Inspired Focus

Jaime O'Connor

The Inspired Focus Podcast, where we dive deep into the realm of following your soul's calling and making an impact in the world. Your host, Jaime O'Connor, shares her wisdom and insights, as well as interviews remarkable individuals who are doing transformative and impactful work.

Each week, we'll delve into captivating conversations with extraordinary individuals who have listened to that inner voice and followed their calling.

We'll uncover their stories, the challenges they faced, and the lessons they learned along the way. From entrepreneurs and artists to healers and change-makers, these guests will inspire you to embark on your own path of purpose and impact.

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Episode 23: Navigating the Intersection of Purpose and Financial Realities
Aug 3 2023
Episode 23: Navigating the Intersection of Purpose and Financial Realities
In this episode, Jaime explores the importance of having a safety net while pursuing purpose and taking the risks necessary to do your own thing. She discusses what it means to allow your passion to be your muse until it's ready to flourish financially. She also discusses the dangers of entrepreneurs telling their "inspiring" tales of coming back from failure without telling the whole story which often includes access to a safety net. And why creating your own safety net can help make your purpose driven life become a reality. In this episode you will learn:Why the experience of going all in on a business idea can lead to financial challenges and depression, highlighting the dangers of blindly following the belief that passion alone will guarantee success.The importance of creating a safety net while exploring one's purpose and passion is emphasized, allowing for deeper exploration without the pressure of immediate financial success.Why monetizing before the purpose is ready can lead to blocks, while allowing the passion to be a muse and an exploration can open doors and bring abundance when the time is right.How to explore opportunities that align with their purpose, balancing financial safety with the freedom to pursue meaningful work and make a positive impact.The podcast ends with an invitation for others to share their stories of finding a balance between passion, purpose, and financial security without a safety net.Season 2 Podcast Intro My Aligned Impact series carries three tools that are incredible for helping you get centered, aligned, and feel more inspired, less stressed out and still totally connected to that part of yourself that you love the ambitious, driven, incredible person that you areLoved this episode? Leave us a rating and review!Ready to move from BURNT OUT & STRESSED to INSPIRED & FULFILLED without letting go of your AMBITION & DRIVE? Grab the FREE Aligned Impact Series More from Jaime and Inspired Focus Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website:
Episode 22: Finding Joy in the Journey: Present Moment Awareness and Embracing Life's Challenges with Lane Belone
Jul 27 2023
Episode 22: Finding Joy in the Journey: Present Moment Awareness and Embracing Life's Challenges with Lane Belone
Does this sound familiar? Have you been told that the key to personal growth and fulfillment lies in constantly planning for the future or attaching yourself to certain outcomes? Yet, despite following this advice, you may be feeling stuck, unfulfilled, and disconnected from the present moment. It's time to break free from the cycle of attachment and discover the power of present-moment awareness for a truly enriching and transformative journey.When one listens to Lane Belone, his life experiences shine through his words. From serving as a military man with the Green Berets to walking the spiritual path, Lane has scripted a life of varied experiences that inspire! He has travelled the globe and poured all his discoveries and insights into his creations - a book, a podcast, and an experiential program, calmly nurturing others towards self-mastery and joyful sovereignty. Imprinting his indomitable spirit, Lane instills courage in every heart he touches.On this episode we explore:Explore the art of living fully in the present moment, unwrapping the potential that non-attachment holds.Discover how to fuse life's assorted hues with a sense of playfulness, enhancing everyday experiences.Unearth how striking an equilibrium between commitment, structure, and fun can add a refreshing perspective to life.Learn about the profound impact of frank feedback and tough love on personal development and self-improvement.----------------------------About our guest, Lane BeloneLane Belone is a Curious Explorer, Harmonious Creator and Storyteller. He’s the co-author of Unleash Your Humble Alpha, host of Exactly What The Moment Called For podcast and creator of the Joyful Sovereignty Experiment.  Lane spent 12 years in the Army, most of which as a Green Beret. With his 40+ countries traveled, he’s uniquely harmonized the hardened combat Green Beret side of him, with the nurturing side of the spiritual path. He continues to expand his capacity to enjoy the full spectrum of life. Work with Lane: Self-Mastery Operating System - Navigate overwhelm, distraction, lack of clarity and transition to awaken your curiosity, spark insight and reach your full potential. ( with Lane OnlineFacebook InstagramTwitter ----------------------------------------------Season 2 Podcast Intro My Aligned Impact series carries three tools that are incredible for helping you get centered, aligned, and feel more inspired, less stressed out and still totally connected to that part of yourself that you love the ambitious, driven, incredible person that you areLoved this episode? Leave us a rating and review!Ready to move from BURNT OUT & STRESSED to INSPIRED & FULFILLED without letting go of your AMBITION & DRIVE? Grab the FREE Aligned Impact Series More from Jaime and Inspired Focus Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website:
Episode 21: Breaking Barriers & the Inspiring Call to Challenge Traditional Structures with Rev. Briana Lynn
Jul 19 2023
Episode 21: Breaking Barriers & the Inspiring Call to Challenge Traditional Structures with Rev. Briana Lynn
In the car of your business, who is driving?Though money is a common answer, does that feel right to you? What if you allowed Intention behind the wheel? If we begin to ask ourselves, "How is my business leaving a legacy? What can I do today that will resonate through time?" This forward-thinking approach challenges us to look beyond immediate gains and consider the impact of our decisions on the well-being of all sentient beings, not just humans.This is just one of the many traditional structures that get dismantled in my latest podcast episode. Join us in this exploration of a multidimensional approach to business. Discover how, with conscious intention and a focus on empathy, we can build businesses that transcend mere financial gain and become vehicles for positive change in the world.In this episode, you will be able to:Gain insights into the downsides of capitalism, fueling your passion for social justice.Explore the intricate balance between existence's paradox and the existential mystery.Learn how collective business approaches can create a fair wealth redistribution.Discover how breaking down conventional norms and championing marginalized voices can reinvent societal structures.Understand the significance of empathy and learn effective mechanisms to tackle narcissistic and psychopathic behaviors. The resources mentioned in this episode are:Reflect on your own language and beliefs around leadership, masculinity, femininity, and traditional relationships, and consider breaking down those constructs to create a more inclusive and uplifting environment.Embrace the concept of Truth with a lowercase T and recognize that truth is fluid and ever-changing, allowing for growth, learning, and the acceptance of new perspectives.Engage with the community and share your message, whether it be through podcasting, writing, music, or other forms of art, and work towards uplifting the voices of others.----------------------Rev. Briana Lynn, Executive Director Mentor, Coach, & SpeakerRev. Briana Lynn (rbl) is on a mission to bring more radical aliveness & deviance into this world. She has unrelenting passion for authenticity, equality, learning & deepening our connection to life, nature & The Great Mystery.Her current contributions include, inspirational public speaking & facilitation, 1x1 Spirit, Ethics & Psychedelic Coaching with high-level CEO’s & cultivating a transformational, safe, liberating & inclusive community in her Mystery SchoolJoin her Orgasmic Oracle Mystery School for Just $33/monthSeason 2 Podcast Intro My Aligned Impact series carries three tools that are incredible for helping you get centered, aligned, and feel more inspired, less stressed out and still totally connected to that part of yourself that you love the ambitious, driven, incredible person that you areLoved this episode? Leave us a rating and review!Ready to move from BURNT OUT & STRESSED to INSPIRED & FULFILLED without letting go of your AMBITION & DRIVE? Grab the FREE Aligned Impact Series More from Jaime and Inspired Focus Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website:
Ep 20: UnShaming Sexuality, Healing Trauma and Understanding Psychedelic Experiences: A Conversation with Tyson Adams
Jul 13 2023
Ep 20: UnShaming Sexuality, Healing Trauma and Understanding Psychedelic Experiences: A Conversation with Tyson Adams
Safeport Before Listening: This episode discusses difficult and sensitive topics, including masturbation, porn addiction, sexuality, and psychedelic harmOur guest today is Tyson Adams, a compassionate healer committed to aiding individuals navigate their personal journeys toward holistic wellness. For over a decade, Tyson has worked toward helping individuals unpack their personal narratives, using his mastery in bodywork, men's coaching, and psychedelic facilitation. His candid approach to confronting deep-seated sexual shame empowers individuals to break longstanding barriers and move toward a more fulfilled life.We explore many deep topics on this episode, including unshaming sexual behaviors and harnessing sexual energy for personal growth. Tyson Adams challenges societal norms and confronts the central conflict of sexual shame in a thought-provoking interview on The Inspired Focus Podcast.In this episode, you will be able to:Unpack your sexual shame for improved confidence and self-acceptance.Transform your sexual energy into a tool for personal expansion and creative prowess.Appreciate the impact of regarding self and others with kindness, shifting away from objectification.Investigate the intriguing role of psychedelics in advancing personal growth and healing.Recognize the importance of targeted approaches to deal with trauma stored in the body.------------------Tyson Adams is a trauma informed Men’s coach, body worker and psychedelic facilitator. He specializes in male sexuality, sex addiction and outgrowing pornography. Follow Tyson on Instagram: 2 Podcast Intro My Aligned Impact series carries three tools that are incredible for helping you get centered, aligned, and feel more inspired, less stressed out and still totally connected to that part of yourself that you love the ambitious, driven, incredible person that you areLoved this episode? Leave us a rating and review!Ready to move from BURNT OUT & STRESSED to INSPIRED & FULFILLED without letting go of your AMBITION & DRIVE? Grab the FREE Aligned Impact Series More from Jaime and Inspired Focus Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website:
Episode 19: From Seeking to Being: Discovering the Power of Enoughness
Jul 6 2023
Episode 19: From Seeking to Being: Discovering the Power of Enoughness
On this episode, Jaime confronts her fear of being wrong and invites listeners on a journey of vulnerability and stillness as she explores the irony of constantly seeking more while discovering the power and enoughness that already exists within.In this episode, you will be able to:Embrace your vulnerability, and see how admitting mistakes can be a stepping stone to personal growth.Harness stillness as a tool to tap into your inner wisdom and gain newfound clarity.Unravel the beauty of 'enoughness,' breaking free from the insatiable pursuit of more.Illuminate the intricate maze of privilege, lending a fresh perspective on its impact and influences.Discover your spiritual self by connecting to the divine, enriching your journey of personal spirituality.Season 2 Podcast Intro My Aligned Impact series carries three tools that are incredible for helping you get centered, aligned, and feel more inspired, less stressed out and still totally connected to that part of yourself that you love the ambitious, driven, incredible person that you areLoved this episode? Leave us a rating and review!Ready to move from BURNT OUT & STRESSED to INSPIRED & FULFILLED without letting go of your AMBITION & DRIVE? Grab the FREE Aligned Impact Series More from Jaime and Inspired Focus Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website:
Episode 18: Where Money, Mind & Important Moments Meet with Jason Portnoy
Jun 29 2023
Episode 18: Where Money, Mind & Important Moments Meet with Jason Portnoy
Ever felt like you were sacrificing your happiness for the sake of success? Jason Portnoy did too, until he experienced a breakthrough moment that changed everything. But what was the unexpected twist that led him to completely shift the direction of his program? Find out in this emotional and inspiring transcript.In this episode, you will be able to:Explore the significance of prioritizing happiness while growing your business.Uncover the need for crystal clear business goals and why they impact your success.Embrace gratitude and learn to celebrate milestones on your journey.Comprehend the importance of seizing your business vision and steering clear of blind delegation.Discover the value of building a robust foundation for your business while staying open to advice and guidance.Season 2 Podcast Intro My Aligned Impact series carries three tools that are incredible for helping you get centered, aligned, and feel more inspired, less stressed out and still totally connected to that part of yourself that you love the ambitious, driven, incredible person that you areLoved this episode? Leave us a rating and review!Ready to move from BURNT OUT & STRESSED to INSPIRED & FULFILLED without letting go of your AMBITION & DRIVE? Grab the FREE Aligned Impact Series More from Jaime and Inspired Focus Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website:
Episode 17: Healing from Trauma: A Journey with Jacob Kauffman
Jun 22 2023
Episode 17: Healing from Trauma: A Journey with Jacob Kauffman
Are you tired of hiding behind a mask of strength and perfection, only to feel empty inside? Do you crave a deeper connection with yourself and others? Jacob Kauffman has the solution to help you embrace your vulnerability for a lifetime of healing and growth. Discover the power of embracing your imperfections and unlocking your true potential to live a fulfilling and authentic life.In this episode, you will be able to:Grasp the crucial role of healing from trauma in pursuing authenticity and personal growth for men.Cultivate internal safety to fend off self-sabotaging habits and achieve success and contentment.Analyze the disassembly and reassembly of one's identity as a method for constructing a stable self-image.Embrace vulnerability and a wide range of emotions as means to foster somatic endurance.Delve into the influence of tribal culture's initiation rites as a passage to personal empowerment and growth.Season 2 Podcast Intro My Aligned Impact series carries three tools that are incredible for helping you get centered, aligned, and feel more inspired, less stressed out and still totally connected to that part of yourself that you love the ambitious, driven, incredible person that you areLoved this episode? Leave us a rating and review!Ready to move from BURNT OUT & STRESSED to INSPIRED & FULFILLED without letting go of your AMBITION & DRIVE? Grab the FREE Aligned Impact Series More from Jaime and Inspired Focus Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website:
Episode 16: Beyond Survival: Expanding Joy & Fulfillment Through Capacity
Jun 15 2023
Episode 16: Beyond Survival: Expanding Joy & Fulfillment Through Capacity
In the next season of the Inspired Focus podcast, host Jaime O'Connor interviews guests who delve into taboo and provocative topics, including plant medicine, social deconstruction, and porn addiction. But before tackling these topics, Jaime had to learn how to expand her capacity and learn my own lines of nervous system shutdown. Listen as she shares her journey and the tools she used to slow down and process her emotions to live a truly fulfilled life. The only question left unanswered is: what happens when we feel free to show all of ourselves?In this episode, you will be able to:Realize the crucial role of emotional capacity in living a life full of joy and abundance.Investigate various techniques for capacity expansion, like breathwork, hypnosis, and somatic release.Comprehend the value of managing emotions and pain through body-focused approaches.Examine O'Connor's personal growth in terms of her emotional capacity.Appreciate the significance of mindfulness and awareness in steering clear of overwhelming situations.Season 2 Podcast Intro My Aligned Impact series carries three tools that are incredible for helping you get centered, aligned, and feel more inspired, less stressed out and still totally connected to that part of yourself that you love the ambitious, driven, incredible person that you areLoved this episode? Leave us a rating and review!Ready to move from BURNT OUT & STRESSED to INSPIRED & FULFILLED without letting go of your AMBITION & DRIVE? Grab the FREE Aligned Impact Series More from Jaime and Inspired Focus Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website:
Ep 15: Unlock Your Energetic Clarity w/ Nick Cavuoto - Human Design Reading
Feb 15 2023
Ep 15: Unlock Your Energetic Clarity w/ Nick Cavuoto - Human Design Reading
Nick Cavuoto is back this week and I'm so excited for you to listen.Nick uses Human Design to crack the code of his calling and build a business from a place of energetic clarity and empowerment, unlocking the secrets of his unique identity and revealing the power of confirmation bias. I highly encourage you to go back and listen to last week's episode if you haven't already to hear all about Nick's amazing story and how he discovered human design. It opened up a whole new world of understanding for him that allowed him to help others discover who they are. In this episode, Nick was gracious enough to do a Human Design reading for me. You guys, he uncovered things I didn't even know were there and gave so much insight on different aspects of the human design chart. You’ll hear firsthand how Human Design allows you to uncover the unique gifts of our individuality and leverage human design for success.Full disclaimer: This episode is best watched on our Youtube. Nick shared many helpful articles and graphics so, if you are a visual learner that's definitely the place for you to be! Check Out Last Week's Episode with NickMore Nick CavuotoIG: @nickcavuotoFacebook: /NicholascavuotoLinkedIn: /in/nickcavuotoEvent: AlignCon 2023 (February 2 & 3) in NashvilleSeason 2 Podcast Intro My Aligned Impact series carries three tools that are incredible for helping you get centered, aligned, and feel more inspired, less stressed out and still totally connected to that part of yourself that you love the ambitious, driven, incredible person that you areLoved this episode? Leave us a rating and review!Ready to move from BURNT OUT & STRESSED to INSPIRED & FULFILLED without letting go of your AMBITION & DRIVE? Grab the FREE Aligned Impact Series More from Jaime and Inspired Focus Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website:
Ep 14: From Half-Heartedness to Conviction: Nick Cavuoto's Journey to Knowing
Feb 8 2023
Ep 14: From Half-Heartedness to Conviction: Nick Cavuoto's Journey to Knowing
Nick Cavuoto's journey from his rough upbringing to becoming a catalyst for others to find their unique contribution to the world is an inspiring story of overcoming half heartedness, personal responsibility, and commitment to discovering one's true calling."It is only through taking ultimate personal responsibility to cure half heartedness that I have been able to unlock the vivid vision I have for my life and future and be the best version of who I am."Nick Cavuoto is a successful four-time entrepreneur, having managed over $2 billion in products and launched multiple successful online businesses. He has been a trusted ally of Fortune 500 companies, and is a catalyst for helping people make a unique contribution in the world.With the help of Human Design, he was able to make a unique contribution to the world and find a deeper level of knowing. His commitment coach and therapist helped him to understand that in order to be successful, he must take full responsibility for his life and make promises he is willing to keep. He now has a clear vision of what he wants to do and is devoted to the process of life to achieve it.In this episode, you will learn the following:1. Exploring the importance of personal responsibility in achieving success and clarity in life.2. Uncovering the power of commitment in relationships, business, and personal growth.3. Examining the journey of transformation to discover one's true purpose.More Nick CavuotoIG: @nickcavuotoFacebook: /NicholascavuotoLinkedIn: /in/nickcavuotoEvent: AlignCon 2023 (February 2 & 3) in NashvilleSeason 2 Podcast Intro My Aligned Impact series carries three tools that are incredible for helping you get centered, aligned, and feel more inspired, less stressed out and still totally connected to that part of yourself that you love the ambitious, driven, incredible person that you areLoved this episode? Leave us a rating and review!Ready to move from BURNT OUT & STRESSED to INSPIRED & FULFILLED without letting go of your AMBITION & DRIVE? Grab the FREE Aligned Impact Series More from Jaime and Inspired Focus Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website:
Ep 13: Human Design & Gene Keys w/ Kehla G
Feb 1 2023
Ep 13: Human Design & Gene Keys w/ Kehla G
Straddling the line between business and spirituality, Kehla G, a 6/2 Generator, shares how to unlock  your unique gifts and activate  your entrepreneurial power with Human Design and Gene Keys.Kehla G is a spiritual Mindset coach specializing in working alongside entrepreneurs with their embodiment of the Human Design and Gene Keys to help them deeply trust themselves. She also has an incredible podcast with over 295 episodes and 75 interviews.Kehla G was looking for a way to bring her Mindset Coaching business to the next level. A friend randomly shared their stories about Human Design and she decided to look up her chart, learning she was a Generator. Despite the overwhelming complexity of the system, the Human Design and Gene Keys kept calling her back. In 2021, she completed a nine-month certification program and shifted from a Mindset Coach to a Spiritual Mindset Coach, specifically working with entrepreneurs to show up authentically. Through her Human Design and Gene Keys chart, she was able to discover her archetype, strategy, authority, signature, and profile. She now uses them to help others understand and embody their design, as well as build force ability in their business.In this episode, you will learn the following:1. Uncovering the mysteries of Human Design and Gene Keys through birth time, location and date.2. Exploring the five different types and twelve profiles of Human Design to uncover how one is meant to show up in the world.3. Investigating the three sequences of the Gene Keys to better understand one's business and how you serve others Resources:Website: www.kehlag.comPodcast: Living in Fierce Alignment Instagram: @kehlag Guide: Kehla's Freebies: 2 Podcast Intro My Aligned Impact series carries three tools that are incredible for helping you get centered, aligned, and feel more inspired, less stressed out and still totally connected to that part of yourself that you love the ambitious, driven, incredible person that you areLoved this episode? Leave us a rating and review!Ready to move from BURNT OUT & STRESSED to INSPIRED & FULFILLED without letting go of your AMBITION & DRIVE? Grab the FREE Aligned Impact Series More from Jaime and Inspired Focus Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website:
Ep 12: Healing Money Wounds w/ Emily Wilcox
Jan 25 2023
Ep 12: Healing Money Wounds w/ Emily Wilcox
Emily Wilcox, an entrepreneurial agency owner, embarks on a journey of personal growth and financial transformation, only to discover her true purpose and bravely birth a new paradigm of conscious wealth."Money is such a great carrot for personal development. I think often if we're just dangling the carrot of more joy, we're like, look, you're going to have to really re-examine your childhood. You're going to have to feel the things that you stuffed down. It's going to feel like this disintegration process, but at the end of it you get a little bit more joy."Emily Wilcox is a business mentor and coach for driven female entrepreneurs, helping them heal their money wounds and step fully into what is possible for them in their life. She has built two seven figure businesses and has a wealth of wisdom to share.Through the process of surrendering, Emily realized that she was meant to coach people on money and, despite her feelings of not being qualified, she took courageous steps towards her new mission. With determination and receptivity, Emily slowly and steadily grew her business until it was a successful six-figure business. Emily's story is a reminder that with courage and willingness, anything is possible.In this episode, you will learn the following:1. What is the role of money in personal development?2. What does it take to build a successful business from scratch?3. How can we reconcile the old and new paradigms of wealth?Resources:Money Quiz: www.moneywoundsquiz.comInstagram: 2 Podcast Intro My Aligned Impact series carries three tools that are incredible for helping you get centered, aligned, and feel more inspired, less stressed out and still totally connected to that part of yourself that you love the ambitious, driven, incredible person that you areLoved this episode? Leave us a rating and review!Ready to move from BURNT OUT & STRESSED to INSPIRED & FULFILLED without letting go of your AMBITION & DRIVE? Grab the FREE Aligned Impact Series More from Jaime and Inspired Focus Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website:
Ep 11: Finding Purpose Through Voice w/ Raven Royce
Jan 18 2023
Ep 11: Finding Purpose Through Voice w/ Raven Royce
In this podcast episode, Raven Royce, a multi-talented ceremonialist and entrepreneur, takes us on a magical journey of surrender as she navigates the power of voice, music and art to find her true purpose and guide others to do the same."I believe that we're all singers. I believe that singing is what the spirit does. And like my first voice teacher, catalyst, Dr. Tony Arugo, taught me when I was 13 years old, the voice is the spirit alive."Raven Royce is a multi-talented entrepreneur, ceremonialist, and creator who helps people find their vision and voice. Her passion for voice has impacted many and she believes that singing is what the spirit does. She is a powerful guide for those looking to access their deepest intuition and connection to the divine.Raven's life path has been a journey of exploration of the power of art and music, and how it can help connect people to their spirit and their source. Over the course of the last ten years, Raven has been on the journey of recording her first album, experiencing life and learning lessons to be able to express something deeply and honestly. Through the process, she has learned to trust and surrender to the river of life, knowing that timing is everything and that every lesson serves a purpose.In this episode, you will learn the following:1. How the power of music and singing can open up portals of connection to oneself.2. The process of divine alignment and unfolding and the power of being ready to ride the wave no matter how big or small.3. The deep lessons of surrender that can be learned while creating art and music.Season 2 Podcast Intro My Aligned Impact series carries three tools that are incredible for helping you get centered, aligned, and feel more inspired, less stressed out and still totally connected to that part of yourself that you love the ambitious, driven, incredible person that you areLoved this episode? Leave us a rating and review!Ready to move from BURNT OUT & STRESSED to INSPIRED & FULFILLED without letting go of your AMBITION & DRIVE? Grab the FREE Aligned Impact Series More from Jaime and Inspired Focus Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website:
Ep 10: Unlock Your True Potential with Ron Lynch: From Movie Star to Marketing Genius
Jan 11 2023
Ep 10: Unlock Your True Potential with Ron Lynch: From Movie Star to Marketing Genius
I'm so excited for you to listen to this interview. Ron Lynch is someone who has probably impacted your life and you may not even know his name. In this episode, we dive into a powerful and unique recipe for life, free of shame and fear."Losing the fear of being disliked is one of the most powerful things you can do." - Ron LynchThis episode passes on so much wisdom.  We discuss how he was encouraged by Jeff Bridges to start writing, which he did, and writing led him to write screenplays. We dig into his journey in the marketing world, being responsible for billions in sales for products you probably have in your house. And we look at how he took on the challenge of being curious and taking risks, and how fear of being disliked stops people from taking action and achieving their goals. His wisdom and our discussion also flows into parenting as they discuss how parents should equip their children with the proper tools and emotional maturity to deal with life's challenges without creating trauma.Truly, we touch on so many of the areas life throws at us and there is so much to gain from this episode. In this episode, you will learn the following:1. Exploring the power of curiosity as a tool for personal growth and development.2. Examining the effects of society and technology on parenting in the last 100 years.3. Learning how to prepare children to navigate their own journey of trauma and growth.Check out Ron LynchLinkedIn - Ronnie Lynchronnylynch.comFacebook Season 2 Podcast Intro My Aligned Impact series carries three tools that are incredible for helping you get centered, aligned, and feel more inspired, less stressed out and still totally connected to that part of yourself that you love the ambitious, driven, incredible person that you areLoved this episode? Leave us a rating and review!Ready to move from BURNT OUT & STRESSED to INSPIRED & FULFILLED without letting go of your AMBITION & DRIVE? Grab the FREE Aligned Impact Series More from Jaime and Inspired Focus Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website:
Ep 09: Navigating Motherhood & Business w/ Kate King
Jan 4 2023
Ep 09: Navigating Motherhood & Business w/ Kate King
In this episode, Kate King, recently awarded the 2022 Best Counselor in Littleton, Colorado, reveals her mission to create a ripple effect of well-being and empowering joy in our world while she navigates the selflessness of being a mother and the duality of being a successful business owner."I feel that sense of that light and I think I've always been really kind of familiar with how that light burns inside of me and wants to radiate outward." - Kate KingKate King is the founder and owner of the Radiant Life Project, a platform that includes therapy, speaking, workshops, retreats, and private practice. She was recently awarded the 2022 Best Counselor in Littleton, Colorado, and is widely known for helping her audience learn to cultivate radiant lives.She talks about how she has gathered resources and tools to create a holistic approach to her work and how she has to continually pivot to stay in alignment with her mission. She also speaks to the importance of healing and integrating the selfless parts of motherhood into the identity of being a woman.Key Topics:1. How to integrate the selflessness that motherhood requires while still allowing space for other parts of identity.2. How to use creative expression to navigate the transition from maiden to motherhood.3. How to become a better healer by learning to distinguish between personal issues and those of clients.More Kate King:Read her blogs : Get in touch through these channels:    Facebook:    Instagram:    LinkedIn:    Tiktok:    Youtube: 2 Podcast Intro My Aligned Impact series carries three tools that are incredible for helping you get centered, aligned, and feel more inspired, less stressed out and still totally connected to that part of yourself that you love the ambitious, driven, incredible person that you areLoved this episode? Leave us a rating and review!Ready to move from BURNT OUT & STRESSED to INSPIRED & FULFILLED without letting go of your AMBITION & DRIVE? Grab the FREE Aligned Impact Series More from Jaime and Inspired Focus Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website:
Ep 08: The Challenges of Breaking Away From Society's Expectations w/ Val Brown
Dec 28 2022
Ep 08: The Challenges of Breaking Away From Society's Expectations w/ Val Brown
This week we are BACK with Part 2 of the Val Brown interviews. Val Brown is the CEO and founder of Val Brown Communications. We are continuing our interview from Part 1 so be sure to listen to that one first . In this episode, Jaime talks about the work she does with her clients and how it helps them to find their purpose and to be self-authored in their lives. She also talks about the importance of being in touch with your body and your intuition, and how this can help you to be more successful in your career.In this episode, you will learn the following:1. What keeps people stuck in the 'Hustle culture grind'?2. What are some of the things that, 'now that you have gotten past that', actually are the true things that create safety?3. If you were going to go back and talk to your younger self, what are some of the things that you would do differently so that you could hear your body and get the benefit of what our body is telling us?Join us for Flourish Baja: 2 Podcast Intro My Aligned Impact series carries three tools that are incredible for helping you get centered, aligned, and feel more inspired, less stressed out and still totally connected to that part of yourself that you love the ambitious, driven, incredible person that you areLoved this episode? Leave us a rating and review!Ready to move from BURNT OUT & STRESSED to INSPIRED & FULFILLED without letting go of your AMBITION & DRIVE? Grab the FREE Aligned Impact Series More from Jaime and Inspired Focus Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website:
Ep 07: The Power Of Being Yourself w/ Sarah Ashley Wheeler
Dec 21 2022
Ep 07: The Power Of Being Yourself w/ Sarah Ashley Wheeler
In a world where we're told to mask our true selves, Sarah Ashley Wheeler is a breath of fresh air who leads with light, unapologetically owning her power and inspiring others to do the same.Sarah Ashley Wheeler is a self-love and empowerment coach who helps women step into their power and purpose. She is the founder of She Leads With Light, a community of women who are committed to living their truth and making a difference in the world. Sarah is also a spirit channeler and energy healer who has been helping people to connect to their higher selves and heal their wounds for over 10 years.In this episode, you will learn the following:1. What does it mean to "own your gifts"?2. What is the difference between someone who is a "spirit channeler" and someone who is not?3. What is the power of allowing yourself to be fully yourself?Check out Sarah Ashley Wheeler: IG: @sarahashleywheelerSeason 2 Podcast Intro My Aligned Impact series carries three tools that are incredible for helping you get centered, aligned, and feel more inspired, less stressed out and still totally connected to that part of yourself that you love the ambitious, driven, incredible person that you areLoved this episode? Leave us a rating and review!Ready to move from BURNT OUT & STRESSED to INSPIRED & FULFILLED without letting go of your AMBITION & DRIVE? Grab the FREE Aligned Impact Series More from Jaime and Inspired Focus Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website:
Ep 06: How to Create Value and Earn What You Deserve w/ Jesse Elder
Dec 14 2022
Ep 06: How to Create Value and Earn What You Deserve w/ Jesse Elder
Unlock your freedom and take the leap of faith with Jesse Elder - the mentor to trust in your journey of entrepreneurship and personal growth.Jesse Elder is an entrepreneur, coach, and mentor who has made a big impact on the lives of many people. He is the creator of LXG, a coaching program for people making a massive impact on the world, and is passionate about helping people find their voice and create value to make a difference.The main takeaways from this episode are how entrepreneurs can be producers, how fear-based thinking has been indoctrinated, and how to communicate and listen deeply and empathetically. Jesse Elder shares how to be at peace with the bigness of what we create, how money is a clear indicator of value created, and how communication is key in being compensated for the work we do."The greatest freedom we can experience as human beings is just letting somebody else have their own experience." -Jesse ElderIn this episode, you will learn the following:1. The Freedom of Letting Others Have Their Own Experience2. Entrepreneurship as a Catalyst for Personal Growth3. The Power of Communication to Receive CompensationReady to experience success according to your own definition? A life where your business and purpose are fully aligned to what you love? Learn how you can work get all of it and more at www.inspiredfocus.coSeason 2 Podcast Intro My Aligned Impact series carries three tools that are incredible for helping you get centered, aligned, and feel more inspired, less stressed out and still totally connected to that part of yourself that you love the ambitious, driven, incredible person that you areLoved this episode? Leave us a rating and review!Ready to move from BURNT OUT & STRESSED to INSPIRED & FULFILLED without letting go of your AMBITION & DRIVE? Grab the FREE Aligned Impact Series More from Jaime and Inspired Focus Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website:
Ep 05: Moving Forward by Facing your Shadows w/ Val Brown
Nov 30 2022
Ep 05: Moving Forward by Facing your Shadows w/ Val Brown
This week we are switching things up. I have on my great friend Val Brown and she’s asking me the questions. Val Brown has been an inspiration, a mage, a guide, and a CEO who saw in me the things I didn't see in myself yet, before I really stepped into this work.I’m so honored that she agreed to interview me. In this episode, Val asks the BEST questions. This is a real and raw conversation and I’m so excited for you to tune in. Listen to hear my story of how facing my shadows became the catalyst for achieving my biggest goals. "I woke up one day, basically in September and I just knew it was just time. It was time to cut the cord of everything I built before."In this episode, you will learn the following:1. What led Jaime O'Connor to leave her successful digital marketing business behind to start a new chapter?2. What is the difference between looking externally and internally for guidance?3. What are some of the things that can help people find their flow and connect to their inner compass?Apply for Flourish Baja: 2 Podcast Intro My Aligned Impact series carries three tools that are incredible for helping you get centered, aligned, and feel more inspired, less stressed out and still totally connected to that part of yourself that you love the ambitious, driven, incredible person that you areLoved this episode? Leave us a rating and review!Ready to move from BURNT OUT & STRESSED to INSPIRED & FULFILLED without letting go of your AMBITION & DRIVE? Grab the FREE Aligned Impact Series More from Jaime and Inspired Focus Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website:
Ep 04: The Unbecoming of a Businesswoman w/ Keri Ford
Nov 22 2022
Ep 04: The Unbecoming of a Businesswoman w/ Keri Ford
Keri Ford overcomes anxiety by unbecoming who she thought she needed to be, in a process of grief and self-discovery that redefines success."The unbecoming never really ends."Keri Ford is the CEO & Founder of Elevate with Keri – an elite transformational coaching movement and luxury brand dedicated to serving and elevating women’s emotional intelligence and whole-body high performance. Her unique online influence and programs have transformed the lives of thousands of women across the globe. In this episode, we discuss how the process of unbecoming never ends and how doing the deeper work allows for us to stop shaming and start healing. In this episode, you will learn the following: 1. How can we redefine what success feels like, not just what it looks like?2. What is the driving force behind the way we build our trade?3. What do we hope the transformation looks like for people?Loved this episode? Leave us a review and rating here: Check out Keri here: IG: 2 Podcast Intro My Aligned Impact series carries three tools that are incredible for helping you get centered, aligned, and feel more inspired, less stressed out and still totally connected to that part of yourself that you love the ambitious, driven, incredible person that you areLoved this episode? Leave us a rating and review!Ready to move from BURNT OUT & STRESSED to INSPIRED & FULFILLED without letting go of your AMBITION & DRIVE? Grab the FREE Aligned Impact Series More from Jaime and Inspired Focus Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Website: