Epic Entrepreneurs

Bill Gilliland

Welcome to Epic Entrepreneurs! What does it take to build a real and thriving business in today’s world? As entrepreneurs and business owners, we went into business to have more freedom of time and money. Yet, the path of growing a business isn’t always filled with sunshine and rainbows. In this chart-topping show, host Bill Gilliland; author of the best-selling book “The Coach Approach” leverages his decades of experience coaching proven entrepreneurs to make more money, grow the right teams, and find the freedom of EPIC Entrepreneurship.

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Client Relationship With June Thomas
May 23 2024
Client Relationship With June Thomas
Welcome to this week's episode of Epic Entrepreneurs, brought to you by Action Coach Growth Partners. I'm your host, Bill Gilliland, and in today's podcast, we're diving into the world of entrepreneurship with insights from real entrepreneurs to help you on your journey.In this episode, we meet June Thomas, the owner of a boutique graphic design firm in Nashville, North Carolina. June shares her experience of running a small, close-knit team that provides both print and digital design services. She discusses the importance of having an intimate relationship with clients, understanding their needs, and providing tailored solutions. June also emphasizes the value of finding a niche that aligns with personal values, which, in her case, is the health food industry.June's journey from a solo entrepreneur to leading a team is filled with lessons on hiring, maintaining client relationships, and creating processes that streamline work. She talks about the challenges and rewards of managing a team and the importance of commitment, planning, education, and inspiration in growing a successful business.Tune in to gain actionable advice and strategies to enhance your entrepreneurial journey. And if you like the podcast, remember to subscribe and share it with fellow entrepreneurs!Being a Business Owner is Lonely. But It Doesn't Have to Be...Join The Entrepreneur Experience. Be sure to visit BizRadio.US to discover hundreds more engaging conversations, regional events and more.
Leadership Potential with Brad Sugars
Apr 23 2024
Leadership Potential with Brad Sugars
Bill Gilliland, the  host of the Epic Entrepreneurs podcast, welcomes Brad Sugars, a visionary entrepreneur and founder of one of the world's largest business coaching companies. In this engaging and informative episode, Bill delves into Brad's entrepreneurial mindset, exploring his journey from youth to building a global empire in business coaching.Brad begins by defining what an entrepreneur is: someone who turns an idea into a profitable organization. He shares his own journey, recalling how at 21, he declared his plan to build the world's largest coaching company despite others' doubts. Today, his company spans 83 countries with over 1100 partners.The conversation delves into Brad's entrepreneurial philosophy. He emphasizes the importance of investing in young people with innovative, global ideas, sharing his belief that any business can succeed with the right strategy. For Brad, the secret lies in constant learning and inspiring others.Throughout the episode, Brad and Bill explore key topics, from the difference between management and leadership to the importance of ongoing education and strategic planning. Brad offers valuable insights, stressing that business success relies not just on the idea or product, but on the strategy behind the business.The conversation comes alive with stories and practical examples. Brad shares his vision of entrepreneurship's role in transforming people's lives and how the right blend of management and leadership can build lasting successful organizations.This episode of Epic Entrepreneurs is an inspiring journey for entrepreneurs and leaders seeking practical and strategic knowledge to propel their businesses to the next level. Listeners are invited to learn from Brad Sugars unique experience and be inspired by his bold, innovative approach to global entrepreneurship.Being a Business Owner is Lonely. But It Doesn't Have to Be...Join The Entrepreneur Experience. Be sure to visit BizRadio.US to discover hundreds more engaging conversations, regional events and more.
Sales With Mike Bosworth
Apr 16 2024
Sales With Mike Bosworth
In this episode of Epic Entrepreneurs, Bill Gilliland interviews Mike Bosworth, a seasoned sales trainer and founder of Story Seekers. Mike shares his journey from reluctant beginnings in sales at Xerox in the 1970s to becoming a leading influence in sales training and engagement strategies through storytelling. He emphasizes the importance of building trust and genuine emotional connections with customers to drive business success.After his experience at Xerox, Mike founded Solutions and Selling in 1983, adopting an innovative affiliate model instead of a traditional employee structure. This allowed for the expansion of his reach and the licensing of his intellectual property, facilitating business growth. Later in 2008, he launched Story Seekers to assist technical professionals such as engineers and finance experts in mastering the art of storytelling to create impactful emotional connections with customers.Throughout the episode, Mike shares his sales philosophy, highlighting the role of the salesperson as a solution facilitator rather than just a persuader. He stresses the importance of emotional intelligence  and the strategic use of storytelling to inspire followers and build genuine relationships with customers. Join Bill and Mike in this captivating conversation about the transformative power of narrative in business leadership and sales strategies.Being a Business Owner is Lonely. But It Doesn't Have to Be...Join The Entrepreneur Experience. Be sure to visit BizRadio.US to discover hundreds more engaging conversations, regional events and more.
Business Growth With Louise Bijesse
Apr 1 2024
Business Growth With Louise Bijesse
Welcome to Epic Entrepreneurs, the podcast where we delve deep into the journeys of remarkable entrepreneurs who have charted their own paths to success. I'm your host, Bill Gilliland, and today we have a special guest, Louise Bijesse, founder of Up Talent Consulting and Up Talent Search, based in Fairview, North Carolina.Louise shares her inspiring story, from her beginnings as a chef to her transition into HR and talent acquisition. With over 25 years of experience in the industry.Throughout the episode, Louise reflects on the pivotal moments in her career, including starting her own staffing company and later transitioning into consulting. She discusses the importance of adaptability and continuous learning, emphasizing the need for entrepreneurs to stay agile in today's rapidly changing business landscape.As Louise shares her insights on hiring, team building, and business planning, listeners gain valuable advice on building successful ventures. From the significance of education to the power of commitment, each episode of Epic Entrepreneurs offers practical wisdom for aspiring and seasoned business leaders alike.Join us as we explore the epic journeys of entrepreneurs like Louise Bijesse, uncovering the strategies and lessons that have propelled them to success. Tune in to Epic Entrepreneurs for inspiring stories, actionable insights, and a closer look at the entrepreneurial spirit.Being a Business Owner is Lonely. But It Doesn't Have to Be...Join The Entrepreneur Experience. Be sure to visit BizRadio.US to discover hundreds more engaging conversations, regional events and more.
Crafting the Ultimate Team: The Secret to Hiring for Entrepreneurial Success
Feb 12 2024
Crafting the Ultimate Team: The Secret to Hiring for Entrepreneurial Success
Discover the transformative power of meticulous hiring to unlock the freedom and flexibility you've been dreaming of as a business owner. This week's conversation is all about ditching the lazy approach to recruitment, sparked by my own eye-opening adventure in seeking a marketing manager. Through my experience, we'll dissect the crucial steps to attract stellar candidates and why the common "post-and-pray" method falls short. We'll navigate the art of marketing your open positions, handling a flood of applications, and the paramount importance of clarity in the 'who' and 'what' when fishing for that diverse pool of potential hires.Strap in for a masterclass on building your dream team, whether they're just around the corner or across the globe. We're peeling back the layers on how to effectively cast your recruitment net far and wide, ensuring you snag not just any team member, but the right one. From local talent to virtual mavens, this episode is brimming with actionable insights to help you construct a robust team that propels you towards your entrepreneurial aspirations. Don't miss out on these golden nuggets of wisdom that could spell the difference between merely running a business and leading a powerhouse.Being a Business Owner is Lonely. But It Doesn't Have to Be...Join The Entrepreneur Experience. Be sure to visit BizRadio.US to discover hundreds more engaging conversations, regional events and more.
Turning Dreams into Reality: Stacy Fields' Entrepreneurial Journey from Raspberry Farm to Bakery
Oct 23 2023
Turning Dreams into Reality: Stacy Fields' Entrepreneurial Journey from Raspberry Farm to Bakery
Have you dreamt of stepping away from the humdrum of corporate life and delving into entrepreneurial ventures of your own? Well, our guest today, Stacy Fields, did just that. With her family, she embarked on a journey of transforming a raspberry farm in Fletcher, North Carolina into a successful business venture, despite having no prior farming experience. Stacy's story is a masterclass in the power of hard work, research, and understanding the industry and its customer base. Her insights on making calculated decisions driven by logic and financial analysis are invaluable lessons for budding entrepreneurs.Stacy didn't stop at the farm though. She navigated the complex terrain of starting a bakery, Mini Batch Bakery, from navigating through legal considerations to managing logistics in a confined space. She shares with us the intricacies of starting a business and how to make informed business decisions. Stacy's story is a testament to the importance of education and commitment in building successful businesses. Stacy is not just an entrepreneur, she's an inspiration for anyone with dreams of starting their own business. She shares her faith, her inspiration, and the importance of steadfast commitment to turning dreams into reality. Tune in to hear her incredible journey of building an incredible business and legacy.Raspberry Fields - Sustainable Farm - Hendersonville, North Carolina https://www.bing.com/ck/https://www.bing.com/ck/Being a Business Owner is Lonely. But It Doesn't Have to Be...Join The Entrepreneur Experience. Be sure to visit BizRadio.US to discover hundreds more engaging conversations, regional events and more.
Navigating the Business Landscape w? Holly Fisher: From Journalism to Marketing Entrepreneurship
Oct 16 2023
Navigating the Business Landscape w? Holly Fisher: From Journalism to Marketing Entrepreneurship
Join us on our exciting journey with Holly Fisher, the creative mind behind Fisher Creative Marketing, as we unravel her inspiring transition from journalism to marketing. This enlightening episode is an opportunity to gain insights from Holly's entrepreneurial experience and learn valuable lessons about setting up a business, like understanding when to expand and how to price services effectively.Switching gears, the conversation delves deeper into our own entrepreneurial journey. We share our evolution from social media marketing to strategy development, reflecting our determination to keep pace with a rapidly changing marketplace. We outline our goals, describe our ideal clients, and emphasize the significance of a compelling website story. To cap off this enlightening discussion, Holly underscores the critical role of planning, inspiration, and commitment to achieving business success. So, whether you're an entrepreneur in the making or a seasoned professional, this episode promises to equip you with actionable insights to steer your business toward new heights. Tune in and get ready to transform your business narrative.Services - Fisher Creative (fisher-creative.com)Holly FisherBeing a Business Owner is Lonely. But It Doesn't Have to Be...Join The Entrepreneur Experience. Be sure to visit BizRadio.US to discover hundreds more engaging conversations, regional events and more.