My Dear Fiona Chapter 4 - Old Dragons


Jan 19 2024 • 8 mins

I ended up back at Saint Magnus’ Cathedral, with my nose buried in the old records, strangely comforted by the smell of old ink. It is amazing, really, the church’s archives go back centuries! After a few hours of being fully immersed in the lives and the trades of the people of old, you forget what century you’re in; you lose track of time altogether.

Marriages, home deeds, conflict resolutions, old public announcements, the births of children.

This is what time really looks like, reading the birth announcements of people who passed out of existence centuries before you were born.

Seeing their aspirations, hopes and heartbreaks, the bitter and the sweet displayed together like in a painting, equalizes their significance and turns them all into the same substance when watched from a distance.

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