Jun 1 2023
Trolls 2, The Return of the Living Dead - Liking Movies Most People Don't Ep. 3 w/ Titus Peoples
Time for a curve ball! Ep 79 is episode 3 of the series within the series where Titus Peoples and I discuss movies we like that most people don't. For this episode we chose Trolls 2 and The Return of the Living Dead. Both movies are very good, funny, horror movies. It's even more fun to laugh along with Titus and I!How to support the show!Pure Spectrum CBD: Promo code AnxietyPod for 15% off!purespectrumcbd.com/ANXIETYPODBuy Me a Coffee:https://www.buymeacoffee.com/givesmeanxietyInstacart:Instacart.oloiyb.net/AnxietyThe Cardist - anxiety pod 10%https://thecardiststudio.com/Check out the show on all of your favorite social platforms!https://twitter.com/GivesanxietyPodhttps://www.facebook.com/thatgivesmeanxietypodcasthttps://www.instagram.com/thatgivesmeanxietypodcast/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgCOITNlRi_K7JP9QxBK-vQSupport the show