Becoming Whole

Regeneration Ministries

Relationships and sexuality are areas of life that can be beautiful or confusing, life-giving, or painful. Becoming Whole is a conversational podcast for men, women, and families seeking to draw nearer to Jesus as they navigate topics like sexual integrity, relational healing, spiritual health, and so much more.

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When Do I Disclose My Struggles to Someone I'm Dating
Mar 5 2024
When Do I Disclose My Struggles to Someone I'm Dating
Have you ever felt like your past is a maze that complicates your journey toward love?We understand that sharing the deepest corners of your heart, marked by trauma and past missteps, can be a treacherous path to tread in the world of dating. Today, we address a question from a listener about when and how to unveil your history to someone you’re dating. It's a fine line between guarding your heart and being transparent with a potential partner and pacing this disclosure is key to building trust and fostering a healthy relationship. We shed light on the wisdom of seeking counsel from a trusted third party, emphasizing that your heart and the heart of your partner are precious gifts that deserve careful handling.  With encouragement and resources from our team at Regeneration, I shared insights into finding solace in support groups, the benefit of confiding in a circle of trusted friends, and the steps to re-enter the dating scene with confidence and support.It is through this process of connecting and sharing within a community that we find our way back to love, free from the weight of our previous burdens. Want us to talk about a specific topic? Change up the format, or just tell us the podcast rocks! We want your feedback on Becoming Whole. You can leave your feedback hereIf you are in the Baltimore Area, Regeneration is happy to invite you to our 2024 Dessert Fundraiser, Spark: One Small Thing Leads to So Much More. This annual gathering is a highlight for so many as we gather for tasty desserts, heartfelt worship, vulnerable and powerful stories, and an opportunity to partner with what Jesus is doing through Regeneration. Click Here for more info or to register.
Sexual Integrity and Healing
Jan 16 2024
Sexual Integrity and Healing
Growing up in the shadow of my parents' divorce, I found myself seeking validation in all the wrong places. As we unravel the threads of childhood wounds and their influence on adult behaviors, particularly sexual integrity, this episode is a candid reflection on the often unconscious quest for self-worth. We discuss the intricate process of healing memories and the profound impact this journey can have on our lives, looking closely at how negative experiences and familial relationships can lead to sexual compulsions. I open up about my personal battles and how the false comfort of pornography briefly masked a deeper need for love and acceptance, emphasizing the importance of addressing these underlying issues for a healthier, more authentic self.This series culminates with a powerful invitation to bless our past hurts with the Lord's presence. We talk about the importance of replacing the harmful voices of yesterday with the truth and blessing of our Creator, and how this shift can lead to a revolutionary change in the way we see ourselves and our relationship with God.  Want us to talk about a specific topic? Change up the format, or just tell us the podcast rocks! We want your feedback on Becoming Whole. You can leave your feedback hereIf you are in the Baltimore Area, Regeneration is happy to invite you to our 2024 Dessert Fundraiser, Spark: One Small Thing Leads to So Much More. This annual gathering is a highlight for so many as we gather for tasty desserts, heartfelt worship, vulnerable and powerful stories, and an opportunity to partner with what Jesus is doing through Regeneration. Click Here for more info or to register.
Your Sexuality is meant to be a Gift
Jan 9 2024
Your Sexuality is meant to be a Gift
Could the path to true sexual integrity be less about prohibition and more about understanding our design as beings created to give? Join us as we unravel a fresh perspective on sexual purity—one that aligns with our innermost nature and calls us to live as selfless gifts to others. This episode is a  journey into the essence of sexual integrity, challenging the common notion that it's just about rule adherence. Instead, it's about mirroring the selfless love of Jesus and transforming our desires into blessings for those around us. We're not simply avoiding temptation; we're learning to offer ourselves in service, following the ultimate model set by Christ.Engage with us as we delve into the complementary roles of men and women within the divine blueprint of relationships, and how recognizing oneself as a 'good gift' is essential to fostering selfless connections. We discuss how our self-worth intertwines with sexual integrity and the way we see our value, and the value we offer to others. We are called not just to resist sin but to actively embody love and service, with the Holy Spirit guiding our transformation. This episode is an invitation to view sexual purity as an opportunity to live out our true calling and be a blessing in a world hungry for authentic love. Want us to talk about a specific topic? Change up the format, or just tell us the podcast rocks! We want your feedback on Becoming Whole. You can leave your feedback hereIf you are in the Baltimore Area, Regeneration is happy to invite you to our 2024 Dessert Fundraiser, Spark: One Small Thing Leads to So Much More. This annual gathering is a highlight for so many as we gather for tasty desserts, heartfelt worship, vulnerable and powerful stories, and an opportunity to partner with what Jesus is doing through Regeneration. Click Here for more info or to register.
Your Journey to Integrity Will Hurt
Dec 5 2023
Your Journey to Integrity Will Hurt
Are you tired of the chains of sexual sin and yearning for wholeness? It’s time to step off the beaten path and confront the pain and suffering that often accompany the pursuit of sexual integrity. Drawing inspiration from the teachings of Bishop Robert Barron, we engage in a poignant conversation about the realities of life in a fallen world. It's not easy, but as followers of Christ, we are reminded that enduring suffering is part of our journey. This is not about dwelling in pain, but about attaining integrity, wholeness, and ultimately, freedom.As we delve deeper, we begin to understand the impact of our past wounds on our current struggles. Our childhood experiences and the messages we received during that time often shape our behaviors and influence our journey towards sexual integrity. But it's not all bleak - there's hope and healing. We open up about our personal experiences and the challenges of breaking free from sexual addiction. We encourage you to not shy away from the pain, but to lean into it and allow God to heal and guide you. Remember, you are made for more than your past hardships. Join us for this honest, enlightening, and ultimately hopeful discussion. Want us to talk about a specific topic? Change up the format, or just tell us the podcast rocks! We want your feedback on Becoming Whole. You can leave your feedback hereIf you are in the Baltimore Area, Regeneration is happy to invite you to our 2024 Dessert Fundraiser, Spark: One Small Thing Leads to So Much More. This annual gathering is a highlight for so many as we gather for tasty desserts, heartfelt worship, vulnerable and powerful stories, and an opportunity to partner with what Jesus is doing through Regeneration. Click Here for more info or to register.
Why Plucking Bad Fruit Doesn't Work
Nov 28 2023
Why Plucking Bad Fruit Doesn't Work
How often do we truly examine the 'bad fruit' in our lives? In an honest and revealing conversation, we venture deep into this concept, drawing inspiration from Brother Lawrence's book "The Practice of the Presence of God". We discuss the temptation to quickly discard these imperfections, instead of tracing them back to their roots. We encourage you to invite Jesus into your life to not only confront these sins but to help bear good fruit. We then transition to the transformative power of partnership with Jesus, exploring the importance of sanctification. Referencing the profound verses of Romans 12:1-2, we discuss the significance of offering ourselves as living sacrifices and letting our minds be renewed. As we address the 'bad fruit' in our lives, we explore how this process leads to a more vibrant and fulfilled existence. Join us as we journey together towards sanctification, ending in a collective prayer for guidance along this path. Tune in and let's cultivate and harvest the fruits of a life in partnership with Jesus, together. Want us to talk about a specific topic? Change up the format, or just tell us the podcast rocks! We want your feedback on Becoming Whole. You can leave your feedback hereIf you are in the Baltimore Area, Regeneration is happy to invite you to our 2024 Dessert Fundraiser, Spark: One Small Thing Leads to So Much More. This annual gathering is a highlight for so many as we gather for tasty desserts, heartfelt worship, vulnerable and powerful stories, and an opportunity to partner with what Jesus is doing through Regeneration. Click Here for more info or to register.
Story Work - Part 2
Nov 21 2023
Story Work - Part 2
What does it mean to feel stuck in unwanted sexual behavior, and how does our personal anger factor into the equation? This very question is what we are unpacking in this episode with our guest Aaron Tagert. We walk with you through the profound insights of Jay Stringer, aiming to shed light on the six core experiences that characterize these struggles: deprivation, dissociation, unconscious arousal, futility, lust, and anger. In the midst of these conversations, Aaron urges us to gently examine our own experiences, inviting us to engage with our patterns through a lens of curiosity and compassion.Furthermore, Aaron introduces an exciting upcoming resource, a tailored coaching group for men on the journey toward understanding their sexual struggles. Over the course of eight intensive weeks, participants are guided to explore their stories within a faith-filled and supportive community. This group is not just about identifying participants' struggles, but about climbing out of them and discovering fascinating prospects of freedom. Together, we hope that this exploration leads us to a deeper self-understanding and a more intimate connection with God. Tune in and join us as we uncover the mysteries of unwanted sexual behavior and the paths toward overcoming them. Want us to talk about a specific topic? Change up the format, or just tell us the podcast rocks! We want your feedback on Becoming Whole. You can leave your feedback hereIf you are in the Baltimore Area, Regeneration is happy to invite you to our 2024 Dessert Fundraiser, Spark: One Small Thing Leads to So Much More. This annual gathering is a highlight for so many as we gather for tasty desserts, heartfelt worship, vulnerable and powerful stories, and an opportunity to partner with what Jesus is doing through Regeneration. Click Here for more info or to register.
Story Work - Part 1
Nov 14 2023
Story Work - Part 1
What if we told you that exploring your past could be the key to unlocking your sexual wholeness and integrity? This episode is a powerful exploration of understanding sexual brokenness and the path toward healing. Join our riveting conversation with Aaron Tagert, a seasoned coach at Regeneration, as we dissect the insights from Jay Stringer's thought-provoking book, Unwanted. We'll confront our family dynamics, the effects of abandonment and enmeshment, and the pivotal role curiosity plays in this journey. Story work, as you'll discover, can offer profound insights into our lives, habits, and patterns of brokenness.Ever wondered why we remain stuck in patterns of sexual brokenness and how we can liberate ourselves? Our guest, Aaron Tagert, brings his expertise to the table, illustrating God's care for our past and His invitation to participate in our healing process. Together, we'll probe into addressing sexual temptation and the significance of curiosity in decoding the reasons behind our actions. This isn't just another episode; it's an invitation to embark on a journey towards sexual wholeness. So, tune in, and let's discover the path to freedom together. Want us to talk about a specific topic? Change up the format, or just tell us the podcast rocks! We want your feedback on Becoming Whole. You can leave your feedback hereIf you are in the Baltimore Area, Regeneration is happy to invite you to our 2024 Dessert Fundraiser, Spark: One Small Thing Leads to So Much More. This annual gathering is a highlight for so many as we gather for tasty desserts, heartfelt worship, vulnerable and powerful stories, and an opportunity to partner with what Jesus is doing through Regeneration. Click Here for more info or to register.
3 Legs of the Journey to Sexual Integrity
Nov 7 2023
3 Legs of the Journey to Sexual Integrity
Are you ready to step up and take control of your sexual integrity? This episode will equip you with a blueprint to do just that. We journey into the first leg of this process - managing patterns and creating boundaries to shield ourselves from behaviors that lead us astray. From identifying your triggers to setting up filters, blocks, and time limits, we’ll guide you through creating yellow line and guardrail boundaries - a potent double barrier to ward off temptation.Then  we take a deep dive into the art of engaging in healthy relationships, the second leg of your journey to sexual integrity. We share invaluable insights on regulating your emotions and addressing pain in healthier ways instead of retreating to old sexual behaviors. This conversation is more than just about sexual integrity; it's a call to engage life as an adult, leaving behind the wounded child within. This episode is a transformative exploration into creating healthy boundaries, understanding behavioral patterns, and achieving sexual integrity. Want us to talk about a specific topic? Change up the format, or just tell us the podcast rocks! We want your feedback on Becoming Whole. You can leave your feedback hereIf you are in the Baltimore Area, Regeneration is happy to invite you to our 2024 Dessert Fundraiser, Spark: One Small Thing Leads to So Much More. This annual gathering is a highlight for so many as we gather for tasty desserts, heartfelt worship, vulnerable and powerful stories, and an opportunity to partner with what Jesus is doing through Regeneration. Click Here for more info or to register.
Does the Enemy Really Want You to Have Fun?
Oct 31 2023
Does the Enemy Really Want You to Have Fun?
Imagine a cunning enemy, a cloaked figure weaving a grand illusion, promising sweet pleasures and enticing favors. But beneath the guise, he's a true enslaver, pulling you into a web spun from deceptions and false promises. That's Satan for you – not the fun uncle he pretends to be but a true master of disguise. Through an exciting exploration of biblical stories and fairy tales, we unmask his cunning strategies, drawing parallels from Jesus's temptation in the desert and the Little Mermaid's tale. It's an opportunity to gaze through the looking glass, to see beyond the allure of temporary pleasure, and to recognize the chains that come with it.As we step into the second part of our journey, we encounter a liberating alternative - Jesus, the essence of true freedom and the power to resist temptation. Serving Him doesn't lead to enslavement but to authentic liberty. And so, we arrive at the crucial crossroads: whom will you serve? Will it be Satan, the master illusionist promising delights but shackling you in the process, or Jesus, who invites us to serve Him with our whole heart, mind, and body, promising real freedom? Withstanding temptation, leaning into Jesus's power, and choosing to follow Him can lead us to a life of freedom and wholeness. Let this episode spark that choice within you. Want us to talk about a specific topic? Change up the format, or just tell us the podcast rocks! We want your feedback on Becoming Whole. You can leave your feedback hereIf you are in the Baltimore Area, Regeneration is happy to invite you to our 2024 Dessert Fundraiser, Spark: One Small Thing Leads to So Much More. This annual gathering is a highlight for so many as we gather for tasty desserts, heartfelt worship, vulnerable and powerful stories, and an opportunity to partner with what Jesus is doing through Regeneration. Click Here for more info or to register.
Down the Rabbit Hole: Navigating the Joys and Pitfalls of the Internet Era
Oct 24 2023
Down the Rabbit Hole: Navigating the Joys and Pitfalls of the Internet Era
Picture you're a 14-year-old growing up in the digital age, with a universe of information at your fingertips - thrilling, isn't it? That's the world my son and I explore in this honest chat, scrutinizing the marvels and the perils of the internet era. We dive into the advantages, like the ease of satisfying curiosity or troubleshooting issues, and the pitfalls, like the danger of sliding into a rabbit hole of misinformation. We even share personal anecdotes about treading the thin line between leveraging this tool and getting consumed by it. Consider this: have you ever sought the assistance of the internet to satisfy your deepest desires? We also discuss this sensitive subject, debating the temptation to utilize the internet as the ultimate problem solver for our soul's longings. We navigate this complex landscape together, underlining the peril of using the internet for something only God can truly offer - eternal satisfaction. Towards the end, we pray for our listeners, hoping for divine guidance in maintaining the delicate balance between using the internet as a tool and becoming its slave. Enjoy this journey of reflection and learning with us! Want us to talk about a specific topic? Change up the format, or just tell us the podcast rocks! We want your feedback on Becoming Whole. You can leave your feedback hereIf you are in the Baltimore Area, Regeneration is happy to invite you to our 2024 Dessert Fundraiser, Spark: One Small Thing Leads to So Much More. This annual gathering is a highlight for so many as we gather for tasty desserts, heartfelt worship, vulnerable and powerful stories, and an opportunity to partner with what Jesus is doing through Regeneration. Click Here for more info or to register.
Understanding the Root Issues Behind our Behaviors
Oct 17 2023
Understanding the Root Issues Behind our Behaviors
Have you ever wondered why we keep producing 'bad fruit' in our lives? What if the key to addressing these issues is not just to pluck them away, but to trace them back to their roots? Let's journey together through an exploration of life's root issues, inspired by Jesus' saying that a healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit. We'll discuss how to acknowledge our condition without shame or isolation, and how to seek guidance from Jesus. In our deep dive, we'll also reflect on how Jesus promises liberation from the corruption that taints our world. Together, we'll learn how to identify the bad fruit in our lives and lean on Jesus for healing and transformation. Echoing Brother Lawrence's wisdom in 'Practicing the Presence of God', we'll learn to trust Jesus, embrace our shortcomings, and seek His help to change. This is a powerful reminder that we're not alone in this journey. So, tune in, and let's navigate through our life issues by tracing them back to the roots. Want us to talk about a specific topic? Change up the format, or just tell us the podcast rocks! We want your feedback on Becoming Whole. You can leave your feedback hereIf you are in the Baltimore Area, Regeneration is happy to invite you to our 2024 Dessert Fundraiser, Spark: One Small Thing Leads to So Much More. This annual gathering is a highlight for so many as we gather for tasty desserts, heartfelt worship, vulnerable and powerful stories, and an opportunity to partner with what Jesus is doing through Regeneration. Click Here for more info or to register.