Nate and Doug are brothers with a common vision. They want to help others find their unique gift, develop it, and then share it with the world around them. With Doug bringing his expertise as a personal life coach of many years and Nate using his analytical powers from engineering, both of them have come together in this common passion to create the Smile High Podcast Club ( This podcast was made possible in part by Tall Tales Engineering ( Each week they ask their guests personal and probing questions. These questions are the tools used to help uncover the piles of smiles that can sometimes be buried deep inside us all. The guest's responses can be quite unique and can offer the listener a fresh perspective on life. Some of the stories are about triumph, while others admit defeat. These motivational and empowering stories are interesting to listen to and show us how one can become just a little better tomorrow than they were today. At the end of the interview, a 30-day challenge is created in which the guest volunteers to do something that will add significant value to their life. At the end of the 30-days, Nate and Doug interview their guest to see how things went. With that understood, put on your headphones and you're invited to come and join the club. This is a club where the smiles are as high as the sky. read less
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20b_Cam_Look4Good & TheSimpleThings_FollowUp:
Oct 17 2015
20b_Cam_Look4Good & TheSimpleThings_FollowUp:
Cameron returns as our guest on the Smile High Podcast Club to share with us his experience of going on a 30-day complaining fast. That's right! Cameron's goal this past 30-days was to not complain. Can you imagine going 30-days and not complaining? What a challenge! During our conversation with him, Cam shares his thoughts about how difficult it was to bite his tongue and not indulge himself in the act of complaining and being negative. Even at his boy's baseball game and being surrounded by angry mothers accusing the referee of bad calls, Cameron would not join in. He was solid... Or was he? Tune in to find out how well he did and what he learned. Prepare yourself for a funny and heartwarming discussion with our friend Cam. This is one episode you don't want to miss. The experiences that he shares are sure to make you smile.... Maybe even smile as high as the sky. :) Thank you for listening to his story and enjoy the show. If you like the show, please share it with your friends and like us on Facebook at If you've felt inspired and cracked a smile, you may consider leaving us a small donation to help fund the club. It's easy. Just go to the SHPC website at and click on the donate now button. This page also has a list of the other episodes now available. We'd also like to thank our sponsor Tall Tales Engineering, LLC. Visit their website at and check out their book Feaver Fever in Spillage Village.
25d_Lance_Science Religion & Happiness_5Qs
Sep 26 2015
25d_Lance_Science Religion & Happiness_5Qs
You've made it! This is part d and the last portion of Lance's interview. If you've made it this far, the SHPC can only assume that you've either enjoyed it or you are so mad at them that you're only listening with the motivation of keeping a tally of how many faux-pas they've said. :) In this episode, Lance discusses why he looks to science to help direct his decisions in life. He admits that a life where one takes control and does not just give the responsibility to someone else can be challenging. Lance explains, however, how rewarding and fulfilling such a path is. Both Nate and Lance discuss the dangers of Mormon cultural teachings that encourage its members that testimonies come in the bearing of them. This method of saying one knows something when, in fact, they only hope to know it (absent any proof or data) is not the best method of finding truth. In the final minutes, they both speculate what possible benefits can come from religion. There are, of course, many good things that they have to offer all of us. The question, however, is if these benefits outweigh the costs. Also, I'd like to hear any and all of your thoughts about this. Thank you for listening to his story and enjoy the show. If you like the show, please share it with your friends and like us on Facebook at If you've felt inspired and cracked a smile, you may consider leaving us a small donation to help fund the club. It's easy. Just go to the SHPC website at and click on the donate now button. This page also has a list of the other episodes now available. We'd also like to thank our sponsor Tall Tales Engineering, LLC. Visit their website at and check out their book Feaver Fever in Spillage Village.
25c_Lance_Agnosticism & MapCrack_5Qs
Sep 26 2015
25c_Lance_Agnosticism & MapCrack_5Qs
This is part c of Lance's interview. Yep, these two didn't stop for nothing! In this episode, Lance and Nate continue to tackle tough topics. Lance shares his perspective of God and why, after growing up faithful in the Mormon religion, he now has moved to a more agnostic view of him. Nate manages to ask Lance a few more direct questions such as what good he sees in his former faith. Nate also shares some personal details regarding the struggle he has had in supporting his kids in their decisions to get baptized into the Mormon church while doing his best to make sure these decisions aren't a result of peer, social pressure. On a more lighter note, Lance shares an embarrassing experience during one of his ultra, 100-mile marathon trail runs when he experiences some painful crack issues and ends up pulling a MacGyver fix using a map, a toothpick, and a roll of duct tape. It's a definite CRACK UP to listen to. Also, I'd like to hear any and all of your thoughts about this. Thank you for listening to his story and enjoy the show. If you like the show, please share it with your friends and like us on Facebook at If you've felt inspired and cracked a smile, you may consider leaving us a small donation to help fund the club. It's easy. Just go to the SHPC website at and click on the donate now button. This page also has a list of the other episodes now available. We'd also like to thank our sponsor Tall Tales Engineering, LLC. Visit their website at and check out their book Feaver Fever in Spillage Village.
25a_Lance_The Fall_5Qs
Sep 25 2015
25a_Lance_The Fall_5Qs
For this week's episode, Nate interviews one of his old friends from way back. This incredible guy's name is Lance. As you will hear, Lance is a very active guy who knows no bounds when it comes to running. He has run multiple races including ultra marathons of as far as 100 miles! Not only a runner, but Lance also enjoys many other outdoor activities. One of these activities, however, nearly cost him his life. About 9 years ago, Lance was competing in a timed rock climbing competition when, to his surprise, a faulty knot sent him falling down to the ground. Check out this episode to find out how this single event really changed his life and how he views it. As a note, Nate had such a great time interviewing Lance that the conversation got a little long winded. To make this conversation easier to listen to, it was split up in 4 separate sections. That said, be sure to download the next three and enjoy the show. Also, I'd like to hear any and all of your thoughts about this. Thank you for listening to his story and enjoy the show. If you like the show, please share it with your friends and like us on Facebook at If you've felt inspired and cracked a smile, you may consider leaving us a small donation to help fund the club. It's easy. Just go to the SHPC website at and click on the donate now button. This page also has a list of the other episodes now available. We'd also like to thank our sponsor Tall Tales Engineering, LLC. Visit their website at and check out their book Feaver Fever in Spillage Village.
24a_Jody_Faith after Loss_5Qs
Sep 21 2015
24a_Jody_Faith after Loss_5Qs
Have you ever asked the question "Why me God?" or wondered why you were given an experience that seemed almost more than you could bear? This episode speaks to all those who have experienced a significant loss or trial in their lives and, as a result, have found it hard to find the Faith to carry on. In this episode, our dear friend Jody shares personal details of a tragic event that occurred in her life a little more than two decades ago. While en route to make an appointment for a doctor's visit, a trip they had made many times before, Jody and her small boy Andrew collided with a snowplow that was crossing on the freeway. Though the next few hours, days and months of Jody's time would be filled with the excruciating physical pain of recovery, Jody explains that she would go through it all again if it meant she could get her son back. After such a devastating loss, Jody's spirit understandably questioned how taking her son away from her fit into God's plan. As she looks back on this event and the years that followed, Jody shares with us some observations and lessons that she learned and how she found Faith after her Loss. The SHPC would like to thank Jody for sharing her and her family's story with us and hope that it might help those out there who have gone through or are going through a difficult trial or loss out there. It's our hope that after listening to this podcast you will speak to/about others with a kinder tone and give your kids an extra hug and tell them you love them. We never know how much longer we have on this planet or when God will call our brother or sister home. Until then, "Be excellent to each other", as Bill and Ted so eloquently said in the Bill & Ted's Excellent Journey movie. Also, I'd like to hear any and all of your thoughts about this. Please be as respectful as you can. I have feelings too you know. I think I know where I hid them. :) Thank you for listening to his story and enjoy the show. If you like the show, please share it with your friends and like us on Facebook at If you've felt inspired and cracked a smile, you may consider leaving us a small donation to help fund the club. It's easy. Just go to the SHPC website at and click on the donate now button. This page also has a list of the other episodes now available. We'd also like to thank our sponsor Tall Tales Engineering, LLC. Visit their website at and check out their book Feaver Fever in Spillage Village.
23_Derek Sivers_Beyond Need & Happy to Be_5Qs
Sep 14 2015
23_Derek Sivers_Beyond Need & Happy to Be_5Qs
For this week's episode, the SHPC traveled across the deep wide ocean to a small green rock that goes by the name of New Zealand. And just did we find in our virtual travels? We found a cool dude known as Derek Sivers ( Derek is the founder of CD Baby. This company is the largest online seller of independent music and has sold over $100M of music to over 150,000 independent musicians. Not only is Derek a talented and successful entrepreneur, but he also is a very accomplished writer with as many as 34 books to his name. One of his books that comes highly recommended from the SHPC and is great for any entrepreneur (or "wantrepeneur" for that matter) is "Anything You Want." It's a fabulous read that will make you think twice about the way one should approach building a business. In this episode, Nate gains a few wonderful insights from Derek that he has been needing to hear for a long, long time. One piece of advice that Nate took to heart is for him to stop being a "people pleaser" and being so dependent on the thoughts and expectations of people around him. Derek explains how he does just this and tells how it has really benefited his life. Do you have an obstacle in your life that you just can't get over? Tune in and listen to Derek's advice about how he overcomes difficult events in his life and how he disconnects from these and makes them his strengths. Derek talks about all this stuff and much, much more. Go ahead and download the episode today! Also, I'd like to hear any and all of your thoughts about this. Please be as respectful as you can. I have feelings too you know. I think I know where I hid them. :) Thank you for listening to his story and enjoy the show. If you like the show, please share it with your friends and like us on Facebook at If you've felt inspired and cracked a smile, you may consider leaving us a small donation to help fund the club. It's easy. Just go to the SHPC website at and click on the donate now button. This page also has a list of the other episodes now available. We'd also like to thank our sponsor Tall Tales Engineering, LLC. Visit their website at and check out their book Feaver Fever in Spillage Village.
20a_Cam_LoyalFriend & LovingFather_5Qs
Jul 31 2015
20a_Cam_LoyalFriend & LovingFather_5Qs
What a terrific guest we have this week! I was able to get Cameron on the horn for an hour or so and learn about what makes this fantastic guy tick. He's like the older brother I never had. In this episode, Cam talks about an event earlier in his life that made a significant impact in the way he views and treats others. To know firsthand that we all are going to pass on and the time of this event is unknown to all of us made Cam realize that everyone he meets needs a little love and friendship. Cam also shares an experience that is sure to make our listeners cringe in embarrassment. He learned that sometimes trying to impress the vice president of your company can sometimes end up with the exact opposite effect. One should really stop digging when they realize they've fallen into a hole. I'm confident that you will find Cam's story touching and full of wisdom. He's a devoted husband and loving father. The experiences that he shares are sure to make you smile.... Maybe even smile as high as the sky. :) Thank you for listening to his story and enjoy the show. If you like the show, please share it with your friends and like us on Facebook at If you've felt inspired and cracked a smile, you may consider leaving us a small donation to help fund the club. It's easy. Just go to the SHPC website at and click on the donate now button. This page also has a list of the other episodes now available. We'd also like to thank our sponsor Tall Tales Engineering, LLC. Visit their website at and check out their book Feaver Fever in Spillage Village.