The Artisan’s Soul Sessions

Rebeca Flott

Season 5- The Artisan’s Soul Sessions this is conversations about stories of making things and the Creator Process. you will be inspired! read less


How to navigate anxiety on the creators journey  with special guest Dara Alix
Jan 28 2024
How to navigate anxiety on the creators journey with special guest Dara Alix
🌟 Soul Sessions Podcast: Episode - Creative Calm special guest  Dara Alix  Embark on a transformative journey as we dive deep into easy conversation with our special guest, Dara Alix, a licensed mental health counselor and a beacon of creative wisdom. 🎨 Episode Highlights: In "Creative Calm," we explore the intricacies of navigating anxiety on the creator's journey. Dara Alix gently guides us through mindfulness things you can do , offering a palette of strategies to find serenity amidst the whirlwind of creativity. 🌬️ The Art of Stillness: Discover how embracing moments of stillness can be a powerful tool for creators.  🌻 Blooms in Adversity: Explore the beauty that blossoms from vulnerability. Dara delves into how acknowledging and embracing anxiety can be a catalyst for profound artistic expression and personal growth. 🎙️ Conversations that Inspire: Join the conversation that transcends the surface, where vulnerability meets resilience and creativity thrives, compassionate guidance to inspire every creator on their unique journey. Why Listen? Whether you're an artist, writer, or anyone on a creative quest, this episode offers a sanctuary of support. Uncover the artistic calm within, navigate the storms of anxiety, and rediscover the joy of creating from a place of peace. 🎧 Tune In and Elevate Your Soul: Let "Creative Calm" be your compass on the creator's journey. Subscribe, listen, and embark on a soulful exploration .   All the  this shows are recorded live  Monday 5pm EST- and Thursday 10 Am EST.
"The Artist's Agony" A conversation with Franny Titus about her acting career and what she has learned in the process
Jan 19 2024
"The Artist's Agony" A conversation with Franny Titus about her acting career and what she has learned in the process
In this amazing episode, host Rebeca Flott sits down with the incredible Franny Titus to unravel the extraordinary journey of stepping into the world of acting. From the outset, it's evident that Franny's story is not just about chasing dreams; it's a testament to resilience, determination, and the unwavering belief that it's never too late to pursue your passions. Franny shares insights into the steps she took to break into the world of acting, a path she courageously embarked on after becoming a parent. The conversation is not just a guide for aspiring actors but a beacon of hope for anyone who has ever thought their dreams were out of reach. The interview delves into the nitty-gritty of Franny's approach to success — the challenges, the triumphs, and the sheer audacity of pursuing one's dreams against the odds. What sets this episode apart is the genuine and relatable nature of Franny's storytelling. It's not a tale of overnight success; it's a gradual crescendo of hard work, dedication, and a refusal to be defined by circumstances.  Franny's journey is a reminder that the road to success is rarely linear, and sometimes the most beautiful stories emerge from unexpected beginnings. This episode is not just about acting; it's about the human spirit's capacity to defy expectations and carve a path of its own. As a listener, you'll find yourself immersed in a story that's as heartwarming as it is motivational, leaving you inspired to chase your dreams with newfound vigor. In a podcast landscape filled with stories, this episode stands out as a beacon of authenticity and hope. Highly recommended for anyone in need of a dose of inspiration and a reminder that it's never too late to pursue your true calling.     Love,   Rebeca      Connect with Franny @
How to Bring ideas to Life-A Conversation to start the Artisan’s Soul Sessions 2024
Jan 10 2024
How to Bring ideas to Life-A Conversation to start the Artisan’s Soul Sessions 2024
Season 5 ya'l! 'How to Bring Ideas to Life,' the empowering  first show of the season that sets the stage for the transformative Artisan's Soul Sessions 2024. I'm Rebeca Flott , your guide on this creative journey. In each episode this year , we embark on deep, soulful conversations exploring the art of turning dreams into reality. Whether you're a seasoned artisan or just beginning your creative adventure, this podcast is your source for inspiration, practical insights, and the magic of bringing ideas to life. As we launch the Artisan's Soul Sessions 2024, join me for live shows that promise to be a celebration of creativity. These live sessions are more than just broadcasts; they are immersive experiences where we engage with the community, dive into the creative process, and share the stories of remarkable artisans. From unraveling the mysteries of inspiration to practical tips on overcoming creative blocks, each live show is designed to fuel your artistic spirit. Let's make 2024 a year of breakthroughs, artistic revelations, and vibrant creations. Tune in regularly for a front-row seat to the Artisan's Soul Sessions 2024 live shows, where we embark on this collective journey of self-discovery and artistic expression. Subscribe now and be part of a community that believes in the power of bringing ideas to life. Here's to an inspiring and creative year ahead    With love Rebeca
Mindfulness Matters for Creators: Insights from Dara Alix  ”Mental Health Expert”
Apr 25 2023
Mindfulness Matters for Creators: Insights from Dara Alix ”Mental Health Expert”
Growing a garden in your mind can be a powerful tool for cultivating positivity, resilience, and inner peace. When we tend to our thoughts and emotions with the same care and attention that we give to a garden, we can create a rich and abundant inner landscape that nourishes our well-being and supports our growth. enjoy a conversation with my friend Dara Alix Licensed mental health counselor and nutritionist expert    just as a garden can be overrun with weeds that choke out the plants we want to thrive, our minds can be filled with negative thoughts and emotions that can hinder our mental and emotional health. To grow a garden in your mind without weeds, it's essential to practice mindfulness and cultivate a positive mindset. One way to do this is to become aware of your thoughts and emotions and examine them with curiosity and compassion. When a negative thought arises, don't judge it or push it away, but simply acknowledge it and observe how it makes you feel. Then, ask yourself if the thought is helpful or unhelpful and whether it aligns with your values and goals. If the thought is unhelpful or doesn't align with your values, try to reframe it in a more positive light. For example, if you find yourself thinking "I'm not good enough," you could reframe it as "I'm doing my best, and that's enough." Over time, this practice can help you cultivate a more positive and resilient mindset and create a garden in your mind that's free from weeds. In addition to mindfulness and positive thinking, it's also essential to take care of your body and nurture healthy habits. Just as a garden needs water, sunlight, and nutrients to thrive, your mind and body need proper rest, nutrition, and exercise to function at their best. By cultivating a healthy and positive mindset and taking care of your body,you creative process you can create a garden in your mind that's rich, abundant, and free from weeds. With time and patience, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor and reap the benefits of a healthy and resilient mind.
” How to transition from Existing to Living” A conversation with Lizia Santos- CEO and  Founder of Citty Cat
Jan 6 2023
” How to transition from Existing to Living” A conversation with Lizia Santos- CEO and Founder of Citty Cat
We are back 2023 listeners -we missed you. How can you transition from existing to living? Peeling onions .... My authentic friend Lizia Santos was merging of three very active roles in my life: travel lover, mom, and journalist. As a travel lover, She enjoy getting to know the true core of destinations. As a mom, She wanted to spend high-quality time with my family away from lines and truly experiencing things; as a journalist, She value reliable and up-to-date information and nurturing great sources for this purpose. When trying to plan awesome and authentic trips for her family, She couldn’t find the info she was looking for and kept getting stuck on the “top things to do” kind of lists, which simply list the main crowded attractions. As a journalist, she knew that if I could find sources of information on destinations, planning would be much easier. I couldn’t find it, so should built a platform to allow people all over the world to connect with these reliable sources and plan truly authentic  Few things you will highlight in this show Authenticity innovation Creativity Moving from Existing to Living  Think in exploring second destinations? Authentic places to go. Become a Bridge to your vision Action every single day .....key moment. Everything will be alright. Connect with Lizia Santos   thank you for listening to our show  Love you  Rebeca
5 Practices to be your BEST SELF in 2022! A conversation with Life Coach Kristin Campbell
Jan 17 2022
5 Practices to be your BEST SELF in 2022! A conversation with Life Coach Kristin Campbell
Hi guys this is so exciting ....A interview with Kristin Campbell!! Think about a conversation that will get you the perfect state of mind!  Yep enjoy and there is more for you... to get your bonus free life coach session ....go to Apply the code REBECA to get your  1 hr$65 ! You don't want to miss this! Text from Kristin Blogs.....   5 Practices to be your BEST SELF in 2022!   Another new year is upon us! While many people are hustling to map out their resolutions & goals, I am starting a slightly different trend. There is no pressure. No strict rules. No deadlines. No shame or guilt. It works for where I’m at. I hope you’ll join me!       I am dedicating small moments each day to implement simple practices that will bring out my most authentic self. I’ve already started in 2021 (no rules remember?) and have found it transformational! Take which practices work best for you and put them into, well, practice! As often as you’re able to, for as long as you’re able. I’m cheering you on!!! Practice #1 VISION   Whenever we find ourselves in a situation that stumps us in some way; we can practice asking ourselves “What do I want this to look like?”. Beginning with the end in mind helps us craft a plan that is most authentic to us, physically, emotionally, and mentally.       Ask yourself:   1. What is my ideal outcome for this situation?   2. What steps do I need to take to achieve that?   3. Which step next?   4. Is there an internal belief or mindset that I need to adjust to achieve this?       There are certain things which are out of our control yet there are just as many things within our control, including our responses. It’s not only about changing external circumstances but also examining any internal beliefs, mindsets and attitudes that can possibly shift to better support us.       It may be time to let go of the habitual mindset “it is what it is” and begin practicing “it can be what I want”. Change is possible!           Practice #2 PAUSING       We live in a society of instant everything! While often convenient, we have unfortunately conditioned ourselves to also be instantaneous, especially in our reactions. This can cause conflict within ourselves and with others.       By practicing pausing, we create a space (even if it’s only a moment) allowing our minds and hearts a chance to process the situation before we act. One way I found helpful to practice this is to press my thumb and middle finger together. In my mind it’s like pressing my very own pause button. This is a cue for me to take a breath and ask myself one or two quick questions such as:   .   What is really triggering me? Is that the best thing to say? Do I honestly have the time, energy, or resources to say yes to this? Is what’s being said the truth or merely opinion? Do I have all the information? What’s the worst that will happen if I don’t engage?     By creating that pause, I find that I am responding from a place that’s more authentic and less stressful! I do not do this in every single situation, that is unrealistic. This is a practice. This takes time, intention, and consistency. Start with one situation a day where you consciously pause. See how it feels. What was different than in times past in similar situations? As you start experiencing the benefits, I hope you’ll build upon this practice. You are worth the wait!  for more..go to ...   Happy New Year guys!! Love you all Rebeca Flott