Today is March 1, 2024 (3:59 CT) & I am writing! The pre-requisite is (a) hearing voice (b) no fear because when specific threats are made, it’s very real (c) checked with consent & yes, I still believe in the original promise to self & society. I’m a school teacher (my identity) & said, “if I get my voice back, God. I’ll use it for good.” These are not words spoken in-the-moment, but with real power behind it & that cones from faith & trusting we all have a purpose from the bugs that crawl in the dirt, to a soaring eagle, to the laborers that built our world to the highest & mightiest sitting on board rooms & throne rooms. Together, we can end all trauma. Don’t you want to try?? That’s the energy I have & the time is limited—one lifetime to do your very best.

UPDATE : 10/5/22 : The picture on this podcast (main profile) relates to the fact to GET NUMBERS BACK, one must expose self to numbers, just like TO READ, exposure to what that squiggle is (a letter!) can happen daily, hourly, all the time if an adult/grown up/teacher/parent/willing participant wants to SHOW someone (a child usually, but could be an adult who has never been given that exposure, this being THAT YOU CAN LIVE ANOTHER WAY & THAT YOU CAN ABSOLUTELY DISAGREE [since the original #ptsd #audio #trigger & warning on replay (2 things) is/are the words, "in my family, any disagreement is a confrontation" & my response, "well, I disagree that you cannot disagree without confronting them, but I guess I'll see what you mean," & now, I'll share my observations. 12 years TEACHING SPECIAL ED in Chicago Public Schools (said it, not scared & definitely willing to expose. ya'll since CTU is with CPD & if not, please explain it to me since I will say verbatim what I hear & see since successfully removed all triggers beginning today, October 5th, 2022)21 years advocacy since moving to Chicago in 2000.40 years of just being alive because "in my family, I get the best of everything since they went through it first & taught me what never to do which is what they did (really? Thanks for reTEACHING it to me over & over since those are their words on replay over & over & it's, "I'm confused") & what always to do. Speak.FIRST WRITING WITH FIRST UPLOAD ~ June 9th, 2022 : Sharing everything that helped end trauma including those that HELPED, HARMED, but also have no idea what they did. I am a person learning skills after assaults in 2013 & 2015 so be kind. All I know is that there was a purpose for repeated violence in multiple spaces & I think it was for me to podcast. There is a supplemental video component that may assist to explain or confuse, but it's out there since I changed "their ptsd" & "their suicide" into concrete since you gotta hear it, see it & since you can't feel it unless you go through it, to give YOU the best chance to pick up wha I'm saying/spraying/slaying.We all have an interest in preventing violence since once in the body, it definitely stays in the body. Thanks for listening & if interested in supporting, I'll provide ways to do so since to help me, you must help those who helped me only because the people PAID to care for them (doctors, social services, protective agencies) TOOK ADVANTAGE & I only know that to end trauma, it can not happen again. I'll do everything I can to ensure it never happens again & that is the best I can do.

©Smart E MC

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JUST SAY IT | brainwashing
6d ago
JUST SAY IT | brainwashing
internet research started today & because the internet is a container for PTSD/SUICIDE there are ways to contain it.IF SOMEONE REACHES OUT TO YOU or has DMs, messages, behaviors that are completely different, it's perfectly OK to ask, "what's happening?" or just call them. Don't wait, as soon as you get it. The text comes in and you notice it's from awhile ago. The phone will state delivered, seen, read, it's still okay to verbally describe that "I just saw your message. I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner."This is now connected to a TWITTER so if you're reading this here, you can go to twitter & see ho I am breaking up trauma, using prologued therapy, confronting use of tech to be threatening/produce adrenaline with the continual use of that threat. Thank you to everyone who offered their authentic voice to realize how some people justify their behaviors to such a degree, it makes me wonder if we should be mandating EQ, SEL into the curriculum so that we understand conflict resolution, standing up for others, DOC X was origins (first GO)BHB was when I said, "I've heard this before. Are you still brainwashed?" (2nd GO)ZOOM IN4:37 - 6:35 & 10mTHIS PODCAST IS CONNECTING TWITTER (all but one is private since to see the NEXT STEP, I have to know you. It's way too personal & all the stuff that came up during the darkest period) NSFE. Not safe for EveryonE for "e for everyone" & obviously the E for my middle name that I never lost. I lost my first name. I lost my last. Smart E MC present SmarterThanTrauma™Support the Show.
2-WAY CONSENT for recording & why that's a law/felony. This creates tt. Lowercase to validate, on the way out, but also, "no respect"
6d ago
2-WAY CONSENT for recording & why that's a law/felony. This creates tt. Lowercase to validate, on the way out, but also, "no respect"
Just listen.I'm done with this space.Just meaning it happened. I can hear my voice.  No need for MY voice over theirs since there's nothing RISING UP (mental abuse) or BATTERING DOWN (physical assault) The purpose of ptsd?You're in survival mode so ears/eyes alit and ready to absorb.What you hear/see may mean you get to make it another day.Until you beg to live & then in same breath beg to die.When someone knows something that no one else does & then does it after explaining in therapy (let's see if Dave M. accurately recorded) "I throw everything I know about a person at them util they stop questioning," & why my words were, "NOW. GET OUT.""You kicked me out." I hear, written in a final letter & just know s/v/p, they think they have the last word, but they never do. Not with social media & the purpose of tech is we can actually SOLVE ALL THE WORLD'S PROBLEMS & leave something for the next generation to combat REAL MENTAL ABUSES that settle in due to denial, abandonment & denial.Ummm, did you hear yourself? Your parents forced you to marry me due to optics!Definitely keep pressing since this was a loooong delay and when you get a third party so they have to start from the beginning, guess what? When they lie they don't remember their lies, or they want to evade the truth, not realizing, ummm, heard you all discuss it. That's what you do. Let it all out so STEP ONE is created from bromance of the century.1) Wedding of the Century2) The Wedding that didn't Happen3) It's happening... I'm forgetting everything & thank goodness I left a digital trail to match the paper trail and now, let's combine the two.hmmm...3) The Wedding that exposed why TRUE LOVE is never a scam4) The Wedding & Rehearsal I planned since it's how I throw all parties. Focus on the guests & also, use it to remove the trauma of the on replay, "never got the girl." The repetition is what dampened concepts to me I never thought for me. That is the s/v/p mentality so it took years for me to even think that way so thank you for anxiety/sobriety and her confusion over nerve pain... google it.It all comes out. I'm not clever enough to layer it, but I do think you can use writing to remove all trauma by transforming it into something that can help others Googled 2 things : copyright & trademark because I'd rather learn myself than rely on anyone when this is that important to be honest, but also, wouldn't have been that successful at researching this so don't frustrate over it, just wait. When you are successful in one skill, do it again & create momentum so students say "I did it!" & not "you did that for me!"They have to believe, too.SMART E MC presents SmarterThanTrauma™Support the Show.
the prompting event was the brainwashing/grooming/mental, physical, s.a & more, but the CONTINUATION was awareness that the connective thread is INSANE GREED (on the backs of kids with special needs & misuse/abuse of mental health) & AVOIDANCE OF Qs
Mar 11 2024
the prompting event was the brainwashing/grooming/mental, physical, s.a & more, but the CONTINUATION was awareness that the connective thread is INSANE GREED (on the backs of kids with special needs & misuse/abuse of mental health) & AVOIDANCE OF Qs
I can't wait to get 100% well & then layer the process I used TO END (a) ptsd (b) suicide & (c) reverberating chronic pain leading to increase symptoms of (a) & (b). Based on DATA, the decision using what I learned at NWMH's cbt/dbt since they taught me the methodology so to please ignorance is too much like anxiety/sobriety's confusion & then explaining exactly how they think/believe when it suits them so u're right, "I'm stupid," but no, I don't think I'm sooooo smart (reTriggered the original insecure, inadequate & constant need of validation female who would always say, "I'm so stupid!" as she was banging cupboards & throwing trash cans) because the thought that popped up when I heard that was, "I'm not smart. I'm ethical."When you don't know where you're supposed to be in the world, when asked the question, "what is she going to do about benefits & the baby?" THE BATTLE (they said something & then words popped up and the call-and-response*) was the question, "what do you want to be?"For a long time, The Barenaked Ladies song, "Call & Answer" was on replay and when I started correcting it, eventually, IT* went away.aka CHANGING NARRATIVES TO AVOID Qs. So, ask the Qs & understand their perspective to create a better future for everyone, not just some.SmarterThanTrauma™©SMART E MCSupport the Show.
2nd STEP : whatever you hear (in this case, previous 2 podcasts) REFLECT
Mar 10 2024
2nd STEP : whatever you hear (in this case, previous 2 podcasts) REFLECT
The purpose is to understand how these triggers connect, like a food web. After NWMH'S CBT/DBT's (unthoughtful & lazy facilitation) first & only step of "describe the trigger & use WISEMIND to make the best decision in the moment," the decision was to always confront knowing if you wait, more likely the person or people will not remember. While it's not always comfortable to confront, I assumed doctors, specialists, healthcare systems main objective is to give best care with Hippocratic Oath in mind, especially since they ask for feedback using surveys.In order to get to a point to understand how to tackle the triggers, I suggest labeling the triggers as audio, visual, audio + visual and tactile (audio+visual+touch). Touch was never just alone in my experience, but is it the same for you if you're experiencing triggers.Try to count how often if happens & if you have to break up a day into AM/PM or even hours, I found it typical to have multiples triggers/hour, increasing in frequency or intensity. There are other measurements that I'll be detailing further, but I am waiting until I can write notes 100% without any triggers/flashbacks that cannot be flicked away in an instance. Let me repeat. I will continue until I know every trigger that pops up can be flicked away with 100% certainty/effectiveness. Even one trigger can send me reeling, increase chronic pain symptoms & lose any progression since the body is pretty lizard-brain, primordial, "stupid" What I can definitely report is if you can say their names, it makes it easier, but I will only use those names that you can write reviews on, receive a service or a product or can google review like a school (even though my review was removed in under 10m). Why fear stayed so present throughout the day. The words community are used often, but in reality, the internet makes it harder to forge a true one & with early tech knowledge (~2009), those strategies of designing websites without contact info, are simply bubblin' up.In the end, I do not have to share this [now], but choose to follow through with this project for 2 reasons. Learning something new is what makes your life better since you can apply that knowledge to situations & share with only those you want to also have that success, but being a school teacher, I know the tidbits or toolkit we acquire after s.a./dv & other forms of trauma have special gravitas & I cannot keep it to self knowing it can help someone diminishes their suffering & speed their recovery. I do not have to continue progress monitoring & alert anyone who acted in ways to bury the events of a public school 2012-2015 & healthcare systems NWMH beginning 2015 & Aurora Advocate beginning 2021 or 2022. I am not certain about those dates, but able to check my notes both in ability to read, stay organized (hold the through if out-of-sight, out-of-mine & not flashback). There is no suicide presently with the last bout a few days that was dealt with by posting on X ~30 (they fill all spaces & require photos & videos) & practicing reading daily in short snippets & responding with 1-4 words on X. there has not been a 80% reduction in reverberating pain since mid-January creating a greatly diminished sense of constant fear & nerve pain in fingertips, left hip (sitting at desk or to watch TV), right shoulder (typing, using a mouse/trackpad, tapping on devices), fingertip (typing, fine motor, strength when holding things) & overall noise (so I can hear things that assist in safety e.g. crossing street or organization e.g. dropping keys). Overall face pain has been reduced 60% and the need to talk quickly to diminish that pain & the adrenaline associate with ptsd is more & more situational---like movSupport the Show.