Resilient Faith

Brentwood Presbyterian Church

Welcome to Resilient Faith, a podcast to support your journey to live a fully present life, and a deeper understanding of the resilient power within you. Opportunities to find deeper resilience within ourselves can come when life seems most challenging. This podcast is to help you develop that resilience and connection with God. Being Resilient and having power starts with Faith. Resilient Faith is sponsored by Brentwood Presbyterian Church in Los Angeles, CA. Our Podcast is Produced by Janice McQueen Ward and Cameron Ward; Music composed by Cameron Ward; Host - Lora East, Associate Pastor Special Thanks - Nancy Reeves, Music Director, and Dave Carpenter, Pastor. You can follow Resilient Faith on Facebook @bpcteam and on Instagram @bpc_usa Please consider supporting our ministry by giving here -

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Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Finding Strength in Faith Through the Holy Week Experience
Mar 28 2024
Finding Strength in Faith Through the Holy Week Experience
As we tread the solemn path of Holy Week, we invite you to walk with us through the poignant contrasts of Palm Sunday and the ensuing days that shaped the very foundation of faith. In the latest episode of Resilient Faith, we'll unravel the complexities of trust, particularly during Lent, and the challenge of keeping faith amid life's inevitable uncertainties. Prepare to experience a journey through the key moments of Holy Week, as we take you from the jubilation of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem to the introspective reflection brought upon by His suffering and crucifixion. Together, we'll share a prayer and extend an open invitation to participate in the upcoming services at Brentwood Presbyterian Church, fostering a space for continuous spiritual growth and resilience.Amidst the trials we face, the strength of our faith is often tested. This episode of Resilient Faith is more than just a recount of biblical events; it's an exploration of how unwavering belief serves as an anchor in believers' lives, through prosperity and adversity alike. Delve  into Brentwood Presbyterian Church's dedication to nurturing a resilient community in West Los Angeles, reinforcing faith's role as a sustaining force. We discuss the importance of connection in these trying times and invite you to join the conversation through our social media platforms. This Holy Week, allow the Resilient Faith podcast to guide you in cultivating a faith robust enough to weather life's storms and emerge steadfast and hopeful.Support the showSupport us here: BPC Youtube Channel:
The Essence of Trust: Embracing Faith's Power to Weave Life's Rich Tapestry
Mar 21 2024
The Essence of Trust: Embracing Faith's Power to Weave Life's Rich Tapestry
Imagine the profound impact trust can have on our lives, the resilience it builds, and the depth it adds to our spirituality. That's exactly what we explore in this episode of Resilient Faith, where we delve into the beauty of the natural world and its cycles that offer us comfort and a sense of certainty. This episode will guide you through the simple yet profound act of breathing, the restorative power of sleep, and the importance of starting each day with a heart full of gratitude and hope. It's a conversation that will encourage you to contemplate the strength drawn from our connections with others, and how trust becomes an internal affirmation of our capacity to love, give, and believe in ourselves.Journey with us as we share inspiring stories that highlight the gifts we exchange in life, reminding us that the trust and love we foster will live on, even after our final moments. We discuss the unwavering support of friends during our darkest times and the beauty of trusting in oneself. This episode is an ode to the enduring nature of faith and the tapestry of life it weaves—inviting you to feel inspired by the power of trust, both in the divine and in the myriad interactions that define our existence. Be prepared to be moved and reassured that the trust you cultivate will continue to flourish, even in the hearts of those we leave behind.Support the showSupport us here: BPC Youtube Channel:
Navigating the Shadows: Cultivating Radical Hope and Trust in God's Plan
Mar 14 2024
Navigating the Shadows: Cultivating Radical Hope and Trust in God's Plan
“Not everything is going to be okay.And our assignment is to carry this truth without yielding to despair, and while tending to the flames of radical hope — the kind that demands our grittiest love and biggest imagination.“How do we hold onto hope when we're faced with the stark truth that not everything in life will turn out okay? Journey with Lora East, as we grapple with this haunting reality and the transformative power of radical hope. In this episode, inspired by the wisdom of Simone Sol, we contemplate the gritty reality of life's trials and the resilient faith required to move through them. You'll discover how to cultivate a trust in God that's as unwavering as it is necessary, even when the path forward is veiled in uncertainty. This isn't just about finding light in the darkness; it's about learning to navigate the shadows with a hope that is audacious and love that is tangible.As we move through our Lenten series, Trustful, we're reminded of the undeniable influence of Jesus Christ's example of gritty love and how His teachings can guide us in fostering trust. By embracing the idea that while not every outcome is within our control—or even within our lifetime—our capacity for hope and love can still flourish. Tune in and be inspired to imagine the boundless possibilities of faith and to employ the greatest version of yourself in the face of life's relentless challenges. Let's embrace this season together, understanding that although everything may not be okay, our trust in God's plan can still shape a future filled with grace and redemption.Support the showSupport us here: BPC Youtube Channel:
Illuminating the Divine Spark in Everyday Moments: A Christmas Reflection on God's Omnipresence
Dec 29 2023
Illuminating the Divine Spark in Everyday Moments: A Christmas Reflection on God's Omnipresence
Where do you see the spark of the divine amidst the hum of daily life? Join me, Reverend Laura East, as I guide you through a Christmas reflection that might just reignite your awareness of God's constant presence. In this special holiday installment of Resilient Faith, brought to you with warmth from the Brentwood Presbyterian Church community, we unwrap the joy and hope that faith assures us, even when life whirls in disarray. Embrace the season with a heartwarming poem from Reverend Sarah Speed, "Everywhere and Always Right Here," which we've cherished during Advent and now in the celebration of Christmas Tide.This episode is a tapestry of thoughtful musings, interwoven with the golden threads of God's love that show up in the simplest pleasures—pancake dinners, porch sittings, and the laughter shared with friends. As I share insights and personal stories, I invite you to become part of the conversation and contribute your own lines to this living poem. Reflect on where you've felt God's touch in your own experiences, and together, let's acknowledge the profound beauty of recognizing the sacred in our everyday lives. Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast for more enriching discussions on nurturing a resilient faith through all seasons.Support the showSupport us here: BPC Youtube Channel:
Embracing the Holy Night: A Union of Advent Anticipation and Christmas Celebration
Dec 24 2023
Embracing the Holy Night: A Union of Advent Anticipation and Christmas Celebration
As the candles of the Advent wreath flicker with hope and love, we find ourselves at the junction of anticipation and celebration; the sacred time when the fourth Sunday of Advent meets the joyous eve of Christ's birth. It's a moment ripe with divine wonder, and on today's episode of Resilient Faith, we invite you into a space of contemplation and jubilation, reflecting on the profound themes of the season. Let your heart be warmed by the special blessing from theologian Kate Bowler, as it echoes through our conversation, illuminating the nativity's promise of new beginnings and God's relentless love.This year's transition to Christmas is a unique blend of tradition and reflection, with Taylor Swift's music harmonizing with Gospel truths, guiding our community worship. It's a powerful union of contemporary artistry and ancient faith, fostering resilience against life's trials. As we bid farewell to 2023 and cast our eyes toward the horizon of a new year, we extend an invitation to join us in embracing the peace and presence that only this time of year can bring. Through stories, songs, and scripture, this episode of Resilient Faith is a sanctuary of fellowship, designed to uplift and inspire as we journey together into the light of Christmas and beyond. Amen.Support the showSupport us here: BPC Youtube Channel:
Embracing Divine Weirdness: Challenging Societal Norms with Faith and Individuality
Nov 30 2023
Embracing Divine Weirdness: Challenging Societal Norms with Faith and Individuality
What if we reframed being 'weird' as a symbol of divine distinction? Get ready to challenge societal norms and embrace your unique imprint of God's image as we delve into a faith-based exploration of diversity and individuality. Drawing inspiration from Taylor Swift's powerful lyrics and her mesmerizing performance at the Eras tour, we revel in the beauty of God's creation, celebrating how our differences enrich the world with a mosaic of God's glory. As we embark on the new year, we invite you to shine brightly as a beacon of divine love in your community, embracing the distinctive color you add to God's diverse canvas.How does walking with Jesus transform us in a way that we stand out, a little 'weird', in the world? Our faith should reshape our values, priorities and relationships - daring us to challenge societal norms. With an intriguing glance at the church's historic alliance with the state, we discuss the recent drift towards societal irrelevance. But let's not view this shift as a loss. Instead, we see it as a golden opportunity for the church to reassess its beliefs and stand firm against societal pressure to conform. So, come and embrace the weird with us, let your faith be the light that guides your path. We look forward to embarking on this thought-provoking journey with you.Support the showSupport us here: BPC Youtube Channel:
Resilience in Faith: Unraveling the Parallels Between Jonah's Story and Modern Mental Health Struggles
Nov 16 2023
Resilience in Faith: Unraveling the Parallels Between Jonah's Story and Modern Mental Health Struggles
Ever considered how a pop star's lyrics could intersect with the timeless tales of the Bible? Have you wondered how these narratives can tackle the pressing issues of mental health? Join us as we weave together the story of Jonah and the music of Taylor Swift to unravel the beautiful message of resilience in faith. We discuss how this biblical account echoes in modern struggles and mental health battles, offering hope and understanding to those grappling with these invisible challenges.In a candid conversation, we reflect on the rising mental health concerns and their societal impact, drawing parallels from personal experiences of celebrities like Simone Biles and Matthew Perry. This episode is a journey through the words of Jonah, interpreted through the lens of today's mental health issues. We explore the idea of a God who doesn’t view us as problems but supports us in our struggles. Discover the power of resilience and faith in facing life’s toughest challenges, and be inspired by the transformative potential of God’s gracious and gentle presence in our lives. Through this unique blend of Christian perspectives and pop culture references, experience the scripture anew and find resonance in the struggles and victories of those around us.Support the showSupport us here: BPC Youtube Channel:
Harmonizing Faith and Pop Culture: The Gospel According to Taylor Swift
Nov 2 2023
Harmonizing Faith and Pop Culture: The Gospel According to Taylor Swift
Wondering how Taylor Swift's music can intersect with the Gospel? Join our Pastors Lora East and Dave Carpenter, along with our music director, Nancy Reeves, unpack the surprising and insightful journey of our recent unconventional sermon series - the Gospel According to Taylor Swift. We'll shed light on why this series was chosen, the divine timing around it, and how it sparked deep, meaningful conversations within our worship community. In this faith-filled exploration, we'll also discuss the importance of embracing current pop culture phenomena like Taylor Swift's music to connect with the younger generation and make our services more relatable.With new concepts come controversies, and we'll share how we navigated through these waters. But it's not all about challenges - we'll also look at the positive influence of integrating elements of modern culture into our faith discussions. Using themes from Taylor Swift's music as a springboard, we encourage dialogues that push boundaries, accept varying perspectives, and create space for discomfort - because growth often happens outside our comfort zones. We passionately believe that these conversations, although tough, have the potential to enrich our faith community's understanding and acceptance. So tune in to hear how our church, with its unique qualities, has become a welcoming space for people of all faith backgrounds and perspectives. Don't miss this episode, for it promises to be as enlightening as it is surprising.Support the showSupport us here: BPC Youtube Channel: