Snakes in the Garden

Snakes in the Garden

Challenges, chaos, threats and shadows are an innate part of our existence. How can we learn to interact with these elements of our world with peace and effectiveness, and exist in the garden of our minds and communities? Join Andy and Lev as they discuss practical ways to interact with the ever-present snakes in our world. Andy Prisco (he/him) is an acclaimed innovator and teacher of mental health crisis intervention methodology. He is the founder of national credentials and care system programs in verbal de-escalation and psychiatric emergencies. He lives with his wife and family in the Pacific Northwest and in his spare time enjoys boating, archery, precision shooting, and supporting his community as a firefighter/EMT. Lev Pouliot (they/them) is a community mental health advocate and practitioner, teacher and facilitator, and published author whose work aims to offer critical perspectives to both ancient and modern human dilemmas. They are a poet, epistolary, and Michigan native and are currently most interested in mythology, nonmonogamy, and motorcycles. Opening music features an excerpt from the track ”Snakes in the Grass” by Dave Luxton. Podcast logo and webpage splash graphic designed and copyright Glynn Rosenberg. read less
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