Oct 2 2024
Always Growing
"Behind mountains, there are more mountains." Well spoken by Chief Farmer of Clayton Farms, Clayton Mooney. This dude runs a kabillion miles by running 20+ ultrarunning, went through Y Combinator in 2019, stays stoic with painting, writes, illustrates poetry books, played poker professionally back in the day, enjoys boxing, and has felt the summit of many mountains. Clayton arrived to the Waukee APEX building and together, we cruise IRL inside the new Pour Over Publishing studio for Season 2 of #YDNTP. You're gonna love this! Clayton, Danen Pool, and team at Clayton Farms have been growing technology on a thesis of providing food that people deserve. They've been building with aeroponics for indoor farming, delivered ultra-local greens directly to people's doors, and are now converting closed restaurants into 24/7/365 farming. This means a "picked today salad" like the spicy arugula w/ blackened shrimp, awaits you at a nearby drive-thru! You've heard of farm-to-table. This is farm-to-window. With so many connected twists in conversation, don't miss the way BEN BOT brews on boxing compared to painting, haha! After the break without a commercial, which narratives Seth Godin's blurb on the back of You Don't Need This Book (which now has a Collector Hardback Edition?! link below)... we're reminded to think in decades. Ben and Clayton continue the fun, then Clayton closes us down in style, with how easy decisions equal hard life; hard decisions lead to easy life. BONUS MATERIALS http://YouDontNeedThisPodcast.com http://Always-Growing.YouDontNeedThisPodcast.com http://CollectorHardbackEdition.com http://RoastedReflections.com http://BENBOT.ai https://ClaytonFarms.com https://substack.com/@openclayton https://x.com/MooneyMillions Following October Poetry Book