WonderDads Podcast


WonderDads is comprised of thousands of Dads across the United States who want to go above and beyond as Dads and are dedicated to embracing their kid’s childhood years. Being a Dad is hard. WonderDads are willing to put in the time and effort to be intentional about having Dad-Kids experiences, forming new traditions, teaching their kids life lessons, and making the most of each and every year they get to spend with their kids as kids. Over the last 12 years, our thousands of members have developed over 200 Dad Hacks (otherwise known as resources) that provide Dads with innovative ways to be a legendary Dad at every stage of childhood. They include Creating an Annual Dad Plan, Dad Visioning, Birthday Letters, Before-They-Grow-Up Lists, Annual Dad-Kids Trips, Daddy Day, Life Lessons, Dad Alerts and so many more. When you join WonderDads, you immediately get access to these resources, a built in-community of Dads, and so many ways to embrace the childhood years. And given 94% of Dad-Kids bonding happens by age 18, this is the time to invest the effort, it will pay off in so many ways as they get older.  It’s about time there was something for Dads. Join us at https://get.wonderdads.com/get-started/home/, we promise someday you’ll look back and be so glad you joined WonderDads. read less
Kids & FamilyKids & Family
