Kingdom Building

Richard E

A heavenly perspective to earthly issues. Living a much more abundant life. Allowing love to consume us in our every day life. Leaving all the junk that weighs us down and rising above to a realm of joy, rest and bliss! Overcoming the problems and trials of this life from a heavenly perspective. We can be contacted at
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Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Episode 76: Deconstruct to Reconstruct
May 15 2024
Episode 76: Deconstruct to Reconstruct
Deconstruct to Reconstruct / God wants to deconstruct some things in us so he can reconstruct a more perfect you.Most of us if not all of us have believed in a false identity of who we think we are. Deconstruct to reconstruct allows us the ability to find our true identity, who we really are and who God really is.Deconstruction – to break something down into its separate parts in order to understand its meaning, especially when this is different from how it was previously understood.If this sounds harsh, please believe me, we love the church (people) and its leaders. Most leaders are doing their best to bring the gospel as they see fit. The problem is when they are not open to another view or they try to control people with their man-made rules and regulations, they have taken on a pharisaical spirit. No one can say that they know it all and have no need to learn more. That is the problem with many denominations. If you come up with a truth that God shared with you, that goes against their belief system, to remain a member, you must stop believing it or leave that denomination. That is nonsense and not of God. There is too much fear in the body of Christ of moving on with the Lord. We have been programmed to believe that God can be figured out and we are to believe what the church leaders say, regardless of what God is saying. I have heard pastors who have received a word from the Lord but were afraid to deliver it to the congregation in fear of people leaving. I say to that pastor, deliver that word without fear. God will handle the outcome.Isa said that God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid.Reconstruct - to build or create again something that has been damaged or destroyed. Restoring, rebuilding, and repairing. to abandon earlier positions, beliefs, etc.; cause to adjust to new or current situations: to re-create in the mind.We must have an open pliable heart before God. Let’s give him our whole heart to work with. After all, he said that if we seek him with our whole heart, we will find him.
Episode 75: The Bible Within the Bible
May 8 2024
Episode 75: The Bible Within the Bible
What comes to mind when you think about this topic? How can there be a Bible within the Bible?You might think it strange, but we will not be discussing the book; we are going to talk about what God is doing in us. The kingdom of God is within, and we are told to seek first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. What are all these things? All our needs and that he will supply. That is what we are talking about today.The writer of Hebrews puts it this way, I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts:If you feel like the heavens are brass and you are having a difficult time connecting with God, we have some awesome news today. Maybe you read the Bible for hours, but you don’t understand what you have just read? You may feel confused or feel stagnate, you can change that today by bringing your open, teachable heart to the Lord. Don’t let fear or something somebody has said to you stand in the way of a deeper walk with the Lord. Jesus is telling us that there is a lot more than what you are hearing at your local church and what we are even saying on Kingdom Building. Be hungry, dive into the deep waters. Trust the Holy Spirit as your teacher, and he won’t let you go so deep that you drown. He knows just what you have need of before you ask. Fear will hold you back from learning and understanding the Bible within the Bible. There are so many layers to the Bible. When you come with an open, teachable heart, not only will the written word become more alive to you, but you will also begin to hear the rhema voice of the Lord more clearly than ever before. My sheep knows my voice.
Episode 73: How Do We Learn to Love?
Apr 24 2024
Episode 73: How Do We Learn to Love?
How Do We Learn to LoveMany folks only want to love those who love them. It is easy to love those who love us; however, we are called to love the unlovely unconditionally as God loves us unconditionally. The world does not see love the way God sees it. Why does God expect us to love murderers, thieves, or politicians (just kidding). Today we are going to discuss the more difficult side of love. The part we must learn. We must learn to love. In order to walk in love, grow in love, manifest love and release love, we must first learn to love. Our egos stand in the way of loving God and others. The ego is selfish and self-serving. We must re-learn or deconstruct what our carnal, fleshly thinking has taught us about love and have our mind re-newed by the mind of Christ. The flesh says, I am going to get what’s mine or it’s all about me. What the ego says is I am the most important and smartest person in the room.  Ego love is based on personality and is selfish, lawless, and fickle. The humble Christ mind love says, how can I help to make someone’s day. Lord, who can I serve today, how can I get this person to smile and help them believe that God and I really love them.Why does God want us to learn how to love?Learn: to gain knowledge or understanding by study, instruction, or experience. Learning from experience is the big one. If we learn from our experience, we will be more loving. We will make mistakes along the way but always realize that he is constantly working in us what is pleasing in his sight. We are all a work in progress. So don’t be too hard on yourself.
Episode 65: Seeing, Entering and Experiencing the Kingdom
Feb 21 2024
Episode 65: Seeing, Entering and Experiencing the Kingdom
There is a lot of talk about the kingdom of heaven/God, but do we really understand what it is, where it is and how to get there?Jesus told Nic (John 3:3) that you can’t even see the kingdom unless you are born again, born from above, born of the Spirit. After seeing the kingdom, you can check it out from afar, but you still haven’t entered or experienced the kingdom. Once you enter the kingdom, you have just walked through the gate, which is a big step. A much bigger step than seeing it from afar, but you haven’t experienced anything yet. I can remember as a kid going to coney Island and my dad would pull up to the gate and I could finally see the sign and my expectation was heightened, but then we entered through the gate and I could see the pool and the rides and I got more excited, but none of that could compare to the exhilaration of that first ride on the roller coaster and then a swim in the pool. Now I was experiencing the park.There is a progression in this journey of ours. See the kingdom, enter the kingdom and experience the kingdom. Jesus compared it to a mustard seed. Something that starts out very small and grows into something big. Small thoughts of truth grow into an abiding place of a larger, higher range of thoughts. For more information on the mustard seed look up our podcast,  Everything you need is in the seed.If you would like a copy of Jim's poems or you would like to contact us, email us at:kingdombuilding73@gmail.comThanks for listening.
Episode 64: Come Out From Among Them
Feb 14 2024
Episode 64: Come Out From Among Them
Come Out from Among Them/Come out of BabylonMost people think Paul was saying to not associate with unbelievers. Taking it literally, it definitely seems that way, but we are going to show you what we think that verse is really talking about. If you are of the mind that we are to never associate ourselves with unbelievers, you would have to take Luke 15 out of the Bible, because that would go against the teachings and actions of Jesus. The religious people criticized Jesus because he did associate with non – believers. It is clear in Luke 15 that Jesus spent time and broke bread with unbelievers and was heavily criticized by the religious leaders.So, what is he saying when he said, Come out from among them. On one hand, we are not to associate with unbelievers and on the other hand, how can we share the love of God without associating with unbelievers? He is not saying stay away from unbelievers, he is saying don’t allow yourself to take part in a lower lifestyle. Jesus was around them, but his mission was to have them join in with him not join in with them. He was taking them up to a higher place, where they had never been before. He was bidding them to come up here. The mind is the battlefield (spiritual Armageddon). Our soul, which is our mind, intellect, will and emotions, must submit to the Spirit (the mind of Christ) that resides in us. God has equipped us to fight these battles in our mind. We can overcome in this fight; however, we must realize it is a process. Our part is to have the desire in our heart to allow him to change us and he has already put that desire in us.Toreceive free peoms or to contact us:kingdombuilding73@gmail.comThanks for listening.
Episode 61:  Breakthrough - God is a God of Breakthroughs
Jan 17 2024
Episode 61: Breakthrough - God is a God of Breakthroughs
Breakthrough is avaliable to everyone.David ask God for breakthrough with his enemies and God delivered into David's hands.The Hebrew word perazim means breach or breakthough. We are called to be repairers of the breech. Something doesn’t need repaired if it isn’t broken. So, there is hope for those things that are broken. Right now, Jesus is available to repair what is broken in our lives. In a similar way, the Savior repaired the breach, or distance, between us and Heavenly Father, which is the most important thing we can let him do.The concept of "The Breaker Anointing" is the ability to call on God to break through any spiritual hindrance either individually or corporately, that would impede His Kingdom and His purposes for the Church in this age. Jesus is the Breaker who goes before us.The anointing breaks the yokes that hinder us physically, emotionally and spiritually. One definition of yoke is an arched device formerly laid on the neck of a defeated person. Sometimes we feel defeated and broke down. This is not a permanent condition. Betrayals, emotional hurts, being easily offended, abandonment, loneliness, fears, limitations, negative words and much more. What does it mean to yoke with Jesus? After all he said, my burden is easy and my yoke is light. The reason a yoke would be light is because the one you are yoked up with is doing most of the work. I said most not all. We have our part to do. It means to put ourselves under His rule, to join together with Him. He is inviting people to put their shoulders into a new yoke, one in which He is the yoke mate. And He promises that, as they submit to His authority and are yoked with Him, they will find rest for their souls.Contact us at kingdombuilding@gmail.comCopies of Jim's poems can be sent out for free.Thank you for listening,Richard E
Episode 59: Wisdom From Above
Jan 5 2024
Episode 59: Wisdom From Above
Wisdom From Above - The Spirit of WisdomThis topic is vast and deserves time to lay a firm foundation.Ask, seek and knock. All we have to do if we lack wisdom in any given situation is to ask seek and knock on wisdoms door and it will be opened up to us. It sounds easy doesn’t it? It is that easy. Today we are going to take wisdom to another level and discuss with you one of the 7 spirits of the Lord, wisdom. The Holy Spirit is omnipresent, meaning everywhere, but the 7 spirits are designed specifically for us, because we need the 7 spirits of the Lord for God to develop maturity in Christ and live our best life here on earth.The Lord holds great significance on the number 7. This number symbolizes completion or perfection. 3 and 7 are the most important numbers in the Bible. Always take special attention when these numbers are mentioned and don’t forget, God rested on the 7th day. I believe we have entered the 7th day spiritually speaking. Rest does not mean doing nothing, rest means relying on and trusting in the fact that God is in control, and we can rest in that fact. He’s got this. Whatever your situation is, he’s got this.7 Spirits Before His Throne (1:4) = 7 Lamps (4:5) = 7 Spirits of God (4:5) = 7 Spirits of God sent into all the earth (5:6) = 7 Eyes of the Lamb (Christ) (5:6) = 7 Angels who stand before God and blow the 7 trumpets (8:2) = 7 Angels of the 7 Churches who received the 7 letters from Christ (2:1,8,12,18; 3:1,7,14) = 7 Spirits before the throne who sent the 7 Letters to the 7 Churches (1:4). (All these scripture references are found in the book of Revelations)God made it easy. Ask for Godly wisdom and you will receive it. It is not based on your performance. The gifts are without repentance. He gives them unregrettably and they are irrevocable. That means you don’t have to squall and bawl to get them. The Bible says that all we must do is desire his gifts and the Father of Lights will provide. Please sit back and enjoy this wonderful gift called wisdom.We can be reached at