Freedom To Be Human

Karina Rook

Holistic wellness to help you rise, thrive & shine!

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Connecting to the Goddess in You
Feb 11 2024
Connecting to the Goddess in You
We all know how great we feel when we leave the hair salon ordinarily - but today’s guest, Sam Lee, talks us through how she has elevated this experience to a divinely, sacred & extra-ordinary experience.Sam invites us to embrace and welcome the goddess within each one of us and shares how she helps her clients achieve a deeper sense of alignment and connection to their true self; taking time for them to release any withheld energy through chakra cleansing, ceremonial cacao, meditation, sound and scent.This is an invocation to embrace what it means to have freedom to be human - to be, to love, to create, to connect and to shine like the goddess we are; for our best health and happiness in mind, body & soul.To register to attend Sam's forthcoming events (including 'All You Need Is Love' on 14 Feb 24)  click herePlease connect and follow Sam via Insta and FB for her latest updates and downloads.And if you've not signed up to join Burning Bright (Not Out) this is your sign to do it now - we have a free 3 day masterclass starting on 14 Feb (you can watch on replay after attending Sam & Denise's event) - fEMinine POWER - so that you can live the life you were called  for.Hey beautiful, Why not join our community, access joyful freebies (like journals and guided mediations) and be the first to hear of all our retreats & events here. You will get your first Monthly Astro & Lunar Guide & Journal to help you navigate the celestial energies towards your holistic success.And be sure to follow us for all the latest tips, tools, inspo, and mind-blowing insights.Wishing you a bold & beautiful day,Karina x
What on Earth is Geomancy? And Why is it important to us?
Feb 7 2024
What on Earth is Geomancy? And Why is it important to us?
On today’s episode I'm joined by Fay Semple who takes us on a gentle exploration uncovering  what is Geomancy and why it is important to us.  This is a fascinating conversation unearthing insights and ancient wisdom - blending eastern and western philosophies for a truly enlightening understanding of how we can best serve our own health and wealth; as well as honouring our interconnectedness with nature, Earth and beyond.This conversation navigates us through the origins and applications of what it means to work in concert with natural energies and a look ‘behind the curtain’ of sacred (and less sacred!) spaces and places.If your curiosity has been ignited with this phenomenal conversation, please follow Fay on social media here and sign up to Fay's free Earth Energy Masterclass. You can also take a free quiz to identify the energy blueprint of your house by clicking hereAnd if you haven't joined us in Burning Bright (Not Out) yet - register to join here and enjoy our weekly lives and a new free event starting 14 Feb 23: fEMinine POWER so that you can live the life you were called for.Hey beautiful, Why not join our community, access joyful freebies (like journals and guided mediations) and be the first to hear of all our retreats & events here. You will get your first Monthly Astro & Lunar Guide & Journal to help you navigate the celestial energies towards your holistic success.And be sure to follow us for all the latest tips, tools, inspo, and mind-blowing insights.Wishing you a bold & beautiful day,Karina x
The Results Show
Nov 8 2023
The Results Show
This is how you can catalyse your own results, faster and with greater impact!  When I work with my clients, the actions they take and the results they get; are my fundamental focus.In today’s episode of the Freedom To be Human podcast I take you on a tour from spirit and soul to the grounded reality of making the vision happen.  From appreciating the shift in energy from Saturn as it stations direct in Pisces after being retrograde since 17 June to the compassionate and sanity checking of goals as waymarkers towards your destination; to limiting beliefs and the power of language and thoughts - there is a lot I introduce as a general framework for making your vision, real.This is manifestation beyond the vision board - where you need to manage your energy, stem the subconscious sabotage and manage your stress response.  I adore occupying the particular space that supports true transformation and evident results as a means of you living your most soulful life.  As we discussed last week, you are 1 in 4 trillion, so your vision matters - let’s start enjoying the results of your purpose, passion & power.If you’d like more specific success guidance related to your particular context, book a free, no obligation Explore Call with me.  You can also join our free, private FB Group: Burning Bright (Not Out) where this week’s exclusive live is all about the daily practices you can embed into your life - to achieve a life less ordinary.Hey beautiful, Why not join our community, access joyful freebies (like journals and guided mediations) and be the first to hear of all our retreats & events here. You will get your first Monthly Astro & Lunar Guide & Journal to help you navigate the celestial energies towards your holistic success.And be sure to follow us for all the latest tips, tools, inspo, and mind-blowing insights.Wishing you a bold & beautiful day,Karina x
1 in 400 billion - Make It Count
Oct 30 2023
1 in 400 billion - Make It Count
We definitely share a lot of numbers in this episode of the Freedom to Be Human podcast.  From the declining state of employee wellness and the gap between the workforce and the C-Suite; to the cost of absence; to the number of hours we spend on our entire career… to the odds of you being here!  Yes, there may be 8 bn people on the planet - but the chance of you being born is one in 400 bn.I share a story of what turned my head in relation to the human consideration to mental health stats; as well as outlining how holistic wellness and holistic success are intrinsically linked.  Mind and body health is widely followed, but without soulful health we are undermining our fullest potential and highest expression of ourselves.  With a chance of being born as one in 400 bn - not living a life full of passion, purpose and in our power is tragic.And yet how many people do you know who are not living to their highest potential?  Do any of the below sound familiar:Feeling a sense of entrapmentFeeling a sense of conformity to fit within someone else’s structure; while naturally being more independentSeeking out new things, ideas, views, challengesFeeling a sense of restlessness and boredomDoing a job that just doesn’t feel like it's who you really are?????If so, it is likely you are not fulfilling your potential and time to tune into the Freedom To Be Human podcast!And to work with me so that you can find your freedom, fulfilment and live a life with passion, on purpose and in your power simply start the process with a free, no obligation explore call.Vibe Tribe is now available as open-enrolment AND in-house.  Book a call today to learn more about how you can support yourself or those you lead.Hey beautiful, Why not join our community, access joyful freebies (like journals and guided mediations) and be the first to hear of all our retreats & events here. You will get your first Monthly Astro & Lunar Guide & Journal to help you navigate the celestial energies towards your holistic success.And be sure to follow us for all the latest tips, tools, inspo, and mind-blowing insights.Wishing you a bold & beautiful day,Karina x
Want a different result? Stop focusing on what you do...
Oct 17 2023
Want a different result? Stop focusing on what you do...
If you’re stuck on making changes - be that trying to create healthy habits, work differently or achieve another level of success - focusing on what you need to DO to change may be the reason you're not making the headway you desire.In this episode of the Freedom To Be Human podcast I outline why your progress may be blocked and what you can focus on instead - to bring about the desired new outcome.From emotional intelligence, leadership, high performance, and creating the future of your dreams we discuss the impact of energetics as well as the power play of our subconscious. What you do is the very last stage in a complex process shaped by your experience.  Let’s dive in to discover what you can consider changing for your ultimate success. WORK WITH ME via 1:1 or small-group coaching; and experience the success you want, and are worthy of! Book a free no obligation 30 min Explore Call - and I'll guarantee three strategies you can implement immediately to get you started on your path to freedom, and fulfilment by embracing your power, passion & purpose for a life less ordinary.Hey beautiful, Why not join our community, access joyful freebies (like journals and guided mediations) and be the first to hear of all our retreats & events here. You will get your first Monthly Astro & Lunar Guide & Journal to help you navigate the celestial energies towards your holistic success.And be sure to follow us for all the latest tips, tools, inspo, and mind-blowing insights.Wishing you a bold & beautiful day,Karina x
Simple & Seasonal Steps to Success
Oct 9 2023
Simple & Seasonal Steps to Success
In this episode of the Freedom To Be Human Podcast, I share four simple steps that will take you towards the success you seek.  Be that career & professional or something more personal, whatever it is you are seeking; these four steps are timed to align to the current season’s energy to catalyse the actions you are already taking.  They give an extra power dimension to what you are doing, thinking & feeling. And if you've not started on your journey yet, but know there is something more you want from your life - these steps will also help you get started.If you’re activating manifestation or looking for a more harmonious route to success without having to compare yourself to everyone else around you or follow someone else’s method - this episode supports you. It’s freedom to be human in abundance and that’s why these four simple steps will undoubtedly help you on your path to living a life less ordinary.Links to join our new moon Empower Hour sessions:In-person on 12 Oct 23 Online on 13 Oct 23Download your FREE 52 page journal and planner: The Empowerment MapHey beautiful, Why not join our community, access joyful freebies (like journals and guided mediations) and be the first to hear of all our retreats & events here. You will get your first Monthly Astro & Lunar Guide & Journal to help you navigate the celestial energies towards your holistic success.And be sure to follow us for all the latest tips, tools, inspo, and mind-blowing insights.Wishing you a bold & beautiful day,Karina x
It's All About You
Aug 18 2023
It's All About You
If you're wanting to break free from feeling stuck; or if you've lost a part of you; if you want to feel that warming sense of inner confidence and assurance to shine your brightest; or you are on the brink of burn out - this episode will help you overcome the barrierws in your way and help you rediscover what you need and desire.This show weaves together insights from energetics, pyschology, manifestation and the cosmos to provide a map to get to true you. Use this podcast for your success at work, rest or play.Some questions that you can meditate on; or use as part of reflective journaling or even self-coaching that follow the conversation in this episode are:What it's important to you - from the depths of your soul?That is not shaped by social convention or constructs?Have you hidden or repressed any part of what lights you up?Your values are shown through what you choose to do; and your belief systems are exposed by what you choose to not do - what your choices exposing about your values and beliefs?If you wanted to start something afresh - what would that be?Hey beautiful, Why not join our community, access joyful freebies (like journals and guided mediations) and be the first to hear of all our retreats & events here. You will get your first Monthly Astro & Lunar Guide & Journal to help you navigate the celestial energies towards your holistic success.And be sure to follow us for all the latest tips, tools, inspo, and mind-blowing insights.Wishing you a bold & beautiful day,Karina x
Welcome to the Freedom To Be Human Podcast
Aug 1 2023
Welcome to the Freedom To Be Human Podcast
A new podcast to celebrate what it means to be human - and how, when we lean into what makes us gloriously human, we get to experience our best health, wealth, happiness and truest, most authentic success.In this intro, I share how the origins of my freedom to be human philosophy came from decades of supporting individuals, teams and businesses perform & excel; what you can expect from the show and how this will help you live a life less ordinary.This is a wild ride of a podcast - embracing expansive thinking and delighting in liberating ourselves from conventional thought and societal expectations.  We'll look at mind, body, soul and beyond so that more women enjoy rediscovering their true self, embrace a life on purpose, fuelled with passion and finding inner fulfilment.Download your free sleep journal and guided mediation hereThe beautiful poem I reference in the intro is here:93 Percent StardustWe have calcium in our bones,iron in our veins,carbon in our souls,and nitrogen in our brains.93 percent stardust,with souls made of flames,we are all just starsthat have people namesby Nikita GillHey beautiful, Why not join our community, access joyful freebies (like journals and guided mediations) and be the first to hear of all our retreats & events here. You will get your first Monthly Astro & Lunar Guide & Journal to help you navigate the celestial energies towards your holistic success.And be sure to follow us for all the latest tips, tools, inspo, and mind-blowing insights.Wishing you a bold & beautiful day,Karina x