Warfighter Roundtable - Brought to you by Foundation 14

Warfighter Roundtable

Foundation 14 is a 501(c)3 nonprofit dedicated to supporting veterans through the freedom of riding and community support. This podcast is an extension of that outreach and what brings us together; veterans and those who support them - with a common cause. We are here to learn and grow as this podcast evolves.We will dive into topics like Post Traumatic Stress, coping mechanisms and techniques, and transitioning to civilian life. Those who are close to veterans (family, friends and those closest to them) will share what that life looks and feels like, along with their experiences with anger management and substance abuse issues... but there is more. There isn’t just a negative side of the veteran experience. The steps individuals have taken to respond to challenges, how they manage them and what support and resources are out there. All with the purpose of sharing experiences so that we can raise awareness, educate and better support one another. Let's face it, we are in this together. Veteran topics is a really long list. If you have thoughts to share, or topics you would like to hear this crew discuss we would like to hear from you. Please send us your comments or thoughts to Info@foundation14.org Stay tuned for updated information. read less
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Episode 13 - Conspiracy Theories - JFK Part 2
Jan 17 2022
Episode 13 - Conspiracy Theories - JFK Part 2
In this episode Moderators Chris Johnson and Maria Caruso is  joined by co-hosts Anthony Pegouskie, Josh Wieringa and Andrew Cummings.We wanted to give our listeners a chance for a little change.  In this episode we start to scratch the surface of the conspiracy theories surrounding November 22, 1963 - the Kennedy Assassination.In this second part of the talk surrounding the assassination of our 35th President.  We go into more detail into the parts we brought up last week.  We go in depth about the magic bullet theory, the grassy knoll theory, talk about umbrella man, the connections between Oswald and Ruby, and we even touch on the connections with all of them to a bunch of 3-letter organizations and the properties in New Orleans.  We even touch on the Bay of Pigs invasion.*We must stress again that these are the opinions of our guests and those speaking, they are not the opinions of Foundation 14 and are not politically based.  Just a few people having a discussion based on facts from the National Archives.Please stay tuned for future episodesFoundation 14 is what brought us all together to talk about veteran experiences, veteran topics, as well as the perspective of those closest to them - their family and friends.  We are all excited for you all to learn and grow with us as we evolve this podcast.Throughout our episodes we will dive deep into topics that shed light on experiences of veterans returning from active duty with the ultimate goal of increasing awareness.  Let's face it - the list of topics could go on forever.  So if you have feedback or want to hear about something specific let us know -  we would like to hear from you. We are excited to hear from you, send us your comments or thoughts to Info@foundation14.orgAny thoughts, comments or statements made during this podcast are not the opinions or views of Foundation 14.