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Gregory Zink

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(SFR ARCHIVE) Darkness Descends: The Black Donnelly Massacre of 1880
Jun 22 2023
(SFR ARCHIVE) Darkness Descends: The Black Donnelly Massacre of 1880
In this exceptional birthday gift episode (dedicated to my incredible Mother), I delve into a story of intense vigilante justice amidst Canada's settlers. This is the account of the brutal massacre endured by the Black Donnellys of Biddulph, Ontario during the 19th century. The Black Donnellys, an immigrant family hailing from Ireland, gained notoriety due to allegations of their involvement in crimes and acts of violence. Eventually, they became victims themselves when the local townspeople subjected them to a savage lynching. Their narrative encompasses rural conflicts, strained community relations, vendettas rooted in religious differences, and a heartbreaking conclusion. Originally from County Tipperary, Ireland, the Donnelly family settled in the rural township of Biddulph Ontario in the mid-19th century. James and Johannah Donnelly, along with their five children—James Jr., William, Bridget, Robert, and Thomas—established a farm and integrated into the local community. However, tensions between the Donnellys and their neighbors gradually intensified. The Donnellys were viewed by many as squatters, outsiders, and criminals. The local animosity was fueled by their perceived audacious conduct and alleged involvement in numerous petty crimes. Furthermore, the religious and cultural divide between the Donnellys, who were of Irish Catholic descent, and their Protestant counterparts in the area added another layer of complexity, reviving age-old rivalries from England. Happy Birthday Mom! May this bring an extra touch of joy to your day. Love you.   RESOURCES: The Donnelly Album by Ray Fazakas (Book) Heaven & Hell on Earth: The Massacre of the Black Donnellys (Website) The Lucan Museum (Website) The Donnellys (Vol. 1): Powder Keg 1840-1880 by John Little (Audible Book)   SMOKE FILLED ROOMS SHOW DETAILS: HOST: Gregory Zink (@GregZesq) EMAIL: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: @SmokyRooms PATREON: RSS FEED: Darkcast Network
(SFR ARCHIVE) “Don’t Yell FIRE in a Theatre” - Wartime Suppression (Chapter 2: The 1st Amendment Files)
Mar 23 2023
(SFR ARCHIVE) “Don’t Yell FIRE in a Theatre” - Wartime Suppression (Chapter 2: The 1st Amendment Files)
Dissent, as we’ll come to learn in this episode, is the specific act of expressing disagreement or opposition to established policies, political authorities, or social zeitgeists. And this is supposed to be a primary right in any democratic society that encourages the free flow of ideas and opinions. Yet still, instances continually crop up where the State seems to willfully disregard the spirit and idealism of the First Amendment in favour of self-serving Machiavellian tactics.  Enter the phrase "Don’t yell fire in a crowded theatre, " which is often misunderstood in its application and origin. This analogy is commonly used to illustrate the concept of free speech and its alleged limits. Unbeknownst to most though, the phrase originated in the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case of Schenck v. United States, in 1919. In this case, a political activist, Charles Schenck, was charged with violating the Espionage Act of 1917 by distributing leaflets urging young men to resist the draft during World War I. Schenck's defence case reached the SCOTUS and revolved around the idea that his actions were protected by the First Amendment's right to free speech. But what would the verdict be? Was he utilizing his rights to free expression or was he a risk to national security by destabilizing its war readiness? REFERENCES  Schenck's Anti-Draft Pamphlet Ruling of the Case The State by Randolph Bourne Wikipedia Page "Don't Yell Fire..." National Constitution Centre - Schenck V. USA First Amendment Encyclopedia I Fought the Law (song) SHOW PROMOS Horrifying History Murder Murder News California True Crime Darkcast Network  SMOKE FILLED ROOMS SHOW DETAILS: HOST: Gregory Zink (@GregZesq) TWITTER: @SmokyRooms EMAIL: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: PATREON: RSS FEED:
(SFR ARCHIVE) Presidential Villainy (Wilson Vs. Bush) feat. CJ Killmer
Mar 9 2023
(SFR ARCHIVE) Presidential Villainy (Wilson Vs. Bush) feat. CJ Killmer
In this episode, I was visited by one of the greatest historical podcasters of our time.  I’m of course talking about CJ Killmer of the Dangerous History podcast. We compared and contrasted the historical, political and economic legacies of two of our most hated US presidents (who can rightly be described as criminals of the highest order) My personal arch-nemesis is George W. Bush and CJ’s is Woodrow Wilson Mr. Killmer is a self-proclaimed Florida Man and holds a bachelor's and a Master's degree in History (the latter being from the University of Tennessee). And he used these credentials to teach history at the collegiate level for nearly 16 years. The primary topics of his courses were US History, Western Civilization, World History and Floridian History. He’s been a recurring guest on the Tom Woods Show, The Survival Podcast and has appeared on Lions of Liberty, History Impossible, and Unloose The goose. And though CJ self-identifies as a smart-ass, iconoclast, and a cynical critic of authority, he is also one of the most intelligent members of the informal liberty movement. One whom I am honoured to welcome to my humble little show. Cheers and thanks for listening! Professor Killmer's Twitter, Dangerous History Podcast And CJ's website IN SHOW PROMOS: F**k That Cause of Death - 100 Seconds to Midnight Beyond The Rainbow And Then They Were Gone Crime Diner Darkcast Network  SMOKE FILLED ROOMS SHOW DETAILS: HOST: Gregory Zink (@GregZesq) TWITTER: @SmokyRooms EMAIL: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: PATREON: RSS FEED:
(SFR ARCHIVE) Death By Government - Democide, Liberty, & The State
Feb 21 2023
(SFR ARCHIVE) Death By Government - Democide, Liberty, & The State
“If one man dies of hunger, that is a grave tragedy. If millions die, that’s just a statistic.” We are used to hearing about homicide, infanticide, ethnocide, possibly politicide, and genocide. As grotesque and vile as all these various “cides” are, they can all essentially be umbrella’d under a bigger, and to me, more descriptive term. One that accurately accounts for all the aforementioned examples of atrocities and wanton acts of violence, and was coined by groundbreaking political scientist Rudolph J. Rummel in the mid-1980s The topic of this podcast is DEMOCIDE and all the associated horrors of State instigated killings. We look into all the facets of this suspiciously overlooked conceptual term because of its applicability, superior social science lens, and unique contextualization of past (and almost certainly future) political crimes. Which, as we will learn, in the 20th century alone has accounted for 174 million deaths by government… Enough bodies, if lined up head to toe, to circle our planet about four times (as sadly demonstrated by the RING OF TEARS) A huge thank you to the folks at the University of Hawaii because without their publishing of Prof. Rummel's work, we would be an intellectually poorer society. Oh and here's my ideal, and oft mentioned, form of government: The Night-watchman State All music generously provided by Fesliyan Studios Cheers and thanks for listening IN-SHOW ADS: And Then They Were Gone Secret Police  Scottish Murders Cause of Death: 100 Seconds to Midnight Rogue Darkness  Darkcast Network  SMOKE FILLED ROOMS SHOW DETAILS: HOST: Gregory Zink (@GregZesq) EMAIL: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: @SmokyRooms PATREON: RSS FEED:
(SFR ARCHIVE) The Unabomber’s Manifesto: ‘Industrial Society & It’s Future’
Jan 19 2023
(SFR ARCHIVE) The Unabomber’s Manifesto: ‘Industrial Society & It’s Future’
This podcast/audiobook is one that lay at the nexus of first-degree murder, militant ideology, and a multi-decade manhunt. That is to say, we will be looking at the primary source writings of one of the most notorious American terrorists of all time: Dr. Theodore John Kaczynski aka Ted Kaczynski aka Uncle Ted aka...The Unabomber Kaczynski wanted a militant anarcho-primitivist bottom-up revolution reminiscent of the Luddite uprising from the early 1800s. But worldwide this time.  And he hurt a lot of people in his failed attempts to spark the aforementioned revolution. In total, he killed three people and wounded 23 others over a 17-year period. Crimes that would eventually lead to him to a guilty plea on 10 counts of the production, shipping and utilization of deadly explosives and three counts of first-degree murder. And this would land him in ADX Florence (a super-max prison in Colorado) where he will be serving 8 consecutive life sentences without the chance for parole. And by all accounts, his health is in rapid decline and he was recently hospitalized.  This podcast is an unedited presentation of Kaczynski's manifesto presented in audiobook styling. If you prefer to read the work for yourself, here is the link to a PDF. Cheers and stay tuned :) ~GJZ~   IN-SHOW ADS: And Then They Were Gone Horrifying History Secret Police  Scottish Murders Autumn's Oddities Cause of Death: 100 Seconds to Midnight California True Crime Rogue Darkness  Darkcast Network    SMOKE FILLED ROOMS SHOW DETAILS: HOST: Gregory Zink (@GregZesq) EMAIL: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: @SmokyRooms PATREON: RSS FEED:
(SFR ARCHIVE) Executing Communists on Xmas - The Deaths of Nicolae & Elena Ceausescu
Dec 25 2022
(SFR ARCHIVE) Executing Communists on Xmas - The Deaths of Nicolae & Elena Ceausescu
Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu were the iron-fisted Communist tyrants who ruled Romania for 24 brutal years.  During their reign, the Romanian people endured decades of oppression, murder, starvation, human rights abuses, political imprisonments, spying, involuntary commitments to mental institutions, threats, and thievery. It was a disgusting state of affairs. But when a minor protest blossomed into a full-fledged revolution, Ceausescu and his secret police were sent to flee their inevitable fate. And on Christmas Day in 1989, Elena and Nicolae Ceausescu would ultimately pay for their depraved and indifferent rule. Machine gunned down just minutes after their hastily conducted trial as they joined the dustbin of history. It's 'eye for an eye’ justice on this episode of Smoke Filled Rooms. PS: I would like to acknowledge and celebrate my admission to a media outlet called the “Darkcast Network”. I am now in leagues with a slate of amazing podcasters who produce true-crime, conspiracy, and occult-themed shows. I feel right at home and I hope to make my network proud. Cheers! IN-SHOW ADS: “Ethics of Vaccine Passports: A Poor Bargain” by Aviel Oppenheim California True Crime Podcast Rogue Darkness Podcast Darkcast Network  SMOKE FILLED ROOMS SHOW DETAILS: HOST: Gregory Zink (@GregZesq) EMAIL: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: @SmokyRooms PATREON: RSS FEED:   REFERENCES:șescu   MUSIC: Darkest Hours ( Pavane - For A Dead Princess (
(SFR ARCHIVE) Guy Fawkes & The Gunpowder Plot
Oct 31 2022
(SFR ARCHIVE) Guy Fawkes & The Gunpowder Plot
In this trick-or-treat bonus episode of Smoke Filled Rooms, we look at Guy Fawkes and the ‘Gunpowder Plot’.   The aspiring terrorist’s pale-faced, but giant goatee’d grin, is celebrated worldwide for its anti-government symbolism.  But should political dissenters be using this particular man to further their critique of the State? What did Guy Fawkes and his co-conspirators hope to achieve? And what ultimately became of their plan? We will analyze the historical context, participants, and the Plot itself while also learning about the grizzly executions that awaited treasonous Brits… Drawing, hanging and quartering.   Happy Halloween everyone!   SHOW DETAILS: HOST: Gregory Zink (@GregZesq) EMAIL: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: @SmokyRooms PATREON: RSS FEED:   REFERENCES: Lord Monteagle Letter:   James Sharpe Remember Remember, the Fifth of November: Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot (Profile Books, 2006).