My Dear Fiona - Chapter 18 Warrior!


Apr 26 2024 • 8 mins

The green meadow was quiet. There was a large crowd present, but no one made a sound, standing on the grass in a circle, in the light of the torches, waiting.

You are standing in the middle, wearing the white dress with green ribbons, and you have fragrant white flowers and green ribbons in your hair, very thin ribbons which make it look like that of a non-human creature, like an undine or a selkie.

Your mentor waits for you by the tallest stone, standing poised for the ceremony, and all your council is in attendance, dressed in festive attire and donning wild flower garlands.

Is this your wedding, Fiona? I can’t see the groom, they’re all women. Some rite of passage, maybe?

You walk across the circle of grass with slow ceremonial steps, as if in a trance, your eyes affixed on the top of the tallest stone, perfectly aligned with the moonrise of the solstice, and only then I realize it must be night, but it’s still daylight, and although the giant moon already rose above the stone, casting its long shadow towards you, the sun is shining too, casting your shadow towards it.

The two shadows met, and you walked inside their joint corridor of darkness, while young girls in white dresses threw flowers at your feet.

I always see your hair braided, Fiona, and I didn’t realize how long it was. It is let down now, and trails behind you like a train.

You walk alone, barefoot on the path of grass and flowers, while the moon rises quickly in the sky, and the sun finally goes to rest, and daylight dims to twilight, but not really darkness, because the moon is so huge and so close it bathes everything in its silver light.

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