Reality with Bruce de Torres



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Current Events, History, and the Nature of Reality

Bruce de Torres is the author of GOD, SCHOOL, 9/11 AND JFK: The Lies That Are Killing Us and The Truth That Sets Us Free, marketing director for TrineDay Publishing, and host of Reality With Bruce de Torres.

As an actor he had lead roles in comedies, dramas, and musicals in New York City and around the U.S. As an entrepreneur he hosted hundreds of business networking meetings as he developed his marketing, sales, and public speaking skills.

9/11 woke him up to the players behind the scenes. American history continues to inspire him.

He wrote a book called GOD, SCHOOL, 9/11 AND JFK. Great reviews at Came out in 2021. Kris Millegan at TrineDay published it. Huge honor. Bruce had been reading his books for years. "Books that challenge official history."

Then he helped Kris launch THE JOURNEY podcast and started making art, ads, and videos for the books, and for TrineDay's monthly (Zoom) Roundtables, which Bruce moderates, where experts discuss JFK's peace plan and Henry George's economics, which create prosperity wherever they are used. (Many of the Roundtables are on YouTube, on the channel: Valediction Vision.)

Then on weekends Bruce hosted a livestreaming show on TNT for 15 months, interviewing about 170 truth-tellers, including Dr. Meryl Nass, Dr. Naomi Wolf, Steve Kirsch, Dr. Jim Thorp, and Vera Schara. (Budget cuts ended the show.)

Now Bruce has launched his own show, Reality With Bruce de Torres, to continue the conversation about current events, history, and the nature of reality - livestreaming at (with the videos going on; search for Reality With Bruce de Torres).

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Reality with Bruce de Torres 23. Kevin Peters
2d ago
Reality with Bruce de Torres 23. Kevin Peters
NOW ON RUMBLE AND THE USUAL PODCAST PLATFORMSReality with Bruce de Torres 23 Kevin PetersKevin Peters co-founded NY Freedom Rally – now NY Freedom Network – in early 2021, which led a grassroots coalition of thousands of New Yorkers to peacefully demonstrate against unlawful mandates.He was already studying big pharma, the corruption between Bill Gates, GAVI, the WHO and “the multi-national eugenics complex” and following James Corbett and other dissidents when Covid-19 was inflicted upon us. He protected his family and sought like-minded communities online. When he found people who spoke every Sunday in Union Square in Manhattan he felt, “This is what I was looking for.”He helped that community go from dozens to thousands of people every week by the time Mayor DeBlasio was firing city workers who wouldn’t take the shot and segregating restaurants. Kevin helped organize practically every major rally that brought together teachers, medical professionals, healthcare workers, police, firefighters, and single moms willing to put it on the line and say no to the mayor and to Governor Cuomo.“It was inspiring and surreal and uplifting but also very traumatizing to experience this sort of dehumanization from our neighbors and it’s still a healing process even three years later.”People can search NY Freedom Network on Telegram and Instagram to see all they do to hold public officials accountable, protect children and the defenseless, and fight for informed consent.REALITY WITH BRUCE DE TORRESLivestreaming on schedule at
Reality with Bruce de Torres 22. Sean Kane
3d ago
Reality with Bruce de Torres 22. Sean Kane
NOW ON RUMBLE AND THE USUAL PODCAST PLATFORMSReality with Bruce de Torres 22. Sean KaneSean Kane, investor and entrepreneur, discusses the podcast he launched with Bill Raider, THAT’S ENOUGH OUTTA YOU!, findable on YouTube,, and all the usual podcast platforms.Topics:How the mainstream media, academia and Hollywood all failed regarding JFK and his assassination; how JFK saw independence versus colonialism as the main issue, not capitalism versus communism; how he was going to withdraw the American advisors from Vietnam and never send combat troops there; how everything changed and went down the drain after he was killed.And: the lies about Kennedy (i.e., he and his brother had Marilyn Monroe killed; Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK; all members of the Warren Commission believed its conclusions, that Oswald acted alone); the impossibility of the Magic Bullet Theory of the official story; how we the people have been publishing the truth for 60 years; and the duty of citizenship – the need to spread the truth courageously and defy the lies of authority.Also: the many crimes of the CIA (assassinating world leaders, rigging elections, toppling democratically elected governments) under Rockefeller minion, disgraced CIA director, Allan Dulles; and the impact of the Zapruder film in 1975 and Oliver Stone’s movie “JFK” in 1991. (Public outrage forced Congress to reinvestigate the assassination in the 1970s and legislate the release of assassination documents in the 1990s.)Sean and Bill explore history, sports, pop culture, and true crime on their show, with a heavy focus on JFK's presidency and assassination and organized crime, with some of the most respected authors and researchers in their fields.REALITY WITH BRUCE DE TORRESLivestreaming on schedule at
Reality with Bruce de Torres 21. Dr. Meryl Nass
May 20 2024
Reality with Bruce de Torres 21. Dr. Meryl Nass
NOW ON RUMBLE AND THE USUAL PODCAST PLATFORMSReality with Bruce de Torres 21. Dr. Meryl NassDr. Meryl Nass, physician and researcher, discusses the World Health Organization’s threat to health and freedom, how it is the first brick in the wall to take over the world and manage us almost as if we were livestock, and how bird flu is a terrible scam 20 years in the making to be the bogeyman of the future.We discuss the WHO’s origin as an agency of the United Nations, how its donors (not its member states) establish its priorities and projects, the well-educated people in government, medicine and the media who’ve climbed ladders of success by obeying authority, and how difficult it is for them to hear let alone consider claims and evidence to the contrary – just like what happened in Nazi Germany when psychopaths were put in power by big money and industrial interests.We discussed books that bring this to light: THE RISE AND FALL OF THE THIRD REICH by William L. Shirer, THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI by Robert F. Kenned Jr., which Meryl helped co-edit, and TRAGEDY AND HOPE by Carroll Quigley, Bill Clinton’s professor at Georgetown University.She told me that the WHO’s officials have diplomatic immunity. You can’t sue them. There is no court that has jurisdiction over the WHO. And we reviewed how the government intimidated people to take the shots after it knew they didn’t work.“According to the CDC, 80% (of Americans) took one shot. 70% took two shots. And then about 35% took three shots. 17% took four shots. And almost nobody is taking the shots anymore. Some of the rates were higher in Europe and in Japan and Israel. Much lower in Africa and in parts of Asia. Lower where people didn’t trust their governments. Lower in Russia. Much lower in Romania. High rates in New Zealand and Australia where people trusted their governments.”And we discussed the astronomical number of injuries and deaths. “It seems that the injuries are widespread. We don’t really know because the government is not sharing good information with us. But it looks like probably between one in four and one in ten have some lingering side effect” from the shot, “and it’s been estimated by others that 17 million people around the world have died from vaccine complications.” We discussed sources for those figures and the money given to doctors and hospitals.The goal of the WHO is to take what was done for Covid and replicate it on an industrial scale in every nation on earth.We also discussed the 49 senators who sent a letter to President Biden urging independence from the WHO, and the 22 state attorney generals who wrote that health is a state issue, not federal, and they will not obey orders from the WHO. So those states are protected, but the others are not, and their people should demand that their attorney generals issue the same statement.Dr. Nass brought forth many truths over the years. She proved that the world's largest anthrax epidemic, in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) during its civil war, was due to biological warfare. She revealed the dangers of the anthrax vaccine. She has testified to Congress six times, and to many state assemblies.She had her license suspended for prescribing COVID medications that worked and for disseminating what was called “misinformation.” She revealed the massive effort to suppress hydroxychloroquine use for Covid in the US and around the world.She launched, where people can find tons of information and resources about what’s going on so people can protect themselves and their families and help spread the word and work to prevent complete medical tyranny.Mery’s COVID NEWSLETTER has been “Disentangling COVID disinformation since 2020.” You can and should subscribe to it at WITH BRUCE DE TORRESLivestreaming on schedule at
Reality with Bruce de Torres 20. Carolyn (CC) Blakeman
May 18 2024
Reality with Bruce de Torres 20. Carolyn (CC) Blakeman
NOW ON RUMBLE AND THE USUAL PODCAST PLATFORMSReality with Bruce de Torres 20. Carolyn (CC) BlakemanCarolyn (CC) Blakeman, Director and Legal Liaison at the FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation (, discusses its mission (to restore America and the Western world to conditions existing before the pandemic and the unconstitutional mandates that came with it) and two of its projects:The COVID19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project, … a vast database of 1,300 cases (and growing) of hospital protocol and vaccine injuries. “We are archiving these stories to ensure [they] cannot be memory-holed [or] forgotten.”And Halt Hospital Homicide Rallies, …  a volunteer network of (primarily) victims and survivors who have been harmed or had their loved ones harmed or killed by COVID-19 hospital protocols. HHH Rallies are a powerful platform for sharing experiences, fostering community support, and driving a movement for accountability and reform.CC describes how people were literally tortured in hospitals after a Covid diagnosis, tied down, hit, and deprived of food and water for days even weeks until many died from Remdesivir and/or ventilators.The top three demographics targeted were and still are: 1) the elderly, 2) the disabled and those with special needs (you know, people Yuval Harari calls “useless eaters”), and 3) young strong men under 55, the largest percentage, over half of the murdered, oftentimes leaving widows and single moms.Paraphrasing CC: “This is still happening in hospitals still implementing these protocols. Doctors and nurses and staff were indoctrinated into believing it was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated. They literally hated their unvaccinated patients. We hear the exact same thing from hundreds of stories.”This conversation is a comprehensive account of the intentional harm caused by officialdom, including the symptoms associated with v-injury and resources where people can find community, support, treatments and ways to get involved to spread the word and help expose and end the carnage.They have about 46 projects and about 53 websites set up to help people all over the country.CC urges people to report their stories to WITH BRUCE DE TORRESLivestreaming on schedule at
Reality with Bruce de Torres 19. Publisher Kris Millegan
May 18 2024
Reality with Bruce de Torres 19. Publisher Kris Millegan
NOW ON RUMBLE AND THE USUAL PODCAST PLATFORMSReality with Bruce de Torres 19. Publisher Kris MilleganI do marketing for Kris Millegan of, publisher of almost 200 “Books that challenge official history and rock the boat of America’s corporate culture.” He has been reading, researching, and “hanging out in Conspiracy Theory Land” since 1968, when his father told him, “The Vietnam War is all about drugs. There are these secret societies behind it. They’re playing out a ‘lose’ scenario. They’re out to opiate your whole generation. And communism is all a sham. These same secret societies are behind it, too. To them it’s all a big game.”His father had been in intelligence for over 20 years, leaving in 1959. We discuss the CIA’s involvement in the illegal drug trade, author Daniel Hopsicker’s assertion that whoever controls the opium trade in a country controls that country, and the firehose of mis- and disinformation hitting us these days that can sweep people into thinking, “Everything is evil!”Kris published my book, GOD, SCHOOL, 9/11 AND JFK: The Lies That Are Killing Us and The Truth That Sets Us Free. On his podcast, THE JOURNEY, he interviews his authors. 152 episodes, at and the usual platforms – a priceless curriculum of important things happening behind the scenes and important history that we must know if we are going to flush the corruption out of our government and make it work for we the people.Kris has published such important books as:ONE NATION UNDER BLACKMAIL: The sordid union between Intelligence and Organized Crime that gave rise to Jeffrey Epstein by Whitney Webb,BARRY & “THE BOYS”: The CIA, The Mob and America’s Secret History by Daniel Hopsicker (about drug smuggling CIA agent Barry Seal,AMERICA’S SECRET ESTABLISHMENT: An Introduction into The Order of Skull & Bones by Antony C. Sutton,And THE TRUE STORY OF THE BILDERBERG GROUP by Daniel Estulin (the international bestseller).REALITY WITH BRUCE DE TORRESLivestreaming on schedule at
Reality with Bruce de Torres 18. James DiEugenio
May 11 2024
Reality with Bruce de Torres 18. James DiEugenio
NOW ON RUMBLE AND THE USUAL PODCAST PLATFORMSReality with Bruce de Torres 18. James DiEugenioJames DiEugenio discusses his latest book, written with four co-authors, THE JFK ASSASSINATION CHOKEHOLDS That Inescapably Prove There was a Conspiracy, evidence “that would convince a jury.”We discussed:The destruction of trust in government and the media since the assassination of President Kennedy, including the cynicism and powerlessness that descended upon us.Schoolbooks teaching only the discredited Warren Commission conclusions.Trump and Biden breaking the law by not releasing the remaining assassination documents.A standard of proof not being applied in the major investigations, disqualifying their claims to have found the truth.The HSCA excluding from its report Betsy Wolf’s discovery that Oswald’s CIA file was routed out of regular channels, implying special interest or knowledge in him, starting in 1959, when he went to the Soviet Union (in what many believe was an intelligence assignment).How the CIA’s plausible deniability of its crimes has let it become a government unto itself, overthrowing governments, assassinating heads of state, corrupting our agencies, public servants, and the media with incalculable resources, eviscerating the protections of our system of checks and balances (and serving the interests of the military-industrial complex and the national security state).How Operation Mockingbird, the CIA’s infiltration and manipulation of the media, has covered many of its crimes (and inspired support for awful things).How public outrage at the Zapruder film in 1975 and the JFK movie in 1991 forced Congress to re-pursue the truth.Chapter 7: The Evidentiary Mess of the Twentieth Century, namely, how JFK’s “medical examination was one of the worst on record placed in the hands of order-taking incompetents” (to obscure the number of bullets, their direction of origin, and the number of shooters).Chapter 10: Sixty Years of Obstruction of Justice, the book’s longest chapter (demolishing any pretense that the government wanted to find or tell the truth about what happened).The Conclusion, “This is why this case cries out for a new investigation.”We also discussed the burden and opportunities of self-government.Jim has written or co-edited many books on the assassinations of the 1960s:DESTINY BETRAYED: JFK, Cuba, and the Garrison CaseTHE ASSASSINATIONS: Probe Magazine on JFK, MLK, RFK & Malcom XTHE JFK ASSASSINATION: The Evidence TodayJFK REVISITED, the companion piece to Oliver Stone’s two recent documentaries on the Kennedy assassination (JFK REVISITED: Through the Looking Glass and JFK: Destiny Betrayed, Jim wrote both screenplays)THE JFK ASSASSINATION CHOKEHOLDS That Inescapably Prove There was a ConspiracyAnd he is the editor and publisher of the online journal, which features articles, new stories and critiques of works about the four major assassinations of the sixties: JFK, Malcom X, MLK and RFKREALITY WITH BRUCE DE TORRESLivestreaming on schedule at
Reality with Bruce de Torres 16. Steve Binder
May 5 2024
Reality with Bruce de Torres 16. Steve Binder
Reality with Bruce de Torres 16. Steve BinderOn Rumble and the usual podcast platforms.Steve Binder conceived, directed, and produced ELVIS: The ‘68 Comeback Special, which TV Guide called “the second greatest musical moment in television history next to The Beatles' debut on the Ed Sullivan Show.”Steve describes how Elvis trusted him, found the courage to defy his manager, the paranoid, possessive and bullying Colonel Tom Parker, and rediscovered the joy of performing for a live audience.Steve recounts how he got started in television, his ground-breaking special with singer Petula Clark and Harry Belafonte, which shocked America when a white woman put her hand on a black man’s arm. We talk about Steve’s first film, The T.A.M.I. Show, which was called “the greatest of all rock 'n' roll films” by The Los Angeles Times.His book, ELVIS ’68 COMEBACK: The Story Behind the Special, is available at Amazon and the usual sellers.Steve says teaching a class in producing and directing for 30 years is the real thing that he is so thrilled at, helping young people learn television and the ethics and attitudes necessary for success in any field.Steve is an active member of the Directors and Producers Guilds of America and serves as an adjunct professor at the University of Southern California. He has spoken frequently at the William S. Paley Media Center in Los Angeles and in New York, where special evenings have been devoted to his work in the entertainment industry. He is an Emmy and ACE award-winning producer, director, writer, educator, and Golden Globe nominee.REALITY WITH BRUCE DE TORRESLivestreaming on schedule at
Reality with Bruce de Torres 6. Laura Aboli
Mar 31 2024
Reality with Bruce de Torres 6. Laura Aboli
Laura Aboli, public speaker, writer and entrepreneur, discusses how the lies and harms inflicted by authority in the name of the pandemic inspired her to create the United Democratic International Movement for Awareness and Freedom (, to start posting on Telegram ( and, and to start blogging at, to “counteract the fear and the mind control that was leading people to accept the unacceptable:-the loss of freedom, the restriction of civil rights and the imposition of a ‘new normality’ based on separation, alienation, disconnection and total control.” We also discuss her lecture at The Better Way Conference in June 2023, TRANSHUMANISM: The End Game (on Rumble at SchrodingersFreedom), how "Transhumanism is simply the transitional stage between humanism and post-humanism. Make no mistake, the final goal is to eradicate humanity as we know it."And we review the threat to freedom that are the plans of the World Health Organization, the powerlessness that must be overcome, and the spiritual power into which we can tap. “Know thyself is the key to everything. Know who you are. Know that you are a divine, immortal soul.” Laura Aboli co-founded in 2000 World-Check, a database of Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) and heightened-risk individuals and organizations, which became the de facto standard for identifying and managing financial, regulatory and reputational risk in the world’s financial and legal institutions.In 2010 Laura co-founded Wealth-X, which became the leading provider of intelligence on ultra-high-net-worth individuals. After exiting both companies by 2014, she established a property development and design company which she continues to run.REALITY WITH BRUCE DE TORRESLivestreaming on schedule at on Rumble.Audio on the usual podcast platforms.