Unapologetically Unmedicated | Empowered & Informed Birth Education with Fierce Lizzie

Fierce Lizzie

Welcome to Unapologetically Unmedicated, the podcast for moms who want to be informed, empowered, and educated for birth and beyond. We know that an empowered birth leads to an empowered motherhood, and we know that it takes going against the status quo to get there. We are standing up for our values and we are doing it unapologetically. read less
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146 | Wild pregnancy, prenatal care outside of the regulated medical system, Katherine Sigblad
May 20 2024
146 | Wild pregnancy, prenatal care outside of the regulated medical system, Katherine Sigblad
What is WILD pregnancy? We have one of our good friends from the Moms off the Record podcast, Kat Sigblad, sharing about her current pregnancy with baby number two. With her first birth, Kat thought she prepared the right way, from firing her provider and switching to home birth to being educated on all things natural birth, but what she learned is even home birth midwives can be captured by the system. Not wanting her next birth to be sabotaged as well, Kat did everything differently, starting before conception and by doing her own prenatal care and having a truly autonomous pregnancy. In this episode, Kat gives all the juicy details on her wild pregnancy, including: The scare tactics and manipulation from her home birth midwives that ultimately led her to having a 72 hour induction and failure to descend leading to an unnecessary cesarean. Her promise to not outsource her intuition to someone bound by rules and regulations and the experts she is turning to instead. The typical mindset and belief that more technology and more experts equals a safer birth, and the fallacy of having technology in the birth space. The downsides of the prenatal routine and exactly what Kat will be opting out of and including in her prenatal care, including gestational diabetes screen, blood pressure monitoring, ultrasounds, gbs and fetal monitoring. More resources for wild pregnancy: Kat's Substack - https://katherinesigblad.substack.com/ Moms off the Record Podcast Follow MOTR on IG Anisa Woodall - Holistic fertility & nutrition Free Birth Society Podcast
139 | The real reason women are getting off birth control, with Carly Hartwig
Apr 22 2024
139 | The real reason women are getting off birth control, with Carly Hartwig
The Washington Post said women are spreading “misinformation” about birth control in a recent article and many women in our community were PISSED. Myself included. SO I asked my good friend Carly Hartwig on today to talk about it- the REAL reason women are not okay with hormonal birth control and why we are choosing just as effective alternatives to the IUD, nuvaring, and the pill. Carly is a holistic reproductive health practitioner and certified fertility awareness educator. In this episode we are calling out the misinformation claim, let’s get informed instead. In this episode, we discuss: The illusion of empowerment that birth control has and how it is actually the opposite of what true empowerment is. The importance of informed consent in birth and birth control, and how if we had known the risks of birth control we would have never agreed to be on it.  How women are gaslit in our medical system, in birth, and in this Washington Post article on birth control. Alternative methods of birth control are being suppressed and called “misinformation” to keep you weak, sick, and disempowered which creates a pharmaceutical and fertility client for life.  All of your birth control options, including cycle tracking options. How the rhythm method and use of period tracking apps are less effective, and true fertility awareness is the more effective natural method and just as effective as pharmaceutical birth control when done correctly. Resources to get started with fertility awareness method. Resources mentioned on the show: Book a free consult call with Carly Fifth Vital Sign and Taking Charge of Your Fertility on Amazon The Business of Birth Control Enjoyed this episode? Share it with a friend, or share to your socials and tag @unapologetucallyunemdicated and @cleanlivingwithcarly  Connect with Carly https://www.cleanlivingwithcarly.com/ Want to work with Lizzie? Unmedicated Academy: The signature program for moms who want to be the boss of their unmedicated birth and be educated, informed and empowered. We will chat each week and you'll be blown away by how much support is inside. Join the empowered mom club
135 | 5 lessons from an inexcusable red flag, don’t page Dr Fran
Apr 4 2024
135 | 5 lessons from an inexcusable red flag, don’t page Dr Fran
When an OB takes to the internet to say “women’s bodies are historically bad at birth” you better believe the birth community is showing up. Today we are talking about the viral #dontpagedrfran movement on Instagram, exactly what the OB said that has the birth community enraged, and the lessons you can apply to your birth. In this episode I discuss: -The reel from @pagnigdrfran where she said “women are historically bad at birth” and that “our bodies are trying to off us every time we are pregnant”. And how the birth community showed up with #dontpagedrfran -Our current maternal mortality rate is telling of the United States as being bad at birth.-The perfect example of a provider and hospital saying one thing, then doing another. The typical bait and switch that many women have experienced.  -How invalidating positive home birth stories on the basis of survivors bias is hypocritical coming from the medical model. -The importance of personality versus practice when it comes to hiring (and firing) your provider. Other episodes you’ll love: 80 | The bait & switch birth 77 | Birth centers aren’t what they seem 34 | Finding your unicorn OB Ready to start your birth prep? Birth Prep Class: This 30 minute class will teach you what you can do now to help prepare your mind and body for an unmedicated birth. It's FREE ️ Want to work with me? Unmedicated Academy: The signature program for moms who want to be the boss of their unmedicated birth and be educated, informed and empowered. We will chat each week and you'll be blown away by how much support is inside. Join the empowered mom club Submit a question or testimonial for the show: Leave me a voice message
132 | Get informed on the epidural, pros and cons of the epidural in birth
Mar 21 2024
132 | Get informed on the epidural, pros and cons of the epidural in birth
If you are having your baby in the hospital, you need to be informed about the epidural, whether your plan is to utilize it or not. In fact after this episode you may decided to definitely not use the epidural and it may be easier for you to avoid the epidural after you learn all about it. Let’s get informed on the epidural! In this episode I discuss: -Risks and benefits of the epidural, the most popular form of pain management in the hospital birth. -How the epidural is placed and the two most common ingredients, bupivacaine and fentanyl. -What to expect if you ask for an epidural, and how being partially informed while in labor is not fair to moms, nor is it true informed consent. -Alternatives to the epidural and the pros and cons to IV narcotics, nitrous oxide and unmedicated pain management tools More episodes you’ll love: 122 | the 90% epidural rate makes natural birth in the hospital almost impossible 120 | There wasn’t an epidural at this hospital, a first time mom’s planned unmedicated hospital birth, with Ariana Heisler 90 | Labor pain has purpose, how feeling the pain of birth is helpful to your baby 73: Deep Dive on Newborn Screening Want to work with me? Unmedicated Academy: The signature program for moms who want to be the boss of their unmedicated birth and be educated, informed and empowered. We will chat each week and you'll be blown away by how much support is inside. Join the empowered mom club Submit a question or testimonial for the show: Leave me a voice message