One Life Left


One Life Left is a radio show about videogames, only not really. We love games but we take them precisely as seriously as they deserve. 99% nonsense and 1% heart-stopping brilliance, they are all supposed to be fun and so are we. We have news, reviews and special guests, sure, but we also play game-related music and we have stupid game-related features like inappropriately dark-hearted poetry, gambling tips and chart news from a market stall. We're on the wonderful Resonance 104.4FM at 7PM every Monday and on the internet all the time, ever, right here. read less


#544 - Cat Included
May 22 2024
#544 - Cat Included
This week Simon briefly sounds like a robot (but it's not the mics fault, corporate overlords!) and Ste doesn't go to Buckingham Palace but, hold the front page, WE HAVE AN SSG!!! We're joined by Jupiter Hadley who tells us all about new indie game showcase Brilliant Indie Treasures which is aiming to take down Develop whilst also helping us to execute a bank heist. While those two things may fail, if they even get off the ground, Jupiter and team are definitely aiming to showcase over 50 playable, unreleased, indie games in a bank in Brighton so please do check them out. Jupiter also champions playing games for fun and not for punishment so that is certainly no bad thing! There's also Phoebe Waller-Bridge raiding some tombs, WASD report, the UK Government don't care about killing games, Xbox shift more games to PS and Take-Two haven't closed any studios, honest. Did you go to Buckingham Palace? Do you play games for "fun"?! Have you been closed by Take-Two?!? Tell us all about everything at and we're hoping for AT LEAST 10 letters when we come back in over a week's time, after bank holiday, so no pressure. If you loved us you'd send 10 letters. Just saying... Or join our Discord and drop us a letter there, of course. Link below! TTFN, Team OLL x Links: The OLL Everything (including Discord) Link!: The Purely OLL Discord Link!: The Maraoke Everything Link!: That Shure link! The Jupiter Hadley Link! The Brilliant Indie Treasures Link! Reviews: Crime Boss: Rockay City Little Kitty, Big City Dwarf Planet One Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
#543 - For Shure!
May 15 2024
#543 - For Shure!
We have corporate overlords! We now influence people! Hear our "wonderful" voices in all their "glory" thanks to the new microphones we've been gifted by the lovely folk at Shure and then click on this link and, maybe, buy one for yourselves!! (In all seriousness, I used to use Shure mics back when I was in a band and again when doing production work and they're really very good so... yeah... worth a look!) MEANWHILE, there's a podcast edition of a certain radio show to write about! This week there's a BUMPER podcast exclusive intro which is absolutely not almost entirely an advertorial for Shure, honest! We also have Fallout games making a comeback, Nintendo divorce Twitter/X, PSN do more U-turns, Evil Empire play too much Hades 2 and Lawbreakers makes a return! Why?! Nobody is... shure... We also play GuessThe.Game and Ste reports back from Reboot and Simon uncharacteristically backs out of a joke! Please send us more letters! Maybe buy a Shure mic, using our link, then write to tell us how much you love it?! Just a suggestion... Send your letters to Or join our Discord, drop a letter there AND get to play future OLL published game Black Diamond! Link below! TTFN, Team OLL x Links: The OLL Everything (including Discord) Link!: The Purely OLL Discord Link!: The Maraoke Everything Link!: That Shure link again! Guess The Game Link! Reviews: Dishonored 2 Animal Crossing: New Horizon Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
#539 - OLL/Scams
Mar 13 2024
#539 - OLL/Scams
There's shenanigans afoot this week and it only dawned on me while putting these notes together of the potentially top level criminal activities afoot in the UK games industry! In amongst the weekly dose of totally innocent fare we have two seemingly unconnected stories from Simon: Peter Molyneux's car breaks down... Then Simon gets his car carjacked... Come to your own conclusions, dear listeners!! If anyone actually bothers to read these notes then I might've been too scared to even mention this - or I'll just be asked to change these notes if we're skirting too close to legal issues. It wouldn't be the first time I've Said Too Much Aaaanyway, yes, in One Life Left this week we have S-T-E not going on a long flight and he's still not a lawyer but he does continue to update his (so far) OLL Exclusive Game Black Diamond (join our Discord to play!), there's an EA Steam stealth drop, March 10th day happened again, EU check out Apple's Epic issues, Warner Brothers can't be bothered and the future of console hardware is dead. Again. Maybe. And, yes, Simon gets his car carjacked "live" on air mere days after going to a posh UKIE dinner with the great and the good of the UK games industry! (Except Peter Molyneux...) Don't forget (unless this is the first time you've heard) that there's a Resonance FM Fundraising Maraoke Special at Loading Bar Peckham in That London this coming Friday 15th March! Link for tickets and further details is below! Where has Simon been to with a snooker player? What games do you play on long flights?? Should One Life Left have their own annual awards??? Let us know at Or hit the link below to join our Discord server and leave a letter for us there! TTFN, Team OLL x Links: The OLL Everything (including Discord) Link!: The Purely OLL Discord Link!: The Maraoke Everything Link!: The Resonance FM Fundraising Maraoke Special Link!: The Resonance FM Fundraiser Link!: Reviews: Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Remake Animal Crossing: New Horizons Really Bad Chess Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Cocoon Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
#537 - For Now
Feb 28 2024
#537 - For Now
Welcome to another episode of One Life Left, dearest listeners! In this week's fun filled episode we discover that Xbox exclusives are no longer exclusives, Capcom go down the "better late than never" route for apologies, Doom is finally playable on a lawnmower and then there's something about Suicide Squad. In the podcast exclusive intro we discuss 'that' trailer... you know the one... Meanwhile we have a deep dive into games development as we find out more about another game that Ste has released into the wild (via our EXCLUSIVE OLL Discord server... link below!) See, you really are missing out if you're not on there... Friday 15th March - you're going to be at the Resonance FM Fundraising Maraoke event at Loading Bar, Peckham, yeah? Course you are because you're a wonderful human (that's not to say you're not wonderful if for some reason you can't be here, it's just that wonderful humans go to Maraoke events, innit...) Link Below! We love your lovely letters! Send us more to Or join the OLL Discord server that I mentioned above and leave us a letter on there. Link below! TTFN, Team OLL x Links: The OLL Everything (including Discord) Link!: The Purely OLL Discord Link!: The Maraoke Everything Link!: The Resonance FM Maraoke Special Link!: The Resonance FM Fundraiser Link!: Reviews: Helldivers 2 Pocket Card Jockey: Ride On! Belatro Sleeping Queens Rat-a-Tat Cat Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
#530 - FLAAGEN!
Dec 13 2023
#530 - FLAAGEN!
On the last show before Christmas Ste and Simon gave to me A real, live, talking SSG! That's right, dear listeners! You've been good this year, mostly, so you get an SSG in the form of Andrew Smith from Spilt Milk Studios, here to talk all about Trash Goblin, amongst other things! There's also Game Awards "excitement", vegan gangsters, a zombie MMO that might not be an MMO (and definitely isn't now), Sega takes ages going back to old games, we play a quick game of Steam Top Trumps and Fortnite ramps up their attempt at world domination. All in this bumper Christmas issue of One Life Left! Maraoke did Jingle Jam!! If you missed it, that's OK coz the lovely folks at Yogscast have put it on their YouTube channel - all 2 hours and 44 minutes of it! Link is below... There may also still be time for you to get a ticket for the Maraoke Xmas Party 2023, happening on Saturday 16th December at Loading Peckham, here: Will our mailbag be as full as Santa's sack by the time we return?? We'd like to think so but we'll be realistic as we all know Santa only comes once a year! Please send your letters to us at Or join us and other listeners on our Discord and leave a letter on there. Link below! Hope you have a good Xmas and all the best for 2024! TTFN, Team OLL x Links: The OLL Everything (including Discord) Link!: The Purely OLL Discord Link!: The Maraoke Everything Link!: The Jingle Jam 2023 Maraoke Stream Link!: (WARNING: Contains swears, mainly from Ste) The Maraoke Twitch Link!: (may be in use for the Xmas Party) The Trash Goblin Link!: Reviews: LEGO Fortnite A Highland Song Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew Born of Bread Baldur's Gate 3 Super Mario Bros. Wonder Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
#529 - No Laws Broken
Dec 6 2023
#529 - No Laws Broken
This week stuff happened. What stuff? Well you could just listen to the episode to find out OR maybe you're reading this at some point in the future when there are thousands of OLL episodes and you're searching through the notes, trying to find something specific... Hello, listeners from the far flung future! How is your commercially viable rocket-pack? Are you living on Mars? In this episode you will find that Simon hates books, Ste talks sausages, Rockstar devs have leaky offspring, PlayStation cause a content licensing/ownership stir and Yorkshire Tea think you'll spend £150 on one of their branded controllers... WHY?? It doesn't even come with any of their teabags!! Anyway... In the latest Tales From Japan we see our intrepid pair (plus Responsible Adult) take on the Nintendo Store in full Supermarket Sweep style! Meanwhile Maraoke does Jingle Jam! On Friday 8th December at 5pm GMT (according to the Yogscast schedule) we will be LIVE on the Jingle Jam Twitch Stream here: There's also a LIVE and IN PERSON Maraoke/OLL Xmas Party on Saturday 16th December at Loading Peckham and you can get your tickets here: Does your Mum and/or Dad work for Rockstar? Is buying owning?? What have you asked Santa for Xmas??? Let us know at Or join all the cool kids and hop onto our Discord server and leave a letter for us on there. Link below! TTFN, Team OLL x Links: The OLL Everything (including Discord) Link!: The Purely OLL Discord Link!: The Maraoke Everything Link!: Reviews: Cyberpunk 2077 Yousician Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
#525 - 4.55
Nov 1 2023
#525 - 4.55
We suffered some technical issues not of our making yet again this week, folks, so apologies in advance for any drop in quality you may experience. You'll be hearing a few apologies during the show, too, though I (Phil the Undercaretaker) will hold my hand up and say that I don't think it's all that bad. It certainly could've been worse... and, admittedly, if I'd edited out much more then all the apologies and some of the in-show comments wouldn't have made much sense so... there we go. Despite all that, we still have a bumper show for you! This week we hear about Ste's Challenging Weekend(TM), we get a cheese explosion update and Simon speculates on a Switch 2 launch date (he was right about F-Zero so get to the bookies!) We also have a big week in GTA history, Ste's cat behaves weirdly, Blizzard are out for blood, we learn how to smell like Shadow Moses Island and Simon gets so cross about Dreamlight Valley that he breaks the internet! Have you ever been sailed down the Thames as part of a PR stunt? If so then write to us at and tell us all about it. Regular correspondence is also welcomed. You can also join our Discord server and post a letter for us there. Link below! Remember to always use a Rawlplug, dear listeners. (Other wall plugs are available) We are not financial advisors. TTFN, Team OLL x Links: The OLL Everything (including Discord) Link!: The Purely OLL Discord Link!: The Maraoke Everything Link!: Reviews: EA Sports FC Metal Gear Solid Remaster Cyberpunk 2077 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit