#11 It's never too late for a fresh start.

My Motherhood with Beck Stanton

Apr 24 2024 • 33 mins

In today’s episode, we delve into the heart of what it means to set resolutions and intentions, not just in January, but at any moment that calls for renewal in our lives.

I share stories from our now-legendary family and friends camping trip, a tradition that beautifully illustrates how community and connection are woven into the fabric of our lives. These stories are not just about fun and camaraderie; they're reflections on growth, balance, and the continuous journey of self-discovery.

We'll explore why sometimes, despite our best intentions, our resolutions don’t make it past the declaration stage. I open up about my personal challenges this year—how moving and motherhood have tested my balance and how a simple visit to a new chiropractor offered unexpected insights into finding my equilibrium.

This episode is for anyone who feels they’re standing at a crossroads, looking for a signpost. It’s about understanding that every day offers a chance for a fresh start and that finding our footing isn’t just about recognizing where we stand but feeling deeply grounded in who we are.

Join me as we contemplate the courage it takes to begin anew, the vulnerability in admitting when things are off-kilter, and the immense power of setting intentions that align with our deepest values. Let’s start this journey together, embracing the messy, beautiful process of becoming who we were meant to be.

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Books that Drive Kids Crazy series
This is a Ball
Did you take the B from my _ook?
The Red Book
The Book that Never Ends

Baby Books series