Don't Buy The Bull

Cassandra T.

Welcome to "Don't Buy the Bull", a podcast dedicated to unmasking the truth behind how so-called trusted Wall Street institutions and the American government really work.

I'm your host, Cassandra Toroian, (call me Cass).  I am a 25-year veteran of the investment business, both as an ex-investment manager and Wall Street Journal all-star analyst.  I've started and sold companies, written a book called "Don't Buy the Bull" and even been sued by the government!

I'm passionate about sharing my knowledge and experiences to give a glimpse into how things like Wall Street and the federal government really work so YOU can make better decisions by yourself about your life and your money.

What you'll get here is a combination of big-picture market stuff, the economy, what and how the markets really function, and how they interact with our government and political institutions.

So if you want to learn how to make the secret sauce yourself, stand by....and let's go.

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Blockchain Gaming with Andrew Wagner
3d ago
Blockchain Gaming with Andrew Wagner
In episode 9 of Don’t Buy The Bull, Cassandra Toroian interviews Andrew Wagner, a prominent figure in the gaming technology industry, as they discuss the impact of blockchain on gaming, investment opportunities, and the future of decentralized gaming.Tune in to learn more about the exciting intersection of blockchain and gaming!TIMESTAMPS[00:02:46] Blockchain gaming technology.[00:07:32] Decentralized gaming on the rise.[00:12:31] Blockchain gaming industry challenges.[00:13:45] Blockchain gaming and adoption.[00:19:28] Blockchain in the gaming industry.[00:23:04] Play-to-earn model on blockchain.QUOTES“People always argue about if you can afford that if you did pay for that, if the receipt was collected, payment was delivered, and at what time. And the blockchain is good at that because those are facts likely to be disputed.” - Andrew Wagner“I'm hoping we'll see more of that, I guess, innovations of that nature, because there have been a lot of instabilities with certain games here and there in the past, like Axie Infinity, for example. Everyone's heard of the spectacular collapse of that just because people were betting on the tier-one token, which players can earn directly. And that can be unsustainable in the long run. You have to be more careful than that.” - Andrew Wagner“I really appreciate learning more about how blockchain is affecting the entire gaming industry because it's a huge, huge economic powerhouse for investors, the entire gaming industry.” - Cassandra ToroianSOCIAL MEDIA LINKSCassandra ToroianInstagram: WagnerFacebook: Toroian: Research and Consulting LLC:’t Buy The Bull: Star:
Inflation Explained for Dummies
May 30 2024
Inflation Explained for Dummies
In episode 7 of Don’t Buy The Bull, Cassandra Toroian dives into the world of investing, discussing recent events such as Donald Trump's case in New York, NVIDIA's earnings, and the impact of inflation on consumer prices. She also shares insights on the future of AI and its implications for human thinking.Tune in as she provides valuable information and encourages listeners to think critically about the information they receive.TIMESTAMPS[00:03:19] Consumer Pinch Due to Inflation.[00:07:16] AI and Human Originality.[00:10:31] Not to Buy the Bull.QUOTES"So next time somebody tries to convince you that inflation is going down, please correct them. Please correct the record.”“People need to take vacations and they're talking about the price of oil supposedly is not going to go higher, despite the fact that we've been depleting our oil reserves to keep prices low and can't really do that anymore. And so, that's going to affect people's travel plans for the summer. Regardless, again, because the rate of change in the price of gasoline may not be as high, but gasoline itself is still much higher than it was in 2021. So People are not traveling abroad quite as much.”SOCIAL MEDIA LINKSCassandra ToroianInstagram: Research and Consulting LLC:’t Buy The Bull:
Navigating Wall Street and Government Oversight with Jack Young
May 2 2024
Navigating Wall Street and Government Oversight with Jack Young
In episode 6 of Don’t Buy The Bull, Cassandra Toroian interviews Jack Young, a prominent legal scholar and attorney. In this episode, they delve into a wide range of topics, from the intricacies of investment strategies to the impact of regulatory government agencies on the stock market.Tune in to gain valuable perspectives on the current state of the market, the influence of social media on investing, and the importance of promoting civility in society. TIMESTAMPS[00:03:33] Legal Case Changing Policies.[00:08:11] Hanging Chad Case.[00:12:25] Election Ballot Confusion.[00:20:43] Role of Government and States.[00:24:20] The National Popular Vote Compact.[00:31:49] Abortion and Government Funding.[00:35:20] Freedom of Speech and Civility.[00:43:01] Government Regulation and Public Welfare.[00:48:39] Taxes and Immigration Policy.[00:52:26] Short Selling and Stock Market.[01:00:41] Social Media Complexities.[01:06:00] State Fair Blue Ribbon Pig.[01:07:34] The Watney Brand.QUOTES“Details matter. Right. One of the things is to look at elections from the voter's or the citizen's perspective. That's why right now, misinformation and disinformation. And the difference is, disinformation is intentionally aimed at telling a falsehood. Misinformation is just, you got the facts.” - Jack Young“This idea of pushing a thing down to the states works in the whole question of a woman's right to her own body. And again, I don't think that's really a Republican or Democratic issue. It is a little bit of a, I think, misguided religious question. But what's interesting, again, is if one of our foundations particularly one of the foundations of the Republican Party, is individual liberty. How do you blend that with this idea of, I'm going to tell you what you can or can't do with your body?” - Jack Young“If you want to help protect your shares from being used by short sellers, here's what you have to do. You call your brokerage firm and say, I want my shares moved from a marginal account to a cash-only account. And just that one little change. We saw them start heading for the hills, and it's actually up another couple of dollars today.” - Cassandra ToroianSOCIAL MEDIA LINKSCassandra ToroianInstagram: Research and Consulting LLC:’t Buy The Bull:
Decentralization and Web3 for Dummies
Apr 25 2024
Decentralization and Web3 for Dummies
In episode 5 of Don’t Buy The Bull, Cassandra Toroian delves into the world of Web3 and blockchain technology, explaining the concept of decentralization and its impact on the future of the internet and investing. She explains how decentralization could revolutionize the way we interact with the internet and how it may shift the power dynamics in the stock market.Tune in to gain insights on navigating the complexities of investment in the modern era.TIMESTAMPS[00:01:06] Blockchain Technology and Web3.[00:12:38] Understanding Tech Industry Concepts.In this episode, Cassandra Toroian highlights the importance of grasping the underlying value of blockchain technology and Web3. She emphasizes that we are currently in a transformative phase similar to the early days of the World Wide Web in the 1990s, with Web 3.0 representing the next iteration of the Internet.Overall, the episode underscores the significance of investing in blockchain technology and comprehending Web3 concepts as essential steps toward potential financial gains in the evolving tech landscape.QUOTES“We can use our own collective computer power to power the internet. And that is the basis for this whole entire concept of decentralization. That way, nobody really has more power than anybody else, or no entity has more power than anybody else. It's really a beautiful thing.”“The concept of Web 3 is essentially the, let's call it, internet platform so that the decentralization on your client side, on your computer, looks kind of like what you're used to, even though it's pulling the data from all of these nodes in the background. But it's much faster. It's much more secure. And ultimately, it allows all of its users complete privacy or at least control over who they wish to disclose their identity to. So that means monetization goes back to the hands of the people.”“This is a subject that gets very technical and complicated, but I really feel it's very important for everybody out there to have some basics about what it is because we're all going to be using it and we're all going to be looking to understand it so that we can make money in it by investing in it somehow.”SOCIAL MEDIA LINKSCassandra ToroianInstagram: Research and Consulting LLC:
My No Touch List
Apr 18 2024
My No Touch List
In episode 4 of Don’t Buy The Bull, Cassandra Toroian delves into the world of telecommunications providers and the importance of maintaining a "no-touch list" when it comes to investing. She also discusses the emergence of Web3 and how it could revolutionize the way we control and monetize our data.Tune in as Cassandra uncovers the truth behind these trusted institutions and empowers listeners to make informed investment decisions.TIMESTAMPS[00:02:12] Data Breach at AT&T.[00:07:42] Disruptive Technology in Telecom.[00:13:27] Monetizing Our Own Destiny.In this episode, Cassandra Toroian stresses the importance of being discerning in where you invest your money or support as a consumer. She cites examples such as the telecommunications industry and big pharma, where ethical issues and poor management practices can have adverse effects on customers and investors.Furthermore, Cassandra underscores the need for investors to be discerning in their choices and informed about technologies like Web3 that can reshape industries and empower individuals in the digital age.QUOTES"For myself personally, it doesn't mean your list would be the same, but I have something in my mind I call the no-touch list. And that's where I say to myself, that company, I'm not touching it. Because why would I want to invest in a company that I think has flawed management? And until proven differently, they're staying on my no-touch list.""I just don't feel comfortable investing in companies that I think may have contributed to people dying intentionally, you know, intentionally contributing to people dying.""They've got all kinds of data that they can sell to third parties that would be interested in where you spend your time in order to market to you as the consumer-driven economy we are. So we have right now no real control over our own data. And yet hundreds of billions upon billions of dollars every year are being made by these corporations using that data that they consider they got for free. Well, it's not really their data. It's our data. It's your life. It's my life."SOCIAL MEDIA LINKSCassandra ToroianInstagram: Research and Consulting LLC:
Experiencing FOMO in Finance
Apr 4 2024
Experiencing FOMO in Finance
In episode 3 of Don’t Buy The Bull, Cassandra Toroian delves into the concept of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) and its impact on investing. She also discusses the dangers of making investment decisions based on envy, greed, and short-term emotions.Tune in to gain insights on making sound investment decisions by overcoming the fear of missing out.TIMESTAMPS[00:01:17] FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) in Investing.[00:09:20] Short Selling and Stock Market.[00:10:25] Investing in Gold Advice.In this episode, Cassandra Toroian discusses how FOMO is driven by emotions such as envy, jealousy, hubris, ego, and greed, which can cloud judgment and lead investors to make impulsive decisions based on the desire to catch up with perceived successful individuals.Additionally, Cassandra stresses the importance of prioritizing fundamental investing principles over speculative trading. By adhering to a sound investment strategy based on quality stocks and long-term growth potential, investors can mitigate risks and work towards achieving their financial goals in a prudent and sustainable manner.QUOTES“Just as we can invest and buy a stock for the long term, there are people out there who will do the opposite. Their form of investing is actually shorting a stock. That means they're selling the stock that they don't own. And their conclusion is that stock because that company is flawed fundamentally, that stock will go down.”“You can look it up and see what exactly a company's short percentage is. And it'll even tell you the number of days it would take for that stock to cover all of its shorts. In other words, If a company has a small float of stock, it could take many, many days for them to cover and close out the short positions because it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.”“But my point is, is that if you don't take a look at what is going on with a company's stock as far as the short position percentage out there and how many days to cover that it would take, that can be a very bad recipe for disaster if you're feeling like you're missing out and wanna get in on one of these.”SOCIAL MEDIA LINKSCassandra ToroianInstagram: Research and Consulting LLC:
Understanding Banks and Investment Strategies
Mar 28 2024
Understanding Banks and Investment Strategies
In episode 2 of Don’t Buy The Bull, Cassandra Toroian dives into the world of banking, sharing her experiences as a former bank analyst and discussing the importance of understanding the banking industry as an investor. She also shares insights on profitability metrics, industry drivers, and the process of analyzing bank stocks.Tune in to gain valuable knowledge about the banking industry and how it can impact your investment decisions.TIMESTAMPS[00:01:06] Bank Cancel Culture[00:07:08] Fear of Missing Out.In this episode, Cassandra Toroian stresses the importance of grasping the growth drivers, competitive factors, and profitability metrics specific to the banking industry. By comprehending these key aspects, investors can make well-informed decisions when evaluating bank stocks and assessing their potential returns.Furthermore, Cassandra emphasizes the critical role analysts play in scrutinizing industry-specific metrics and profitability drivers to differentiate between good and bad investments. By thoroughly understanding these factors, analysts can provide valuable insights to investors and help them make sound financial decisions.QUOTES“And so it's something that as an investor, There are a lot of reasons why ignoring the entire sector would not be a good idea, in my opinion.”“I started reading a bunch of these reports so that I could get an idea of really what profitability metrics I was going to need to focus on and what were the important drivers for banks as far as performance. So that as I started to go through this process, I could get a better understanding of what was going to separate the good from the bad.”“So we're gonna get more into this and we're gonna be talking actually to some bank management teams along the way, as well as other public company management teams.”SOCIAL MEDIA LINKSCassandra ToroianInstagram: Research and Consulting LLC:
Bank Cancel Culture Is a Real Thing
Mar 28 2024
Bank Cancel Culture Is a Real Thing
In this first-ever episode of Don’t Buy The Bull, Cassandra Toroian, the founder of FirstHand Research and Consulting LLC, introduces her mission to educate listeners about investing and financial decision-making. Reflecting on her experience as an investment advisor and the changing landscape of personal finance, Cassandra emphasizes the importance of critical thinking in a world filled with misinformation. Tune in to gain insights into navigating the complexities of the stock market and making informed investment choices.TIMESTAMPS[00:03:51] Stock Picking Expert Insights.[00:04:47] Bank Cancel Culture.[00:10:38] Banking Relationship Issues.In this episode, Cassandra Toroian sheds light on the growing issue of bank cancel culture and the importance of being aware of one's banking relationships to mitigate the risks associated with sudden and unexplained cancellations.Moreover, Cassandra emphasizes the significance of individuals evaluating their bank relationships considering options that align with their values, and providing assurances against arbitrary cancellations. The emergence of financial institutions that prioritize customer inclusivity and non-discrimination based on politics or purchases presents a positive shift in the banking industry, offering individuals more choices and control over their financial interactions.QUOTES“My only goal is to help you figure out how to use your own discernment and instinct to make good investment decisions for yourself.”“To cancel someone's debit card and potentially leave them out on the street in a very precarious situation is absolutely unconscionable and shameful.”“I would urge everyone to really look at what kind of bank relationship they have and make sure that you have an out or some backup bank accounts elsewhere. Even if it's $100 at your local credit union, it is important.”SOCIAL MEDIA LINKSCassandra ToroianInstagram: Research and Consulting LLC: