Share & Let's Live!

Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist

Marlene Dillon is a multi-talented single mom who's passionate about empowerment. Through her gifts of storytelling, songwriting, and her intuitive gifts, she shares insights on how to navigate life with more purpose. This podcast is called Share & Let's Live! because she believes that we all have gifts, passions, and interests that we came here to share. And as we release our reasons, beliefs, and hesitations, and begin to share them, we all get to expand. We are happier and we make our world a more beautiful place. So check out the podcast. Like, comment, and share. Oh, and a special thanks to Anno Domini Beats for the awesome track "Like That" which has become the signature sound for this podcast. Bless you for offering your music to creators like me. You're a blessing! BTW, I do cuss on this podcast, so you've been warned. These are my opinions and purely for entertainment and education. I speak freely. Share & Let's Live! with Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist's podcast and recordings are covered under the Privacy Policy, Terms, Etc. available on All rights reserved. read less


Day 27 "Right Now I'm Good" #IMAYBE Share & Let's Live! #Podcast
4d ago
Day 27 "Right Now I'm Good" #IMAYBE Share & Let's Live! #Podcast
Day 27 "Right Now I'm Good" #IMAYBE Share & Let's Live! #Podcast Series w/ Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist When I stay in today, I can see how much I have to be grateful for. When I try to figure out how things will work down the road, I'm anxious, because I don't have the answers. Today, I realized that the best thing I can do for myself is to try my best to remain focused on what matters right now in this moment. I used to feel that "serving two masters" was about religious choices. However today, I got to see another way of viewing it. As I stressed myself out earlier trying to address tomorrow's problems with today's resources, I saw that I was attempting something impossible. Today, I got a new outlook... as I was serving two masters by attempting to be in two places at once. I was living in today, with the resources needed for today. And rather than be grateful that I had what I needed for today, I was stressed out trying to figure how to get today's resources to solve next month's problems. When I let that go, and accepted that next month will take care of itself, I realized I had so much to be grateful for. I had more than enough for today's needs. Today was an eye-opening episode. To hear the full story and the lessons I gained, check out today's podcast! 🎙 WordPress: 🎙 SoundCloud: 🎙 Audible: 🎙 AmazonMusic:’s-live On my Share and Let's Live! podcast, I share tips and tools that are transforming my life and mindset every single day. If you appreciate this FREE daily podcast (and are able), please send me a tip (called a "matcha"), and/or purchase a membership as a thank you. Visit my #buymeacoffee page to listen and support. 🎙 Buymeacoffee: Visit to learn all about me, Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist.
Day 24 "I Am Choosing the Easy Route" #IMAYBE Share & Let's Live! #Podcast
1w ago
Day 24 "I Am Choosing the Easy Route" #IMAYBE Share & Let's Live! #Podcast
"You can have the hard way. I'm choosing the easy route." — Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist Day 24 "I Am Choosing the Easy Route" #IMAYBE Share & Let's Live! #Podcast Series w/ Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist Unpopular belief: hard work is overrated and tapping into guidance is not cheating. Some of us refuse to use the tools, practices, and spiritual "gifts" we have, because we feel like if we didn't work hard for it, we have an unfair advantage.... Well, I'm tired of struggling, when I know better. I know that I can sit down for 15 minutes and meditate and have the most beautifully aligned, showed up at 100% in all the roles in my life, not even tired when evening hits... type of day. I've done it so many times! But instead of doing that consistently, I spend every day worried about everything under the sun, rather than just go internal for a minute and get clear on my next steps. Why do I do that? Because our society teaches us that if you didn't work hard for it, you're cheating the system. If you you get help, that's unfair to those who are on their grind. We're taught that "nothing good comes easy." "No pain, no gain." It's only of value if it comes through "blood, sweat, and tears." Dafuq? Yeah, no. I'm over that. I've struggled enough. I've fought enough. I've tried the hard way long enough.... Maybe sitting still to get clarity is annoying because I am trained to "get up and go." However, I know that sitting still for those 15 minutes, can give me everything I need to have THE MOST productive, successful, fun, amazing day! I can proudly grab my "cheat sheet" at the start of my day and get so much more accomplished than I would "hitting the ground running." I'm over being in angst, frustrated, and just getting an eighth of my tasks done.... only being great at one or two of my roles in any given day. I want to enjoy my life. I want to have more successes. I want to feel aligned throughout my day. I'm over trying to keep up with what society says, and what this business coach says, and what that influencer says. I'm going to make a commitment to getting MY personalized instructions for my day, and to check back in throughout the day. I'm done going it alone. It's too uphill and exhausting. I'm prioritizing connecting with my inner knowing and so I can move forward with ease. I'm done struggling for the good life. That finish line keeps gettin farther away. I'm gonna let it flow in with ease by following higher guidance. I'm going to meditate and seek higher guidance. I don't care, if that's "not the way it's done." That sh*t works! Every. Single. Time. Blessings! Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist
Day 22 "Blame Can Be Useful" #IMAYBE Share & Let's Live! #Podcast
May 22 2024
Day 22 "Blame Can Be Useful" #IMAYBE Share & Let's Live! #Podcast
Day 22 "Blame Can Be Useful" #IMAYBE Share & Let's Live! #Podcast Series w/ Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist In our society, it's often viewed as irresponsible, petty, and immature to place blame outside of ourselves. Today, I acknowledged that blame is an important step toward inner healing. A lot of people feel it's necessary to have a conversation with a person who has wronged them and hear the individual admit to, and apology for, their wrongs. I personally don't feel this is necessary (although it can be helpful and affirming). When I say that blame can be an important step, I mean that acknowledging where the problem started is important. Telling the person who did it that they are wrong and blah blah blah is not as important. We don't have to ever tell them AND I believe it's necessary that we tell ourselves. Far too often those who have been hurt continue to hurt themselves by placing the blame on their own shoulders. "If I had been smarter...." "If I wasn't at that place at that time...." "If I had just listened more and followed directions, they wouldn't have...." We have an endless flow of what ifs that place the blame on us, when in many situations, those details do not change the fact that someone did something toward us that they shouldn't have. People who have been victimized, abused, or otherwise mistreated, tend to be self-critical. On today's episode of Share and Let's Live! I talk about how this practice hinders healing. If someone threw me in a pit and is now looking down on me telling me I'm a loser for being in a pit, I shouldn't be joining in with them thinking, "They're right. Look at me in this pit. I'm a loser." That doesn't even make sense. But an adult that struggles with insecurities due to what they don't have, or have yet to become, will wallow in that state feeling bad about themselves without ever thinking, "I wonder where my self-esteem issues started." If they took the time to ponder this, they may come to realize that the reason they aren't ahead of the game is because they had an extremely critical and verbally abusive adult in their home environment that tore down their confidence. That same critical adult still criticizes them to this day. So the same person who caused their issues, is looking down on them complaining about their issues. It's in acknowledging the absurdity of this—and in naming the real cause—that they are able to truly begin to move forward. It's really hard to pull yourself up when you're weighed down by self-criticism and #blame. Check out today's podcast. Blessings! Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist
Day 20 "Thank You For Listening" #IMAYBE Share & Let's Live! #Podcast
May 21 2024
Day 20 "Thank You For Listening" #IMAYBE Share & Let's Live! #Podcast
Day 20 "Thank " #IMAYBE Share and Let's Live! #Podcast Series w/ Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist On social media the title of this podcast is, "Don't Listen to My Podcast." Why on earth would I tell people don't listen to my podcast? Well, I mean, I would love for everybody to listen. But the reality is that everybody isn't my target. Everybody isn't aligned with my topics. Not everybody can handle my free spirit and cussing. Even my Dad was going to check it out, but I told him don't. 😆 I create for the people who are calling in what I create. I am sharing for those meant to find value in the words I share. I am podcasting daily for you, who may hear my podcast the same day, or in a week, a month, or even a year from now on the exact day, at the exact time that it's relevant for you. I do this for you. It's not about me. I enjoy creating so yeah that part's about me. But I created it for you. I'm talking to you, when I grab the mic. I'm trusting my words will reach you. So, thank you for being here. Thank you for sending out the desire for this work so I get to create it. Thank you for helping me find my voice by giving me a reason to speak. So.... today's podcast is about realizing that I don't want people to listen because they feel they're doing me a favor. I want people to listen for them and to gain value from what I create and share. A major shift has happened for me where I feel really aligned with knowing the value of what I offer and not needing the numbers to feel valid. I want listeners who are here because you feel like being here, not because you feel bad that you haven't checked out my podcast before. So feel free to listen (to this one or any other's you feel called to), or not. 😆 It's all up to you. Blessings! Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist
Day 18 "Eliminate Irritations" #IMAYBE Share & Let's Live! #Podcast
May 18 2024
Day 18 "Eliminate Irritations" #IMAYBE Share & Let's Live! #Podcast
Day 18 "Eliminate Irritations" #IMAYBE Share & Let's Live! #Podcast Series w/ Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist “Whether it’s to set a designated spot for our keys, add extra hooks to a closet, or buy a new charger, we can eliminate daily irritations by creating solutions.” — Marlene Dillon Empowerment Specialist On today's podcast, I'm talking about how we can bring more peace, ease, and bliss to our lives by addressing common annoyances. Whether it's to purchase an extra hamper for the kids' room, to designate a spot for your glasses, or to finally call Navient back about your student loans 🙄, we can find solutions for unnecessary irritations so we have more energy for the stuff in life that matters. I created this podcast to inspire you and others by sharing my self-empowerment journey. I do this for free so I can reach more people. I remember how devastating it was for me wanting to heal and grow, but I didn't have the money to afford the resources. For that reason, no matter what bank account looks like, I intend to always have a significant free offering. On my Share & Let's Live! podcast, I share tips and tools that are transforming my life and mindset every single day. If you appreciate this FREE daily podcast (and are able), please send me a matcha or purchase a membership to support at ***If you're unable, please know I understand.*** Thank you so much for being here. Enjoy the podcast!