Talk2TheHand 90s

Jimmy and Beth

Beth and Jimmy rewind to the 90s to unpick the stories of famous and infamous names of the 90s and find out where they are now. With a mix of recaps and interviews, you’ll never be closer to the 90s. From Kylie Minogue to Gazza, from Monica Lewinsky to Robbie Williams, we are your home for 90s nostalgia. Talk2TheHand is an independent podcast run by husband and wife, Jimmy and Beth. Obsessed with 90s nostalgia and 90s celebrities, we’ll rewind the years and take you back to the greatest era of our lives.   New episodes bursting with 1990s nostalgia released on Tuesdays. Give us a follow and we’ll keep you gooey in 1990s love. Get in touch with us to suggest future episodes, tell us whether you are enjoying the podcast, or just to have a chinwag about the 90s. Find us on Twitter @talk2thehandpod or email us at or Did we say we loved the 90s? read less


Y2K Bug - The Biggest Non-Event Of The Century
Y2K Bug - The Biggest Non-Event Of The Century
As the clock ticked down to the year 2000, a wave of fear and uncertainty gripped the world. In this riveting episode, we delve into the phenomenon known as the Y2K Bug, a computer glitch that threatened to bring modern civilisation to its knees. We'll explore how a seemingly simple date formatting issue sparked a global frenzy, prompting widespread fear of technological collapse. Our journey begins with a look at the origins of the Y2K Bug, tracing its roots back to the early days of computing when programmers used two-digit year formats to save memory. Join us as we unravel the widespread implications of the Y2K Bug and how it captured the public's imagination. From doomsday predictions to sensational media coverage, we'll examine how the threat of the millennium bug permeated everyday life.  As we recount the buildup to January 1, 2000, we'll explore the various scenarios that experts feared: power outages, financial system failures, infrastructure breakdowns, and planes falling out of the sky. Our discussion highlights the immense scale of the preventative measures taken, including the billions spent on software updates, testing, and contingency plans. We'll also discuss the psychological impact of the Y2K Bug on the public, as people stockpiled supplies and braced for the worst, all while a nervous world watched and waited. The dawn of the new millennium brought relief for many, as the anticipated chaos largely failed to materialise. We'll dissect the immediate aftermath of the Y2K rollover, analyzing why the dire predictions didn't come true and whether the massive efforts to fix the bug were justified. Was it a testament to the success of the global remediation efforts, or was the threat overblown from the start? We'll tackle these questions and more, offering a balanced perspective on what has since been dubbed "the biggest non-event of the century." Talk2TheHand is an independent throwback podcast run by husband and wife, Jimmy and Beth. Obsessed with 90s nostalgia and 90s celebrities, we'll rewind the years and take you back to the greatest era of our lives.   New episodes bursting with nostalgia of the 90s released on Tuesdays. Please subscribe to our podcast and we'll keep you gooey in 1990s love. Find us on Twitter @talk2thehandpod or email us at or
Stars of the 90s - Jeremy Beadle - The Prankster Prince of TV Comedy
1w ago
Stars of the 90s - Jeremy Beadle - The Prankster Prince of TV Comedy
In our 44th episode, we delve into the fascinating life and career of Jeremy Beadle, the beloved British television presenter, writer, and prankster. From his humble beginnings to his rise to fame, Beadle's journey is one of resilience, creativity, and boundless wit. Born on April 12, 1948, in Hackney, London, Beadle's early years were marked by adversity as he battled with Poland Syndrome, a rare condition affecting the development of his right hand. Despite this challenge, Beadle embraced life with gusto, developing a keen sense of humour and an unwavering determination to succeed. Beadle's career in television began in the 1970s, where he gained recognition as a writer and presenter on various comedy shows. However, it was his role as the host of "Game for a Laugh" in the 1980s that catapulted him to stardom. With his trademark cheeky grin and mischievous demeanor, Beadle captured the hearts of millions of viewers across the UK. Throughout his career, Beadle became synonymous with practical jokes and hidden camera pranks, earning him the title of Britain's King of Pranks. From unsuspecting celebrities to everyday people, Beadle's antics brought joy and laughter to audiences of all ages. Join us as we celebrate the life and legacy of Jeremy Beadle, a true icon of British television whose laughter-filled career continues to inspire and entertain generations.  Talk2TheHand is an independent throwback podcast run by husband and wife, Jimmy and Beth. Obsessed with 90s nostalgia and 90s celebrities, we'll rewind the years and take you back to the greatest era of our lives.   New episodes bursting with nostalgia of the 90s released on Tuesdays. Please subscribe to our podcast and we'll keep you gooey in 1990s love. Find us on Twitter @talk2thehandpod or email us at or
Shows of the 90s - Grange Hill - Lessons in Legacy
May 21 2024
Shows of the 90s - Grange Hill - Lessons in Legacy
Step back in time with us as we embark on a journey down memory lane to revisit one of the most beloved and iconic television series of the 20th century - Grange Hill. Join us in this special episode as we delve into the history, impact, and enduring legacy of this groundbreaking British drama series that captivated audiences for over three decades. We kick off our exploration by tracing the origins of Grange Hill, from its inception in 1978 by Phil Redmond, the creative mind behind other seminal British dramas like Brookside and Hollyoaks. Set in a fictional London comprehensive school, Grange Hill revolutionised children's television by tackling gritty and controversial issues that were often considered taboo for its target audience. Explore the groundbreaking impact of Grange Hill on British television and society as a whole. From its portrayal of issues such as bullying, drug abuse, and teenage pregnancy to its diverse and inclusive cast, Grange Hill challenged stereotypes and sparked important conversations about the realities of adolescence. No discussion of Grange Hill would be complete without paying homage to its iconic theme tune and memorable musical moments. From "Chicken Song" to "Just Say No," we celebrate the infectious tunes that became synonymous with the series and left an indelible mark on popular culture. Despite bidding farewell to our screens in 2008 after an impressive 30-year run, the legacy of Grange Hill lives on in the hearts and minds of fans old and new. Reflect on the lasting impact of the series on television, education, and the lives of those who grew up watching it. Join us as we bid a fond farewell to Grange Hill, celebrating its timeless appeal and the cherished memories it continues to evoke. Whether you're a lifelong fan or discovering the series for the first time, this episode is sure to reignite your passion for one of the most iconic shows in British television history. Talk2TheHand is an independent throwback podcast run by husband and wife, Jimmy and Beth. Obsessed with 90s nostalgia and 90s celebrities, we'll rewind the years and take you back to the greatest era of our lives.   New episodes bursting with nostalgia of the 90s released on Tuesdays. Please subscribe to our podcast and we'll keep you gooey in 1990s love. Find us on Twitter @talk2thehandpod or email us at or
Toys of the 90s - Exploring the Tamagotchi Phenomenon
May 14 2024
Toys of the 90s - Exploring the Tamagotchi Phenomenon
Welcome to our podcast episode dedicated to exploring the fascinating world of Tamagotchis, those beloved virtual pets that captured the hearts of millions around the globe! In our first segment, we'll delve into the origins of Tamagotchis, tracing their roots back to Japan in the 1990s. Developed by Bandai, these pocket-sized digital pets quickly became a cultural phenomenon, captivating both children and adults alike with their simple yet addictive gameplay. Next, we'll explore the mechanics behind Tamagotchis, revealing the intricate systems that govern these virtual creatures' lives. From feeding and grooming to playing games and disciplining, we'll uncover the secrets to raising a happy and healthy Tamagotchi and discuss the challenges that come with balancing its needs. We'll take a trip down memory lane as we reminisce about the Tamagotchi craze of the 1990s. From playgrounds to classrooms, Tamagotchis were everywhere, sparking a worldwide obsession and even prompting schools to ban them due to disruptions in class caused by their constant beeping. Moving on, we'll explore the enduring legacy of Tamagotchis and their impact on popular culture. Despite facing competition from other virtual pet devices and the rise of mobile gaming, Tamagotchis have managed to maintain a loyal fanbase, with new generations continuing to discover and enjoy these iconic toys. Finally, we'll discuss the resurgence of Tamagotchis in recent years, fueled by nostalgia and a renewed interest in retro gaming. With modern iterations offering new features and connectivity options, Tamagotchis are once again finding their way into the hands of enthusiasts young and old, proving that even in the digital age, there's still a place for these timeless virtual companions. Join us as we embark on a journey through the history, mechanics, and cultural impact of Tamagotchis, celebrating the enduring charm of these iconic virtual pets. Talk2TheHand is an independent throwback podcast run by husband and wife, Jimmy and Beth. Obsessed with 90s nostalgia and 90s celebrities, we'll rewind the years and take you back to the greatest era of our lives.   New episodes bursting with nostalgia of the 90s released on Tuesdays. Please subscribe to our podcast and we'll keep you gooey in 1990s love. Find us on Twitter @talk2thehandpod or email us at or
Stars of the 90s - Cilla Black - A Journey of Music, Love, and TV Stardom
May 7 2024
Stars of the 90s - Cilla Black - A Journey of Music, Love, and TV Stardom
Join us on a captivating journey through the life and career of one of Britain's most beloved entertainers: Cilla Black. From her humble beginnings as a singer in Liverpool to her iconic role as a television presenter, Cilla's story is one of talent, perseverance, and enduring love. We'll start by tracing Cilla's rise to fame in the 1960s music scene, where she captivated audiences with her powerful voice and infectious personality. With hit songs like "Anyone Who Had a Heart" and "You're My World," Cilla became a chart-topping sensation, earning her a place in the hearts of fans around the world. But Cilla's talents weren't limited to the stage. In the 1980s and 1990s, she transitioned to television, where she found even greater success as the host of popular shows like "Blind Date" and "Surprise, Surprise." With her warmth, wit, and charm, Cilla became a household name, earning accolades and adoration from viewers of all ages. Beyond her professional achievements, we'll explore the love story between Cilla and her husband, Bobby Willis. From their whirlwind romance to their enduring partnership, theirs was a love that stood the test of time. Together, they navigated the highs and lows of fame, building a life filled with laughter, joy, and unwavering support for each other. As we celebrate the legacy of Cilla Black, we'll reflect on the impact she had on generations of fans and aspiring entertainers. Join us as we pay tribute to the life and career of a true icon, whose legacy continues to shine bright.   Talk2TheHand is an independent throwback podcast run by husband and wife, Jimmy and Beth. Obsessed with 90s nostalgia and 90s celebrities, we'll rewind the years and take you back to the greatest era of our lives.   New episodes bursting with nostalgia of the 90s released on Tuesdays. Please subscribe to our podcast and we'll keep you gooey in 1990s love. Find us on Twitter @talk2thehandpod or email us at or
Shows of the 90s - Saved By The Bell - Returning to Bayside High
Apr 30 2024
Shows of the 90s - Saved By The Bell - Returning to Bayside High
In this special episode, we're taking a trip down memory lane to revisit the iconic TV series that defined a generation: "Saved By The Bell." From its debut in 1989 to its lasting impact on pop culture, we'll explore the highs and lows of life at Bayside High. First, we'll delve into the origins of the show and its journey to becoming a cultural phenomenon. Created by Sam Bobrick and originally titled "Good Morning, Miss Bliss," the series underwent a transformation to become the beloved teen sitcom we know and love today. We'll uncover the casting process, behind-the-scenes secrets, and the evolution of fan-favorite characters like Zack Morris, Kelly Kapowski, and A.C. Slater. As we reminisce about the golden age of Saturday morning television, we'll also take a closer look at the cast of "Saved By The Bell" and where they are now. From Mark-Paul Gosselaar's continued success in television to Mario Lopez's thriving career as a host and actor, we'll explore how the stars of Bayside High have fared since the show's end. But it's not just about the cast members who found fame after leaving Bayside. We'll also examine the challenges and triumphs faced by actors like Dustin Diamond and Lark Voorhies, whose post-"Saved By The Bell" journeys have taken unexpected turns. From legal troubles to personal struggles, their stories remind us that life after the spotlight isn't always easy. As we celebrate the legacy of "Saved By The Bell," we'll reflect on the show's lasting impact on television and popular culture. Its blend of comedy, drama, and heartfelt moments made it a staple of '90s nostalgia, and its themes of friendship, love, and growing up continue to resonate with audiences of all ages. Join us as we revisit the halls of Bayside High, where every day was an adventure and every problem had a solution. Whether you're a die-hard fan or a casual viewer, this trip down memory lane is sure to bring back fond memories of the show that captured the hearts of millions. Talk2TheHand is an independent throwback podcast run by husband and wife, Jimmy and Beth. Obsessed with 90s nostalgia and 90s celebrities, we'll rewind the years and take you back to the greatest era of our lives.   New episodes bursting with nostalgia of the 90s released on Tuesdays. Please subscribe to our podcast and we'll keep you gooey in 1990s love. Find us on Twitter @talk2thehandpod or email us at or
Albums of the 90s - The Most Streamed 90s Albums Today - Part 2
Apr 23 2024
Albums of the 90s - The Most Streamed 90s Albums Today - Part 2
Step back in time to the nostalgic era of the 1990s with our latest podcast episode as we delve into the cultural phenomenon of the most streamed albums of that decade. Join us as we explore the top 20, with this episode running down the top ten. This concluding episode will see us visit acts like Oasis (again!), Dr. Dre, Meatloaf, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Metallica, Nirvana and more. We unravel the secrets behind the various album's unprecedented success and their enduring appeal across generations.  From the recording studio to the concert stage, we uncover the behind-the-scenes anecdotes and memorable moments that shaped the album's journey to becoming a cultural touchstone. Join us for a nostalgic trip down memory lane as we celebrate the most streamed albums of the 90s and their lasting impact on music history. Whether you're a longtime fan or discovering these iconic tracks for the first time, this episode promises to reignite your love for 90s music and leave you craving more. This episode was inspired by Steve Wright, who recently passed away. Steve recorded a show on this topic late last year which was only discovered by us in the aftermath of his death. RIP Steve Wright. Talk2TheHand is an independent throwback podcast run by husband and wife, Jimmy and Beth. Obsessed with 90s nostalgia and 90s celebrities, we'll rewind the years and take you back to the greatest era of our lives.   New episodes bursting with nostalgia of the 90s released on Tuesdays. Please subscribe to our podcast and we'll keep you gooey in 1990s love. Find us on Twitter @talk2thehandpod or email us at or
Albums of the 90s - The Most Streamed 90s Albums Today - Part 1
Apr 16 2024
Albums of the 90s - The Most Streamed 90s Albums Today - Part 1
Step back in time to the nostalgic era of the 1990s with our latest podcast episode as we delve into the cultural phenomenon of the most streamed albums of that decade. Join us as we explore the top 20, starting in this episode with the countdown from 20 to 11. This first episode of two will see us visit acts like 2Pac, Lauryn Hill, Eminem, Shania Twain, Radiohead, Oasis, The Verve and Alanis Morissette. We unravel the secrets behind the various album's unprecedented success and their enduring appeal across generations.  From the recording studio to the concert stage, we uncover the behind-the-scenes anecdotes and memorable moments that shaped the album's journey to becoming a cultural touchstone. Join us for a nostalgic trip down memory lane as we celebrate the most streamed albums of the 90s and their lasting impact on music history. Whether you're a longtime fan or discovering these iconic tracks for the first time, this episode promises to reignite your love for 90s music and leave you craving more. This episode was inspired by Steve Wright, who recently passed away. Steve recorded a show on this topic late last year which was only discovered by us in the aftermath of his death. RIP Steve Wright. Talk2TheHand is an independent throwback podcast run by husband and wife, Jimmy and Beth. Obsessed with 90s nostalgia and 90s celebrities, we'll rewind the years and take you back to the greatest era of our lives.   New episodes bursting with nostalgia of the 90s released on Tuesdays. Please subscribe to our podcast and we'll keep you gooey in 1990s love. Find us on Twitter @talk2thehandpod or email us at or
Stars of the 90s - Celine Dion - Her Heart Does Go On
Apr 9 2024
Stars of the 90s - Celine Dion - Her Heart Does Go On
Join us as we talk through the extraordinary life of Celine Dion, a global icon whose talent made her a worldwide star. In this episode, we explore the remarkable journey of a young girl from Charlemagne, Quebec, who overcame adversity to become one of the most celebrated vocalists of all time. Celine's story begins with a childhood marked by tragedy and triumph. We delve into the harrowing accident she experienced at the age of five, when she was struck by a truck. Despite sustaining serious injuries, Celine's spirit and unwavering determination propelled her towards her destiny as a music sensation. As Celine's star ascended, she reached new heights of fame with her iconic rendition of "My Heart Will Go On," the timeless ballad from the blockbuster film Titanic. We explore the genesis of this epic song and its profound impact on Celine's career, catapulting her to international superstardom and earning her numerous accolades, including Grammy Awards and an Academy Award. Amidst the triumphs, Celine's personal life was marked by profound sorrow and loss. We delve into the tragic passing of her beloved husband and manager, René Angélil, in 2016, and the subsequent loss of her brother Daniel just days later. Despite these devastating setbacks, Celine's unwavering strength and resilience shone through as she navigated the darkest chapters of her life with grace and dignity. Throughout her career, Celine has cemented her legacy as a global icon. We explore her legendary Las Vegas residencies, where she mesmerised audiences with her powerhouse vocals and made an absolute fortune! Talk2TheHand is an independent throwback podcast run by husband and wife, Jimmy and Beth. Obsessed with 90s nostalgia and 90s celebrities, we'll rewind the years and take you back to the greatest era of our lives.   New episodes bursting with nostalgia of the 90s released on Tuesdays. Please subscribe to our podcast and we'll keep you gooey in 1990s love. Find us on Twitter @talk2thehandpod or email us at or
Stars of the 90s - East 17 - Stay Another Podcast
Apr 2 2024
Stars of the 90s - East 17 - Stay Another Podcast
Join us on another nostalgic journey as we delve into the story of East 17, the iconic British boy band that were a regular presence in the charts in the 1990s. In this episode, we trace their humble beginnings, from their formation in Walthamstow, London, in 1991, to their meteoric rise to fame with hits like "House of Love" and "It's Alright." With their unique blend of pop, R&B, and dance music, East 17 quickly captured the hearts of fans worldwide. However, amidst their success, East 17 faced their fair share of controversies, including headline-grabbing incidents involving drugs, public disputes, and clashes with the media. We explore how these controversies impacted the band's reputation and ultimately led to internal tensions, resulting in lineup changes and the departure of key members. We discuss their subsequent reunions and attempts to recapture their former glory. From triumphant comebacks to a punch up between Tony and Brian, we uncover the highs and lows of East 17's journey in the music industry. Talk2TheHand is an independent throwback podcast run by husband and wife, Jimmy and Beth. Obsessed with 90s nostalgia and 90s celebrities, we'll rewind the years and take you back to the greatest era of our lives.   New episodes bursting with nostalgia of the 90s released on Tuesdays. Please subscribe to our podcast and we'll keep you gooey in 1990s love. Find us on Twitter @talk2thehandpod or email us at or
Stars of the 90s - Mark Morrison - Another Return of the Mack
Mar 26 2024
Stars of the 90s - Mark Morrison - Another Return of the Mack
Delve into the electrifying rise, captivating fall, and triumphant resurgence of Mark Morrison in this gripping podcast episode. From his humble beginnings to the dizzying heights of fame, listeners will be transported through the tumultuous journey of the British R&B sensation. There is one section where Suge Knight and Daniel O'Donnell are, for the first time in the world ever, mentioned in the same paragraph. The episode unravels Morrison's groundbreaking single, "Return of the Mack," a timeless anthem that captured the essence of '90s pop music and skyrocketed him to international acclaim. We find out what Beth thinks a Mack is. As the track climbed the charts, Morrison's magnetic stage presence and soulful voice captivated audiences worldwide, cementing his status as a musical icon. However, behind the glitz and glamour lay a tumultuous personal life plagued by legal troubles and controversy. Explore Morrison's entanglement with the law, including his well-publicised legal battles and stints in prison. From brushes with firearm charges to allegations of assault, the podcast sheds light on the darker side of Morrison's journey, revealing the challenges he faced both professionally and personally. We end with where he is now in his life - and its good! Talk2TheHand is an independent throwback podcast run by husband and wife, Jimmy and Beth. Obsessed with 90s nostalgia and 90s celebrities, we'll rewind the years and take you back to the greatest era of our lives.   New episodes bursting with nostalgia of the 90s released on Tuesdays. Please subscribe to our podcast and we'll keep you gooey in 1990s love. Find us on Twitter @talk2thehandpod or email us at or
Stars of the 90s - OJ Simpson - The Trial of the Century
Mar 19 2024
Stars of the 90s - OJ Simpson - The Trial of the Century
In this riveting podcast episode, we delve into the complex and controversial life of O.J. Simpson, a name synonymous with both athletic greatness and legal infamy. Our narrative begins on the football field, where Simpson became a legend with his exceptional skills, earning accolades such as the Heisman Trophy and a successful career in the NFL. However, the episode takes a dramatic turn as we explore the infamous trial of the century – the trial of O.J. Simpson for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. We unravel the events leading up to that fateful night in Brentwood and the subsequent legal battle that captivated the world. The trial, marked by intense media scrutiny, celebrity involvement, and a glove that became a symbol of legal maneuvering, is examined from multiple perspectives. As the podcast delves deeper, we navigate through the nuances of race, fame, and justice that permeated the trial. We explore the impact of the verdict on the public's perception of the justice system and the broader implications for societal conversations around race relations in America. Beyond the courtroom drama, we scrutinise the aftermath of the trial – Simpson's life post-acquittal, his brushes with the law (including his prison sentence for robbery), and the lingering questions surrounding the case.  Talk2TheHand is an independent throwback podcast run by husband and wife, Jimmy and Beth. Obsessed with 90s nostalgia and 90s celebrities, we'll rewind the years and take you back to the greatest era of our lives.   New episodes bursting with nostalgia of the 90s released on Tuesdays. Please subscribe to our podcast and we'll keep you gooey in 1990s love. Find us on Twitter @talk2thehandpod or email us at or
Stars of the 90s - The Beautiful South- Made in Sheffield, Fed in Surrey
Mar 12 2024
Stars of the 90s - The Beautiful South- Made in Sheffield, Fed in Surrey
In this latest Talk2TheHand podcast episode, we delve into the melodious world of The Beautiful South, an English pop rock group that left a memorable mark on the music scene. Formed in 1988 by Paul Heaton and Dave Hemingway, both former members of The Housemartins, the band embarked on a unique musical journey that fused poignant lyrics with irresistible pop-rock beats. Our exploration begins with the band's inception, tracing the roots of Heaton and Hemingway's collaboration and the addition of talented musicians who shaped The Beautiful South's distinct sound. We unravel their discography, from the debut album "Welcome to the Beautiful South" to the poignant "Choke" and the critically acclaimed "0898 Beautiful South." The episode highlights the band's evolution, introducing female vocalists like Briana Corrigan, Jacqui Abbott, and Alison Wheeler, each leaving their mark on the group's harmonious landscape. We discuss the controversy surrounding tracks like "36D" and the band's unapologetic stance on challenging societal norms. We'll also explore the challenges faced by the band, including lineup changes and varying success on different sides of the Atlantic. Join us on a sonic journey that encapsulates the essence of The Beautiful South, celebrating their musical brilliance, lyrical depth, and the enduring impact they've had on the landscape of pop and rock.  Talk2TheHand is an independent throwback podcast run by husband and wife, Jimmy and Beth. Obsessed with 90s nostalgia and 90s celebrities, we'll rewind the years and take you back to the greatest era of our lives.   New episodes bursting with nostalgia of the 90s released on Tuesdays. Please subscribe to our podcast and we'll keep you gooey in 1990s love. Find us on Twitter @talk2thehandpod or email us at or
Stars of the 90s - Coolio - Fantastic Voyage Beyond Gangsta's Paradise
Mar 5 2024
Stars of the 90s - Coolio - Fantastic Voyage Beyond Gangsta's Paradise
Welcome to another episode of Talk2TheHand, where we delve into the life and career of influential 90s. In this episode, we turn our attention to the one and only Coolio, the Grammy-winning rapper whose iconic anthem "Gangsta's Paradise" became a cultural touchstone of the '90s. Our journey begins with Coolio's early life, exploring the streets of Compton, California, where he grew up amidst the challenges of urban life. We unravel the experiences that shaped his perspective, from prison and drug addiction to his time as a fireman, leading him to find solace and expression through music. From early influences to his first foray into the rap scene, we uncover the roots of Coolio's distinctive style. As we transition into his breakthrough moment, "Gangsta's Paradise," we explore the impact this chart-topping single had on Coolio's career and its resonance with fans worldwide.  The episode delves into Coolio's multifaceted career, beyond the shadow of his biggest hit. We examine his ventures into acting, cookbook writing, and philanthropy, shedding light on the diverse talents that define Coolio's legacy. Join us on this immersive journey as we uncover the untold stories, triumphs, and challenges that defined Coolio's extraordinary life. From the highs of Grammy success to the lows of personal struggles, this episode invites you to explore the layers of an artist who transcended the boundaries of hip-hop, leaving an enduring impact on the world of entertainment. Talk2TheHand is an independent throwback podcast run by husband and wife, Jimmy and Beth. Obsessed with 90s nostalgia and 90s celebrities, we'll rewind the years and take you back to the greatest era of our lives.   New episodes bursting with nostalgia of the 90s released on Tuesdays. Please subscribe to our podcast and we'll keep you gooey in 1990s love. Find us on Twitter @talk2thehandpod or email us at or
Stars of the 90s - 5ive: Closer to Chaos
Feb 27 2024
Stars of the 90s - 5ive: Closer to Chaos
We dive into the inception of the iconic boy band, 5ive. Explore the early days as five individuals - Scott Robinson, Ritchie Neville, Abz Love, J Brown, and Sean Conlon - come together to form a group that would soon take the music scene by storm. From auditions to their initial struggles, this episode sets the stage for the meteoric rise that would define 5ive's career. Chart-topping hits, energetic performances, and a distinctive sound - this episode delves into 5ive's dominance in the pop music scene.  Not everything glittered as gold for 5ive. We peel back the curtain to reveal the highs and lows of their journey. Delve into the personal and professional challenges faced by the band members, from internal conflicts, bullying, fights, to the inevitable pressures of fame. Gain insights into the decisions that shaped their trajectory and get a closer look at the dynamics within the group. We reveal the reasons behind their eventual hiatus, and the twists and turns that led to various reunions. Reflect on the enduring fandom and the nostalgia that continues to surround 5ive, leaving a unique mark on the boy band phenomenon.  Talk2TheHand is an independent throwback podcast run by husband and wife, Jimmy and Beth. Obsessed with 90s nostalgia and 90s celebrities, we'll rewind the years and take you back to the greatest era of our lives.   New episodes bursting with nostalgia of the 90s released on Tuesdays. Please subscribe to our podcast and we'll keep you gooey in 1990s love. Find us on Twitter @talk2thehandpod or email us at or
Stars of the 90s - Claire Sweeney - From Cruise Ships to Coronation Street
Feb 20 2024
Stars of the 90s - Claire Sweeney - From Cruise Ships to Coronation Street
We delve into the extraordinary life and career of the multitalented Claire Sweeney. From her humble beginnings in Liverpool to gracing the stages of West End theaters, Claire's story is one of resilience, talent, and determination. Join us as we explore Claire's early life, tracing the roots of her passion for performing and the pivotal moments that shaped her journey in the entertainment industry. From her breakout role in the hit TV show "Brookside" to her acclaimed performances in musicals like "Chicago" and "Guys and Dolls," we uncover the milestones that propelled her to stardom which led her to Dancing on Ice and Coronation Street. But Claire Sweeney's story goes beyond the spotlight. Discover her experiences as a reality TV star, including her memorable stint on "Celebrity Big Brother" and her triumphs in shows like "Loose Women." Our episode also shines a light on Claire's philanthropic endeavors and her property investments. We paint a comprehensive portrait of Claire Sweeney, celebrating her versatility as an actress, singer, presenter, and all-around entertainer.  Talk2TheHand is an independent throwback podcast run by husband and wife, Jimmy and Beth. Obsessed with 90s nostalgia and 90s celebrities, we'll rewind the years and take you back to the greatest era of our lives.   New episodes bursting with nostalgia of the 90s released on Tuesdays. Please subscribe to our podcast and we'll keep you gooey in 1990s love. Find us on Twitter @talk2thehandpod or email us at or
Stars of the 90s - Neil Buchanan - Art Attack Unleashed: A Canvas of his Life
Feb 13 2024
Stars of the 90s - Neil Buchanan - Art Attack Unleashed: A Canvas of his Life
Step into the colorful world of creativity and imagination as we explore the fascinating life and career of the artistic maestro, Neil Buchanan. Join us on this special episode as we unravel the chapters of Buchanan's journey, from his early days as a young artist to becoming a household name through iconic television shows. All the while, his passion for music shines through, as it continues to now. In the first part of our episode, we dive into Neil Buchanan's formative years, tracing the roots of his passion for art and how it shaped his artistic identity. From his ventures at Southern Television to the inception of "No. 73" and "Do It!," we uncover the building blocks that laid the foundation for Buchanan's illustrious career. The heart of our exploration lies in the inception of "Art Attack," a groundbreaking show that transformed how we perceive and engage with art on television. We delve into the creative process, the show's evolution, and the impact it had on inspiring countless viewers to embrace their artistic side. As we progress, we shine a light on the man behind the easel, exploring Neil Buchanan's artistic influences and innovative techniques. We also examine the transition of "Art Attack" as Buchanan and Tim Edmunds took ownership after TVS lost its franchise, showcasing their resilience in keeping the artistic flame alive. We reflect on Neil Buchanan's enduring legacy and his contributions to the world of art and entertainment. Join us for a colorful journey through the life and career of Neil Buchanan, where each brushstroke tells a story of creativity, inspiration, and the enduring impact of one man's passion for art. Talk2TheHand is an independent throwback podcast run by husband and wife, Jimmy and Beth. Obsessed with 90s nostalgia and 90s celebrities, we'll rewind the years and take you back to the greatest era of our lives.   New episodes bursting with nostalgia of the 90s released on Tuesdays. Please subscribe to our podcast and we'll keep you gooey in 1990s love. Find us on Twitter @talk2thehandpod or email us at or
Stars of the 90s - Michael Barrymore - Triumphs, Turmoil, and Tragedy
Feb 6 2024
Stars of the 90s - Michael Barrymore - Triumphs, Turmoil, and Tragedy
Join us in this deeply insightful episode as we unravel the enigmatic life and career of the iconic entertainer, Michael Barrymore. From his early days as a talented comedian to the soaring heights of his television career, we explore the captivating journey that led Barrymore to become a household and widely-loved name in the UK. Our narrative delves into the highs of Barrymore's career, spotlighting his groundbreaking variety shows and infectious charisma that endeared him to audiences nationwide. We revisit the dazzling moments that defined his entertainment legacy, showcasing the multifaceted talents that made him a beloved figure in the world of British television during the 80s and 90s. However, no exploration of Michael Barrymore's life is complete without addressing the tragic events surrounding the death of Stuart Lubbock. We approach this sensitive topic with the utmost respect, aiming to shed light on the circumstances, the subsequent investigations, and the profound impact it had on Barrymore's career and personal life. This pivotal moment marked a turning point for the entertainer and significantly altered the public's perception of him. Join us on this emotional rollercoaster through triumphs, tribulations, and the enduring legacy of a man who experienced both the glittering heights of fame and the dark shadows of controversy.  Talk2TheHand is an independent throwback podcast run by husband and wife, Jimmy and Beth. Obsessed with 90s nostalgia and 90s celebrities, we'll rewind the years and take you back to the greatest era of our lives.   New episodes bursting with nostalgia of the 90s released on Tuesdays. Please subscribe to our podcast and we'll keep you gooey in 1990s love. Find us on Twitter @talk2thehandpod or email us at or
Stars of the 90s - Chris Evans - TFI Beyond the Mic and Into the Limelight
Jan 30 2024
Stars of the 90s - Chris Evans - TFI Beyond the Mic and Into the Limelight
In this episode, we delve into the dynamic life of the charismatic Chris Evans, with a keen focus on the vibrant tapestry of the 90s. From his early forays into radio to the groundbreaking moments that defined his decade, join us as we navigate the highs, lows, and iconic milestones that shaped Evans' journey. As the irrepressible force behind the influential '90s show, "The Big Breakfast," Chris Evans emerged as a cultural phenomenon. Our exploration will take you through the infectious energy he brought to morning radio, the quirky and unforgettable segments that became synonymous with his style, and the unexpected twists that kept audiences hooked. Discover how Chris Evans navigated the shifting landscape of the entertainment industry, leaving his mark on the airwaves and beyond. From his triumphs to challenges, we unravel the layers of this enigmatic personality, showcasing how the 90s became a pivotal era in shaping Evans' career and solidifying his status as a broadcasting icon. Tune in as we revisit the magic of Chris Evans' 90s journey, celebrating the moments that transformed him from a rising star into a household name. Join us on this nostalgic expedition through the life and times of Chris Evans, where every story, every note, and every laugh echoes the spirit of a remarkable era. Talk2TheHand is an independent throwback podcast run by husband and wife, Jimmy and Beth. Obsessed with 90s nostalgia and 90s celebrities, we'll rewind the years and take you back to the greatest era of our lives.   New episodes bursting with nostalgia of the 90s released on Tuesdays. Please subscribe to our podcast and we'll keep you gooey in 1990s love. Find us on Twitter @talk2thehandpod or email us at or
Stars of the 90s - Princess Diana - The People’s Princess
Jan 23 2024
Stars of the 90s - Princess Diana - The People’s Princess
Join us on a poignant journey as we delve into the captivating life and untimely death of Princess Diana in this special episode. From her fairy-tale wedding to Prince Charles to her iconic humanitarian efforts, we explore the various facets that defined Diana's remarkable presence. We start at the beginning, uncovering Diana's early years and her entrance into the royal family, capturing the public's imagination as the "People's Princess." As we navigate through her charitable work and the global impact of her compassionate endeavors, we reflect on her impact on the world stage. However, our narrative doesn't shy away from the challenges and controversies that marked Diana's life, including the breakdown of her marriage and the relentless media scrutiny. We explore the struggles she faced within the confines of royal traditions and her courageous efforts to redefine her role in the public eye. The episode takes a somber turn as we approach the tragic car crash in the Pont de l'Alma tunnel in Paris that claimed Diana's life at the age of 36. We examine the aftermath, the international outpouring of grief, and the enduring legacy she left behind. Join us in remembering the grace, humanity, and tragedy that defined the life of one of the most beloved figures in modern history. Talk2TheHand is an independent throwback podcast run by husband and wife, Jimmy and Beth. Obsessed with 90s nostalgia and 90s celebrities, we'll rewind the years and take you back to the greatest era of our lives.   New episodes bursting with nostalgia of the 90s released on Tuesdays. Please subscribe to our podcast and we'll keep you gooey in 1990s love. Find us on Twitter @talk2thehandpod or email us at or