Incurable Positivity

April Sabral & Angee Costa

Master your thoughts with April Sabral and Angee Costa, in this podcast you will learn practical tips that will help you shift your negative thoughts to positive ones.

Why does this matter? Because every thought creates your reality and when you start to pay attention and shift towards positivity everything in your life just gets better.

April Sabral is a Mum First, Coach, Trainer, Author, and CEO of The Positivity Company.
Angee Costa is a Mum First, Award-winning writer, CEO of 846Publishing, and real estate mogul.

April and Angee met when working on April's first book "The Positive Effect" and have been spreading positivity ever since.
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Join our community on a mission to spread positivity.

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Incurable Positivity: Transforming Challenges into Triumphs and Joy
May 13 2024
Incurable Positivity: Transforming Challenges into Triumphs and Joy
Ever wonder how a simple shift in mindset can turn a day filled with challenges into a source of strength? Angie Costa joins me, April Sabral, in a heartwarming conversation about embracing "incurable positivity" and the profound impact it has on our lives. We share intimate stories of the days when everything seems misaligned and how consciously choosing our attitudes can transform our experiences from the inside out, even in the face of cosmic tumult or the weight of collective energies.This episode isn't just about big-picture thinking; it's also about the significance of those tiny, everyday victories. Discover how accomplishing the smallest tasks, inspired by wisdom from personal development icon Brendan Burchard, can pivot our mental state towards productivity and joy. Angie and I recount moments when "incurable positivity" propelled us to take action, leading to greater achievements and an unexpected cascade of motivation. It's a testament to how the universe sometimes hands us exactly what we need, whether it's a check on our to-do list or an incentive to get moving.We wrap up with an exploration of the ripple effect that positivity can have, not only on ourselves but on those around us. I open up about my evolution from a place of negativity to becoming a beacon of hope, reshaping my interactions and relationships along the way. Angie and I delve into how choosing positivity can inspire and energize our community, encouraging healthier lifestyles for everyone involved. We invite you to join our Incurable Positivity community, a haven for sharing triumphs, seeking encouragement, and keeping the spirit of positivity thriving. Tune in and become part of a movement that champions an empowered and jubilant life.Support the Show.
Mastering Time: Cultivating a Mindset of Gratitude and Positivity
Apr 11 2024
Mastering Time: Cultivating a Mindset of Gratitude and Positivity
Ever find yourself racing against the clock, feeling like you're always a step behind? Join Angie Costa and myself, April Sabral, as we tackle the often-daunting task of time management and unearth the potent role mindset plays in taming those ticking hands. In a heartfelt discussion, we share our insights from a recent workshop, revealing the transformation that occurs when leaders shift their perspective on time. We examine the potent effects that this shift can have not just on individual productivity, but on the collective culture of an organization. By embracing a week envisioned with achievement and ease, we illuminate how to build a more harmonious relationship with time, turning it into a valued ally in the journey to success.Together with Angie, we delve into the remarkable influence of gratitude within the high-stakes world of sales, drawing from our personal stories and the wisdom of our book, "Incurable Positivity." The language we use about time can build up or break down a team's spirit, and we discuss how a change in vocabulary can foster motivation and improve performance. In the spirit of positivity, we challenge our listeners to adopt affirmations that craft a narrative full of potential and respect for time. By treating time as a treasured partner, we can expand our experiences to be richer and more productive. Tune in and transform your relationship with time, transitioning from a foe to an invaluable companion.Support the Show.
Transforming Time: From Relentless Taskmaster to Benevolent Ally
Mar 14 2024
Transforming Time: From Relentless Taskmaster to Benevolent Ally
Time can be a relentless taskmaster or a benevolent guide, depending on how we engage with it. Join Angie Costa and me, April Sabral, as we unravel the emotional threads that tie us to the ticking clock in our latest podcast episode of Incurable Positivity. Together, we navigate the often stressful waters of time management and offer a fresh perspective that transforms time from a foe into an ally. As you tune in, expect to discover strategies to reshape your dialogue with time, turning it into a conversation as enriching as those with a trusted collaborator or dear friend. Say goodbye to the pressure and welcome a newfound control over your daily schedule with grace and positivity.During the episode, Angie blows out the candles on a profound birthday revelation, showing us how to put 'worst first' and conquer our days with confidence. Inspired by the wisdom of "Eat the Frog," we dissect the psychological lift you gain by tackling the most daunting tasks right out of the gate. As we balance the scales between urgency and importance, we also delve into practical steps such as journaling and setting reminders, ensuring that your relationship with time is consistently nurtured. Expect the unexpected as we share personal anecdotes and transformative insights, all woven together to help you master the art of positive time management. With Angie and me as your guides, embark on a journey to make time work for you in a whole new way.Support the Show.
Episode #5: Unleashing Incurable Positivity: The Flywheel Method
Feb 26 2024
Episode #5: Unleashing Incurable Positivity: The Flywheel Method
Ever feel like you're just one step away from turning those life challenges into stepping stones? Join Angie Costa and myself, April Sabral, as we unveil the secrets to unwavering positivity that we've poured into our award-winning book, "Incurable Positivity." Together, we dissect the discipline and self-awareness needed to swap out those negative reflexes for constructive actions. With real, practical advice, we draw from personal triumphs and trials to show you how to master the mental game in work, life, and love.Imagine peeling back the tough layers of an artichoke, a metaphor for the mindful consumption that we explore in our conversation. Angie and I delve into the nuances of how the media can shade our outlook, and how early positivity can set a trajectory for the future. We share heartfelt stories that demonstrate the ripple effect of positive energy, in our lives and beyond, highlighting the way our thoughts can shape our reality and influence the community at large.Finally, prepare to revolutionize your life with the flywheel concept—a transformative tool Angie and I swear by. This isn't just about identifying obstacles; it's about uprooting limiting beliefs and replanting seeds of empowerment. We're not just talking the talk; we're walking you through each step of turning personal challenges into growth opportunities. As we wrap up, consider this an invitation to join us at, where we continue to foster a community committed to positivity that has the power to align you with your deepest dreams.Support the Show.
Embracing Self-Love: A Journey Towards Triumphing Over Stress and Celebrating Identity
Feb 14 2024
Embracing Self-Love: A Journey Towards Triumphing Over Stress and Celebrating Identity
When Angie Costa and I, April Sabral, sat down to discuss the profound nature of self-love, we never imagined how much our own tales of adversity and triumph would resonate with the journey so many of us face. Together, we dissect the immense effect that nurturing self-love can have on mitigating stress, propelling success, and shielding ourselves from the relentless onslaught of negative chatter—both internal and from the world around us. We peel back the layers of our identities, often so tightly intertwined with our careers, and issue a bold challenge to redefine who we are at our core, beyond the confines of our job descriptions.In a world that often glosses over our wins in pursuit of the next big thing, Angie and I delve into tangible strategies for truly honoring our achievements and amplifying self-esteem. We share a toolkit for battling those stealthy negative thoughts with a barrage of positivity, and discuss the transformative potential of a daily affirmation practice—whether that's 'mirror time' or keeping affirmations in clear sight. Remember, it's not just about the journey or the destination—it's about pausing to celebrate the milestones and spreading that infectious positivity we so passionately believe in. So, if you're ready to embrace a life brimming with self-love and eager to sprinkle kindness like confetti, join us for this soul-nourishing conversation and become part of our vibrant community at the Show.
Episode #3 Transcending Sameness: The Dance Between Comfort and Growth
Feb 8 2024
Episode #3 Transcending Sameness: The Dance Between Comfort and Growth
Unlock the secrets of how 'sameness' might be both your safety net and your prison. Angie and I, April Sabral, delve into the paradoxical nature of our craving for consistency, challenging the very instincts that keep us tethered to our comfort zones. We share a riveting conversation about the biological and psychological urges that compel us to seek out the familiar, and how this deep-seated preference can be a double-edged sword—protecting our survival yet potentially throttling our capacity for growth and innovation. Angie's eloquence in storytelling illuminates her research on the brain's resistance to change, providing a fascinating backdrop to our debate on whether the security sameness provides is worth the potential stagnation it imposes on our lives. Ever felt like you've hit a plateau in life? We've all been there, and in this episode, we tackle the idea of elevating our goals to turn limitations into launchpads. Drawing inspiration from a Mindvalley course, we share strategies to help you visualize your aspirations and push past those imagined boundaries, whether they're professional targets or personal milestones. Listen in as we discuss how reframing our thoughts can lead to surpassing achievements we've only dreamed of. By mastering our mindsets and challenging the status quo of sameness, we can cultivate a life filled with positivity and purpose. Don't miss this opportunity to join us on Incurable Positivity, where we go beyond the surface to equip you with the insight to rewire your thinking and truly thrive.Support the Show.
Episode #2 - Unlocking Positivity: A Guide to Easing Pressure
Feb 2 2024
Episode #2 - Unlocking Positivity: A Guide to Easing Pressure
Podcast Episode Overview: Unlocking Positivity: A Guide to Easing PressureWelcome to another episode of "Incurable Positivity" with Angee and April! In this installment, our hosts delve into the topic of pressure and its profound effects on both the body and mindset. They explore how obligations can often lead to stress and overwhelm, casting a negative shadow on our daily tasks.Episode Highlights:Understanding the Creation of Pressure:Angee and April shed light on the sources and dynamics of pressure, helping listeners recognize the impact it can have on their well-being. By dissecting the negative mindset associated with obligations, they aim to equip their audience with insights into the root causes of stress.The Physical and Mental Toll of Pressure:Delving deeper, our hosts discuss the tangible effects pressure can have on the body and mind. From increased cortisol levels to heightened anxiety, they paint a comprehensive picture of why it's crucial to address and manage pressure effectively.Tactical Tips to Turn Pressure Down:The heart of the episode lies in the trio of tactical tips offered by Angee and April. They unveil practical strategies to alleviate pressure and elevate positivity. Techniques such as mindful breathing, strategic time management, and incorporating gratitude practices become the go-to tools for listeners aiming to navigate their obligations with a renewed sense of control.Tune in to this episode of "Incurable Positivity" to discover actionable insights and transformative tips that promise to turn the pressure down and amplify your positivity. Don't let obligations dampen your spirits – embrace the tools shared by Angee and April to foster a resilient and optimistic outlook on life!Learn more @www.incurablepositivity.comSupport the Show.
Episode #1 How to interupt negative thought patterns
Jan 24 2024
Episode #1 How to interupt negative thought patterns
Welcome to a transformative episode of "Incurable Positivity," where we're diving deep into the art of breaking free from negative thought patterns in the year 2024. we are Angee Costa, and April Sabral, today, we're on a mission to empower you to make your life matter and become a person of significance.Negative thought patterns can be like quicksand, pulling us down and keeping us stuck. But fear not, because in this episode, we're sharing simple yet powerful ways to sift through and interrupt those patterns. It's time to take control of your thoughts and live a life that truly matters.We'll explore the importance of self-awareness and how it serves as the first step to breaking free from the grip of negativity. Understanding your thoughts is like shining a light on the path to positive change.We'll also delve into practical strategies to interrupt negative thoughts in their tracks. From the power of mindfulness to the impact of positive affirmations, we've got a toolkit ready for you. It's all about rewiring your brain for positivity and creating a mindset that propels you forward.As we step into 2024, there's no better time to reflect on the significance of your life. We'll discuss how being a person of significance goes beyond personal success and extends to making a positive impact on the world around you.So, buckle up for an episode filled with insights, tactics, and inspiration. Let's make 2024 the year you break free from negativity, make your life matter, and become a person of significance.Tune in to "Incurable Positivity" and let's embark on this transformative journey together.To access more resources head to www.incurablepositivity.comSupport the Show.