The Atypical Leader

Rick Brennan with co-host Judy Sims

Join your host Rick Brennan and co-host Judy Sims in this informative, funny and sometimes outrageous podcast as they explore the wonders of the Atypical brain and Neurodiversity. We will tear down society’s obsolete stereotypes and learn how to turn your so-called limitations into a superpower while dismantling the notion that you have to think and act a certain way to be successful.  It’s time to take pride in your uniqueness and together we will redefine the new normal.


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How Do You Decode Advice?  Navigating the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Apr 20 2024
How Do You Decode Advice? Navigating the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Indeed, that is the million-dollar question.  Some individuals can effortlessly offer advice, and one might marvel at their brilliance. But the real question is whether they are genuinely addressing your concerns and if their counsel is sound. It remains an enigma.- Often, when seeking advice, many seem to prefer the sound of their own voice rather than attending to the actual needs presented.- Have you ever received advice and felt your own understanding was superior?- Is it necessary to  seek testimonials from others?To solicit advice effectively, one must trust, respect, and be familiar with the advisor. True assurance in the trustworthiness and validity of someone's guidance comes with time and consistent interaction.  For someone neurodivergent like Rick, discerning whether others grasp his perspective is a contemplative matter.   Let's listen and determine if we can address the million-dollar question.Please let us know your thoughts and comments: us a question about this episode or any others and listen for the answer on a future podcast: Rick will reach out to you, and we might dedicate an entire episode to your question. Who knows, you could even find yourself featured on the podcast!We always appreciate hearing from you, our listeners.Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | LinkedIn |
Navigating Coaching Styles: Finding Your Fit, Typical vs Atypical Approaches
Apr 6 2024
Navigating Coaching Styles: Finding Your Fit, Typical vs Atypical Approaches
To unlock your true potential, assistance is often necessary to bring out your 'superpowers.' How can this be achieved? We invited Joyce Sunada to discuss this topic on our episode. Joyce and Rick delve into their distinct coaching styles and the individuals who might benefit from each. - Joyce is an Integrated Health Coach/Speaker, focusing on women seeking to make a change, whether in wellness, personal growth, or a specific aspect of wellness, aiding them in achieving their goals and unlocking their potential. - Rick, a Neurodiverse Coach/Speaker, concentrates on neurodiverse individuals in the business world, assisting them in mitigating their weaknesses and transforming their strengths into superpowers. - Joyce employs a "Typical" coaching style, while Rick uses an "Atypical" approach. - The question is, which style suits you best? Everyone is unique, whether typical or atypical; the key is to determine where your focus should lie and from where you should draw your energy.Please let us know your thoughts and comments: us a question about this episode or any others and listen for the answer on a future podcast: Rick will reach out to you, and we might dedicate an entire episode to your question. Who knows, you could even find yourself featured on the podcast!We always appreciate hearing from you, our listeners.Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | LinkedIn |
Sports And Leadership With Gord Stellick, Former GM Of The Toronto Maples Leafs And Hockey Personality
Mar 2 2024
Sports And Leadership With Gord Stellick, Former GM Of The Toronto Maples Leafs And Hockey Personality
Okay, this episode is not only for people who are atypical / neurodiverse but avid hockey fans! We had a great chat with Gord Stellick who was just 30 years old when he took the job of GM of the Toronto Maple Leaves, becoming the youngest GM in history.  I have to admit that I don't know much (nothing really) about hockey, even though I grew up in Canada (shame on me) so I just sat back and let Rick chat with Gord.  - He's a notable author whose books include, '67: The Maple Leafs, Their Sensational Victory, and the End of an Empire Hockey Heartaches and Hal- His current Broadcasting roles are:Blue And White Tonight: He currently serves as the host of the pre-game edition of “Blue And White Tonight” on The Fan 590 during Toronto Maple Leafs game nights.NHL Morning Skate: Stellick co-hosts the “NHL Morning Skate” drive time show with Scott Loughlin on SiriusXM Satellite Radio’s NHL Network Radio.Hockey Commentator: You can also catch him as a commentator for hockey games on TV1. - He gives examples different types of leadership, how effective he thought they were and why - And of course, he has a story or two about Harold Ballard! Gord is a very smart, savvy, and fun guy to chat with, this is a good one!  And I learned something about hockey, go figure.   Take a listen and please let us know your thoughts and comments: us a question about this episode or any others and listen for the answer on a future podcast: perhaps Rick will contact you and we will do a full episode on your question, you never know!We love hearing from you, our listeners.Instagram | TikTok | Facebook | LinkedIn |