Share & Let's Live!

Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist

Marlene Dillon is a multi-talented single mom who's passionate about empowerment. Through her gifts of storytelling, songwriting, and her intuitive gifts, she shares insights on how to navigate life with more purpose. This podcast is called Share & Let's Live! because she believes that we all have gifts, passions, and interests that we came here to share. And as we release our reasons, beliefs, and hesitations, and begin to share them, we all get to expand. We are happier and we make our world a more beautiful place. So check out the podcast. Like, comment, and share. Oh, and a special thanks to Anno Domini Beats for the awesome track "Like That" which has become the signature sound for this podcast. Bless you for offering your music to creators like me. You're a blessing! BTW, I do cuss on this podcast, so you've been warned. These are my opinions and purely for entertainment and education. I speak freely. Share & Let's Live! with Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist's podcast and recordings are covered under the Privacy Policy, Terms, Etc. available on All rights reserved. read less


Day 6 "I Am Not You" #IMAYBE Share & Let's Live! #Podcast
May 7 2024
Day 6 "I Am Not You" #IMAYBE Share & Let's Live! #Podcast
Day 6 "I Am Not You" #IMAYBE Share & Let's Live! #Podcast Series w/ Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist It's nothing wrong with doing it my way. (Even as I wrote that I almost changed the words to "There's nothing wrong" because of that one 🙄 person who's going to read it and critique the wording. I find myself in my head editing for this imaginary critical person all the time. I constantly have to stop working because I can't even hear my thoughts clearly over the “grammar rodeo” in my head.... And that's what today is all about. I realize earlier that I am constantly comparing myself to other people…feeling inadequate and as an underachiever and as someone who can't get it right do it right do it appropriately do it like everybody else is doing it, just get in line… when I was never meant to be like them and to do it like them. On today's podcast, I added to this awesome growth the idea that I can do it my way. I am not wrong for doing things in the ways that work for me. I no longer have to make life harder for myself so that I can feel like I'm doing it the hard way, like everybody else. I've struggled enough trying to not feel like I am cheating my way through life. AND I now accept that receiving intuition and following intuition is not cheating. It's the right way… at least for me. I was never meant to make it on my own and to do it all on my own. Most of my successes if not all of them were as a result of tapping into that guidance and following it. I don't need everyone to agree with how I achieve my dreams. I'm done doing it the hard way. I'm going to rest when I feel guided to rest, I'm going to work when I feel guided to work, I'm going to do my own thing rather than be someone's employee, I'm going to raise my child the way that makes sense for me, and I'm going to take those intuitive hints and allow my life to be so much easier. There's nothing wrong with it. It's the way I'm wired. And I have absolutely no one to answer to but me. * This is an excerpt. READ THE FULL BLOG POST AT Blessings! Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist Check out today's podcast.
Day 2 "Who Are You?" #IMAYBE Share & Let's Live! #Podcast
May 3 2024
Day 2 "Who Are You?" #IMAYBE Share & Let's Live! #Podcast
Day 2 "Who Are You?" #IMAYBE Share & Let's Live! #Podcast Series w/ Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist “It’s important that we become aware of our beliefs around who we are, how life works for us, & how we expect people to treat us.” — Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist Today is day 2 in my new series #IMAYBE. Why "I May Be?" Well... for starters, because it's May. Last year, my daily podcast began with a series I called the #IMAYCHALLENGE, where I challenged myself to post daily for the entire month of May. The idea behind the "I may" part was that I was making a declaration that I was giving myself permission to do _____ ("I may"), rather than asking for external permission ("May I"). So as a nod to how this whole daily podcasting thing began, I am remixing the "I may" by adding this month's concept of shifting who "I am," (shifting from who I was to who I am allowing myself to be) which leads us to "I may be...." Sooooo... on today's podcast I began talking about how who we are impacts so much in our lives. Who we are (being how we carry ourselves, what we believe about ourselves, about what's possible for us, about how life works for us, etc.) is something that we have just come to accept. But in this month we'll be working on being aware of our B.A.E. (beliefs, affirmations, and expectations) regarding who we are. We make "I am" statements all the time, often without even noticing them. We say them aloud and to ourselves in our thoughts. Whether it's "I am broke," or "I am fat," "I am living my best life," or "I am such a disappointment," these "I am" statements are present and they are running our lives. For this month's podcast series, we'll be working on being more aware of our "I am" statements and start shifting toward what we'd rather believe, affirm, and expect for ourselves. Check out today's episode! Blessings! Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist
Day 30 "Releasing Panic: Stay in Today" #ONYOURMIND Share & Let's Live! #Podcast
Apr 30 2024
Day 30 "Releasing Panic: Stay in Today" #ONYOURMIND Share & Let's Live! #Podcast
Day 30 "Releasing Panic: Stay in Today" #ONYOURMIND Share & Let's Live! #Podcast Series w/ Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist Today's podcast is all about the lead up to next month's podcast series: #IMAYBE. Next month is a month of learning to be present and shifting our "I am." What we don't realize is the power we hold in our lives. We don't realize that how we view life, what we expect people to do, say, and think, how we expect life to show up for us, and even how we expect ourselves to show up in life is completely ruling our experience. We may not say that a specific bad fortune thing is going to happen, but we may subscribe to "Murphy's Law" that if anything can go wrong, it will go wrong for us. Then we wonder why our lives and moments constantly go to sh*t. Today's podcast is the lead up to my new daily podcast series #IMAYBE. Why "I May Be?" Well, it's about shifting who we currently are and our current expectations and experiences to embrace who we desire to be, shifting our expectations to match experiences that we truly desire. On today's episode, I give a little preview of where we're headed next month, and primarily let you know about this powerful blog post I'm sharing today. It is my personal journal entry regarding how I shifted my I am as I was falling into a habit of panic. This is an example of the work that next month will be all about. So check out to see the post. Blessings! Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist
Day 27 "I Remember You, But I Don't Miss You" #ONYOURMIND Share & Let's Live! #Podcast
Apr 27 2024
Day 27 "I Remember You, But I Don't Miss You" #ONYOURMIND Share & Let's Live! #Podcast
Day 27 "I Remember You, But I Don't Miss You" #ONYOURMIND Share & Let's Live! #Podcast Series w/ Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist "When pleasant memories from our past resurface, we often forget what it was about the connection that caused the disconnection." — Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist Sometimes we find ourselves in cycles with people. We connect, it's awesome, something happens, we disconnect, time passes, we miss them or they reach out, we reconnect, and the cycle repeats. I've done it too many times. I've even initiated the cycle.... plenty of times. I missed them. I reached out. And it was good... until it wasn't. I'm so done with that cycle. If it's over, I'm letting it stay that way. I had to teach myself that there's a difference between missing someone, and remembering them. To me, "I miss you," means I want you back in my life. So, now, when I catch myself reminiscing, and that affirmation, "I miss him/her/them," comes up, I correct myself. No, "I remember them." I might wish that the good aspects of who they are, or what we shared, could be back in my life, but the reality is that they don't show up with just the good. All of it's part of them. They're not cutting off a part of themselves, or their personality, or their tendencies. We're getting all of it. And if I don't want all of it, I don't want none of it. Stay over there. Today's podcast episode is one that's been in the works for a while.... The message has been in my mind for some time, but recent events gave me the missing piece to really drive this concept home. It's a good one. If you've never listened, or even if you have before, this is a good time to check out my podcast. Summer is coming, the weather is changing, and the chance of running into people from the past is increasing. If you have a tendency to rerun relationships, this one's for you. And if you have a friend/family/co-worker who tends to do this, share it with them. I think it can help. Check it out my podcast, Share & Let's Live! w/ Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist, on #SoundCloud #AmazonMusic #Audible and #WordPress daily! And if it blesses you, please like, follow, and share. Blessings! Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist