The Crucible:Conversations for the Curious

Hamish Niven

Awakenings often force us to confront our deepest fears and beliefs. The Crucible: Conversations for The Curious explores the transformative journeys of ordinary people who've navigated life-altering events. Join us as we dive into their remarkable stories of hope, resilience, and self-discovery. read less


S1-E07 | Raz had a life transforming awakening after a 10m fall in India which he was so fortunate to survive
2d ago
S1-E07 | Raz had a life transforming awakening after a 10m fall in India which he was so fortunate to survive
HighlightRaz Tayar shares his transformative journey from fear and pain to awakening and purpose. After a life-altering accident, he discovered self-love, inner peace, and the power of connection, now helping others become their own peaceful leaders.SummaryRaz Tayar shares his awakening journey after experiencing a life-altering accident in India. He describes awakening as waking up to our true nature and realising that we are all connected and love. Raz talks about the fear and pain he experienced before his accident, including a traumatic event in the army. He explains how his accident forced him to reevaluate his life and prioritise what was truly important. Through visualisation and changing his identity, Raz transformed from an introverted and insecure person to a confident and fulfilled individual. He now helps others overcome their fears and become their own peaceful leaders. Raz Tayar emphasises the power of self-love and the importance of changing one's environment to create a better life. He encourages listeners to embrace their suffering as a sign of strength and to choose to stop suffering when they are ready. He also highlights the significance of being in a supportive environment and surrounding oneself with uplifting people and resources. Raz discusses the four wheels of self-love (body, mind, emotion, and spirit) and shares examples of how to nourish each aspect. He emphasises the importance of curiosity and choosing the road less taken. Finally, Raz talks about the gift of finding The Peaceful Leader within oneself and the power of connecting to one's true essence.RazFacebook - - gift to my listenersRaz has offered his free Emotional Mastery mini-course. TakeawaysAwakening is about waking up to our true nature and realising our connection to others.Profound life-altering experiences can lead to transformation and a deeper sense of purpose.Visualization and changing our identity can help us overcome fears and become more confident.We have the power to create our own reality and live a fulfilling life. Embrace your suffering as a sign of strength, but choose to stop suffering when you are ready.Surround yourself with a supportive environment and uplifting people.Nourish the four wheels of self-love: body, mind, emotion, and spirit.Cultivate curiosity and choose the road less taken.Connect to the peaceful leader within yourself and lead your life with peace and fulfilment.Sound Bites"You can get through this. I promise you life is more meaningful and beautiful on the other side.""Awakening is really awakening to the true nature of who we really are in our core. Means we are one, we are love, we are all the same one.""Your biggest fear is just the beginning of something greater than you are.""You have super power to suffer.""Striving for more is when we stop being jealous or envious of other people.""Change your environment and be ready to be alone."Chapters00:00 - Introduction and Awakening03:24 - Trauma and Fear as Catalysts for Growth09:30 -Near-Death Experience and Self-Reflection22:53 -Transforming Identity and Embracing Change37:53 - The Four Wheels of Self-Love42:11 -The Power of Meditation46:46 -The Importance of Love and Warmth54:16 -Regulating Emotions and Connecting with Oneself01:00:56- Embracing Curiosity for Personal Growth01:06:11 - Feeling the Wish Fulfilled01:09:55 - Finding the Peaceful Leader Within
S1-E06 | Neurodivergent Rory, experienced an awakening, triggered by being unable to communicate what he experiences
Jun 25 2024
S1-E06 | Neurodivergent Rory, experienced an awakening, triggered by being unable to communicate what he experiences
HighlightRory, a mental fitness trainer and coach, shares his incredible awakening journey from feeling like a misunderstood misfit in school to experiencing a period of psychosis in his early 20s. After hitting rock bottom, a unique form of healing helped him not only recover but also discover his passion for holistic health. Rory shares the pivotal moment that changed his life forever and how creativity plays such an important part in his life.SummaryRory shares his awakening journey, starting from feeling like a misfit in school to finding solace in music and dance. He experienced a period of psychosis and struggled with emotional communication. Through reflexology and cutting out sugar, he began his healing journey. Rory then pursued a career in massage and osteopathy but felt a calling to work on a bigger vision of health. He developed the Lymphatic Health Exercise and became a coach, exploring modalities like mental fitness training and somatic coaching. Rory shares his journey of personal growth and transformation, highlighting the importance of mental fitness training and neuro creativity. He emphasises that everyone is creative in their own way and that our thoughts and beliefs shape our actions and reality. Rory's vision is to help individuals tap into their neuro-creativity and become visionary leaders who inspire others. He also discusses the challenges he faced, including dyslexia and fear of rejection, and how he overcame them. Rory's approach is to work with heart-centred creative professionals who struggle with scattered focus and perfectionism, helping them bring their projects to life with a positive and curious mindset.RoryLinktree - Find him everywhere Website - Rory Lemonaid Facebook - Rory LemonaidLinkedin - Rory Lemonaid YouTube - OsteoVenture A gift to my listenersRory is kindly offering a free The Prosperous Creative's 3-Step 'Stress To Success' Radical Reset mini-course. The Heart Driven mini CourseKeywordsawakening, transformation, misfit, psychosis, emotional communication, healing, reflexology, osteopathy, coach, mental fitness training,  personal growth, mental fitness training, creativity neurodiversity, dyslexia, fear of rejection, perfectionismTakeawaysAwakening can come from feeling like a misfit and seeking solace in creative outlets.Cutting out sugar and exploring alternative therapies can aid in the healing process.A career in massage and osteopathy can lead to a deeper understanding of holistic health.Everyone is creative in their own way, and our thoughts and beliefs shape our actions and reality.Mental fitness training and neuro-creativity can help individuals tap into their creative potential and become visionary leaders.Challenges such as dyslexia and fear of rejection can be overcome through self-awareness and seeking support.Working with heart-centred creative professionals, Rory helps individuals overcome scattered focus and perfectionism to bring their projects to life with a positive and curious mindset.Sound Bites"What else is possible to change?""I'm not the same person I was. I could have been or I was a while ago through these practices and being coached.""We are all creative in our own way. It's not just about the output, but also the thoughts, beliefs, and actions we create.""Leaders have a vision and inspire others to take action. We can all be leaders in our own lives."Chapters00:00 Introduction and Sense of Awakening02:23 Rory's Awakening Journey: Feeling Misunderstood in School07:02 Hitting Rock Bottom and Seeking Healing09:56 Reflexology, Massage, and Osteopathy: Holistic Health Practices13:29 Becoming a Mentor and Coach: Mental Fitness Training30:40 Creating Our Reality and Choices34:29 Creative Flow and Functional Creativity35:28 Visionary Creativity and Leadership37:53 Embracing Neurodiversity and Neurodivergence39:54 Discovering Personal Creativity43:12 Navigating Discomfort and Change45:39 The Importance of Seeking Help48:08 Supporting Neurodiverse Individuals52:46 Overcoming Perfectionism and Releasing Inner Critic59:36 The Transformative Gift of Appreciation
S1-E05 | Rikke had to decide whether to continue pursuing adoption or dedicate herself to her newfound purpose
Jun 16 2024
S1-E05 | Rikke had to decide whether to continue pursuing adoption or dedicate herself to her newfound purpose
HighlightAfter watching a documentary about the Rohingya refugee crisis that profoundly impacted Rikke and shook her to the core, she started to question everything about her comfortable life.  She had to decide whether to continue pursuing adoption or dedicate herself fully to her newfound purpose.SummaryRikke Ludvigsen, a social worker and trauma therapist, shares her awakening journey and the transformation it brought to her life. It all started when she watched a documentary about the Rohingya refugees in Myanmar, which deeply touched her and ignited a desire to make a difference. Rikke realised that her skills in creating safety for children and healing trauma could be applied to help women in vulnerable situations. This led her to question everything in her life and reassess her beliefs and self-worth. She embarked on a six-year process of healing, self-discovery, and finding her voice. Rikke founded a nonprofit organisation called Sister Power International to support women's worth and create safety for women around the world. Rikke Ludvigsen shares her intense crisis and the decision to follow her soul mission. She emphasises the importance of being clear and not regretting the choices made. Rikke highlights the need to align with oneself and not be swayed by others' expectations. She used her knowledge of trauma healing and crisis management to navigate her own healing process. Rikke emphasises the significance of vulnerability and the power of intuition in creating the best version of one's life. She believes that there is hope for healing and encourages others to trust their instincts and follow their visions.Rikke Ludvigsen  Website - sisterpower.orgWebsite - safechildren.dkWebsite - - -, transformation, trauma therapy, social work, safety, women's worth, nonprofit organisation, crisis, soul mission, alignment, regret, trauma healing, vulnerability, intuition, hope for healingTakeawaysAn awakening can lead to a reassessment of one's life in every aspect, prompting a journey of self-discovery and transformation.Watching a documentary about the suffering of others can ignite a deep desire to make a difference and take action.Questioning beliefs and self-worth is an essential part of the awakening process.Acknowledging intergenerational and cultural trauma can help understand and heal personal struggles.Finding self-compassion and embracing one's worth are crucial for personal growth and the ability to support others.Creating a nonprofit organisation can be a powerful way to fulfil a mission and make a positive impact in the world. Be clear and aligned with yourself when making important decisions.Don't let others' expectations dictate your choices.Use your knowledge and skills to navigate your own healing process.Embrace vulnerability and trust your intuition.Remember that there is hope for healing.Sound Bites"I saw a British documentary on the Rohingya refugees in Myanmar.""Everything that used to feel comfortable and good just didn't feel right anymore.""I had to reassess everything. Just everything.""That was like an earthquake that just sent me off into the air.""I knew that I had to be a hundred per cent.""So it's been again like understanding that I did the right thing for who I am."Chapters00:00 - The Awakening: A Journey of Transformation32:21 - Challenging Self-Worth and Purpose39:04 - The Decision to Become a Mother: A Profound Choice43:13 - The Transformative Power of Self-Compassion49:03 - Embracing Vulnerability and Intuition01:10:29 - Finding Worthiness in Love and Belonging
S1-E04 | Altairs body started rejecting the food he was eating. This led him to explore holistic health
Jun 15 2024
S1-E04 | Altairs body started rejecting the food he was eating. This led him to explore holistic health
HighlightAltair's journey to awakening began in a surprising way: his body started rejecting the food he was eating.  This led him to explore holistic health and address repressed emotions stemming from a strict upbringing. Through practices like Primal Integration and connecting with spiritual masters, he began to understand the importance of emotional openness and connecting with his soul's purpose. SummaryAltair de Almeida shares his journey of self-discovery and transformation. He shares how he overcame repression and fear, explored various healing modalities, and had a spiritual awakening. Altair emphasises the importance of holistic well-being, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. He also touches on the concept of choosing our parents on a soul level and the role of gratitude in accepting our life experiences. This conversation explores the topics of the head, heart, and gut, and the importance of being authentic and vulnerable. It delves into the concept of awakening and the slow process of self-discovery. The conversation touches on the concept of the shadow self, the unconscious part of ourselves that can affect our behaviour and reactions. He stresses the importance of making friends with our Shadow. The conversation concludes with a focus on helping individuals overcome anxiety and stress and the importance of connecting with the heart and building meaningful relationships.Find and Follow Altair de AlmeidaLinkedIn - -, transformation, veterinary medicine, stress preserving coach, repression, fear, healing modalities, spiritual awakening, holistic well-being, soul level, gratitude, head, heart, gut, authenticity, vulnerability, awakening, self-discovery, shadow, unconscious, dreams, power, anxiety, stress, heart connection, relationshipsTakeawaysSelf-discovery and transformation can lead to a fulfilling and purposeful life.Holistic well-being involves nurturing the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of ourselves.Our life experiences, including relationships and challenges, are opportunities for growth and learning.Practicing gratitude can help us accept and appreciate our life experiences. Being authentic and vulnerable allows for deeper connections and a different way of seeing things.Awakening is a slow process of self-discovery that reveals the magic within.The shadow represents repressed aspects of ourselves that can manifest in inappropriate reactions and behaviours.Overcoming anxiety and stress requires changing our mindset and reconnecting with our emotional body and heart.Building meaningful relationships and connecting with others is essential for a fulfilling life.Sound Bites"Your body basically said, no, this is not working. You're gonna have to change something.""I found this spiritual master called Barry Long, who was an Australian.""We're not responsible for what happened to us, but we are sure as hell responsible for how we carry ourselves.""I trusted my gut, and that was not a bad decision.""You are authentic when you dare to be vulnerable.""It's very tempting to get so much out there that it's easy to get distracted."Chapters00:00 - The Journey to Holistic Health and Spiritual Awakening05:06 - Choosing Parents and the Soul's Journey09:21 - Connecting with the Heart and Finding Joy31:49 - Uncovering the Power of the Unconscious Mind42:49 - Ho'oponopono Prayer45:00 - Embracing Vulnerability and Shadow Work50:37 - The Transformative Power of Awakening
S1-E03 | Grants coping mechanism for lifes ups and downs was alcohol. It took a shocking wake-up call
Jun 15 2024
S1-E03 | Grants coping mechanism for lifes ups and downs was alcohol. It took a shocking wake-up call
HighlightsFor years, Grant’s coping mechanism for life's ups and downs was alcohol. It took a shocking wake-up call from his family and the support of a stranger to make him realise that he needed to change. Grant found solace and strength in Alcoholics Anonymous, where he embarked on a journey of self-discovery.SummaryGrant shares his story of struggling with alcoholism and how he found his awakening and transformed his life. He talks about the pivotal moments in his life, the impact of alcohol on his relationships and work, and the rock bottom moments that led him to seek help. Grant discusses his journey to sobriety, the importance of connecting to a higher power, and the positive changes he has experienced in his relationships and self-perception. He emphasises the power of love and the need to make choices in order to live a fulfilling life.Keywordsalcoholism, awakening, transformation, rock bottom, sobriety, higher power, love, choicesTakeawaysAlcoholism can have a profound impact on relationships, work, and overall well-being.Rock bottom moments can serve as wake-up calls and motivate individuals to seek help.Connecting to a higher power and embracing spirituality can be transformative in the recovery process.Choosing to live a sober life requires ongoing effort and support from others.Love and self-acceptance are key components of personal growth and improved relationships.Sound Bites"If you don't run your life, life will run you.""Love is the fundamental change in my life.""Do something different because it's action that makes a change."Chapters00:00 - The Struggle with Alcoholism16:49 - Finding Support and Acceptance in AA24:18 - The Transformative Power of Recovery25:15 - The Turning Point: Battling Alcoholism and Seeking Change37:08 - Discovering Love and Gratitude: A Path to Personal Growth43:55 - Empowerment Through Change: The Impact of Love on Transformation
S1-E02 | Vincent - At just 9 years old Vincent was prepared to end his life to escape his traumatic childhood.
Jun 15 2024
S1-E02 | Vincent - At just 9 years old Vincent was prepared to end his life to escape his traumatic childhood.
Highlight At just nine years old, Vincent was prepared to end his life to escape his traumatic childhood. What happened on those train tracks set him on a path of profound self-discovery, leading him to tap into an inner wisdom that he believes is available to everyone.SummaryVincent Cubitt shares his personal story of growing up in a chaotic and abusive environment, where he was forced to take care of his younger siblings at a young age. One Christmas Eve, when he was only 9 years old, he reached a point of contemplating suicide as a way to escape the stress and responsibility. What happened on those train tracks near Cape Town set him on a path of profound self-discovery.  Vincent had a transformational moment where he heard a clear inner voice telling him that his fantasy of escape was not the truth.This moment sparked his journey of tapping into his own inner wisdom and guidance system. Vincent emphasises the importance of being present in the moment and developing self-discipline to make empowering choices. The first step in the awakening process is to stop projecting externally and start looking inward. Being triggered helps us understand our patterns and beliefs. By following the emotion triggered within us, we can excavate the layers and uncover the core patterns causing our suffering. We can transmute these patterns by setting intentions, practising gratitude, and responding from a place of empowerment. Taking care of our physical well-being is crucial in aligning our mental, emotional, and spiritual selves. Vincent CubittFacebook - - gift to my listenersVincent Cubitt offers a free three-month transformational program to empower individuals in their journey. Choice Point ProgrammeKeywordstransformation, inner voice, guidance system, presence, self-discipline, awakening, triggers, patterns, beliefs, self-awareness, projection, emotion, transmutation, intentions, gratitude, physical well-being, transformationTakeawaysChildhood experiences can shape our perception of the world and lead to feelings of stress and overwhelm.Tapping into our own inner wisdom and guidance system can provide strength and clarity in difficult situations.Taking care of our physical and energetic well-being through nutrition, hydration, sleep, movement, and detoxification supports our overall health and clarity of mind. The first step to awakening is to stop projecting externally and start looking inward.Triggers are a guide to understanding our patterns and beliefs.We can transmute these patterns by setting intentions, practising gratitude, and responding from a place of empowerment.Taking care of our physical well-being is crucial in aligning our mental, emotional, and spiritual selves.Vincent Cubitt offers a free three-month transformational program to empower individuals in their journey. Choice Point ProgrammeChapters00:00 The Journey of Awakening and Transformation11:16 Empowerment Through Self-Discipline and Lifestyle Changes39:21 The Mind-Body Connection and Energy Systems in Transformation39:48 The Power of Awakening: Understanding Patterns and Triggers47:30 Transmuting Emotional States: The Key to Self-Awareness50:26 Physical Well-Being and Mental Alignment53:52 Triggers are our Guides01:06:47 Empowerment Through Transformation: Vincent's Free Choice Point Programme
Trailer  | Welcome to The Crucible: Conversations for the Curious
Jun 14 2024
Trailer | Welcome to The Crucible: Conversations for the Curious
This podcast aims to provide hope, insight and a sense of connection for listeners facing their awakenings and periods of profound change.SummaryWelcome to the first episode of 'The Crucible: Conversations for the Curious.' The first season of The Crucible podcast is about awakenings and the life-transforming decisions that people make. Awakenings can be triggered by various factors, such as a desire to make a change, experiencing adversity, realising unhealthy habits, or feeling disconnected from one's values and purpose. The host, Hamish Niven, shares his personal awakening story of overcoming alcohol addiction. The podcast aims to provide support and inspiration to listeners going through their own awakenings. The title of the podcast, The Crucible, symbolises the transformative nature of these experiences.KeywordsAwakenings, life-transforming decisions, change, adversity, values, purpose, addiction, support, inspirationTakeawaysAwakenings are moments in life when a transformative decision must be made.Awakenings can be triggered by a desire to make a change, experiencing adversity, realising unhealthy habits, or feeling disconnected from one's values and purpose.Overcoming addiction requires confronting fears, having uncomfortable conversations, and making significant lifestyle changes.Awakenings can lead to personal growth, healing, and living a life aligned with one's values and purpose.Sound Bites"The first season of this podcast would be about awakenings.""My awakening arrived at the bottom of a bottle of alcohol.""I'm no longer merely surviving. I'm thriving and flourishing."Chapters00:00 Introduction: The Concept of Awakenings02:56 Awakening Through Overcoming Addiction05:22 Thriving After Awakenings07:17 Support and Inspiration for Awakenings