Forever is a Long Time

Ian Coss

When Ian Coss decided to get married, every living member of his family who had ever been married had also gotten divorced: parents, grandparents, and all his aunts and uncles on both sides — some of them twice. Today, he has questions: What is the value of a lifetime commitment? Are we doomed to recycle the patterns of behavior we get from our ancestors? Are we all just better off alone? Forever is a Long Time is a five episode series that weaves reflection and original music through Ian’s conversations with his wife and divorced family members — a look at love with people who have made mistakes.

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Our Editor's Take

The Forever is a Long Time podcast discusses love, marriage, and divorce. Host Ian Coss is about to get married, but he has concerns. He starts the show by saying that every one of his living relatives who has gotten married has also gotten divorced. Ian wants to learn from their experiences so his marriage avoids the same fate. His family members tell their stories in each part of this five-episode series.

A lifetime commitment can seem unachievable when marriages dissolve even after decades. Ian's parents didn't reach that far in their marriage. But some of his aunts and uncles did, only to discover they were happier once separated after so many years. Forever is a Long Time explores how, in Ian's family, most divorces bring a sense of relief.

The podcast host's family offers an intimate conversation about the complexities of marriage. Ian's parents, Ellen and Tom, divorced when he was eight. He doesn't have many clear memories of it. They each tell their side of the story, and their stories are pretty different.

Next, Ian interviews his grandmother, Marianne. She appeared to oppose anything associated with authority and tradition. However, Marianne was once married to Ian's grandfather, who went to Harvard and became a lawyer. But their marriage ended in divorce, too.

The Forever is a Long Time interviews continue with Ian's Aunt Mia, Uncle Paul, Uncle Eric, and Aunt Rari. Ian adds his thoughts and original music to the conversations with his family. The interviews highlight the challenges and consequences of ending a lifelong commitment. Ian contemplates the value of a life spent alone versus pursuing lifelong companionship.

Radiotopia from PRX produces Forever is a Long Time. Listeners and critics applaud the show's storytelling, music, and sound design blend. The New York Times included it on "The 10 Best Podcasts of 2021" list. Each episode runs for about 30 minutes.

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