Paranomaly Beyond Disclosure

The Truth Is Out There

Paranomaly is a weekly podcast focusing on the Paranormal, Supernatural & Metaphysical. Join us for thought-provoking discussions on paranormal phenomena, conspiracies and all things unexplained, as we talk to Researchers and Investigators about Ghosts & Hauntings, UFOs & Aliens, Urban Legends, Cryptids, and so much more. read less
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Coming up on this episode of Paranomaly Beyond Disclosure (April 8th): We are talking with Debz Shakti.
Apr 9 2024
Coming up on this episode of Paranomaly Beyond Disclosure (April 8th): We are talking with Debz Shakti.
Debz Shakti is a professional Quantum Hypnotherapist, Open Channel amd Psychic Medium, offering other professional Psi services, including Energy Alchemy, ET Contact & Paranormal Experience Counseling. She lovingly hosts a long-standing, local CE-5 Contact & Consciousness group, and is an active member of several international CE-5 Contact teams, leading retreats and researching the infinite nature of Consciousness. She is the Associate Producer of the award-winning film, “Alien Abduction: Answers.” Her work as the Quantum Hypnotherapist, assisting John Yost, (RIP), the filmmaker, as well as with all the Experiencers in the film is highly featured.  All Experiencers in the film, except the prolific author and thought-leader, Whitley Strieber, are her clients.   She has many decades of professional service, working with such people, (and many others, seeking self-discovery and clarity about the nature of Consciousness).    Debz’ new, top-rated Podcast, Hidden Variables, spotlights fascinating people, famous and not-yet-famous, for interesting, beneficial and incredible contributions to the further evolution of the human race and our planet.   Debz Shakti was born with most of what she affectionately calls her "super powers" switched on, what others may call the PSI Gifts.  She also cherishes a lifetime of daily (almost constant) contact with the various forms of Consciousness, including ETs, Inter-Dimensionals, Orbs, Celestials, Ultra-Terrestrials, and more. She has always perceived and been able to live/work multi-dimensionally. She channels the ultra-wise group entity known as the Star Teachers, as well as other highly advanced BEings, who say they are US, having evolved to a much higher, more positive and co-creative frequency.   She works with all types of Energy Healing modalities, and is a lifelong Yogi and Yoga, Breath Work, Meditation, Mantra Teacher. She also spent much of her life as a competitive athlete, and is a former National Champion Martial Artist, Published Author and much more. Debz Shakti loves everyone, our planet and everything that makes up LIFE! She is doing her best to work her purpose/dharma - to assist as many as possible to become consciously, balanced and sustained in Self-Awareness. Most of all, to BE and share and teach LOVE. Website: YouTube: TikTok: Facebook:  Instagram:  Linked in:
On this episode of Paranomaly (March 18th) we are talking with Daniel Benoit
Mar 19 2024
On this episode of Paranomaly (March 18th) we are talking with Daniel Benoit
E.C.B.R.O.East Coast Bigfoot Researchers OrganizationDaniel J. BenoitFounder & Researcher(Cryptozoologist) As a child growing up exploring the outdoors and hunting with his father, Daniel became quite familiar with wildlife at an early age. He heard stories of bigfoot but it wasn’t until he saw the Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin film in 2010 that a fire of curiosity sparked within him. It was then he decided he would take what he knew about the outdoors and start his own research into the elusive creature.Around that time, the subject of Bigfoot was becoming slightly less taboo and more open for discussion. And thanks to social media, bigfoot communities started developing. It was there that Daniel soon began researching reported sightings and commonalities between them; tree structures and their possible meanings; different theories as to what bigfoot is; and footprints versus known wildlife tracks. He also began studying great apes and the similarities they share with bigfoot such as long howls, whoops, tree knocks and tree-structure formations, as well as the comparisons to the various characteristics and Behaviors.He went into the woods with heightened awareness and an open mind and it wasn’t long before he discovered large, bipedal humanoid tracks. At that very moment, what started as a fire of curiosity turned into a passion and the East Coast Bigfoot Researchers Organization (E.C.B.R.O.) was born.Since then, Daniel has conducted fieldwork in several deep remote locations all along the east coast. And on one of those investigations in his home state of Virginia, he would have his first sighting: a family of Bigfoots. But Daniel states that he was a “knower” of bigfoots existence prior to even seeing them based on all the other data that has been collected both from his own research and fellow colleagues in association with the ECBRO.Daniel has spoken at several events along the east coast and has been featured in the following Bigfoot documentaries “Elusive Legend – An E.C.B.R.O. Story”. Also Starring in The Beast Of Elkhorn Lake on Hometown Haunts Series found on Paraflixx, and Featured on Hunt for the Shawnee Sasquatch Which was filmed in Illinois And coming soon - I BELIEVE IN BIGFOOT. He has also been the featured guest on numerous podcasts & radio shows and hosts a podcast called “ECBRO Bigfoot Radio”. He is also an author of bigfoot research field guides and has his own YouTube Channel called “Bigfoot Zone (ECBRO)”.He decided to start the ECBRO to not only develop a strong community of researchers but to also educate and bring awareness to everyone. Because everyone deserves to know the truth and learn what is out there. Daniel started hosting public lectures at libraries, sharing his research and his Scientific based beliefs. Daniel has also spoke at Universities in Virginia and has gotten the attention of Skeptics with his views on the Subject.
Coming up on the next episode of Paranomaly Podcast ( Feb 19th ), we will be talking with Eric Altman
Feb 20 2024
Coming up on the next episode of Paranomaly Podcast ( Feb 19th ), we will be talking with Eric Altman
Eric Altman is a Cryptozoologist and Paranormal enthusiast specializing in researching the Bigfoot/Sasquatch phenomenon with a combined 43 years of study, field research, and investigations.  Eric is a well-respected field investigator, contributing author, founder, and Director of the Pennsylvania Cryptozoology Society and one of the founding members and Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society.  Eric was also the host and co-founder of Beyond the Edge Radio, a live weekly radio program covering a variety of paranormal and fringe topics for over 12 years from 2007 to 2019.  Eric is and has actively investigated cases, sighting claims, and continues to conduct fieldwork dating back to 1997.  He has investigated and assisted in investigating over 250 cases of Bigfoot sightings, encounters, and claims in Pennsylvania and across the country.  Eric was a host and organizer of the East Coast Bigfoot Conference from 2000 to 2011.  In 2016,  Eric has served as the organizer, planner and host of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Camping Adventure, an annual charity fund raising event which is coming up on the fourth upcoming 2024 Pennsylvania Bigfoot Camping Adventure.    Eric is a much sought-after public speaker on the topics of Bigfoot and other Cryptids.  For over 25 years lecturing and presented across the country.    Eric has appeared in various documentaries, films, and television programs about Bigfoot.  The most recent documentaries include Sasquatch Unearthed; The Ridge and Mountain Devil 3.  He appeared on the Travel Channel’s  “Paranormal Declassified,” an episode of the Discovery Plus series “Fright Club” and an upcoming episode on Bigfoot on the History Channel.  Eric has written for and contributed to several books and magazine articles on the subject.  Eric has been interviewed on hundreds of national radio programs and appeared as a featured guest on countless internet podcast shows. He has appeared in countless newspaper, magazine articles, and various forms of print media.  To learn more about Eric, visit his websites,  And  https:
Maureen Grudzinski  - Psychic medium, Business owner, Owner of the podcast “Dimensions of the Supernatural”, Co-creator of "Escape from the Paranormal”
Nov 7 2023
Maureen Grudzinski  - Psychic medium, Business owner, Owner of the podcast “Dimensions of the Supernatural”, Co-creator of "Escape from the Paranormal”
Maureen was gifted since childhood with psychic abilities. She was ironically working as a department head and Social Security Disability case manager for a law firm when she became very sick. Her illness  increased the psychic abilities by heightening all her senses, including her 6th sense. Unable to work a regular 9-5 job, due to black outs, Maureen used her psychic abilities to help others gain closure, after a loved one passed away, and felt things in her town needed a change, she became the mayor. As mayor, it afforded her the ability to officiate weddings, and continue after she retained office.  Maureen opened a business called "A Lil' Witchy", which specializes in Usui reiki and angel healing, tarot card readings and mediumship, past life regression, psychometry, pendulum healings and readings, home and structural cleansings, tarot and reiki parties and paranormal investigations. Recently, "Magikal Matrimonial's by A Lil' Witchy" was created and weddings were added.  Maureen has just celebrated her year anniversary with podcast "Dimensions of the Supernatural" along with co-host Anthony Simonelli. She has been a guest on many podcasts and radio shows, as well.  In the last year, Maureen has gotten involved in television, also. She has been a re-enactor in several of Nick Groff's episodes of Death Walker, is the psychic medium in a few episodes of a paranormal TV reality show, and is the psychic medium, co-creator, producer, casting director and location director of her own upcoming reality paranormal show,  "Escape from the Paranormal", with business partner, Alfred MacArthur.  She is also working on another exciting show with Alfie and her husband, Todd, "No Man's Land". A pay per view show about 2 highly trained men, rescuing a celebrity, while fighting off and evading, 14 Special Forces soldiers. Maureen rounds out her profile as a manager for talented people in the industry.  These things all keep her busy and she loves what she does, but her first loves are husband, Todd, children Kristopher (28) and Isabel (18) , and grandchildren, Kade (3) and Emily (7)