Becoming Unapologetically Me

Helen Norbury

Do you struggle with trusting yourself and leaning into your fears? Do you wonder how to navigate trauma, grief, loss and change in your life so that you are still in the driving seat of your life? Are you looking to find confidence and clarity in everything that you do, whatever curved balls life may have thrown your way so far? Then join us on the Becoming Unapologetically Me podcast where we help you answer those real life challenges in fun and authentic ways and share vulnerably about our journey through life and business. Head over to where you can find out everything you need to know all about us and share this journey through life - the trials, the tribulations, the highs, the lows - and get inspired to leave a legacy of a life lived fully and unapologetically, whatever that may look like for you. read less
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A Road Map To Inclusive Diversity with Nzinga Orgill
Nov 23 2022
A Road Map To Inclusive Diversity with Nzinga Orgill
In this final episode of this season, host Helen Norbury talks to Nzinga Orgill,  a Race and Culture Expert (RaCE) who is passionate about people and successful in delivering transformational change to benefit individuals and organisations. Nzinga is a thought leader with over 16 years experience in the Transport industry in various roles within Strategy, Governance, People Change, Data and Analytics , Project Management, Innovation and Automation and Creative Problem Solving.Nzinga is experienced in leading a company-wide Diversity and Inclusion network that focuses on Culture and Ethnicity engaging with all levels of the organization from C-suite to front line colleagues creating strategies and plans to deliver and meet targets.By influencing Senior leaders, Nzinga has successfully driven positive change, moving the dial for Black Asian Minority Ethnic colleagues in areas such as representation and progression. As a disruptor and by challenging the status quo, her recommendations and initiatives have resulted in increased organisational efficiency and embedded sustainable change.In this conversation, Nzinga shares the importance of positive role models. Nzinga grew up in a world that didn’t show her people who looked like her in aspirational career positions. Were it not for a mother who instilled a value of you can be anything you set your heart on, Nzinga’s future may have taken a very different direction.This is SUCH an important conversation. Helen and Nzinga also discuss the cumulative effect of many daily micro-aggressions and the result of these on the mental health of people in ethnic groups and how each person can support themselves whilst the ocean liner of organisational and institutional culture change is turned.Key TakeawaysAre you jumping on band wagons, such as unconscious bias training, or have you deeply understood the needs and inequities that currently exist in your sphere of influenceWe can’t necessarily change society on our own, but we can change an organisation’s culture in respect of racial inclusion so everyone can thriveFind the courage to do the right thing, even if you don’t feel the courage now or fear what others will think, say or do. Your courage is infectious.It is crucial to develop a mindfulness practice to deal with the physical and mental exhaustion resulting from daily, regular chippings at your resilienceDon’t forget to subscribe and rate us so we can grow and help more people.Visit for more information.Episode SponsorsPaul Culshaw offers group and private one-on-one coaching, enabling you to go from stressful confusion to empowering clarity with a step-by-step organic marketing strategy and plan.Gain the support you need to set up your business online, and start to optimise it to attract leads and sales. Or, take your business further with Nurtured Growth, Paul’s one-on-one online marketing program for advanced coaches, therapists and consultants.Paul has over 20 years experience in the digital marketing world, helping small businesses to large corporations, such as Simply Be and JD Williams. Book a free discovery call with Paul today at
Break Your Limitations & Exceed Your Expectations with Dion Johnson
Nov 16 2022
Break Your Limitations & Exceed Your Expectations with Dion Johnson
Becoming Unapologetically Me is the podcast for people who know there is more stuck inside them and they want to find a way to release it.In this episode, host Helen Norbury speaks to the amazing Dion Johnson. She shares how she is a woman in a man’s world; a black woman in a white man’s world; a Christian in a secular world. And facially different in a beauty conscious world.Dion was born with a pronounced facial disfigurement and spent a lot of time in hospital having corrective surgery. At the age of four she was gifted an artificial eye and dark glasses. Not to help her see - she is blind in her left eye - but to help her blend in, to look more "normal". To be apologetic for who she is. At the age of 4 Dion learnt a powerful lesson; that if something is wrong with you, or broken, or different or flawed, you hide it, put it away, keep it out of sight.That lesson followed her throughout her life until her forties when, through a random set of events, she found herself at rock bottom, with her hands in the air, crying out to God to tell her what the heck was going on.Over the years Dion has come to see how masking and hiding those parts, as so many of us do in order to fit in and be acceptable in senior leadership, is not just energetically expensive and draining personally, it saps our power to lead and influence. In this powerful episode, Helen and Dion discuss the importance of women rising above the challenges of senior leadership, to quit hiding and backing away from the work that we are being called to take on, and to truly show up as the initiators, innovators and influencers of the kind of change that really matters in our ailing world.Key TakeawaysThe vulnerability and power of women in the delivery room parallels leadership and the board room. Authenticity carries great responsibility.There is no greater gift than to know yourself and to be yourself; and no greater joy than to stand in this truth.When we can recover from centuries of abuse, silencing, scrutiny and being treated as second-rate citizens, then women can rise up and connect to creating a change for the greater good.We need to work to address the misunderstanding of womanity - the elegance, potency, love and need for women to continue standing for the greater good.  Let’s rewrite what a strong executive is to bring in womanity.We are the stewards of the feminine - that’s our superpower.Don’t forget to subscribe and rate us so we can grow and help more people.Visit for more information.Episode SponsorsPaul Culshaw offers group and private one-on-one coaching, enabling you to go from stressful confusion to empowering clarity with a step-by-step organic marketing strategy and plan.Gain the support you need to set up your business online, and start to optimise it to attract leads and sales. Or, take your business further with Nurtured Growth, Paul’s one-on-one online marketing program for advanced coaches, therapists and consultants.Paul has over 20 years experience in the digital marketing world, helping small businesses to large corporations, such as Simply Be and JD Williams. Book a free discovery call with Paul today at paulculshaw.comLinksWebsite:
Overwhelmed? Fix It with Lucy Power
Nov 9 2022
Overwhelmed? Fix It with Lucy Power
Becoming Unapologetically Me is the podcast for people who know there is more stuck inside them and they want to find a way to release it.In this episode, host Helen Norbury talks to Lucy Power about diversity and inclusion, particularly with reference to neurodivergence and LGBTQ+. Lucy is a qualified and ICF professional certified Coach with a postgraduate qualification in Personal and Business Coaching from the University of Chester. She is also extensively trained and experienced in Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy and integrates this with her coaching practice. Following a complex childhood drenched in overwhelm, Lucy has spent all of her adult life searching for meaning and gathering knowledge about how we operate in our hardest and in our best times. Lucy has studied psychology, philosophy, business administration and leadership, psychotherapy, group psychology, interpersonal neurobiology and complex trauma. She has a Masters in Social Work and has worked with marginalised and traumatised people with complex mental health struggles for years. Lucy, a Global Woman of Choice award winning community builder, is committed to equity and belonging, recognising and working to change social marginalisation, Lucy is a proud member of the LGBTQI+ community. Find Lucy at @iamlucypower and this conversation that covers a wide-range of topics, Lucy and Helen talk about how shame grows in the darkness and prevents us from becoming an unapologetic version of ourselves. The biggest blocker to equity is actually the misconception that “normal” even exists. No-one is easy to group and we are all multi-dimensional beings, differing in our age, race, gender, sexuality, needs, wants, desires and more. Maybe that in itself is where we find the place to belong - we are all worthy, loveable, enough and important and that is a great place to find connection. Key Takeaways“We are born princes and the civilizing process makes us frogs” - Eric BerneShame and apology prevent intimacy and vulnerability and ultimately block you from becoming the unapologetic version of youFitting in by pretending to be like your oppressors gets in the way of true belonging“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents” - Carl JungSelf awareness and not betraying yourself is the greatest self-care you can offer yourself. Showing honesty and integrity to yourself, and being impeccable with your language towards yourself is crucialDon’t forget to subscribe and rate us so we can grow and help more people.Visit for more information.Episode SponsorsPaul Culshaw offers group and private one-on-one coaching, enabling you to go from stressful confusion to empowering clarity with a step-by-step organic marketing strategy and plan.Gain the support you need to set up your business online, and start to optimise it to attract leads and sales. Or, take your business further with Nurtured Growth, Paul’s one-on-one online marketing program for advanced coaches, therapists and consultants.Paul has over 20 years experience in the digital marketing world, helping small businesses to large corporations, such as Simply Be and JD Williams. Book a free discovery call with Paul today at
Free, Loving & Courageous with Tina Brigley
Nov 2 2022
Free, Loving & Courageous with Tina Brigley
Becoming Unapologetically Me is the podcast for people who know there is more stuck inside them and they want to find a way to release it.In this episode, host Helen Norbury speaks to the passionate and energetic Tina Brigley. Tina is a 4x Globee Business award winner; TedX speaker and authentic leadership coach. She has been in Forbes; Global Woman and Thrive Global magazines. She is passionate about helping people to uncover their invisible chains and help them break free of the box they put themselves in, so they can live a life of creation. Tina believes that Who we were before life happened is who we get to be - Free, Loving and Courageous.When we notice that life is made up of a series of patterns and habits, it opens the door to so many possibilities. The personal development journey is really - at its heart - about growing our own self awareness so that we can choose to feel enough in every sense of the word. In this episode, Tina cautions about the role of social media in creating the rabbit hole of compare and despair, particularly where young people are concerned. It can become a self-fulfilling prophecy where we believe we are not enough and then via social media seek out the evidence of where this is true. When we follow creators rather than influencers, we are shaping our possibilities in the direction of leadership.Tina shares in this episode how she was a former “lone wolf” and didn’t trust anyone to match up to the extremely high expectations she had of herself. What Tina recognised was that she used her childhood stories and beliefs of “people let me down” to keep others at distance and feel the need to do everything herself. Recognising this habit and pattern - and healing the roots of it - offered Tina so many choices to become the amazing woman she is today. She is no longer a lone wolf and knows when to ask for help so she can continue the journey of supporting women to Reclaim their Feminine Power and Boss their Business! Key TakeawaysWhat if we could see our own blindspots and learn to get out of our own way?Personal awareness is the key to solving all of our problems. Without this we act based on triggers and our comfort zone.You can choose to step into your power and choose who you get to be right now; or you can allow yourself to choose to be a victim, stay in your comfort zone and be less than the best version of yourself.We get to be courageous through our lived experience of being fearful.Followers don’t produce leadersDon’t forget to subscribe and rate us so we can grow and help more people.Visit for more information.Episode SponsorsPaul Culshaw offers group and private one-on-one coaching, enabling you to go from stressful confusion to empowering clarity with a step-by-step organic marketing strategy and plan.Gain the support you need to set up your business online, and start to optimise it to attract leads and sales. Or, take your business further with Nurtured Growth, Paul’s one-on-one online marketing program for advanced coaches, therapists and consultants.Paul has over 20 years experience in the digital marketing world, helping small businesses to large corporations, such as Simply Be and JD Williams. Book a free discovery call with Paul today at paulculshaw.comLinksWebsite:
The Upside of Suffering Is Realignment with Shamoni Gilani
Oct 26 2022
The Upside of Suffering Is Realignment with Shamoni Gilani
Becoming Unapologetically Me is the podcast for people who know there is more stuck inside them and they want to find a way to release it.In this episode. Host Helen Norbury speaks to Shamoni Gilani - a world leading niche and messaging coach. Shamoni helps people who have traumatic and challenging stories to clarify their soul aligned niche from what they have been through. She is able to do this at the level of depth and skill she does, due to what she has experienced in her life.When we can find purpose and meaning in our suffering and alchemise that into something that allows us to give back through what we have been through, there’s nothing more healing and nourishing for our mental and emotional health.Following a period of bullying at school, where Shamoni’s creativity came out to help her find ways to avoid going to school, Shamoni later found herself housebound and bed bound for many years due to illness. Now in much better health, Shamoni has turned the approach to client acquisition on its head by finding 19 levels of alignment for her clients between their passion and purpose with their business. This helps business owners avoid shiny object syndrome as they constantly look for that holy grail of an otherwise elusive alignment.Shamoni advocates laughter, fun and playfulness as key ingredients for self care and recommends that you are very intentional about surrounding yourself with people who allow you to be Unapologetically You.Key TakeawaysPassion is the key to success and allows specificity and articulation of our purposeClarity creates confidenceOur life story holds the seed of our purposeEverything that we experience is part of the divine plan - understanding this can help us gain a lot of peaceLet your vibe attract your tribeDon’t forget to subscribe and rate us so we can grow and help more people.Visit for more SponsorsPaul Culshaw offers group and private one-on-one coaching, enabling you to go from stressful confusion to empowering clarity with a step-by-step organic marketing strategy and plan.Gain the support you need to set up your business online, and start to optimise it to attract leads and sales. Or, take your business further with Nurtured Growth, Paul’s one-on-one online marketing program for advanced coaches, therapists and consultants.Paul has over 20 years experience in the digital marketing world, helping small businesses to large corporations, such as Simply Be and JD Williams. Book a free discovery call with Paul today at paulculshaw.comLinksWebsite: Facebook Group:
LIFE: Regaining Control with No Steering Wheel
Oct 19 2022
LIFE: Regaining Control with No Steering Wheel
Becoming Unapologetically Me is the podcast for people who know there is more stuck inside them and they want to find a way to release it.In this episode, host Helen Norbury shares her personal journey with spirituality as part of the road back to hope and freedom.Following her parents’ untimely deaths in 2007 and 2008, Helen felt very alone and had a sensation that she would have to smash her own path through life if she wanted to be successful. As a highly ambitious woman, she committed to pushing harder and battling more, in order to create the life she desired for herself and her children.However, it wasn’t long before she started to recognise a monotony of the same tape playing over and over as unwanted patterns kept showing up in her life, whether it be in finances, health, relationships, work or any other area of Helen’s life.A turn of “fate” in March 2019 meant Helen found herself at a workshop in London. Helen’s evidence of all the ways in which the universe has her back, started on the train ride into London and continued throughout the day until the embryo of her business today was born, and included a chance meeting with someone who is today one of her longest standing clients.In this episode, Helen shares the impact of this spiritual journey on her life and the intense peace she now feels at her core. This journey allows Helen to constantly be guided back to LOVE, which is now how her life is shaped - a far cry from the rock bottom she experienced in 2018.Key TakeawaysOur fears allow us to see our wounds and direct our healing“I release the outcome and surrender to a plan far greater than mine” - Gabby BernsteinWhen we can honour the wound, then the healing can startWhen we feel the connection from our tribe, we can let go of what should be and lean into what will beLearn to accept, trust, surrender and know the universe has your backDon’t forget to subscribe and rate us so we can grow and help more people.Visit for more SponsorPaul Culshaw offers group and private one-on-one coaching, enabling you to go from stressful confusion to empowering clarity with a step-by-step organic marketing strategy and plan.Gain the support you need to set up your business online, and start to optimise it to attract leads and sales. Or, take your business further with Nurtured Growth, Paul’s one-on-one online marketing program for advanced coaches, therapists and consultants.Paul has over 20 years experience in the digital marketing world, helping small businesses to large corporations, such as Simply Be and JD Williams. Book a free discovery call with Paul today at paulculshaw.comLinks:Website: Facebook Group:
The Self & Self Worth with David Redbord
Oct 12 2022
The Self & Self Worth with David Redbord
Becoming Unapologetically Me is the podcast for people who know there is more stuck inside them and they want to find a way to release it.David Redbord, MA, MPH is a #1 International Bestselling author on trauma, a self-worth coach, and a practicing therapist in Boulder, Colorado. He has created a step-by-step framework to help folks improve their self-worth by knowing themselves better, connecting with others, practicing self-compassion, and living in integrity. David has been doing his own inner work for more than 10 years and supports others in showing up as their most authentic selves by stepping into more presence and connection.In this episode we discuss many elements of SELF but reflecting on the fact that it is always self-worth that sits at the core of this. David works extensively in the links between trauma and self-worth and the embodiment of healthy feelings.Starting from a childhood rife with criticism and correction, David found a sense of never being able to do the right thing and eventually internalised that as him not being good enough and in some way inherently bad. We know that there is no such thing as a “bad” person at birth so it is always deeply saddening to hear of yet another child who forms this belief.Although growing up with the cultural lens to avoid and suppress emotions, thankfully David found the way to truly embody and become present with his emotions. By setting aside time to feel and express your emotions, then the trauma WILL move through your body, but it needs to have the chance to be seen, felt and expressed without judgement and censorship.Key TakeawaysThe Wound is the place where the Light enters you - RumiWhen we put on the mask and not show emotion, in order to keep ourselves safe, we create disconnectionWhen you are fighting what is here, now; you can never move forwardsSo often we show up in life in the roles of the drama triangle: the victim, the persecutor or the rescuerConnection concretely improves self-worth. We disconnect when we feel shame but the tribe is so healing.Don’t forget to subscribe and rate us so we can grow and help more people.Visit for more’s Links:Resource Guide - 5 Ways to Increase Your Self-Worth by 25% 5 Day Challenge - Uncover your Top 5 Superpowers and Use Them to Improve Your Self-Worth
Dealing With Darkness: Unseen, Unheard & Unspoken With Louis Weinstock
Oct 5 2022
Dealing With Darkness: Unseen, Unheard & Unspoken With Louis Weinstock
Becoming Unapologetically Me is the podcast for people who know there is more stuck inside them and they want to find a way to release it.Louis Weinstock is a psychotherapist who works with children and the child inside us all. He helps people find a light in the darkness – in the things that are unseen, unheard and unspoken. For over 20 years, he has expertly guided children and grown-ups through some of the toughest challenges life can throw at us – loss, trauma, divorce, burnout and breakdowns. He is also co-founder of Apart of Me, a multi-award-winning charity that helps young people transform their grief into compassion. His work has been featured on the BBC, ITV, and in the Guardian newspaper. He lives in Manchester with his wife and daughter.In this episode, Helen and Louis talk openly and from the heart about the mental health crisis in children and those who care for them. Louis shares anecdotes and examples from his recently published book “How the World is Making our Children Mad - and What to Do About It”Helen and Louis talk about a wide variety of subjects, before Louis reads in such a heartfelt way, the opening page of his book.The subject of learned helplessness is discussed, in the context of how different this is to when Louis’ daughter showed resilience when learning to walk. When we feel a lack of safety, it triggers our nervous system to learned helplessness. Seeking safety and connection are two key areas in neuroception, as discussed by Stephen Porges; the absence of which compounds trauma.As always, this episode draws on the practical ways we can support the children in our lives (including our own inner child) to build resilience, and Louis shares some of the ways he personally is able to journey towards radical self-care and how he tunes into what his body needs in any moment.Key TakeawaysIt is so important for adults to heal themselves - you can’t give to children what you have not yet accessed yourselfAdversity becomes trauma when you add lonelinessWe all have an inner drive for mastery. This is connected to our pleasure signals.“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, in the expert’s there are few” - Shunryu SuzukiHumans have an innate ability to heal from trauma; it is our family, social and cultural conditioning that can get in the way of thisDon’t forget to subscribe and rate us so we can grow and help more people.Visit for more' Links
Escaping The Cult: Rising Above with Jessie Shedden
Sep 28 2022
Escaping The Cult: Rising Above with Jessie Shedden
Becoming Unapologetically Me is the podcast for people who know there is more stuck inside them and they want to find a way to release it. In this episode, host Helen Norbury is joined by the awesome Jessie Shedden.Jessie Shedden is a lightworker in the field of relational dynamics – specifically profound romantic love and core badass confidence. Her mix of intuitive divinity with practical badass strategy is showcased in The School of Authentic Badassery where she guides women through accessing the deep levels of true love and fundamental confidence their truest selves desire, in order to break cycles of generational traumas and bring healing into the world by sharing their gifts. After growing up in an environment that was not conducive for freedom of expression, empowerment or truly respectful connections, Jessie has studied extensively on how to cultivate authentic confidence and heart-based dynamics that unlock the passions of the women who learn and apply them. In this episode, Jessie shares about her early life, growing up in a religious cult, where she sadly came to know a life of emotional abuse, coercive control and later, sexual abuse too. Jessie had an intense loneliness in her early life and tried various cries for love and to be seen.Trying to leave at 18 years old, she found herself not ready and returned to the only environment she knew. But her truth would not go away - the flame refused to be extinguished. Finally Jessie did leave, and that meant leaving behind her family, her friends - everything she had ever known.Finding freedom was too much of a draw.Jessie shares her journey of learning who she is and how to express that and how that has created opportunities in her life to explore conscious loving.Key TakeawaysLearning to take off the load of guilt, shame and judgment is crucial to find your true selfWe always have the opportunity to change ourselves to choose who we want to be in our relationshipsWe are in a relationship with our partner’s nervous system so we need to learn together how to create safetyThe journey of self-discovery is seeking the gemstone under the traumaLove is the answer to basically anythingDon’t forget to subscribe and rate us so we can grow and help more people.Visit for more's Links
Life After Trauma: Discovering Purpose
Sep 21 2022
Life After Trauma: Discovering Purpose
Becoming Unapologetically Me is the podcast for people who know there is more stuck inside them and they want to find a way to release it. As season 2 starts, host Helen Norbury shares her excitement for the upcoming season as well as some reflections on season 1. The brief break between seasons has felt like the longest time but finally Helen is excited to introduce even more amazing guests who are joining her throughout the season to dive DEEP into the subjects of trauma, clarity of purpose and leadership. Helen reflects that the impact of trauma on children was a key reason for her getting into business and how she personally made the decision to be a cycle breaker in her family so that trauma would not continue to be passed from generation to generation, as otherwise happens. Helen’s first three guests dive deep into different aspects of trauma, each impacted from childhood in their own particular ways. As always, Helen likes to focus on how those childhood experiences can be alchemised into a positive adult life, which gives the perfect segue way into the subject of SELF. With her guests, Helen gets deep into the subjects of self-worth, self-love, self-acceptance, self-trust, self-awareness and many more aspects of SELF as an unapologetic expression of who you are. The other four guests through season 2 help Helen explore clarity of purpose and leadership. The inner critic voices still pop up - do they ever totally leave! - even for kick-ass leaders. Helen talks excitedly about her upcoming conversations with some powerful female leaders and starts to mention about the new style of leadership that she will explore in a later episode - Loving Leadership. This could not be further away from the command and control style of yesteryear. This is yet another manifestation of Helen Becoming Unapologetically Me and her hope is this season will inspire you even more deeply to find and become the unapologetic version of YOU too. These conversations have the potential to change your life in ways you can’t yet fathom.Key TakeawaysDiving deep into the shadows of ourself can have a fundamental impact on our self-love and self-acceptanceKeeping connected to the truth, rather than our stories, helps create a deep inner peaceAre we doing everything today to create the future legacy we want to leave for our childrenLoving Leadership is a new powerful model of leadership combining dynamic and magnetic energiesLearn to let go and embrace welcoming great things into your lifeDon’t forget to subscribe and rate us so we can grow and help more people.Visit for more
Breaking Your Barriers with Sabrina Lindner
Jul 6 2022
Breaking Your Barriers with Sabrina Lindner
Becoming Unapologetically Me is the podcast for people who know that they have more inside them and want it to come out. In this episode, host Helen Norbury is joined by mindset coach and growth mentor Sabrina. Ever since she was young, Sabrina dreamt of making a difference - a dream she fulfills everyday as she helps others achieve theirs. Sabrina shares insights about stepping outside of the labels you’re assigned, and how coaching can help. She discusses how we can create environments where all genders can thrive.It’s in our nature to put labels on things and people - in fact, many of these labels are put on us even before we’re born. But we don’t have to let them hold us back, Sabrina says. You can escape the boxes people place you in, and even use them to your advantage. We do ourselves a disservice when we just accept what people say about us as the truth, and subconsciously sabotage our own lives by acting on those limiting beliefs. Coaching is a good way to pull back the curtain on who you really are and what you’re really capable of. Sometimes it takes a coach to guide you through the process of seeing yourself objectively, without well-intentioned people projecting their own fears, concerns and values onto you. Sabrina comments on how we can cultivate environments where all genders thrive. It’s very common for gender-based messages to be directed to the male gender, but the responsibility of unity falls on all of us. We each have to take responsibility for our own biases.Key TakeawaysYou don’t have to be what people say you are - you are capable of anything you set your mind to!Coaches help you see yourself objectively, independent from the limiting beliefs of others, and even yourself.We are all responsible for unity.ResourcesHelen Norbury on Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook | Lindner
Self-Expression is the Spice of Life
Jun 29 2022
Self-Expression is the Spice of Life
Becoming Unapologetically Me is the podcast for people who know that they have more inside them and want it to come out. In this episode, host Helen Norbury discusses the truth about creativity. Creativity isn’t limited to art - it manifests in many ways. Helen unpacks the importance of creativity and self-expression, and discusses how they intersect with courage and confidence.Clarity precedes courage, Helen shares. When you have a clear idea of what you want to achieve, courage becomes easier - as your clarity goes up, your fear goes down. “When we recognize our fears, we can start to dissolve them… they don’t hold power anymore.” To Helen, courage is foundational in creative expression. The joy of living a self-expressed life should not be underestimated, she remarks; the feeling of being alive everyday, feeling engaged and inspired by everything is like seeing color in a monochrome world. “This isn't about taking the shiny, socially-acceptable, nice bits leaving the rest behind,” Helen shares, “This is a full expression of all of the parts of you.” An important thing to acknowledge is the popular discussion about left brainers and right brainers - creativity versus implementation. Without creativity, there’d be nothing to implement, and without implementation, creativity would have no outlet. Both play equal parts in the world. In fact, creativity fosters methods of implementation. Once we’re fully expressed and being very creative, how do we now build confidence? It begins with not tying confidence to anything external. External things can change at the drop of a hat, and you need your confidence to be there regardless. The next key is to reward the effort, not the outcome. Ultimately, confidence stems from a belief in yourself that you can figure things out. Key TakeawaysBy acknowledging your fears, you give them less power over you. Creativity and implementation are equally important and exist in balance with each other.Don’t tie your confidence to external things like money or good looks - those things can change.Helen Norbury on Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook |
You Will Never Be Perfect (And That’s Okay) with Rebecca Ann
Jun 22 2022
You Will Never Be Perfect (And That’s Okay) with Rebecca Ann
Becoming Unapologetically Me is the podcast for people who know that they have more inside them and want it to come out. In this episode, host Helen Norbury is joined by coach and former perfectionist Rebecca Ann. Rebecca has struggled with perfectionism and burnout throughout her corporate career. Every day was an endless cycle of trying to fill an internal void with external things - financial rewards, accolades, and professional respect. Grief from her father’s death became a catalyst for change in her life. Rebecca shares how she broke through the shackles of perfectionism. She talks about getting to the heart of it, the different ways it can show up in your life, and how she helps her clients recover. Prior to her father’s passing, Rebecca was a paragon of achievement. She had all the external markers of success including an enviable career and financial security. Yet she felt hollow on the inside. She kept wondering, “When am I going to feel successful? When am I going to feel happy?” Rebecca rationalized that satisfaction and happiness would come when she hit the next level, but after each accomplishment she still felt empty. “When we’re looking externally, there’s never enough to fill that void inside us,” Helen explains. “The hole is insatiable,” Rebecca agrees, “it never shrinks, it grows.” Not only did she feel trapped, but she was also burdened by the guilt of feeling unhappy with her life, and so began a vicious cycle.Rebecca was unconsciously seeking for external guidance, and a situation occurred at work where she had a choice to take a settlement, which she did. Now out on her own, she felt as if this was the evidence that proved she was an imposter, unworthy of the success people thought she had, and that everyone now knew the truth  that she wasn’t good enough. Losing the identities and external factors that fed into her perfectionism spurred Rebecca on even more. It all came to a head when her father got ill, and subsequently passed away. The loss put things into perspective and triggered her personal development journey.Rebecca’s perfectionism stemmed from a fundamental belief that she could only be worthy of love if she was perfect. Acknowledging that was a challenge, but it was the first step in her road to recovery. “I cannot describe how peaceful it is without that constant narrative [and] inner critic [ruling] your life,” she admits. She advises listeners who’ve started noticing perfectionist traits in themselves to have self-compassion. “So much about being a perfectionist is making yourself wrong and holding yourself to an unrealistic standard… if you [don’t] give yourself space, you’re adding [another] layer.”Key TakeawaysExternal things don’t fill internal holes - the key to happiness is found within.Grief often acts as a catalyst for change and an opportunity for reflection.Treat yourself with compassion when acknowledging your perfectionism - you can’t be perfect! ResourcesStop The Perfectionist ProcrastinationHelen Norbury on Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook |
Self-Care is Not Selfish: Loving Yourself is How You Love Others
Jun 15 2022
Self-Care is Not Selfish: Loving Yourself is How You Love Others
Becoming Unapologetically Me is the podcast for people who know that they have more inside them and want it to come out. In this episode, host Helen Norbury discusses how codependency and burnout relate to loving yourself, or a lack thereof. She shares how they affected her, and how she learned to put herself as a priority.When Helen was growing up, the concepts of loving yourself and being humble seemed to exist as opposites to each other. How could you love yourself first without being cocky or arrogant? For many years she thought self-care was for the self-absorbed, which feeded into her dangerous work ethic. She would never say no to work, to the point where she went into labor and didn’t tell her husband because she knew he would give her a hard time about her working through it. At the time she was patting herself on the back for her resilience, but this wasn’t good in any way. It was coming from an incredibly unhealthy need for recognition and approval, and resulted in total burnout.Working was a coping mechanism to block out unwanted thoughts and feelings - a distraction from all the limiting beliefs she wanted to ignore or prove wrong. This was all happening at a subconscious level in her everyday life. When she started bringing awareness to it, suddenly so many things in her life made sense - especially the type of people she attracted. Self-care became a cornerstone in her recovery from trauma and her addiction to codependency, and she learned that it was not synonymous with arrogance or cockiness. Rather, self-care was the best form of care; not only for her, but for the people around her as well.There’s far more to self-care than candles, massages, or spending money on yourself. Self-care is not about the external things - the key to self care is inside of us. It’s not easy, and it doesn’t happen overnight, but it’s definitely worth the journey. Key TakeawaysWhen healing from an addiction, take special care in healing the cause, or it may just pop up again in another form.Self-care is not synonymous with arrogance or cockiness - rather, it’s one of the best ways you can love yourself and love others.You can have a much bigger impact on the world and those around you if you look after yourself.ResourcesHelen Norbury on Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook |
Yes, You Should Cry If You Want To with Michelle Samuel
Jun 8 2022
Yes, You Should Cry If You Want To with Michelle Samuel
Becoming Unapologetically Me is the podcast for people who know that they have more inside them and want it to come out. In this episode, host Helen Norbury is joined by trauma-informed coach Michelle Samuel. Michelle is no stranger to trauma herself, and in this episode, she shares her story. She talks about the unhealthy coping mechanism of emotional suppression, how immobilizing grief and trauma can feel, and why letting yourself fall is the key to getting back up.Michelle lost her younger sister around the same time she had her newborn in 2004, and her body went on survival mode. With the stresses of postnatal depression, anxiety, and grief, she found herself going through the motions and drawing on strength that was only there as an illusion. It wasn’t until 2019 that she realized her life was stuck in a monotonous loop. Fortunately, Michelle found a coaching program that opened her eyes to a trauma-informed approach to life. “I don’t think we get over grief,” she shares, “we navigate our way through that sticky process. It’s not linear - it’s very up and down, and moving through is the only way.” Learning that lesson, however, was achieved through trial and error. Michelle may have convinced herself that it was business as usual, but her body begged to differ. “[It] started to give up on me… [and] was telling me no, you need to stop, you need to go inward.” This was due in part to her failure to set boundaries, she claims. She was a people-pleaser who would do anything for anyone, but it soon began taking its toll. After all, you have to put your oxygen mask on first before you can help anybody else fix theirs.Michelle decided to slowly come off her antidepressants after the breakdown of her marriage. Her issues, she rationalized, weren’t due to any chemical imbalance in her brain - they stemmed from the traumas she had repressed from a very young age. As fate would have it, her best friend’s husband had died around that same time, and the entire situation triggered memories of her sister’s death. Without the buffer of her antidepressants, she sat on her dining room floor for hours and cried, and ironically, it was cathartic. “We were given tear ducts for a very good reason,” Helen comments. “I think tears allow us to process emotion the same way laughter can.”Key TakeawaysGrief isn’t something we get over, but when we let ourselves feel it, it takes less of a toll over time.Draining yourself to help other people is unsustainable - you need your own oxygen mask first before you can help anyone else fix theirs.There is no shame in crying - we have tear ducts for a reason.ResourcesHelen Norbury on Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook |
How Trauma Impacts Our Lives and Why We All Know About This First-Hand
Jun 1 2022
How Trauma Impacts Our Lives and Why We All Know About This First-Hand
Becoming Unapologetically Me is the podcast for people who know that they have more inside them and want it to come out. In this episode, host Helen Norbury defines limiting beliefs and unpacks how they develop. She shares her own experience with them, and how she eventually stopped them from defining how she lived her life.Despite all its complex functions, the brain only has two fundamental desires - safety, and the least amount of pain, which may not necessarily be no pain. “When you‘re growing up and you're a child, your brain sees your parents as that source of safety. If there's any sensation of lack of safety from within your parents, your brain can't deal with that because that's too scary an idea to get your head around,” Helen shares, “so the brain goes ‘No, it can't be them, it must be me’.” This is where you start to form these deep set beliefs about yourself.These beliefs are further reinforced when we don’t give children the permission to “feel the feels” that aren’t positive - they don’t get to accept that as much as the human experience is positive, there are also times when things don’t feel that great, and that those times are perfectly normal. What’s important is letting yourself come out of the feels and not holding yourself in that space. Helen made this decision when she gave up alcohol, after realizing that her dependency on it was only anesthetizing the pain she felt as a result of the beliefs she had about herself. She discovered that she had so much more to offer the world - even with all the trauma and emotions she previously suppressed. It wasn’t all smooth sailing, but she took all the broken parts of herself and made a mosaic bit by bit. Now, she uses the benefit of her experience to inspire others who feel trapped by their limiting beliefs. “We may not be responsible for the world that created our minds, but we can take responsibility for the mind with which we create our world.”Key TakeawaysLet yourself feel bad when you feel bad - suppressing your emotions will only harm you in the long run.Unpacking trauma doesn’t guarantee smooth sailing through life, but it shows you the truth - you are not as bad as you think you are.You have so much to offer to the world, warts and all.
Profession, Passion, & Why You Should Have Both with Annuszka Nowak
May 25 2022
Profession, Passion, & Why You Should Have Both with Annuszka Nowak
Becoming Unapologetically Me is the podcast for people who know that they have more inside them and want it to come out. In this episode, host Helen Norbury is joined by flower farmer Annuszka Nowak. Annuszka is a gardener at Prune & Bloom Gardening Company, where she passionately grows flowers for anyone who wants them. She delves into the ideal of following your passions, why you shouldn’t wait, and how it will change your life for the better. She shares tips for getting connected to what makes you happy.Annuszka had a hectic career in television, she shares. With a young baby to take care of and barely any time for herself, she grew disenchanted with her job and started dreading going to work every day. After becoming pregnant with her second child, she and her then-husband moved to the countryside with hopes of improving their quality of life, but these hopes fell flat. “So many people fall into this trap,” she says. “‘When I’ve got the house in the countryside, I’ll be happy,’ or ‘when I’ve got the big car, the children’... always looking for something to plug the gap, which is ultimately an internal that needs plugging, not with something external.”Motherhood was very challenging for Annuszka, especially when she and her husband separated and she was raising them alone. She was at a point where she felt disconnected from her life, and disconnected from the person she wanted to be. Ironically, it was the complete breakdown of her marriage that enabled her to begin again. “At 40 I decided to completely change my life,” she says. “I walked away from a successful career in TV, a beautiful family home and a ten year marriage. On paper it sounded perfect, but in reality I felt completely lost in my own life. It was the most difficult and painful decision I’ve ever made but it would turn out to be the most rewarding and fulfilling one too. I’ve finally found myself and the life I belong in.”After a brief and unhappy stint in a job similar to her previous career, Annuszka decided to switch things up. She had taken up horticulture in her spare time, and after receiving encouragement, began to pursue a career in it. “I don’t earn a lot of money, and I probably never will, but it's enough,” she claims. In the previous chapters of her life, there was this constant pressure to scale up in everything, and it quickly burned her out. Now, she loves what she does, and it allows her time with her children that she wasn’t afforded before. “When you’re tapped into your passion, the world will open for you, and opportunities will present at the right time.”Key TakeawaysStop trying to fill internal gaps with external things.Stressing about pleasing people takes precious time away from you - it’s your life, live it for you!The world will offer you opportunities when you’re tapped into your passion, because you’re in a position to shine.ResourcesAnnuszka Nowak on InstagramHelen Norbury on Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook |
Whose Box Is It Anyway? What Pleases The People-Pleaser?
May 18 2022
Whose Box Is It Anyway? What Pleases The People-Pleaser?
Becoming Unapologetically Me is the podcast for people who know that they have more inside them and want it to come out. In this episode, host Helen Norbury discusses the importance of stepping into your purpose. She shares anecdotes of her childhood, academic, and professional experiences. People-pleasing is an exhausting way to live, Helen shares, and for the first 40 years of her life, it was her daily routine. She checked every box of what was expected of her, and though she found them mildly interesting, most of them weren’t fulfilling. Somewhere along her career, she discovered the Japanese concept of ikigai, a sense of purpose or reason for living. “The journey I’m on is looking into the intersection of passion, mission, vocation and profession,” she remarks.Helen talks about being stuck in cycles. The majority of people live paycheck to paycheck and never really get wealthier along the course of their lives. They might have a bit of money in savings and investments, but they’re not actually creating wealth in a way that would drastically impact their quality of life. Coming to this realization was an eye opener for Helen, and made her think differently about the purpose of her career. This was the final step that prompted her to step into her passion and purpose.Now, Helen can say she’s truly fulfilled with what she does every day. “There was always a deep need inside me which went unsatisfied for so long in the corporate world,” she comments. She advises listeners to start small; grab a pen and paper and ask yourself, “If I could start over, what choices would I make? What values would I bring to my working life? And how can I live those values on a daily basis?”Key TakeawaysDon’t live your life for other people - they have theirs, so do your best with yours!The intersection of passion, mission, vocation and profession is a powerful place. Go find it!Be curious about yourself and your wishes, and apply them as much as possible to your daily life. ResourcesHelen Norbury on Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook |
How Do Your Identity and Paradigm Create Your Reality with Jay Rot
May 11 2022
How Do Your Identity and Paradigm Create Your Reality with Jay Rot
Becoming Unapologetically Me is the podcast for people who know that they have more inside them and want it to come out. In this episode, host Helen Norbury is joined by serial entrepreneur and business coach Jay Rot. Jay is founder and CEO of BeMore Academy, where he helps purpose-driven entrepreneurs build highly effective systems for sales and lead generation. A Visionary Entrepreneur, an Inspirational Speaker, and Coach, Jay has been a catalyst in thousands of people’s lives. He is an entrepreneur with 18 years business experience specialized in branding, digital marketing, and e-commerce. He has collaborated with leading multinational companies such as IBM, Outfit7, Era, and Petrol. Jay has an in-depth knowledge of strategic branding and digital marketing in high-growth startup environments. Two of the companies he has worked with have experienced an exit with valuations up to $1B. But truly what makes Jay’s unique blend is his remarkable energy and ability to lead with heart. He believes in doing business with Authenticity, Integrity, and Love.In this episode, he explores the power of mindset and how it impacts identity, and shares insights on how capacity and identity intersect.For those with dreams of delivering their purpose and leaving their legacy on the planet in big ways, it’s essential for them to understand their own capacity, Jay shares. They should discover how to find resources within themselves and tap into them, and how to grow in terms of identity and paradigm. “I’ve learned that if we just grow business without personal growth, we will always get out of balance sooner or later,” he claims. “The business is a reflection of your inner understanding of self and the world.”Our subconscious creates our reality, Jay adds. A mindset shift is exactly what you need to change your life. If your subconscious is constantly pushing you down and undermining your skills and capabilities, it will bleed into how you do your work. “You need to change the tape before you change the outcome,” he advises. That tape your mind has been showing you for years has shaped your identity, which defines your scope of possibility. The good thing about minds, however, is that they can be changed. Your identity is the consequence of your past, but it’s not set in stone - brains are malleable, so as long as you commit to working on your growth, you can change the tape. And once you grow in your identity, your capacity explodes. Key TakeawaysYour identity can be so much more than the sum of your past experiences.Pay close attention to your inner dialogue - it shapes the way you see yourself.Gift yourself with permission to be you, and become a gift to the world!ResourcesJay Rot on LinkedIn | FacebookBeMoreAcademy.comHelen Norbury on Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook | SponsorsLaunch Your Own is the leading podcast production and strategic content company for brands, organisations, institutions, individuals, and entrepreneurs. Our team sets you up with the right strategy, equipment, training, and guidance and content to ensure you sound amazing while speaking to your niche audience and networking with your perfect clients. Get in touch