Story Garden Pod

ML Consulting | Megan Lange

Everyone’s life is made up of stories. Join host and Story Gardener Megan Lange as she invites guests to share the three stories that make them uniquely “them” - and enjoy a little bit of laughter, some heart talk, and bit of good ole storytelling, too. Ready to hear some stories? I’ll meet you in the garden!

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Season 02, Episode 01: Allie Phillips Pt. 02
Jan 23 2024
Season 02, Episode 01: Allie Phillips Pt. 02
Our lives are made up of stories, and here in the Story Garden, we strive to SHARE those stories. Are you ready to visit the garden? This week’s episode is a two-part - time to buckle up!I want to start by saying that this episode and the previous have some pretty intense trigger warnings. My guest is activist, influencer, Mom, and political candidate Allie Phillips, and her story can be a hard one to listen to. Please be aware that the following topics are discussed: fetal abnormalities, abortion, suicidal thoughts, depression, and death. Because of the heaviness of the episode, I’ve split it into two parts. Both parts will be dropping on the same day, but I encourage you to take a break in your listening if you need to.At the end of this episode, we do go into a few fun and funny things, so as per usual, I hope that YOU will leave feeling hope. I know I did!Now: I’m excited to introduce today’s guest, Allie Phillips. Allie has become a dear friend over the past six months, but more than that, I’m blessed to work as her campaign manager in this important election year. Having said that - are you ready? It’s time to grab a drink, pull up a chair, and join us… in the story garden.Want to learn more about Allie? Check out her website at or find her on Facebook, Instagram, and - of course - TikTok!A special request: if you know someone local to the Middle TN area who you think should be a guest on Story Garden Pod, send me an email at and let me know. The Story Garden Pod is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, and Google Podcasts or here at Are you ready to support the podcast? Become a Patreon Supporter at
Season 02, Episode 01: Allie Phillips Pt. 01
Jan 22 2024
Season 02, Episode 01: Allie Phillips Pt. 01
Our lives are made up of stories, and here in the Story Garden, we strive to SHARE those stories. Are you ready to visit the garden? This week’s episode is a two-part - time to buckle up!I want to start by saying that this episode and the next have some pretty intense trigger warnings. My guest is activist, influencer, Mom, and political candidate Allie Phillips, and her story can be a hard one to listen to. Please be aware that the following topics are discussed: fetal abnormalities, abortion, suicidal thoughts, depression, and death. Because of the heaviness of the episode, I’ve split it into two parts. Both parts will be dropping on the same day, but I encourage you to take a break in your listening if you need to.At the end of the second episode, we do go into a few fun and funny things, so as per usual, I hope that YOU will leave feeling hope. I know I did!Now: I’m excited to introduce today’s guest, Allie Phillips. Allie has become a dear friend over the past six months, but more than that, I’m blessed to work as her campaign manager in this important election year. Having said that - are you ready? It’s time to grab a drink, pull up a chair, and join us… in the story garden.Want to learn more about Allie? Check out her website at or find her on Facebook, Instagram, and - of course - TikTok!A special request: if you know someone local to the Middle TN area who you think should be a guest on Story Garden Pod, send me an email at and let me know. The Story Garden Pod is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, and Google Podcasts or here at Are you ready to support the podcast? Become a Patreon Supporter at
Episode 14: Nathan Higdon
Sep 8 2023
Episode 14: Nathan Higdon
Our lives are made up of stories, and here in the Story Garden, we strive to SHARE those stories. Are you ready to visit the garden? This week’s episode is a little long and we’re talking politics and activism, so buckle up! If you haven’t yet gathered from prior episodes, I consider myself to be a progressive - but I’m really interested in having conversations where we find common ground, because I believe that there is common ground to be found with almost anyone. If you’re feeling like you don’t want to listen to this episode, I REALLY hope you will (and feel free to shoot me an email afterwards!).Now, I’m excited to introduce today’s guest, Nathan Higdon. Nathan is an activist, a campaign manager, a teacher, and a STRONG advocate for underserved communities. He was there at my first protest (and made me feel a million times more comfortable!), answers my calls EVERY time (and there are a lot of them!), and is generally just a great friend to have. He and I serve on the Tennessee Democratic Party Executive Committee together and I like to think that together, we cause at least a little bit of Good Trouble.Want to connect with Nathan? Find him on Twitter and Instagram at jnathanhigdon (and don’t forget to follow indivisibletn, too!). Special thanks to musician Mia Rago for use of her song “Tension,” which can be found on streaming platforms or by visiting - and I’m gonna go out on a limb here, because I appreciate every single musician that lets me share their music with my listeners, but WOW, do I love her stuff. Please be sure to check her out!A special request: if you know someone local to the Middle TN area who you think should be a guest on Story Garden Pod, send me an email at and let me know. The Story Garden Pod is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, and Google Podcasts or here at Are you ready to support the podcast? Become a Patreon Supporter at
Episode 12: David Lowe
Aug 11 2023
Episode 12: David Lowe
Our lives are made up of stories, and here in the Story Garden, we strive to SHARE those stories. Are you ready to visit the garden?Earlier this week, I had to write a new bio for myself to be used at a local event and - while writing it - I described Story Garden Pod as “a podcast that focuses on building community through storytelling.” As you listen to each episode, I hope that your takeaway is just that - the growth of community. I believe, with all my heart, that we can find common ground with almost anyone, and I hope that you, listener, are inspired by the stories shared to go and listen to the stories of folks in YOUR community. Now on to my guest! Earlier this summer, this guest joined us to share one story during the special Pride episode. This week, I am honored to welcome my friend David Lowe to join me for a full episode. David and I met last year while volunteering with several local campaigns, and I don’t believe that words can cover the richness that he has brought to my life - and to my greater community. This episode was especially fun because David’s husband, Michael, jumps in and out with us (have no fear - Michael will be back for a full episode later this fall!).Special thanks to musician Michael Conrad of Greedy Cherry for use of his song “Bossa Mysterioso,” which can be found on streaming platforms or by visiting The entire Bada Bing album is honestly a fun trip, so go on and give it a listen!The Story Garden Pod is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, and Google Podcasts or here at Are you ready to support the podcast? Become a Patreon Supporter at
Episode 11: Josh King
Jul 28 2023
Episode 11: Josh King
Our lives are made up of stories, and here in the Story Garden, we strive to SHARE those stories. Are you ready to visit the garden?Now, I’m excited to introduce today’s guest, Josh King. Josh and I became friends in the fall of 2019 and have since developed the kind of friendship that will span a nation (literally, since SOMEBODY is leaving us to move to Buffalo). Josh owns his own business, Josh The Planner, is Papa Hen to his seven chickens and his dog Tennessee, and he and his husband OJ are a staple at my social gatherings. Mostly, this episode is just two friends sitting down to giggle a lot while I try to dig out stories, so whatever you take from it, I hope one lesson is that it’s important to have friends you can laugh with.Want to connect with Josh? Visit his website at or follow him on Facebook and Instagram at joshtheplanner! Make sure to stay tuned over the next few weeks as Josh unveils the 555 Plan - it’s going to be a great resource for those interested in development and I’m excited to see it grow!Special thanks to musician Jay Rin for use of her song “Old Friend,” which can be found on streaming platforms or by visiting - and don’t forget to follow her on socials to catch her next local gig.  The Story Garden Pod is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, and Google Podcasts or here at Are you ready to support the podcast? Become a Patreon Supporter at
Episode 10: Kelley Taylor
Jul 14 2023
Episode 10: Kelley Taylor
Our lives are made up of stories, and here in the Story Garden, we strive to SHARE those stories. Are you ready to visit the garden?Please note that this episode discusses the grief of losing a spouse and the grief of losing a parent. The conversation was a healing one for both Kelley and I, and I hope you will feel the same way.And now, I’m excited to introduce today’s guest - Kelley Turnage Taylor. Kelley, who was introduced to me this past April by our mutual friend Kate, is the owner of Five Oaks Wood, an instructor with Nia House Montessori in Nashville, and has already, in our short friendship, shared more wisdom with me than I thought possible. She is kind, intelligent, hardworking, and honest - and she’s also sharing her grief journey in ways that are really, really beautiful.Want to connect with Kelley? Follow Five Oaks Wood on Facebook (and stay tuned, as I’m sure I will also share when it opens to the public). Donations to the Todd Fund can be sent to Hendersonville Boy Scout Troop 406. Finally, you can listen to the food desert podcast, Nia House Kids News Network, on your favorite podcast platform!Special thanks to musician John Eason for use of his song “Be Amazed,” which can be found on streaming platforms or by visiting - and don’t forget to follow him on socials to catch his next local gig.  The Story Garden Pod is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, and Google Podcasts or here at Are you ready to support the podcast? Become a Patreon Supporter at