 2023 to Revelation Within.

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From Scripture to Soul: Tim King's Path to a Renewed Mind
Apr 3 2024
From Scripture to Soul: Tim King's Path to a Renewed Mind
Embarking on a Holy Spirit-led odyssey can be a transformative experience, one that Tim King knows all too well. His story, a fusion of unwavering faith and the pursuit of spiritual rejuvenation, offers an intimate glimpse into a life altered by the power of scripture and self-reflection. As our conversation unfolded, Tim opened up about his background in a deeply religious home, his commitment to Bible study and prayer, and how his leadership within the church has evolved. This episode promises a journey not just of the mind, but of the soul, as Tim's testimony exemplifies the enduring quest for personal and spiritual growth.We then navigate the ripples of change as Tim's personal renewal starts to touch those around him. The emotional resonance of his experiences with personalizing scripture and the ensuing transformation of his thoughts and actions is palpable. Reflections on the challenges of letting go of his business, building deeper connections, and his aspirations to guide other men through their own struggles with insecurity and control, cast a wider net of inspiration. By the end, he reveals his plans to launch a men's ministry rooted in the principles of mind renewal through the Revelation Within ministry. Prepare to be inspired by an episode that not only shares the profound personal revolution of our guest but also serves as a beacon for those yearning to navigate their own transformation through faith and fellowship.Support the Show.Learn more about our Revelation Within Community:
Joy in Overcoming: Finding Value Beyond the Scale
Mar 27 2024
Joy in Overcoming: Finding Value Beyond the Scale
Ever found yourself squirming in the doctor's office chair, feeling like every inch of you is under a microscope? That's where Christina found herself recently, and let me tell you, it sparked a cascade of self-reflection and a quest for deeper understanding. Our latest episode is a candid heart-to-heart about the intersection of health, self-worth, and our walk with Christ. We unravel the tangle of emotions that doctor's visits can provoke, confronting the discomfort head-on and embracing the transformative power of mind renewal. Join us as we navigate the choppy waters of body image and self-worth, all stirred up by the seemingly mundane act of stepping onto (sitting in? 😜) a scale. Christina shares her personal story, touching on everything from the emotional fallout of weight gain to the resilience required to realign with God's truth. We delve into the importance of not letting these moments define us and finding our value beyond the physical.Wrapping up, we look back with a light-hearted touch at the lessons learned from these poignant experiences. Our tales aim to be a beacon of hope and guidance, affirming your worth and the joy of overcoming life's little trials. So, settle in and join us for a journey that promises laughter, revelation, and a dose of Godly wisdom. And remember, you are far more than a number on a scale.Support the Show.Learn more about our Revelation Within Community:
Embracing Grace: Heather Creekmore's Healing Journey
Mar 20 2024
Embracing Grace: Heather Creekmore's Healing Journey
Have you ever found yourself in the mirror's reflection, wrestling with thoughts about your body that just don't align with your spiritual beliefs? Heather Creekmore, author and host of the "Compared to Who" podcast, joined us on "Revelation Within on the Go" to share her raw and real journey through body image battles, disordered eating, and the quest for cultural beauty standards that often veer away from our true selves and Christian principles.Throughout our conversation, Heather peels back the layers of her personal struggles, offering an intimate look at the mental tug-of-war she experienced in her pursuit of being the "best self" for God. As we trace her path from a young girl to a woman of faith, we uncover the transformative power of surrender. Heather's story, rife with the complexities of aligning diet culture with health and self-acceptance, reminds us that renewing our minds and engaging with intuitive eating can lead to a place where fear and control around food finally release their grip.In the end, Heather's insights shine a light on the societal pressures of body image and the idols of control and approval that can distort our self-perception. Her experiences form a beacon of hope, guiding us toward finding peace with our bodies and eating habits. As we bid farewell to Heather, we're left with a sense of gratitude for her wisdom and a renewed sense of encouragement to continue on our own paths to a more authentic and grace-filled life. Join us on this episode for a heartfelt exploration of these deep-seated challenges and the healing journey that lies ahead.Support the Show.Learn more about our Revelation Within Community:
Spirit-Led Eating: Nourishing Body and Soul for God's Calling
Mar 13 2024
Spirit-Led Eating: Nourishing Body and Soul for God's Calling
Embark on a soul-enriching journey with us as we transition from focusing solely on physical transformation to embracing a spiritual path with Revelation Within. This episode takes a heart-to-heart look at the powerful evolution our ministry has undergone, moving from the Thin Within approach to a more holistic, God-centric mindset about our bodies and the way we eat. With personal stories from our own battles and victories over body image and food, we uncover the emotional and spiritual dimensions that are often neglected in traditional dieting narratives.We have an honest conversation about the importance of renewing your mind for transformation, as we share strategies to overcome the challenges of food obsession and self-criticism. We discuss how the renewing of one's mind, as described in Romans 12:2, can pave the way to a more peaceful and free existence. The role of community and coaching in our journey is also highlighted, revealing how support and guidance can be the lifeline when navigating the path away from guilt-ridden diets towards a life graced with self-acceptance and divine love.Lastly, we delve into the 5 Intentions of spirit-led eating and how it prepares us for God's calling, exploring the deep connection between the food we choose and the lives we lead. Join us as we explore the delicate balance of personal responsibility and spiritual reliance to maintain a healthy relationship with food, and how self-care plays a crucial role in being ready to embrace God's plans for us. Whether you're struggling with dietary challenges or seeking a more meaningful approach to living, this episode promises to offer insights that can reshape not just eating habits, but your entire outlook on life's calling.Support the Show.Learn more about our Revelation Within Community:
God's Love: Reshaping Lives and Renewing Minds
Mar 6 2024
God's Love: Reshaping Lives and Renewing Minds
Feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty, have you grappled with the hefty questions of identity and belonging? Join us, Heidi and Christina, as we guide you through a heartfelt journey of discovery in our latest podcast episode exploring the Revelation Within. We share personal stories and insights into how God's love can reshape our decision-making and renew our minds, fostering a deeper connection with the Almighty, even through life's tumultuous storms.Our conversation takes us through the powerful shifts in perspective when we choose to lean on God's love rather than seeking fleeting solace in temporary comforts. We delve into the intricate dance of drawing nearer to God, shedding light on how this sacred relationship impacts our sense of self-worth and belonging. We ponder the unique transformation that occurs when we start to see ourselves as God's cherished masterpieces, and how this realization can move us to walk hand-in-hand with Him in the face of life's myriad challenges.In the spirit of renewal and transformation, we also reflect on the profound influence that faith can have on our approach to body image and self-care. Together, we discuss how our motivations can evolve from vanity-driven to service-oriented, aligning our health and wellness practices with a readiness to heed God's calling. As we wrap up our discussion, we extend an invitation to you, our listeners, to continue this enriching journey with us, embracing God's truth to witness a life-altering personal metamorphosis.Support the Show.Learn more about our Revelation Within Community:
A Deep Dive into Ephesians 1: Lavish Blessings and Spiritual Inheritance
Feb 28 2024
A Deep Dive into Ephesians 1: Lavish Blessings and Spiritual Inheritance
Imagine uncovering secrets from the Bible that redefines your entire being. Join us we as venture through the deep spiritual truths nestled within Ephesians chapter one. We're not just reading between the lines; we're discovering the heart of what it means to be chosen, adopted, and lavishly blessed with every spiritual blessing. As we unpack the apostle Paul's rich greeting, you'll feel a sense of awe at the identity and holiness we're granted in Christ—no strings attached.This episode isn't just an intellectual journey; it's a celebration of the victory and hope we have in Christ, not dependent on our own works but securely resting in God's unchanging plan. We revel in the eternal inheritance promised to us, uncovering how this profound truth brings security and purpose to our daily walk.With the landscape of our souls richly illuminated, we turn our gaze outward, contemplating the power of prayer and the call to seek wisdom and revelation. Paul's prayers for the Ephesian church inspire us to pray the same way for those around us. We close our exploration inspired by the immense power that resurrected Jesus, residing within us, empowering us to not just face adversity but to thrive amidst it. This conversation isn't just an exploration; it's an invitation to step into the fullness of life with Christ, finding peace, joy, and satisfaction that completes us.Support the Show.Learn more about our Revelation Within Community:
God's Artistry: Finding Identity in The Creator's Hands
Feb 21 2024
God's Artistry: Finding Identity in The Creator's Hands
Have you ever considered that your identity might be intricately woven by the Creator? Join us, as we delve into the profound realization of our identities as defined by God. We tackle the liberating journey from self-pity to praise, examining how recognizing God's character can free us from the shackles of counterfeit comforts like overeating. Christina opens up about her transformative experience, moving from skepticism to a deepened faith through the practice of the God List and Praise Fest.Stumbling upon a dusty old painting in a garage could lead to a story for the ages, especially when it might just be a lost Van Gogh! This episode isn't just a stroll down memory lane—it's a treasure hunt in the attic of our past. I share a heartwarming tale of uncovering my grandfather's legacy through artifacts in his old garage, bringing to life the precious memories and untold stories that family heirlooms hold. It's a journey of discovery that connects the dots between the history we inherit and the emotional value we attach to the most unexpected finds.The final brushstroke of our conversation paints a vivid picture of self-worth and the artistry of our existence. Drawing inspiration from Ephesians 2:10, we contemplate the parallels between the value of art and our own inherent worth as individuals.  Whether you're a young person just beginning your journey or you've been down the road a while, this message is timeless, and we're eager to nurture this seed of positivity in the hearts of our listeners. Join us for this inspiring dialogue and let the ripple of God-affirmation reach the shores of your own life.Support the Show.Learn more about our Revelation Within Community:
Transformative Faith: Leslie's Revelation Within Journey
Feb 14 2024
Transformative Faith: Leslie's Revelation Within Journey
Have you ever felt like your personal battles were insurmountable walls keeping you from true peace? Leslie Greene joins us and brings her remarkable story of how God changed her perspective through Revelation Within. Leslie's candid sharing about her weight and body image struggles, and the incredible transformation that unfolded when she chose to weave her faith into the very fabric of her journey, will move and inspire you. Her experiences underscore the profound shift from self-accusation to personal growth and the peace that comes from walking hand in hand with God through life's trials.Throughout our conversation, Leslie illuminates how personalized scriptures and breath prayers have become her compass in navigating the complex landscape of cravings and emotions. Her story is a testament to how renewing your mind in Christ leads to restored relationships, self-perception, and the cultivation of a grace-filled mindset. Leslie's brave admission of how she turned setbacks into steppingstones for learning, reveals a resilience that resonates deeply, reminding us that our greatest triumphs often lie in the journey, not just the destination.As we wrap up this heartening discourse, Leslie's gift of vulnerability shines through, highlighting the transformative influence authenticity can have within personal ministry. Her story confirms the need for us all to embrace our identity in Christ and the unique paths God has in store. Support the Show.Learn more about our Revelation Within Community:
Sweet Confessions: Our Relationships with Sugar
Jan 31 2024
Sweet Confessions: Our Relationships with Sugar
As a child, the clandestine consumption of sugary treats felt like a thrilling act of defiance, a feeling many of us can fondly or ruefully relate to. Christina and I revisit those formative years, peeling back layers of our relationship with sugar, from hidden stashes of candy to the baked goods that spelled love in our grandmother's kitchens. Our candid conversation takes you through a tapestry of emotions, unearthing how these early associations have subtly shaped our interactions with food and the traditions we pass on to our children, often without realizing their origins or impact.The taste of sugar can evoke powerful memories, like the bittersweet nostalgia triggered by a piece of German Marzipan. In this episode, we confront the emotional baggage tied to our diets, discussing how family patterns and 'Spirit-Led Eating' have influenced our journey towards a peaceful relationship with food. Through shared stories of personal trials and triumphs, we uncover the importance of renewing our mindset to view food as neither a villain nor a savior but simply as a part of life's blessings that comes without judgment or magical powers.Embracing moderation and wisdom, we offer insights into transforming the way we think about traditionally vilified foods, such as sugar. By teasing apart the truths from the misconceptions that have long governed our eating habits, we learn the art of savoring without giving food control. This isn't just a guide to navigating dietary choices; it's a heartfelt invitation to tackle the emotional and spiritual challenges that are ingrained in our daily lives. Join us for these revelations and more, as we serve up a generous helping of encouragement.Support the Show.Learn more about our Revelation Within Community:
A Deep Dive into the Comforting Embrace of Psalm 139
Jan 17 2024
A Deep Dive into the Comforting Embrace of Psalm 139
Have you ever felt the profound peace of being known and loved, imperfections and all? Join us, as we continue into the new year with hearts wide open, embracing the sublime truths nestled within Psalm 139. Our conversation traverses through the valleys and peaks of being fully understood by God, echoed in the children's book called "The Run Away Bunny," and the life-changing realization that our deepest fears of unworthiness are quelled by divine acceptance.With a fresh start upon us, we gather around the spiritual campfire to share a unique praise fest grounded in Psalm 139's opening verses. This practice guides us towards a more intimate relationship with the Lord, who knows our thoughts before they even take shape. Our personal anecdotes and metaphors serve to illustrate the transformative impact of recognizing God's omnipresence, infusing our everyday walk with a sense of security and purpose.The episode then leads us down a path of self-discovery and gratitude, even amidst the thorns of suffering. You'll hear about Christina's wrestling match with chronic Lyme disease, a testament to the intricate tapestry of life's pain and beauty. We then venture into the New Testament, seeking solace and strength, and learn how our trials can carve a deeper space for intimacy with the Lord. This heartfelt exchange is an invitation to join us in celebrating our design, confronting our struggles, and pursuing an unobstructed relationship with our ever-present God.Support the Show.Learn more about our Revelation Within Community:
Unmasking Modern Idolatry: A Heartfelt Quest for Spirit-Led Living and Eating
Jan 3 2024
Unmasking Modern Idolatry: A Heartfelt Quest for Spirit-Led Living and Eating
Is your heart, like John Calvin said, an 'idol factory'? This pressing question drives our latest episode, where we cast a revealing light on the modern face of idolatry. As we navigate through our daily lives, we often overlook the subtleties of what we prioritize, dedicating time and thought to things that may not always align with our walk with Jesus. Encountering our idols— the intensity of a high-stress career or an obsession with fitness—propels us to seek a balance that honors godly priorities over societal commendation. Let's peel back the layers of fear and admiration that often cloud our true value, unraveling how these can contort into idols that taint our self-perception. There is liberation found in grounding ourselves in faith, a process that fosters peace and self-worth, independent of the world's ever-changing standards.In a world where overconsumption is often mistaken for fulfillment, we introduce a revolutionary concept: Spirit-led eating. It's here that we find solace, especially amidst Christina's personal struggle with chronic Lyme disease, which reframed her understanding of productivity and worth. We provide you with five guiding intentions to navigate your culinary journey, advocating for a mode of consumption that is as nourishing for the soul as it is for the body. Join us at our table of intention and grace, where each bite is an act of thanksgiving and appreciation for the body's divine design.Support the Show.Learn more about our Revelation Within Community: